Thank you Steven and Todd,

atop is now installed waiting for the next time it happens.

nvidia-smi reports fan at 40% and temp at 33°C but I do have a 550ti sitting around so I will replace it to see if it makes a difference.

liveCD is being downloaded.

Thank you again.  I was running out of things to try.


On 04/23/2013 12:43 PM, Steven J. Yellin wrote:
The atop service from epel logs processes into /var/log/atop files. You can run 'atop -r ...' interactively on the file being updated at the time the computer froze in order to see what was happening just before it happened.

Steven Yellin

On Tue, 23 Apr 2013, Joseph Areeda wrote:

On 04/23/2013 11:44 AM, Joseph Areeda wrote:

I'm having this strange behavior that I think is a hardware problem I can't find.

I can usually run for 4-8 hrs without a problem then all of a sudden I get one of the following:

* System freezes, mouse and keyboard dead, sshd unresponsive sometimes
  * if the keyboard is alive going to an open terminal I get one of
    the following errors about equally probable:
      o input out put error
      o too many files open
      o bus error
      o may be others that haven't happened for a while

I've run memtest for 10 hrs, no problem. Fsck shows now problem, disk utility show those with SMART are all fine.

I have now found any particular program or operation that causes the failure.

Any suggestions on how to find the cause.

I'm just about ready to sacrifice a small animal as soon as I find the old gypsy woman who reads the entrails and tells me which part to replace.


Sorry about the typos in my first message. I wanted to add that Einstein at Home runs both CPU and GPU jobs and they validate, so those parts don't have any hard failures.

And lm sensors show temperatures in the 30-50 °C range depending on what's running.

And the system has been running well for over a year so I don't think it's a build problem.

I'm looking for any way to test more.


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