On Tuesday, September 6, 2016 at 11:20:55 AM UTC+2, Simon Brandhorst wrote:
> Dear all,

Dear Simon,

> I have written some code (toy implementation) in sage. It could be useful 
> for other people as well.

That is nice! I am sure it could be useful to other.

> So now I am wondering whether I should make an effort to implement it 
> meeting the sage-devel standards.

Of course you should. The main reason being that your research will benefit 
from having doctested and documented code: you will trust your code.

> How good are the chances for such a project to be included in the sage 
> source code?
I have seen so many times modules trying to get into Sage with difficulty 
for bad and also for good reasons. Good reasons being that for a module to 
get into Sage, it needs to be mature (changing its interface requires 
deprecation warnings after it gets into sage...)

What I would strongly suggest you to do is to create your own pip 
installable package and share its existence to sage-devel. This will make 
it easy for people to try your code, easy for you to change its interface 
if you want, including backward incompatible changes...

The question of merging the code into sage will come by itself later once 
your code and its interface becomes stable, once your code meets the 
sage-devel standards (if it happens that you have time to do so: the best 
thing being to write code directly meeting the sage standards that being 
said) and more importantly once the community has decided that your code 
must live longer than yourself working on this project.


Sébastien Labbé

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