On Wednesday, 21 March 2012 22:39:25 UTC-4, kcrisman wrote:
> On Mar 21, 10:00 pm, Gonzalo Tornaria <torna...@math.utexas.edu> 
> wrote: 
> > In sage 4.8: 
> > 
> > sage: NaN - NaN 
> > sage: 0 
> > sage: NaN + NaN 
> > 2*NaN 
> > sage: NaN * NaN 
> > NaN^2 
> Naturally!  Since NaN is a symbolic expression, apparently: 
> sage: type(NaN) 
> <type 'sage.symbolic.expression.Expression'> 
> See  sage/symbolic/constants.py, e.g. 
> http://hg.sagemath.org/sage-main/file/c239be1054e0/sage/symbolic/constants.py#l665
> Based on the code in that file, I think that means this is the Pynac 
> NaN. 
> You can't do this in vanilla IPython. 
> In [1]: NaN 
> NameError: name 'NaN' is not defined 
> In [7]: float('nan') 
> Out[7]: nan 
> Also, it looks like we have two different NaN/nan's hanging around. 
> sage: float('nan') 
> nan 
> sage: float('NaN') 
> nan 
> sage: SR(float('nan')) 
> nan 
> sage: bool(SR(float('nan')) == NaN) 
> False 
> Naturally, none of this solves your problem, but maybe it puts it in 
> context... why not have polynomials in NaN, after all? :) 

Non-standard analysis framework, brought to you by a colony of Sage bugs...


> - kcrisman

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