Northern Iraq, 21 March 2003  United Iraqi opposition forces have engaged in armed combat with units of  Saddam's Republican Guardson the outskirts of Kirkuk in Northern Iraq.

Several clashes took place last night on the main roads leading into Taqtaq and Chamchamal.  No reports on casualties are available at this time.  Opposition forces came under fire from the Republican Guard.  Only conventional weapons were used in the clashes.

The united forces of the Iraqi opposition have taken up fortified positions and are preparing for an offensive against Saddam's troops.  The Iraqi opposition forces are continuing close co-ordination with Coalition forces engaged in the liberation of Iraq.

The leadership of the Iraqi opposition continues to appeal to Iraqi armed forces to join the Iraqi opposition in the liberation of Iraq. In a radio broadcast yesterday, Dr Ahmed Chalabi said:

"We call on all officers, NCOs and soldiers not to obey the orders of the criminal,  Saddam Hussein but rather to serve the true interests of the Iraqi people by working for the liberation of our great nation.  Come and join us and you will be safe."


Note to editors: Dr Ahmed Chalabi is a member of both the leadership of the Iraqi  National  Congress and a member of the recently appointed six person steering group of the Iraqi opposition.

For further information please call 202 497 1797.


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