On Thu, Jan 1, 2015 at 4:01 PM, Bob Goodwin <bobgood...@wildblue.net> wrote:
> I ran a system update on an SL-7 server and that seems to have messed up
> samba. I can ssh into the system but can't mount it as a samba share.

"I ran a system update" covers a vast potential variety of sins. I'm
assuming you used "yum", not "dnf" (since various folks are interested
in dnf but, far as I can tell, it's not production ready yet and is
unlikely to be for at least a few more years).

You can't mount *what* as a Samba share? Did you change anything else?
Have you rebooted to ensure that any Samba or CIFS shares or kernel or
library updates really got included in all active services and
clients? Do you have any compoents, such as Samba, that you compiled
personall and not as an RPM?

The list of potential sources of issues is pretty large, so  start by
tracking down "what changed" what broke", and"what else is broken" New
Year's, and Xmas vacations, are likely time for *many, many* other
system components or network components to be tweaked.

> [root@box10 bobg]# mount //   /mnt/box48/
> Password for bobg@//  ********
> Unable to find suitable address.
> This has worked without a problem until now. Any thoughts on what might be
> my problem appreciated.
> Bob
> --
> http://www.qrz.com/db/W2BOD
> box10  Fedora-21/64bit Linux/XFCE

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