Regarding the academics comment, check this out:

Matlab related dips notably (~50% peak to trough) during spring, winter, and
summer breaks.

All I really have to say about MATLAB is for a piece of software backed by
millions of dollars of development, its pretty notably deficient.  Deficient
by design actually, I mean why include image processing routines, when you
could charge more for that in a toolbox?  There is nothing in there that you
couldn't develop in < 1000 hours of competent developer time, using standard
numerical recipes.

I didn't mean to start a flame war here, just wanted to present some
--Matthew Goodman

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On Fri, Feb 18, 2011 at 12:26 PM, rjf <> wrote:

> On Feb 18, 8:51 am, William Stein <> wrote:
> >
> > At University of Washington, even with a site license, MATLAB costs me
> > $100, so I don't have it on my laptop.
> > There are limited licenses for students, and I've been told they have
> > trouble doing homework assignments, due to
> > sharing those licenses.
> FUD?
> It seems to me that if I were writing useful/important code that
> paying
> $100 would not be such a bad idea, though I agree that "free" would be
> "better".  I would have reservations though if the university gave me
> a "free" copy but told me that any program that I wrote using it could
> never be sold by me to anyone.  It would have to be owned by the
> university
> (as work for hire), sometimes a university policy.  Or it would have
> to
> be given away free (Sage, GPL) policy.
> >
> > In my experience, installing MATLAB is much more difficult than
> > installing Sage.
> That may be your personal experience, but I wonder how widely
> shared it is? I have only read about installing Sage, so I cannot tell
> for sure, but
> it seems that installing on Windows is difficult. Many people post
> comments about difficulty compiling it, but not everyone compiles it,
> I hope.
> So maybe it is easy sometimes.
>  I have not installed my own copy of (Windows) Matlab for years,
> but I assume it still requires downloading a matlab_installer.exe
> and clicking on it, then perhaps typing the name of the license
> server.
> Installing software on a properly installed Linux system is even
> easier
> in the best case (where you have right permissions etc).
> >  I can imagine no worse hell than being asked to
> > install a working MATLAB on a bunch of random Linux, OS X, and Windows
> > boxes.
> That's probably why system administrators are paid, except
> when professors act as their own system administrators.
>  Even "free"
> software can require time and skill to install.
> >
> > >> > I am not surprised that there is a relatively small overlap between
> > >> > scientific
> > >> > computing and Python programming.  Most scientific computing tasks
> are
> > >> > sensitive
> > >> > to efficiency of resulting code.
> >
> > >> This is just FUD, suggesting that one can't use Python for scientific
> > >> computing due to it being too slow.
> >
> > > Well, the issue is not so much the programming language efficiency,
> > > or how much it matters in practice to have some data setup and web
> > > access
> > > and debugging be written in a friendlier languaage, but a perception.
> >
> > Thus your FUD is all the more damaging....
> Read the article posted by Tim Daly..
> >
> > >> Most people doing scientific also
> > >> use C/Fortran-based libraries such as numpy and scipy, and quite a few
> > >> use Cython as well.
> >
> > > Can't those libraries (or something like them)  also be called from C
> > > or Fortran?
> >
> > If those libraries = "numpy/scipy", then absolutely not.  Most of the
> > code in numpy is new code, which provides a different and powerful
> > perspective on n-dimensional data manipulation that isn't provided by
> > any underlying library it depends on (BLAS).   Some of scipy is just
> > wrapping Fortran libraries, and some (quite a bit) is new code not
> > wrapping anything.
> >
> I think the right perspective is shown here.  You can use Python to
> wrap
> what most people consider the scientific computing core systems.
> Writing those core systems in Python is not particularly credible.
> But wrapping difficult-to-use programs in nicer "higher level" ways
> may be a worthy endeavor.
> ( a somewhat unfair analogy ---
>   We do not say that the rapid proliferation
>  of cell phones means they are increasingly being used to write
>  internet communications software...
>   That's what I was driving at in my question that you chose to
> ignore..
>   "Oh, that reminds me, what is Lapack written in?
>    Do you think it would benefit by rewriting in Python or Cython?
>     What about Scalapack, BLAS, etc.  "  )
> In terms of Jan's comment -- I'm not sure the barrier to entry is
> lowest for Python --  There are lots of contenders, and it is not
> obvious which is the winner. In some circumstances, I've found
> that Visual Basic or JScript (ECMAscript/) are trivial. Python has
> other useful attributes though.
> Anyway, if we say that people who wrap FORTRAN programs in python are
> called
> "scientific computing" programmers, maybe we need another name for the
> people who write those FORTRAN (or C or whatever) programs.
> None of this really affects the validity of the Tiobe data which says
> that
> Python "Tiobe popularity index" is higher than ever.
> --
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