On Thu, Jun 7, 2018 at 9:25 AM Andrew C Aitchison
<and...@aitchison.me.uk> wrote:

> I had a reply from Red Hat to this on the mozilla enterprise list:
>    https://mail.mozilla.org/pipermail/enterprise/2018-June/000050.html
> Martin Stransky said:
>     We're going to ship gtk3 (on some form) for Firefox60 on RHEL6.
>     That does not mean gtk3 will be generally available on RHEL6 (AFAIK).
> ... which is very good news.
> Martin, thank you.

Is this worth the effort? RHEL 6.0, the  upstream OS for SL 6.0, was
released in November of 2010. Maintaining sophisticated tools, like
modern browsers, on business stable operating systems that are seven
years old can be a technological black hole. Browsers, in particular,
are forced to chase the bleeding edge of external website technologies
and can be *very* difficult to keep up to date.

Frankly, this is why I try to insist that for reliable and compatible
web pages, it has to work with "lynx" or "links". It's also far more
likely to be usable for visually impaired people if it works well with
such pure text web clients.

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