John H Palmieri <> writes:
> The functions like "is_Integer" are deprecated. If you compare the alternative
>    isinstance(5/1, Integer)
> with
>    5/1 in ZZ
> I definitely want the first to return False, and I'm also happy if the second
> returns True. It makes more sense to me for the second to have a mathematical,
> abstract, meaning, because it is more natural and more likely for a user to
> execute. I think we should view our users as mathematicians first, so I like
> things as they are.
> (Another way to say it is that "x in Y" should take coercions and related
> operations into account, as "5/1 in ZZ" does. If there is a canonical
> one-to-one map from S to T, then every element of S should be "in" T.  Every
> element of a group should be "in" the corresponding group algebra, etc.)

Once you change is_Integer(5/1) to isinstance(5/1, Integer), it becomes
abundantly clear which one is the literal containment check and which is
the mathematical containment check. So I guess what it boils down to is
that we should get rid of deprecated stuff :)


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