Jeffrey Anderson <jdanderson@...> writes:

> The message I get from the official voices in this thread is that there is
> no supported method of upgrading major versions, only minor point 
> versions.  It's no big deal.  I just did a fresh install, then some 
> cfengine magic and am back up and running in a couple hours.  I was just 
> surprised because major version upgrades have been available for every 
> version of SL and TUV for the past 15+ years, and when the install media 
> did not give me that option here I wanted to make sure I wasn't overlooking 
> something.
> Jeff

Intriguingly, Fedora now has a semi-official upgrade process called FedUp. 
It is very much a "work in progress" and has been known to fail rather
spectacularly but TUV through Fedora seems to be moving towards eventually
supporting major version upgrades.  Or FedUp may never make it out of Fedora...


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