On 02/15/2015 12:32 PM, Steven Haigh wrote:
On 16/02/2015 5:19 AM, Orion Poplawski wrote:
On 02/15/2015 08:53 AM, Steven Haigh wrote:
On 16/02/2015 2:29 AM, David Sommerseth wrote:
In the end, it doesn't do anything more functional than the old init
system did - just now that instead of throwing stuff in /etc/init.d, you
now have to write another file to then call the init script.

Web interfaces and other junk aside, systemd doesn't seem to do much in
the way of improvement - in fact, most features of priorities and
parallel start exist in sysvinit - but were never implemented properly
by distributions... So instead, we reinvent the wheel again...

It does a whole lot more that the old init system did, which an internet
search and a few minutes of reading would have made abundantly clear.
Just a couple points:

Oh I know - I don't know exactly if its a good thing or not.

Okay, but that's not what you wrote.

- It monitors the processes that is starts and can restart them if they

This is not always good. I can think of many reasons why you don't want
to automatically restart processes. There are some good as well, but not
as many imho.

Certainly, which is why it's configurable on a per-service basis. But I think it's very useful.

- It can log the output in the journal that would have otherwise been lost.

Which is a binary logfile that most people ignore and end up with syslog
anyway. There is a reason syslog is found just about everywhere.

People may be ignoring it now as syslog is familiar standard, I know I did for a while. But I'm finding it more and more useful as I use it.

Please people, let's do some research before just putting out our first
impressions as facts.

I'd hardly say its first impressions. Not being impressed at all isn't a
good feature - and 'but but but you don't know it!' is like that saying
"He's a good bloke when you get to know him"... What that really means
is that he's an asshole until you learn to put up with it - and that's
what we're really dealing with here ;)

I think I'm done at this point. I just wanted to respond to "it doesn't do anything more functional than the old init system", which I believe is demonstrably false. Whether or not you find that useful is certainly subjective. I clearly do, and you clearly don't, and I'm fine with that.

Orion Poplawski
Technical Manager                     303-415-9701 x222
NWRA/CoRA Division                    FAX: 303-415-9702
3380 Mitchell Lane                  or...@cora.nwra.com
Boulder, CO 80301              http://www.cora.nwra.com

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