Hi All,

SL 7.3

Whenever I "su" to root, I get this message.

    ABRT has detected 1 problem(s). For more info
    run: abrt-cli list --since 1499813517

    # abrt-cli list --since 1499813517
    id cb5d0f1321370b5113631236cf6788374b5508ac
    reason:         file-roller killed by SIGSEGV
    time:           Tue 11 Jul 2017 10:12:47 PM PDT
    cmdline:        /usr/bin/file-roller '/tmp/mozilla_tony0/Part 1-2.2'
    package:        file-roller-3.14.2-10.el7
    uid:            500 (todd)
    count:          1
    Directory:      /var/spool/abrt/ccpp-2017-07-11-22:12:47-31925

File-roller seems to be running fine.  I use it a lot. Is this
anything to be concerned about?

Many thanks,

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