<< [Izzat] Ibrahim [al Duri] is still at large, along with at least one
other top official who was a target of the failed raids. That official, Maj.
Gen. Rafi Abd al-Latif Tilfah, the former head of the Directorate of General
Security, and General Ibrahim are playing a leadership role in the
anti-American insurgency, according to a briefing document prepared last
month by the Defense Intelligence Agency. >>

New York Times
Errors Are Seen in Early Attacks on Iraqi Leaders
June 13, 2004

WASHINGTON, June 12 - The United States launched many more failed airstrikes
on a far broader array of senior Iraqi leaders during the early days of the
war last year than has previously been acknowledged, and some caused
significant civilian casualties, according to senior military and
intelligence officials.

Only a few of the 50 airstrikes have been described in public. All were
unsuccessful, and many, including the two well-known raids on Saddam Hussein
and his sons, appear to have been undercut by poor intelligence, current and
former government officials said.

The strikes, carried out against so-called high-value targets during a
one-month period that began on March 19, 2003, used precision-guided
munitions against at least 13 Iraqi leaders, including Gen. Izzat Ibrahim,
Iraq's No. 2 official, the officials said.

General Ibrahim is still at large, along with at least one other top
official who was a target of the failed raids. That official, Maj. Gen. Rafi
Abd al-Latif Tilfah, the former head of the Directorate of General Security,
and General Ibrahim are playing a leadership role in the anti-American
insurgency, according to a briefing document prepared last month by the
Defense Intelligence Agency.

The broad scope of the campaign and its failures, along with the civilian
casualties, have not been acknowledged by the Bush administration.

A report in December by Human Rights Watch, based on a review of four
strikes, concluded that the singling out of Iraqi leadership had "resulted
in dozens of civilian casualties that the United States could have prevented
if it had taken additional precautions."

The poor record in the strikes has raised questions about the intelligence
they were based on, including whether that intelligence reflected deception
on the part of Iraqis, the officials said. The March 19, 2003, attempt to
kill Mr. Hussein and his sons at the Dora Farms compound, south of Baghdad,
remains a subject of particular contention.

A Central Intelligence Agency officer reported, based primarily on
information provided by satellite telephone from an Iraqi source, that Mr.
Hussein was in an underground bunker at the site. That prompted President
Bush to accelerate the timetable for the beginning of the war, giving the
go-ahead to strikes by precision-guided bombs and cruise missiles, senior
intelligence officials said.

But in an interview last summer, Lt. Gen. T. Michael Moseley, of the Air
Force, who directed the air campaign during the invasion, acknowledged that
inspections after the war had concluded that no such bunker existed. Various
internal reviews by the military and the C.I.A. have still not resolved the
question of whether Mr. Hussein was at the location at all, according to
senior military and intelligence officials, although the C.I.A. maintains
that he was probably at Dora Farms.

One possibility, a senior intelligence official and a senior military
officer said, is that Mr. Hussein was above ground in one of the houses that
were not destroyed in the raid.

In the raid, the Air Force primarily used deep-penetrating munitions because
of their ability to destroy an underground bunker. The person who was the
primary source of the information about the bunker was killed in the raid,
according to intelligence officials, but had described it using an Arabic
word, manzul, that could have been translated either as place of refuge or
as bunker.

A C.I.A. officer who relayed that report from a base in northern Iraq
translated the word as bunker, said a senior intelligence official, who
confirmed a detailed report that first appeared in "Plan of Attack," a book
by the journalist Bob Woodward.

A Warning Sign
In retrospect, the failures were an early warning sign about the thinness of
American intelligence on Iraq and on Mr. Hussein's inner circle. Some of the
officials who survived the raids, including General Ibrahim, have become
leaders of what the Defense Intelligence Agency now believes has been a
planned anti-American insurgency, several intelligence officials said.

"It was all just guesswork on where they were," said a senior military
officer. Another official, a senior Army officer who served in Iraq,
described early intelligence on the Iraqi leadership as producing "a lot of
dry holes."

A third senior military officer described the quantity of "no kidding,
actionable intel" as having been limited, but added, "In a real fight, you
go with what you've got."

Senior military officials said they were not sure whether the Iraqis
deliberately deceived the United States, in the information that they
provided or that was intercepted. They described the intelligence as
problematic at best, but said intelligence agencies were engaged in a hard

An unclassified Air Force report issued in April 2003 categorized 50 attacks
from March 19 to April 18 as having been time-sensitive strikes on Iraqi
leaders. An up-to-date accounting posted on the Web site of the United
States Central Command shows that 43 of the top 55 Iraqi leaders on the
most-wanted list have now been taken into custody or killed, but that none
were taken into custody until April 13, 2003, and that none were killed by

An explicit account of the zero for 50 record in strikes on high-value
targets was provided by Marc Garlasco, a former Defense Intelligence Agency
official who headed the joint staff's high-value targeting cell during the
war. Mr. Garlasco is now a senior military analyst for Human Rights Watch,
and he was a primary author of the December report, "Off Target: The Conduct
of the War and Civilian Casualties in Iraq."

The broad failure rate was confirmed by several senior military officials,
including some who served in Iraq or the region during the war, and by
senior intelligence officials.

Immediately after the March 19 attack and others, including an April 5
strike aimed at Gen. Ali Hasan al-Majid, a top official known as Chemical
Ali for his role in the gassing of Kurds in 1988, top American officials
expressed confidence that the strikes had been successful. On April 7,
Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld and Gen. Richard B. Myers, chairman of
the Joint Chiefs of Staff, played a videotape of the strike, and Mr.
Rumsfeld declared, "We believe that the reign of terror of Chemical Ali has
come to an end."

But General Majid survived that raid and others, and was not captured until
August. Mr. Hussein was not captured until Dec. 13, and his sons Uday and
Qusay were at large until they were killed on July 22. General Ibrahim,
General Tilfah and perhaps others who were singled out have not yet been

An unclassified analysis prepared last month by the Defense Intelligence
Agency and obtained by The New York Times describes Mr. Ibrahim as having
"assumed Saddam's duties" as the titular head of the insurgency after Mr.
Hussein's capture. It lists General Tilfah, a cousin of Mr. Hussein's, as
one of the leaders of former government leaders involved in the insurgency.

The Iraqi officials singled out during the war were all from the top-55
"blacklist," which was drafted by the C.I.A. and depicted on playing cards
distributed to American troops, military officials said.

Other leaders singled out in repeated strikes included Gen. Abid Hamid
Mahmud, Mr. Hussein's secretary and senior bodyguard, who was taken into
custody on June 16, and Mr. Hussein's half brother Barzan Ibrahim Hasan, a
presidential adviser, according to current and former military officials.

Rules for the Raids
General Moseley, the top Air Force commander during the war who is now the
Air Force vice chief of staff, said in the interview last summer that
commanders were required to obtain advance approval from Mr. Rumsfeld if any
planned airstrike was likely to result in the deaths of 30 more civilians.
More than 50 such raids were proposed, and all were approved, General
Moseley said.

But raids considered time-sensitive, which included all of those on the
high-value targets, were not subject to that constraint, according to
current and former military officials. In part for that reason, the report
by Human Rights Watch concluded, "attacks on leadership likely resulted in
the largest number of civilian deaths from the air war."

The four case studies examined by the organization included the failed March
19, 2003, strike on Mr. Hussein and his sons at Dora Farms, which it said
killed a civilian. According to Human Rights Watch, a failed April 5 strike
that singled out General Majid in a residential area of Basra killed 17
civilians; a failed April 8 strike that was aimed at Mr. Hussein's half
brother Watban Ibrahim Barzan in Baghdad killed 6 civilians; and the second
raid on Mr. Hussein and one or both of his sons, on April 7 in the Mansur
district of Baghdad, killed an estimated 18 civilians.

In an e-mail message, Mr. Garlasco described the campaign to attack
high-value targets as "abject failure," saying, "We failed to kill the
H.V.T.'s and instead killed civilians and engendered hatred and discontent
in some of the population."

Senior military officers said some of the strikes might have failed because
the Iraqi leaders were on the move during the war. On occasion, they said,
reports from spies or communications intercepts may have given their
locations accurately, but the strikes may have come too late.

But according to a senior defense official and two former intelligence
officials, there were also indications that some intelligence had been
wrong, and might have reflected deliberate disinformation from Iraqis
enlisted as spies by the United States or from Iraqis who suspected that
American intelligence agencies were listening in on their communications.

According to a former defense official, Iraqi leaders who were singled out
included Lt. Gen. Muzahim Sab Hassan, commander of Iraqi Air Defense Forces;
Brig. Gen. Barzan Abd Ghafur Sulayman Majid, commander of the Special
Republican Guard; Taha Yassin Ramadan, the Iraqi vice president; Brig. Gen.
Rukan Razuki Abd al-Ghafar Sulayman, a senior bodyguard to Mr. Hussein; and
Watban Ibrahim Barzan and Sabawi Ibrahim al-Hasan, Mr. Hussein's half

There were conflicting accounts about whether another Iraqi leader who is
still at large, Col. Hani Abd al-Latif al-Tilfah, the director of the
special security organization under Qusay Hussein, had been a target in the
raids. The colonel, the brother of General Tilfah and another maternal
cousin of Mr. Hussein, is listed by the D.I.A. as among the leaders of the

Another Iraqi leader from the top 55 list who is still at large and is
identified in the D.I.A. report as a leader of the insurgency is Abd al-Baqi
Abd al-Karim al Abdallah al-Sadun, chairman of the Baath Party regional
command for Diyala. The current and former military officials said they had
no indication that he had been a target.

Since April 2003, senior American officials have acknowledged that the
intelligence reports that placed Mr. Hussein and at least one of his sons in
the Mansur district of Baghdad had been regarded as less than solid at the
time of that strike. Even now, a senior intelligence official said the
C.I.A. believed that Mr. Hussein was "possibly" at the site in Mansur, which
was stuck by four 2,000-pound satellite-guided bombs.

By contrast, the intelligence reports that preceded the March 19 strike on
Dora Farms, which was carried out with four 2,000-pound satellite-guided
bombs and more than 30 Tomahawk cruise missiles, were regarded as highly
credible, according to senior intelligence officials. At the C.I.A., George
J. Tenet, the director of central intelligence, told other administration
officials that he was certain that Mr. Hussein had been killed in the raid,
citing a report that had been relayed by satellite phone to the C.I.A.
officer in northern Iraq by one Iraqi agent on the scene.

Mr. Hussein, since his capture on Dec. 13, has not directly answered when
American interrogators have sought to determine whether he was at either
location at the time of the two strikes, according to two senior government

At the Pentagon last October, Brig. Gen. Robert W. Cone of the Army,
director of the military's Joint Center for Lessons Learned, acknowledged
that the intelligence necessary to carry out attacks like these had not
measured up to expectations.

"When you take a large country the size of Iraq, with all those sensors and
communications, how do you get the right information to the right person who
needs it in a timely manner?" General Cone said.

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