This is an extract from a online Law site

>In many cases, unlicensed copies of computer programs, including copies
that have been downloaded from >an IAP server, cannot be executed without an
appropriate serial number, or unless the program is altered in >some way to
bypass a copy protection device. Serial numbers and cracker tools are used
by unscrupulous >persons solely to bypass such devices, and to make it
possible for them to use pirated software. A person or >entity who makes
serial numbers and/or cracker tools available to such persons, therefore,
commits >contributory infringement, and becomes liable to the copyright
owner for damages under the Copyright Law.

Which surley means if you deprotect , or offer said deprotection to anyone
else in any form you are liable?

So if a disk has not standard form of information , and anyone but the
copyright owner creates a program to read this they have broken copyright

So making a backup , the use of software/hardware to do this is breaking
copyright law?

Or am i just imaging this?


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