On 28/07/16 20:20, Yasha Karant wrote:
On 07/28/2016 11:33 AM, John Pilkington wrote:
On 28/07/16 18:44, Yasha Karant wrote:


Several observations, questions -- all pertaining to SL 7.2 / mate (if a
KDE, etc., application/interface works under mate, such qualify as

Q1 I previously had gpk-application as the primary software GUI
installer.  This has been replaced by gnome-software that appears quite

Q1.1 Is there a GUI application that will list all installed RPMs
(obviously, this does not work for packages installed/built other than
through the RPM methodology)?

Q1.2  Is there a GUI means to select software sources (repositories) to
enable/disable these at will?

Q1.3 Other than a web search for an application RPM followed by the
command line yum install, is there a GUI application other than
gnome-software to list all available applications from all
selected/installed repositories?

Q2  How does yumex work in 7.2 -- the same as in 7 previous?

For me, with a single-box, single-HD 7.2 KDE plasma installation, it
does Q1.1, Q1.2, Q1.3 competently with a slower but much friendlier
response than the command-line; but you will probably need to have
that in reserve.

What is the name (file name and RPM) of the KDE application that you are
using?  Presumably, if I login using KDE Plasma, I would find this (I
also specify SL to install KDE) and could track down the actual name of
the file (via ps axw in any event).  Mate runs KDE applications (as did
and presumably does gnome).  I use k3b as my preferred CD/DVD burning
application now that Nero Linux does no longer seem to work under SL
(stopped with the upgrade to SL 7).

You asked about yumex.  That's what I'm using:


so '# yum install yumex' would presumably get you started.

I use the KD(esktop)E(nvironment) but I have no idea how much of that is required. yumex needs (among others) pygtk2. You must have any repos you might need defined in /etc/yum.repos.d/ but then you can enable/disable them either 'permanently' (right-click) or for immediate use.

There are other small glitches and changes, but nothing severe for the

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