Brett Viren wrote:
Hi Chip,

I don't know what is wrong but a couple small directions to try:

Does "iptables -L" confirm that the firewall rules have been flushed

Can you rule out any potential connection to your socket code by
reproducing the problem with netcat/nc?

On the server:

   nc -l -p PORT HOST

On the client:

   echo "Hello World" | nc PORT HOST

If it works, you should see the message printed by the server and not
get any error.  If this also fails, say any error messages and it may
help others reproduce the problem themselves.


I won't be able to test until about eight hours from now, when I'll be back home. Here's some notes, though:

* the sockets code is working on my work computer (also SL 6.3).
* the sockets code is 216 lines long; I've placed it on my website: (I was able to download it with curl) * I don't remember where it was blocked in the server; in the client side, it was blocked at the connect() call.

To run it:

  connection s 12345 "whatever string here"
  connection c 12345

I've also tried it with the Simple Sockets Library (port 1750); it, too, works on my work computer (but was not working on my home computer, both of which use SL6.3). Actually, it doesn't work on either of my home computers (a desktop and a laptop, again, all SL6.3).

For the Simple Sockets Library, see To test:


 (or one may use the sktdbg utility).

Thank you,
Chip Campbell

someday I'll have a good signature, I'm sure of it...

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