On 06/27/2018 09:42 PM, Orion Poplawski wrote:
> On 06/27/2018 08:44 PM, Orion Poplawski wrote:
>> I'm starting to see all kinds of crazy problems on our systems - (e.g.
>> systemctl & journalctl hanging except for under strace).  It's still early
>> but I'm wondering if some of the recent 7.5 updates are to blame. It doesn't
>> appear to be (solely) the kernel.
>> Anyone else seeing problems?
> Well, now I'm less sure that it was the updates.  I've rolled them back with
> yum history undo, but am still having problems.  Most affected appears to be
> autofs - it starts up but does not react to directory access.  The
> systemctl/journalctl hangs are actually hangs with the pager.  Disabling that
> allows them to run and produce output.

Finally traced this to the 389-ds-base- update.  It
would cause our IPA ldap server to hang, which would hang autofs when trying
to lookup ldap map entries.  I've filed
https://pagure.io/389-ds-base/issue/49815 and have now downgraded.  Hopefully
that will take care of it.

Orion Poplawski
Manager of NWRA Technical Systems          720-772-5637
NWRA, Boulder/CoRA Office             FAX: 303-415-9702
3380 Mitchell Lane                       or...@nwra.com
Boulder, CO 80301                 https://www.nwra.com/

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