> From: Ian Collier [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> On Thu, Feb 11, 1999 at 07:27:00PM -0800, Simon Cooke wrote:
>> At the moment, 99% of current PC's won't let you read sector 10. It's a 
>> pain.
>If the "PC" won't let you read sector 10 then how is anyone supposed to
>write a version of samdisk that works?

It's the BIOS that stops the reading of sector 10.
IIRC, there's a few BIOS extending TSRs out there
that DO allow the PC to read/write to sector 10
and, indeed, use 800K/1600K MS-DOS formatted disks.
I know.. I've used one quite successfully under a
DOS/Win311 environment... But, not tried with

I've no idea if they work under NT/Win95/Win98,


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