Hi Matteo,

On 07/03/2015 04:39 PM, Matteo Scornajenghi wrote:
Hello everyone,
sorry to bother you but I've got some issues when I try to produce NTUPLES
with MCFM, a Monte Carlo generation software.

Whenever I try to produce an NTUPLE as output, either a segmentation error
occurs or the following message pops up:

RZOPEN. record length: 8192 > maximum safe value (8191 words).

Oh, ZEBRA. Not used very often nowadays.

RZOPEN. You may have problems transferring your file to other systems
or writing it to tape.
locf_() Warning: changing base from 0 to 7fff00000000!!!
This may result in program crash or incorrect results

and the produced NTUPLES are either corrupted or empty (every entry is set
to 0).

This is how I setup the software:

I untar the last version of LHAPDF 6, then I configure the installation:

./configure --prefix=[INSTALLATION PATH] --with-boost=[BOOST PATH]

then I execute make && make install

Since I need CERNLIB to produce the NTUPLES and I was not able to find a
specific version for SLC6,

There is one in the SLC6 repository, should not be that difficult to find:

pc.cern.ch[103] rpm -q CERNLIB

This is i686 "only", but that might even be safer than the x86_64, not sure how well zebra can digest 64 bitness.

I've downloaded the following one:

PC Linux Cern x86_64-slc5-gcc43-opt(Cernlib 2006)

Not far from that one there should also be a slc6 version, if you insist on x86_64.

Best regards,


Finally, I've untared MCFM-7.0 source code, put the path to CERNLIB and
LHAPDF libraries in the Install file, setting USE_OMP to NO, NTUPLES to YES
and PDFSET to LHAPDF in the makefile and executed:



I've created a symbolic link in Bin directory to LHAPDF's PDFsets and
executed the program selecting process 146 in the Input.DAT file and
setting .creatent. to true (in order to produce NTUPLES with:

./mcfm [relative path to the folder containing the input file] input.DAT

Sorry again for bothering you with this.


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