Hi ToddAndMargo!

 On 2014.11.07 at 13:45:56 -0800, ToddAndMargo wrote next:

> SL 7 is now 64 bit only.  Means no 32 bit Windows applications
> under 64 bit only Wine.  OUCH!

Not a big deal, because SL7 offers excellent container functionality,
which makes using fedora's wine as easy as it can possibly get.

> SL 7 is also still suffering from the out-of-dates.  The base
> system is up to date, but the utilities are still sadly
> out-of-date: bugs and all.  EPEL's Xfce is especially out-of-date
> and only includes only a few Xfce plug ins.  Most of my favorite
> utilties/programs are still sadly out-of-date and include various
> old bugs and loss of functionality.

It's called "stability". This is reason why you choose EL for server
(and often for workstation). You can use it for many years after without
worrying that some totally incompatible system or UI change will be
pushed and will force you to change the way you work.

> Heads up on XFS.  SL 7 installs it by default.  FC 21
> still installs EXT4 by default.

As long as you know what to do, why do you care about defaults?
Personally I still use ext4 everywhere on SL7 (for various reasons). But
if you like xfs, you can use it on Fedora just as well.

> Wine on FC21 removes a lot of the bugs and loss of functionality
> you have to suffer with on SL 6.x when used as a workstation.
> And I have to say, Wine is starting to come into its own -- its is still
> Beta code though.

E.g. I just tried to use wine in container and it worked without a

Basically I just copied fedora.repo/fedora-updates.repo files to SL7
system, copied Fedora gpg key, then did

# mkdir /srv/fedora20
# yum --releasever=20 --nogpg --installroot=/srv/fedora20 \
--disablerepo='*' --enablerepo=fedora --enablerepo=updates install \
systemd passwd yum fedora-release vim-minimal wine

Then you just do something like
systemd-nspawn -D /srv/fedora20/ -M wine su -c 'DISPLAY=:0 notepad'
(you can run any other wine application)

Of course, you can do it any different way, e.g. set password or add
user and boot container properly as described in

Or bind mount your home into container as described here

Or do it some other way. Don't bother with LXC, it's overkill for simple
task like this, plus libvirt-based LXC has various problems and is in
very immature state, and classic LXC conflicts with selinux (other than
that being very usable on SL7, though).



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