On 05/19/2015 09:14 PM, Nico Kadel-Garcia wrote:
On Tue, May 19, 2015 at 11:16 PM, ToddAndMargo <toddandma...@zoho.com> wrote:
Hi All,

I have filed a number of bugs against KVM and EL6 in the
past two weeks.  Inevitably, the response comes back
that it is fixed or going to be fixed in EL7, but not
in EL6.

Am I to presume that despite the promise of support till
2020 that KVM has abandoned further development on

Many thanks,

As a server? Why would you bother to continue to run that on SL6 or
EL6, when SL7 and EL7 are more likely to be able to run far more
recent operating guest operating systems effectively? The 'qemu-kvm'
module jumped from 0.12.1 in SL6 to 1.5.3 for SL7 virt-manager jumped
from 0.10.0 to 1.1.0, along with other components. So why burn time
backporting fixes, or expecting a backport of a kernel sensitive major
upgrade, when you can use  the more recent base OS for a similar
licensing price?

Now, separatley, near as I can tell, KVM got shot through the head by
the user interface. virt-manager is just not as good as some of the
other closed tools, like the Windows based XenCenter client and
VMware's clunky but well established GUI.

Hi Nico,

I would love to upgrade to SL7.  I had it for a time on my shop
computer and have it in a VM on my office computer.  I love it.
It is really well done.

Deal killer: without Wine 32 I can not get my work done.

Basically, I wrote my own accounting system in Lotus Approach
over 19 years ago.  I have been refining it ever since.
If I were to port it to something that runs in Linux,
it would take me at least four months uninterrupted
to accomplish that (and bankrupt me in the process).

Not to mention I have not found anything as easy
to use or program in than Approach.  I have looked
at Libre Office Base, but it is still in the "it
stinks" phase.  I have look at Glom, but it
is just so weird and difficult to use.  And even
if I found something, I haven't got four months.

Do you have any thoughts on the matter?  Time to
leave Red Hat?  I would still need KVM.

Any sign of a Wine 32 project for EL7?


Coherence (seamless windows) would go a long ways
to help, but I see no traction on that subject:


Only five people have sighed up for the bug so far.
I have used Coherence on Parallels for Max.  It
is sweet.  (Not the Mac, Mac drives me around the

Computers are like air conditioners.
They malfunction when you open windows

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