Please excuse all the typos and weird syntax. I'm using voice to text software and it needs more proofreading than I gave that email.


On 6/23/16 3:22 PM, Joseph Areeda wrote:

 On SL6   we were using  the tar file from Apache to get a newer version.

On SL7 trying to use the packaged version, many things are different, files and working directories are in different places.

I'm starting to understand by looking at the configuration files, where the package put things in other reverse engineering techniques. I think it is well thought out and make sense. I would like to avoid installing the tar file and setting up my own init/unit scripts but that is certainly possible if this doesn't work.

What I haven't been able to find is any documentation on let's: the decisions the packagers made on how they should work. The docs for Centos are different.

 Is anyone seen documentation like this?



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