Ran yum --releasever=6.7 update sl-release

Same error going 6.6 to 6.7 as 6,6 to 6.x (6.8).

Transaction Check Error:
file /lib64/libasound.so.2.0.0 from install of alsa-lib-1.1.0-4.el6.x86_64 conflicts with file from package libasound2-

What now?

On 2017-01-27 15:03, jdow wrote:
It gets through downloading a half gigabyte, trundles a bit and whines:

Transaction Check Error:
  file /lib64/libasound.so.2.0.0 from install of alsa-lib-1.1.0-4.el6.x86_64
conflicts with file from package libasound2-

<grumble><mumble><bitch alot>
Trying a hail Mary.... yum --releasever=6.11 update sl-release


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