On Tue, 9 May 2017, Keith Lofstrom wrote:

Since the mid-April update, firefox 52.1.0 (32-bit) "esr"
has been crashing often, on three similar SL6.9 machines.

segmentation fault, no debugging information, also in
firefox -safe-mode

Has anyone else solved this?

I've seen no problems with firefox-52.1.0 64bit
on 64bit SL6.9.

Firefox does use a *lot* of RAM (currently top says
5871m virt and 3.2g res) though I haven't noticed
this increase rfom 48esr to 52esr.
You might be hitting the memory limit for a 32bit binary.

No crashes with two SL7.3 64 bit machines.

I can spend a few hours going through the debugging
steps, or waste a few months upgrading all machines
to SL 7.3 (hundreds of 32 bit programs to recompile).

Are your SL6 machines running SL6 32 or 64 bit ?
You can run 32bit programs on SL6-64bit if that
makes migration easier (or are you using 32bit hardware?)

But if anyone else has solved this, it will save
some time for me and perhaps others.

Thank you!


PS: "ESR" used to be older versions compiled for LTS
distros with older libraries, like RHEL/SL/CentOS.
Why the sudden jump from 39 to 52?

Hmm. You should be jumping from 45 to 52 -
Firefox 45ESR replace 38ESR in April 2016.

The idea of ESR is that you only have a major update
about once a year (with 12 weeks of overlap*)
and for that year the ESR release gets security updates.

* although RHEL removed the first 6 weeks of the overlap
by not releasing also 52.0 when 45.8 came out.

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