On 2014-03-07, Dima Pasechnik <dimp...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 2014-03-07, Barbara Sánta <santa.ba...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> It is in guava.py, which means it needs the GAP package Guava to be 
>>> installed. Hope this helps. 
>>> yes, thanks, I found
>> http://wiki.sagemath.org/InstallingGapPackages
>> which describes how to.
> Guava is among the GAP packages in gap_packages optional spkg, that
> is, you will get it by running
> install_package('gap_packages')
> at the sage prompt.
> However, there is a bug: there is missing 
> gap.load_package("guava")
> before 
> gap.eval("C:=ReedMullerCode("+str(r)+", "+str(k)+")")
> in sage/coding/guava.py
> It's due to the fact that several years and Sage verions ago Guava was 
> automatically
> loaded into Sage's GAP...
> I'll open a ticket to fix this.

YMMV here. In Sage 6.1 this fix is probably still not needed.

> HTH,
> Dmitrii

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