On 2 September 2013 21:42, Tom Rosmond <rosm...@reachone.com> wrote:
> Over the weekend on my workstation I did an SL re-install from 5.5 to
> 6.4.  So far my system seems to be running everything I want, with one
> exception.  I had 'mplayer' working under 5.5, but have a problem with
> 6.4.  I tried to install it from 2 different repos (atrpms, dag), but in
> both cases there is a missing dependency with 'libltdl.so.3'.  This
> library was apparently available in 5.5, but in 6.4 has been upgraded to
> 'libltdl.so.7', and the 'mplayer' RPM's aren't compatible.  It is easy
> to download and install the older version from the typical sites.
> However, are there any unforeseen consequences doing this that might
> cause problems?  Or is there a preferred application from playing videos
> (e.g. AVI files), in 6.4.
> T. Rosmond

I have found that the mplayer package from the LinuxTECH repository
[1][2][3] is a perfect replacement for that which was previously
available from Repoforge (a.k.a. RPMforge).


[1] http://pkgrepo.linuxtech.net/el6/
[2] http://pkgrepo.linuxtech.net/el6/release/linuxtech.repo
[3] http://pkgrepo.linuxtech.net/el6/release/RPM-GPG-KEY-LinuxTECH.NET

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