On 2014/02/21 04:10, Nico Kadel-Garcia wrote:
I'm going to urge you to seriously simplify your setup: get rid of all
but one or two of the kernels, and make sure that the kernel you are
actually running right now is the last kernel you installed from RPM.
Reboot if necessary.

Bog standard install with yum update handling it all. I figure only two
kernels are really needed. But having three around is no big deal. It's
original function was to test SL6 as a candidate for use on a replacement
something that had been around the block a few times too many. I made sure
it could handle the critical services properly. Then I made the switch. I
kept the virtual machines around for any experiments I wanted to try.

I did such a thing and discovered VBox running on Win7 64 is pretty poor
working with USB. I intend to figure out, RSN, if the USB service is
better when working with SL6-x64 is any better. I have an interest in
Software Defined Radios and the little $20 DVB-T dongles that work well
on the native machine don't work at all well on the virtual machine.
And neither configuration should be stressing the USB very much at all.

So I backed off the snapshot.


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