2017-07-12 21:44 GMT+03:00 ToddAndMargo <toddandma...@zoho.com>:
Hi All,

On a previous post, I was asked why I was always asking about releases.
I responded that Red Hat would fix my bugs, but slate them for future
editions.  Here is an example:


         "It's currently planned for 7.5."

It was reported under 7.2.  They have fixed it, but won't
release it until 7.5.

I do sincerely appreciate them fixing bugs, but the delays involved
are something to behold.

When I asked them if there was some workaround till them,
there response was:

         "The best way would be to contact your support
         representative, who'll then guide you through the
         possible options."

And I clearly stated I was coming from the community.

The "double edged sword" of EL Linux can be a real pain
in the neck at times: stability by freezing packing
versus aggravation for not fixing bugs in those
frozen packages.  EL Linux defeats the purpose of
Kaizen (continual improvement).

EL Linux is still a good package though, despite its


On 07/12/2017 01:13 PM, Oleg Sadov wrote:
> A possible solution -- creating of your own respin and support the
> parallel branches of packages that you corrected, before fixing them
> by the TUV. For example, in our SL respin -- NauLinux we supported our
> own branches of kernel and Evolution (corresponded to upstream
> updates) about half a year until TUV repaired the bugs which we
> described in RH bugzilla, just because it was important for our users.

Unfortunately, it is over my head.  :'(

What I have been doing is slowing moving everything over to Fedora
(26 just came out).  I am working on my second Fedora server
this afternoon for a customer.  RHEL doesn't work on the C236 chipset.


They won't work on the issue as they don't have the hardware.
I gave them Supermicro's phone number to ask for some.  Supermicro
will assist big companies with those issues.  But Red Hat did not

And since the Server I am buildig today is a real close match,
I offered to run whatever tests on it that they liked before
installing Fedora.  THEY GOT CRABBY WITH ME.

There is something weird about Red Hat lately.  It is
getting harder to get them to fix anything and they
get CRABBY about it.

Computers are like air conditioners.
They malfunction when you open windows

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