Thanks everyone for the suggestions. There seems to be many different solutions 
(as usual).
I have opted for the simple solution of changing my original settings in 
/etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf to:

blacklist ipv6
options ipv6 disable=1

and that works for me. When I am ready for ipv6 I will simply delete these two 

Bill Maidment
-----Original message-----
> From:David Sommerseth <>
> Sent: Thursday 5th December 2013 23:34
> Subject: Re: Problem loading iwldvm.ko with kernel-2.6.32-431
> On 05. des. 2013 12:45, Bill Maidment wrote:
> > Just to add, I got the rpms from sl-testing.
> > 
> > AND I JUST NOTICED I have the following in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf 
> > as I don't want ipv6 lookups
> > blacklist ipv6
> > install ipv6 /bin/true
> > 
> > When I removed these lines the module loads OK
> > Does this mean I have to now have ipv6 lookups?
> It means that you have IPv6 enabled.  The ipv6 module adds IPv6 support
> to the networking stack.
> If you do not configure IPv6 support for your networking in
> /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-* ... then it doesn't really matter
> if you have IPv6 lookups.  Just set IPV6INIT=no.  For more information,
> see /usr/share/doc/initscripts-*/sysconfig.txt
> And btw.  Don't be scared of IPv6.  When you start implementing it, it
> is in many ways far simpler to tackle than IPv4.
> --
> kind regards,
> David Sommerseth

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