I disagree. See, what i'm not getting is how is it impossible to tell good 
stories from kirk's younger days and not please old and new fans? As I said, 
the characters in this movie are likeable. The Federation had major conflicts 
with the Klingons back then: they could have detailed a battle with them. 
Kirk's dad could have been shown being a hero--but living--and the story could 
have taken place in the original timeline. We could have seen Kirk at the 
Academy in the original timeline and still shown the Kobayasha test---no need 
to change the timeline. Spock's battle with Logic and emotion was well detailed 
in the OS--why is a timeline change needed to showcase that? (although his 
overt feeling up of Uhura is completely wrong). The construction of the 
Enterprise could have been shown in the original timeline. They could have 
focused on a major event from Kirk's time serving on starships as a young 
officer, and crafted an event there that would lead Starfleet Command to say 
"let's give this young guy a ship of his own". 

The Romulans, Klingons, Tholians, Andorians, Vulcans, Orions are just some of 
the species they could have showcased. You know, the movies to this point have 
all made changes, from the look of the Klingons, to the time travel angle of 
"First contact", which had repurcussions showcased in "Enterprise". And we the 
fans accepted those. I see no reason why Abrams and company could not have 
worked within the framework of a forty-year franchise, told a story that was 
basically true to that history, and given it some tweaks. the new ship, the 
greater emphasis on action, the addition of a bit more humour--all could have 
been done in an OS story that was faithful to that universe. 

For example, they could have crafted a danger to Vulcan on the same scale, and 
had Spock have to work with a young Kirk to save his planet. They could have 
clashed over Logic vs. Kirk's cowboy attitude, but learned they have potential 
to work together. McCoy and the others could have been brought in, maybe some 
already on an Enterprise commanded by Pike. Maybe Kirk could have taken over 
command of the Enterprise because Pike is injured or something. Don't know, but 
I really do feel it's some combination of laziness and dismissal they didn't 
try to stay in the OS. 

I've looked at this from a million angles, and there are too many books, 
comics, movies, and series that have tweaked the franchise in time. abrams 
could have done the same, but I honestly feel he just didn't want to. The only 
thing I can say to this is, if I were given control of the Star Wars franchise, 
and rewrote its history to eliminate the silly aliens, the bad science, and 
make it darker and more inteligent, how would fans react? 

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Mr. Worf" <hellomahog...@gmail.com> 
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Friday, December 4, 2009 2:06:16 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern 
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Paul Greengrass quits Bourne 4: Paul Greengrass  
quits Bourne 4 


They could do that in part two but I doubt it. There is a general disregard of 
the past shows that shows all over the movie. I think what they really wanted 
to do is strip it bare and start over again. 

I don't think it is possible to please the original fans and make new ones with 
material that has been around for over a generation. 

On Thu, Dec 3, 2009 at 8:50 PM, Rogue < n1ro...@aol.com > wrote: 

I just showed it, Star Trek, to my roommate. He loved it. I liked it as well. I 
feel that the timeline needs to be restored some how. I mean in DS9 and 
especially Voyager there was an episode where there was guys 500 years in the 
future that were watching the time line. Captain Braxton and crew. Then in 
Enterprise there was another group watching the time line as well. In Voyager 
every time when Janeway would take too long in the bathroom or even thought 
about messing with the time line they were there. The question is why hasn't 
that been done with this time line. Which was screwed from the beginning. I 
mean even Spock should have known that. 

If all truths were knowable, then all truths are in fact known. 

From: Keith Johnson 
Sent: Thursday, December 03, 2009 1:58 PM 
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com 

Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Paul Greengrass quits Bourne 4: Paul Greengrass quits 
Bourne 4 

Ha-ha!  Will make this quick. 

I've seen "Star Trek" four times now, and my feeling remains the same. It's an 
enjoyable movie, fast-paced, nice FX, likeable cast, good casting for the 
iconic roles. But it still ain't the same Trek. The white interior of the ship, 
the "warp" drive where you can't see normal space (Star Wars' hyperspace), the 
timeline shift, the randy, emotional Spock, the strange changes such as 
everyone knowing about how Romulans look when Kirk is still a young guy, Kirk 
becoming captain directly out of the Academy, with no time served in 
Starfleet--it's all a bit too dumbed down for me. It appears to be what it is: 
Star Trek done by guys who felt the OS was a bit too boring and slow, all of 
whom love Star Wars. Abrams said he didn't get why anyone would care about the 
characters in the OS, and wasn't a fan. Writers Orci and Kurtzman are fans of 
TNG and The Wrath of Khan. None of these guys--none of them--is a fan of the 
OS, DS9, or the aspects of Trek that represent great writing, intelligent 
plots, and good acting. All are fans of the more action oriented, whiz-bang, 
FX, humourous aspects of Trek. The writers said on the DVD, "Star Trek is like 
great classical music, while Star Wars is like rock and roll. We felt Trek 
needed a bit  of rock and roll musica added to it". 

I like it, don't love it. I still see the changes as unnecessary to the 
timeline, still say they could have told a million great stories about the 
young crew, even "hampered" by knowing the future and fans like me who are 
picky. I still feel the changes were less to be bothered by fans, and more that 
all simply felt the old timeline was too boring for what they wanted.  I'll 
continue to support this new Trek, but will continue to prefer the stuff that's 
come beore, and hope against hope that someday the franchise goes back to the 
"real" universe. 

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Tracey de Morsella" < tdli...@multiculturaladvantage.com > 
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com 

Sent: Wednesday, December 2, 2009 11:24:48 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern 
Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] Paul Greengrass quits Bourne 4: Paul Greengrass quits 
Bourne 4 


I just edited out the Star Trek reference from my reply and you put it back 
in.  J 

From: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com [mailto: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com ] On 
Behalf Of Keith Johnson 
Sent: Wednesday, December 02, 2009 7:59 PM 
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com 

Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Paul Greengrass quits Bourne 4: Paul Greengrass quits 
Bourne 4 

Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Paul Greengrass quits Bourne 4: Paul Greengrass quits 
Bourne 4 

yeah, Tracey mentioned that. I've never read the book, so don't have the 
comparison. I guess it's like people who've never watched Star Trek loving the 
new movie.  :)  

(couldn't resist!) 

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Martin Baxter" < truthseeker...@hotmail.com > 
To: "SciFiNoir2" < scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com > 

Sent: Wednesday, December 2, 2009 3:39:09 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern 
Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] Paul Greengrass quits Bourne 4: Paul Greengrass quits 
Bourne 4 


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Martin Baxter" < truthseeker...@hotmail.com > 
To: "SciFiNoir2" < scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com > 

Sent: Wednesday, December 2, 2009 3:39:09 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern 
Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] Paul Greengrass quits Bourne 4: Paul Greengrass quits 
Bourne 4 


Keith, your last statement, regarding the movie being rushed, is probably a 
proper assessment. I'm thinking that it's my love of the book is what pushes me 
against the movie. 

"If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who in bloody 
hell hired the director?" -- Charles L Grant 


Keith, your last statement, regarding the movie being rushed, is probably a 
proper assessment. I'm thinking that it's my love of the book is what pushes me 
against the movie. 

"If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who in bloody 
hell hired the director?" -- Charles L Grant 


To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com 

From: keithbjohn...@comcast.net 
Date: Wed, 2 Dec 2009 05:41:52 +0000 
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Paul Greengrass quits Bourne 4: Paul Greengrass quits 
Bourne 4 

From: keithbjohn...@comcast.net 
Date: Wed, 2 Dec 2009 05:41:52 +0000 
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Paul Greengrass quits Bourne 4: Paul Greengrass quits 
Bourne 4 

You know what? I didn't hate "Jumper". It was weak, for sure, but there was a 
lot to like about it. My wife and I saw it with a crowd on a Saturday night, 
and had no regrets. Sure, Sam Jackson overacted, they didn't really explain why 
his group felt Jumpers were an abomination in God's eyes.  Hayden Christenson 
is not exactly a scintillating actor, which was a big problem. The script was a 
bit spare, the movie too short, and some key things left unfulfilled.  (ringing 
endorsement, eh?!) 

But all that being said, it was still an enjoyable time waster. The jumping was 
good, and the possibilities only hinted at here are limitless. In some ways it 
reminds me of the first X-Men movie, which, while defintely way better in 
comparison, was also a bit rushed, light on plotting, and curtailed in 
storytelling. I'm thinking that, like X2, maybe Jumper 2 can round off those 
rough edges and show the promise I saw and enjoyed in the first. 
I have no evidence of this at all, but the first flick seemed to be one of 
those put together after studio/director wrangling, budget issues, rewrites, 
and a rushed shooting schedule. 

----- Original Message ----- 

From: "Martin Baxter" < truthseeker...@hotmail.com > 
To: "SciFiNoir2" < scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com >, cinque3...@verizon.net , 
ggs...@yahoo.com , cdemorse...@yahoo.com 

Sent: Tuesday, December 1, 2009 3:53:23 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern 
Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] Paul Greengrass quits Bourne 4: Paul Greengrass quits 
Bourne 4 


But all that being said, it was still an enjoyable time waster. The jumping was 
good, and the possibilities only hinted at here are limitless. In some ways it 
reminds me of the first X-Men movie, which, while defintely way better in 
comparison, was also a bit rushed, light on plotting, and curtailed in 
storytelling. I'm thinking that, like X2, maybe Jumper 2 can round off those 
rough edges and show the promise I saw and enjoyed in the first. 
I have no evidence of this at all, but the first flick seemed to be one of 
those put together after studio/director wrangling, budget issues, rewrites, 
and a rushed shooting schedule. 

----- Original Message ----- 

From: "Martin Baxter" < truthseeker...@hotmail.com > 
To: "SciFiNoir2" < scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com >, cinque3...@verizon.net , 
ggs...@yahoo.com , cdemorse...@yahoo.com 

Sent: Tuesday, December 1, 2009 3:53:23 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern 
Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] Paul Greengrass quits Bourne 4: Paul Greengrass quits 
Bourne 4 


Let's all channel these thoughts... 

"Mister Liman... 'Jumper 2' is CRAP... move back to 'Bourne'..." 

"If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who in bloody 
hell hired the director?" -- Charles L Grant 


To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com ; cinque3...@verizon.net ; ggs...@yahoo.com ; 
From: tdli...@multiculturaladvantage.com 

Date: Tue, 1 Dec 2009 10:48:29 -0800 
Subject: [scifinoir2] Paul Greengrass quits Bourne 4: Paul Greengrass quits 
Bourne 4 


Date: Tue, 1 Dec 2009 10:48:29 -0800 
Subject: [scifinoir2] Paul Greengrass quits Bourne 4: Paul Greengrass quits 
Bourne 4 


he slow development of the fourth Jason Bourne flick took another hit today as 
director Paul Greengrass - a man as intricately linked to the films as star 
Matt Damon himself - walked out on the project in a row over the script. 

Details are still sketchy, but it would appear that Greengrass wasn't happy 
when Universal brought in up-and-coming writer Josh Zetumer to work on a 
'parallel' screenplay for the film, rewriting the one already penned by Ocean's 
12 's George Nolfi. 

Greengrass has already been under pressure from Universal over the way he's 
handled the budget on the forthcoming Green Zone , which has suffered reshoots 
and a $150 million pricetag. 

If Greengrass has left Bourne 4 for good (and it's early days yet - he could be 
lured back), Damon could well decide to remain loyal to him and refuse to shoot 
with anyone else. 
Pure speculation, of course, but Greengrass has made the franchise his own and 
it's hard to imagine anyone else swinging in to the rescue. 
Unless, that is, Bourne Identity director Doug Liman fancies a break from 
Jumper 2 and mourning his cancelled Knight Rider TV reboot... 

  Without Greengrass, will Bourne be the same? Should Damon stick by his side? 
Sound off below... 

Details are still sketchy, but it would appear that Greengrass wasn't happy 
when Universal brought in up-and-coming writer Josh Zetumer to work on a 
'parallel' screenplay for the film, rewriting the one already penned by Ocean's 
12 's George Nolfi. 

Greengrass has already been under pressure from Universal over the way he's 
handled the budget on the forthcoming Green Zone , which has suffered reshoots 
and a $150 million pricetag. 

If Greengrass has left Bourne 4 for good (and it's early days yet - he could be 
lured back), Damon could well decide to remain loyal to him and refuse to shoot 
with anyone else. 
Pure speculation, of course, but Greengrass has made the franchise his own and 
it's hard to imagine anyone else swinging in to the rescue. 
Unless, that is, Bourne Identity director Doug Liman fancies a break from 
Jumper 2 and mourning his cancelled Knight Rider TV reboot... 

  Without Greengrass, will Bourne be the same? Should Damon stick by his side? 
Sound off below... 


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