Hi Ed Agoff!

 On 2015.01.28 at 12:54:49 -0800, Ed Agoff wrote next:

> In SL 7.0, adding "wins" to end of hosts line in /etc/nsswitch.conf no
> longer gives me the WINS name resolution I had in earlier versions, i.e. I
> could ping NetBIOS names from SL 6.x command line. I've added and enabled
> various other services in a blind effort to get it working, to no effect:
> nscd, samba, and samba-winbind
> What's missing in SL 7.0 that was present and allowed this in SL 6.x?

You are likely missing nss libraries /usr/lib64/libnss_winbind.so and
/usr/lib64/libnss_wins.so. They are provided by samba-winbind-modules

Samba was split into more subpackages in EL7, I guess.



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