United States Department of Defense.
News Transcript
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Presenter: Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld Tuesday, August 3, 2004
Secretary Rumsfeld Interview with Barry Schweib, Associated Press


Q:  Hello, Mr. Secretary.  How are you

SEC. RUMSFELD:  Well, I'm right back where I started.

Q:  Well, [Chuckles] I understand.  I understand that happens.  It's
surprising sometimes, but if you like what you do, you like what you do.

SEC. RUMSFELD:  That's right.

Q:  Well, listen, the general really was tough on Doug Feith.  Very tough.

SEC. RUMSFELD:  That fellow Franks.

Q:  What?

SEC. RUMSFELD:  That fellow Franks is a character.  He is great to work
with.  He's flamboyant, he's brilliant and he's a world-class general.  And
he seldom holds back.

Q:  Yeah.

SEC. RUMSFELD:  So he says things and laughs and goes out ..  But Doug
Feith, of course, is without question, one of the most brilliant individuals
in government.  He is - he's just a rare talent.  And from my standpoint,
working with him is always interesting.  He's been one of the really the
intellectual leaders in the administration in defense policy aspects of our
work here.

Q:  Right.  I didn't intend to interrupt.

SEC. RUMSFELD:  I haven't seen Tom's book, but I know [inaudible] to people.
And of course, he feels that way about other generals often.  [Chuckles]

Q:  Well, he was a little critical of Powell.  He was a little critical of
Armitage.  He said something about Doug proposed some notion of training
thousands of Iraqi security people before the war, so they would be
available afterward and that, you know, the general beat that down.   As a
result, only about 70 people were trained.  And as you look back, it wasn't
such a bad idea, was it?    Is that an accurate.

SEC. RUMSFELD:  [inaudible] remember Doug and others here as well as people
outside of government urging that Iraqis be trained and given an opportunity
to participate in the liberation of the country.  And Doug unquestionably
was in the forefront of that.  You can imagine that a group of professional
uniformed military personnel preparing for a major conflict and recognizing
the difficulties of it, he focused on their piece of it, which is the piece
of getting that job done and getting it done in the fastest way that saved
the most lives and the military and civilian as well.  So that interest that
Doug and others had, I think, was a valid one.

Q:  Was a what, sir?

SEC. RUMSFELD:  A valid interest.

Q:  A valid interest, yeah.

SEC. RUMSFELD:  Logical idea.

Q:  Right.

SEC. RUMSFELD:  And it was carried forward, but it was not the kind of thing
that one could expect the uniformed military to want to carry forward
because that's off to the side of what they're doing.

Q:  Right.

SEC. RUMSFELD:  A value that accrues to our country by having a bunch of
Iraqis trained and equipped and ready to go into that process is a value
that generally results after the war is over and to a very limited
[inaudible] during the conflict and basically through interpreters and that
type of thing.

Q:  But would it be fair to say Doug and others promoted the idea.  It
really wasn't accepted.  You're not critical of the general for not
accepting it, but he had - you know, his attention focused on immediate
needs and the idea was beat back or was set aside, would you say?

 SEC. RUMSFELD:  Well, it was clearly promoted by Doug and others and it was
clearly a good idea.

Q:  Right.

SEC. RUMSFELD:  And it did happen, although it didn't happen in a time frame
or in a volume that many had hoped.  And on the other hand, looking at it
from Tom's standpoint, it really wasn't his business as such.  It would be
the business of people who were focused on the aftermath of the war and the
postwar problems and the importance of having Iraqis having played a part in
their own liberation.

Q:  OK.  You know, I don't know how much time we have and I don't want to,
you know, take too much of your time.  So I'm wondering if I could ask you
for some examples of where Doug was a contributor.  Would you credit him
with particular - do you want to single out particular things that he
advanced that you're glad he did?

SEC. RUMSFELD:  I mean, setting aside the war, he has been involved in the
entire contingency planning process in the department for the last 3-1/2
years.  He has been one of the initiators of the proliferation security
initiative that the administration's adopted, been one of the people who has
been central along with the joint staff in fashioning our strategy with
respect to the global war on terror.   This global peace initiative that we'
re working on has been a big thing.  One other thing that we're working on
and it's received a lot of publicity, of course, is the global footprint and
our posture around the world and our security engagement process and how we
rearrange ourselves after the 20th century.

Q: Oh, yeah, yeah.   We've talked to - Doug and I have talked about that.

SEC. RUMSFELD:  And that is a big thing and it's going to have lasting
impact on the United States and how we're set around the world, in terms of
the usabilty of our forces.   The contributions Doug Feith has made in this
department are truly significant.  And all the people know that.  I mean,
Tommy - people in the building know it, people outside the building know it.
People in the interagency process know it and.

Q:  You say Tommy knows it, too.

SEC. RUMSFELD:  Oh, I'm sure he does.  He's a terrific guy.  He just -
things come out.

Q:  [Chuckles]

SEC. RUMSFELD:  And I haven't read his book, but.

Q:  Oh, you should see the quote.

SEC. RUMSFELD:  If his language is as colorful as it.

Q:  It's colorful.

SEC. RUMSFELD:  Well, then you get a little flavor for him.

Q:  All right.   Well, listen, I thank you - oh, do you have a second to - I
didn't read the book, but I got a lot of clips on it, while I was trying to
get in touch.  And you know, he says Powell jumped the line of command, the
chain of command complaining that we have to use massive force in Iraq and
Franks says something like, hey, that was '91, this is a different era, you
know, we're doing the right thing, et cetera.  Do you have anything to say
about those kind of things or?

SEC. RUMSFELD:  Oh, I haven't read it.

Q:  OK.  OK.  Oh, where am I talking to you at?

SEC. RUMSFELD:  The office in the Pentagon.

Q:  OK, sir.  Listen, thank you very, very much.

SEC. RUMSFELD:  You bet you.  Good to talk to you, Barry.

Q:  Goodbye, sir.

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