I've got some Dell M630 blades (m1000e chassis) that have a 10G chassis switch and they use the ixgbe module. Having a small glitch that I've haven't been able to resolve.

When the system boots up the first port is assigned eth0 by SL7.2, second port gets eth1. At this point eth1 is the active port as assigned by the chassis. I've built a /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules files that should be assigning eth0 to that second port at boot time but they're switched at first.

Using the infiniband connection or the virtual console to get access to the system and run:
ifdown eth1
ifdown eth0
rmmod ixgbe
modprobe ixgbe

And then the drivers load as I've specified in 70-persistent-net.rules and a quick "ifup eth0" gets the network running as expected.

My question is why isn't the setup in the udev rules file being used at boot time? I need that specific NIC to load up as eth0.

I'm running a fully up to date SL7.2, all the firmware on the M630 is up to date from lspci: Intel Corporation 82599 10 Gigabit Dual Port Backplane Connection (rev 01)

Stephen Berg
Systems Administrator
NRL Code: 7320
Office: 228-688-5738

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