On Mon, Aug 12, 2013 at 8:40 AM, Konstantin Olchanski <olcha...@triumf.ca>wrote:

> On Mon, Aug 12, 2013 at 10:24:42AM -0400, Paul Robert Marino wrote:
> > well thats mostly due to the fact that its new and far more complex.
> > there was a mad rush for every one to rewrite there statup scripts and
> > quite a few of them weren't done very well and others weren't fully
> > thought out.
> My prediction is that it is going to be like the HAL/UDEV story. Before,
> if you wanted to automatically "chmod a+wr /dev/ttyUSB*", you just put it
> in /etc/rc.local. Now you have to write some arcane udev rules that have to
> be adjusted for every new os update. Documentation and examples are absent.
> Also same as the NetworkManager introduction. Something that was described
> in many books is replaced with something described by a few paragraphs
> in some obscure malformatted wiki. For example the fact that on SL
> the NM settings are stored in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth*
> files
> is documented (I was able to find the obscure wiki that mentions
> this in passing), but documentation for the exact format and meaning
> of the different entries is absent.

I don't necessarily disagree with your worries about the future.  But I
must add that the networking config scripts for our favorite distro and its
cousins have been located in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts for many years,
long before the advent of NetworkManager.

> K.O.
> --
Jeffrey Anderson                        | jdander...@lbl.gov
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory   |
Office: 50A-5104E                       | Mailstop 50A-5101
Phone: 510 486-4208                     | Fax: 510 486-4204

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