Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Turntable use with Transporter

2013-01-02 Thread adamslim

You have a nice system, why not treat it to a decent turntable and one
of these:

That is an ADC that has the phono equalisation built in, and could
output to the TP.  Getting the gain right will be important, but I think
that there is enough flexibility.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Considering a dac

2011-10-15 Thread adamslim

The problem is, you always get such a more significant improvement with
changes to speakers.  The old 'source first' mantra may have made sense
in the 70s (maybe), but now any digital source is going to sound pretty
good, whereas speakers of the same price usually have notable

I have run my SB3 via the DIY charlize amp into my Lowthers, and it
sounds really great - £300 of source and amp is all.  Sure my proper
DAC and amps are better, but if I desperately needed a grand or two I
could sell those and not be that worried.  If you asked me to downgrade
the speakers much, you'd make me miserable!  Put that in reverse, and
you have my 'sort the speakers first' plan.

Although I do appreciate that once you have the wife happy with
speakers, getting her to accept change can be a challenge.  You are
welcome to bring her here to see mine, which are incredibly large and
ugly; after she's seen them, you can introduce new speakers with


MPD on Linux PC, Young DAC, DIY Kondo M7 pre, 6B4G SET, Lowther
SB3, Charlize 2, DIY open baffle speakers
Boom x 2, Radio

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Considering a dac

2011-10-14 Thread adamslim

A DAC would not hurt, although I would probably look to upgrading the
speakers or amp before the source in your place - although it might
take more than £200 to make a real jump up in quality.

If you do want to buy a DAC, the CA is a good choice.  The Arcam rDAC
is also worth considering, you may get a used one for that kind of
amount; the MF V-DAC is also within budget.

There was a big test of DACs on pink fish recently: -
massive thread, results start from about where I linked.  The guy
running the test found the MF V-DAC to be basically indistinguishable
from the SB3.


MPD on Linux PC, Young DAC, DIY Kondo M7 pre, 6B4G SET, Lowther
SB3, Charlize 2, DIY open baffle speakers
Boom x 2, Radio

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] technical question about sample frequency and bit depth digital output

2011-08-06 Thread adamslim

Phil Leigh;646811 Wrote: 
> Leaving aside the weirdness of a 16/96 dac, dither would only be needed
> if you were using the volume control.

It was a bit weird, but pretty good.  IIRC I was using it with a dCS
upsampler, hence the need for dither.  All ancient history now, I have
a 32/384-capable DAC :)


MPD on Linux PC, Young DAC, DIY Kondo M7 pre, 6B4G SET, Lowther
SB3, Charlize 2, DIY open baffle speakers
Boom x 2, Radio

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] technical question about sample frequency and bit depth digital output

2011-08-03 Thread adamslim

The Touch is great for outputting to a 24/96 DAC - it will be
bit-perfect at all of the usual resolutions.

Complications can occur if your DAC is limited - I had a 16/96 DAC,
which caused some issues, as you need to apply dither when cutting word
length.  But for normal use into reasonably standard equipment, the
Touch is a great transport.


MPD on Linux PC, Young DAC, DIY Kondo M7 pre, 6B4G SET, Lowther
SB3, Charlize 2, DIY open baffle speakers
Boom x 2, Radio

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter EAC vs. CD audio... Throwing Down the Gauntlet !!!

2011-06-22 Thread adamslim

It looks like a worthwhile test.  Some comments:

Would it not be better to use a fairly high end system?  Even high end
headphones, rather than $300 ones?

Secondly, if the ears of the listener are so good that he can note down
the differences, why not ask him to say which an unknown player is? 
This would be an ABX test - you play A and B, to the listener's
satisfaction, then ask him which X is.  If he can get this right, it
would be really strong evidence for a difference.

Thirdly, could you randomise the inputs for each test, i.e. in test 1 A
is the CD, in test 2 B is, and so on.  Then the listener could say which
he thinks is the best.  If he consistently chooses one, above
statistical likelihood, then you have evidence.  This is a lot easier
to run than ABX.

Finally, it's worth getting in someone who knows statistics to help you
to decide how many tests to run.


MPD on Linux PC, Caiman, DIY Kondo M7 pre, 6B4G SET, Lowther monsters
SB3, Charlize 2, DIY open baffle speakers
Boom x 2, Radio

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Meridian CD player

2010-10-03 Thread adamslim

If you are in the UK, I have a Meridian 200/203 that I would be happy to
sell, and it'll cost about the same as a proper service for a 506, I
imagine (and sounds a lot better!!)  PM if of interest, sorry if this
is outrageous soliciting :)


Touch, Caiman, 845 SET, Lowther monsters
SB3, Charlize 2, One Thing Quad ESLs
Boom x 2, Radio

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Linn DS range SBS integration

2010-02-17 Thread adamslim

audiomuze;517745 Wrote: 
> Doubt I'd purchase one though, not at those prices and definitely not
> without a damned slick user experience.

Well the price is the price; Linn long ago gave up on those with
reasonable budgets!

But the user experience is fine in that I just use iPeng or the SB3
remote.  That it is not a SB is invisible, except that it is (very)
slightly less stable.  If you find iPeng, SBC or whatever acceptable as
a control mechanism, you're fine with a DS.  Personally I'm happy that
they spent their dev money on the product rather than the software; they
would never get the latter right, so I'm fine with SBS!


You can't have too much music, but I do have too much hifi

Rock/Excalibur/Decca, Linn Akurate Skweezy DS, Audion Pre, 6B4G death
traps, Lowther monsters
Duet, Caiman, Audio Innovations Series 500, Heybrook Sextets
Boom x 2, Radio

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Linn DS range SBS integration

2010-02-16 Thread adamslim

Oh by the way, if anyone in the UK wants to listen to my Linn Akurate DS
and compare it to a Modwright Transporter, come to the Wigwam show on
March 7th:

We are running a comparison through a pretty decent system (not mine)
with a Kondo pre, nice valve power amp and Living Voice speakers


You can't have too much music, but I do have too much hifi

Rock/Excalibur/Decca, Linn Akurate Skweezy DS, Audion Pre, 6B4G death
traps, Lowther monsters
Duet, Caiman, Audio Innovations Series 500, Heybrook Sextets
Boom x 2, Radio

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Linn DS range SBS integration

2010-02-16 Thread adamslim

First get the Linn Konfig program so you can see if the DS is recognised
on your network.  I strongly recommend using the Linn fully wired - I
bought a switch and ran a long cable for it.  Using the SB as a bridge
was a world of pain; even once I got it working it was less reliable.

Go to the Linn forum and find the SkweezyDS plug-in, follow the
instructions.  Takes just a few minutes.  Note that you sync the DS to a
SB, so you need a SB in the room; I find it makes for a handy screen.

It's not perfect - sometimes I find that something has gone wrong, and
I need to switch things off and back on again, or restart SBS.  But 90%
of the time it's fine.  And does sound nice :)


You can't have too much music, but I do have too much hifi

Rock/Excalibur/Decca, Linn Akurate Skweezy DS, Audion Pre, 6B4G death
traps, Lowther monsters
Duet, Caiman, Audio Innovations Series 500, Heybrook Sextets
Boom x 2, Radio

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter and word clock base-rate multiplying support

2009-12-27 Thread adamslim

seanadams;499259 Wrote: 
> Not that I know of... and in fairness, Transporter has a word clock
> output mode which only does 44.1, but as far as I know nobody has EVER
> used it for anything except my own performance testing.

It does seem a shame that so much hand-wringing goes on about jitter,
yet it is a problem almost completely solved by a clock from the DAC. 
If indeed it is an audible problem at all.  Still, fills the hifi mags,
eh?  :)


You can't have too much music, but I do have too much hifi

Rock/Excalibur/Decca, Linn Akurate DS, Audion Pre, 6B4G death traps,
Lowther monsters
Duet, Caiman, Audio Innovations Series 500, Heybrook Sextets
Boom x 2

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter and word clock base-rate multiplying support

2009-12-27 Thread adamslim

Are there actually any DACs that do respond by changing the clock out
according to the SPDIF metadata?  That would be cool, although since
they could only be used properly with a single transport system (the
Transporter), I guess the market would be a tad limited!


You can't have too much music, but I do have too much hifi

Rock/Excalibur/Decca, Linn Akurate DS, Audion Pre, 6B4G death traps,
Lowther monsters
Duet, Caiman, Audio Innovations Series 500, Heybrook Sextets
Boom x 2

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Half speed master vinyl

2009-12-01 Thread adamslim

I have a couple of these.  They sound astonishing - good value if you
actually like the music!


You can't have too much music, but I do have too much hifi

Rock/Excalibur/Decca, Linn Akurate DS, Audion Pre, 6B4G death traps,
Lowther monsters
Duet, Caiman, Audio Innovations Series 500, Heybrook Sextets
Boom x 2

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] The end of the CD player :-)

2009-11-28 Thread adamslim

Ironically, as a long-term SB user and about to get a Linn DS tomorrow,
I've just bought a CD player.  My subscriptions to Gramophone and other
magazines come with free sampler CDs, and ripping these in is just plain
silly - hence a return to the old system.

However, I think that Gramophone should just set up a web streaming
system that streamed odd tracks from their 'pick of the month', which I
could access via my SB systems.  That would *really* be the death of CD,
for me at least!


You can't have too much music, but I do have too much hifi

SB+, Audion Pre, 6B4G death traps, Lowther Big Fun Horns, REL Stentor
SB+, Audio Innovations L1, Chi-Fi OTL monoblocks, Heybrook Sextets
Boom x 2

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Will a transporter sound as good as the Linn Majik DS

2009-11-15 Thread adamslim

Well I've just agreed to buy a Linn Akurate DS, my first ever Linn
product.  I'm hoping to do a comparison of the Linn, Transporter, SB+
and possibly the Modwright Transporter too, which would be fun.


You can't have too much music, but I do have too much hifi

SB+, Audion Pre, 6B4G death traps, Lowther Big Fun Horns, REL Stentor
SB+, Audio Innovations L1, Chi-Fi OTL monoblocks, Heybrook Sextets
Boom x 2

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Cheapest active speakers w. digi. x-over

2009-09-24 Thread adamslim

The AVIs have an active XO, not a digi XO, AFAIK.  No idea why - digi is
surely the plan in that kind of thing.

Used Meridian D5000s often go for £600ish - that would be an old pair,
probably 18-bit.  Much better than AVIs, and fully digital, although it
sounds like even that's more than you want to spend.


You can't have too much music, but I do have too much hifi

SB+, Audion Pre, 6B4G death traps, Lowther Big Fun Horns, REL Stentor
SB+, Audio Innovations L1, Chi-Fi OTL monoblocks, Heybrook Sextets
Boom x 2

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Inguz dsp plugin - what are the results?

2009-09-15 Thread adamslim

Are the inguz filters player-specific?  I remember reading that they
weren't, so once you had a filter applied it would be on everything you
played on each system, which makes no sense...


You can't have too much music, but I do have too much hifi

SB+, Audion Pre, 6B4G death traps, Lowther Big Fun Horns, REL Stentor
SB+, Audio Innovations L1, Chi-Fi OTL monoblocks, Heybrook Sextets
Boom x 2

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter v Linn Squeeky DS

2009-06-22 Thread adamslim

JezA;434423 Wrote: 
> And I have heard a Lowther, as it happens. If you lined up all the
> speakers in the world according to their neutrality, it would definitely
> be near one of the ends. 
> Have you ever heard a Steinway?

I suspect that my Lowthers would give a better simulacrum of a Steinway
than most speakers, tbh, of whatever cost.  And 8W is perfectly enough,
although I am currently giving them a serious workout with a First Watt
F3, fully 15W.  They might not be neutral in terms of frequency
response, but there's a lot more to accuracy than that.


Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have

SB+, dCS Purcell & Elgar, Audion Pre, Welborne DRD 300B SETs, Lowther
Big Fun Horns with PM6As

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Linn Klimax DS - Network Music Player

2009-03-24 Thread adamslim

jaysung;409586 Wrote: 
> Hello,
> Could somebody give me more info on that? I am just now deciding if a
> customer gets an akurate DS from Linn or a transporter from logitech.
> Usability is one of the biggest concerns.
> The idea is that he has the UI on his lcd Sony 40 inch screen.
> Linngui runs on a computer? So that would go on a display?
> What exactly is worse in Linngui than in SC7.
> Most important: What about album art / covers?
> Any chance to navigate by album art on that big screen vfia linngui?
> Iphone-like coverflow would be nice. ;)

You should check on the Linn forum - they have been working on a system
that allows SC to control the Linn DS.  When I looked, some time ago,
you had to buy a 'sacrificial' SB (e.g. a Duet) and use the Receiver
part and the Linn syncs to the SB.  Thus you get all the benefits of
the SC GUI, together with the sound of the Linn.  It also worked for
24/192 files, IIRC.


Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have

SB+, dCS Purcell & Elgar, Audion Pre, Welborne DRD 300B SETs, Lowther
Big Fun Horns with PM6As

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Hifi Wigwam show in the UK

2009-03-15 Thread adamslim

Indeed it did - you can see info on the WigWam here:

Plus there are lots of pictures here:

There were lots of systems there - about 40 in all.  Sadly as an
exhibitor I only got to hear about ten others properly, so next year I
may be just visiting!  It was good fun, I met people from this forum
(including Patrick Dixon, the maker of the SB+) and many others. 
Sometimes it's good to see that there are crazier people than you :)


Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have

SB+, dCS Purcell & Elgar, Audion Pre, Welborne DRD 300B SETs, Lowther
Big Fun Horns with PM6As

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Tube amp for SB3 + Klipsch RB-61

2009-02-22 Thread adamslim

It's hard to get a good tube amp for $500 new - you would probably be
looking at buying direct from China or HK at that price, which is risky
(but can work well).  I would recommend buying used, in general.

For those speakers, which are very sensitive and should be an easy
load, you can choose pretty much anything power-wise: even my 8WPC amps
would be fine with them.  Push-pull EL84 valves should produce about a
dozen watts, which would seem a good place to start.


Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have

SB+, dCS Purcell & Elgar, Audion Pre, Welborne DRD 300B SETs, Lowther
Big Fun Horns with PM6As

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Will a transporter sound as good as the Linn Majik DS

2009-02-17 Thread adamslim

Yeah that Linn hack for making the DSs work with SqueezeCenter is such a
good idea.  I had hoped that Logitech would license their systems to
audiophile manufacturers (Linn, Meridian, Naim, Arcam etc), offering a
good revenue stream (together with lots of sales of Booms etc for
second systems), but it appears not to be.  Oh well


Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have

SB+, dCS Purcell & Elgar, Audion Pre, Welborne DRD 300B SETs, Lowther
Big Fun Horns with PM6As

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Hifi Wigwam show in the UK

2009-02-15 Thread adamslim

craig strong;396570 Wrote: 
> I hope your system kicks some ass, as Im currently argueing the toss  in
> the tent about how an SB can equal cdp's of a much higher price!  Why
> else would I sell my £1200 Marantz in favour of one?

Yeah I've given up on that thread!  I quite wanted to have a room where
we could compare a decent CD player against my setup, although I seem to
have no takers.  Funny that...


Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have

SB+, dCS Purcell & Elgar, Audion Pre, Welborne DRD 300B SETs, Lowther
Big Fun Horns with PM6As

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Hifi Wigwam show in the UK

2009-02-14 Thread adamslim

Might as well do some promotion here, if that's OK...

There is a UK hifi show taking place in Melton Mowbray on Sunday March
1st.  A group of us from the forum are demonstrating our systems, just
for fun really.  Link:

I will be there with my Slim-based system, being an SB+ coupled with a
dCS Purcell and Elgar, through an Audion pre-amp, 300B SET monoblocks
and, sadly, the Lowthers are immovable, so I'll be using my Living
Voice OBX-R2s

Of interest to some here might be my Custom Browse system, which uses
custom tags and a dynamic tag-browsing system specifically for
classical music.  A few people elsewhere have expressed an interest in
seeing how it works, and I'll be happy to demo it.

Sean, if you fancy sending me a Transporter I'd be happy to take that
along too :)


Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have

SB+, dCS Purcell & Elgar, Audion Pre, Welborne DRD 300B SETs, Lowther
Big Fun Horns with PM6As

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] BBC - higher bit rate

2009-01-27 Thread adamslim

rbl;389267 Wrote: 
> Do you know if FM is signficantly better than DAB / internet strreaming?
> I used to use a Quad FM4 many years ago but always found it to be pretty
> poor quality compared to CD. Haven't used it in years and would need to
> get an aerial etc. to fire it up again...

With a decent aerial and good source material, FM should outperform DAB
or internet radio.  However, the source material quality is getting a
lot worse - I now find that the only decent quality is Radio 3 evening
stuff, as even this station is frequently cursed with compression
during 'drive time' programmes.  The ability to get decent bandwidth
internet radio is a compelling advatage for the Squeezebox.


Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have

SB+, dCS Purcell, Ack Dac, Audion Quattro, Welborne DRD 300Bs, Lowther
Big Fun Horns with PM6As

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] New Transporter in 2009?

2009-01-05 Thread adamslim

I can't see that there will be one.  There will be a lot of companies
joining the streaming devices bandwagon, and I suspect that Logitech
would make a lot more money by licensing the streaming tech to
audiophile companies than by making the hardware themselves - could
they really improve on the Transporter?

Oh and 24/192 is clearly a necessity, but for marketing purposes only,
and the dual display is better than the Duet (although not as good as
the dual display -plus -the Controller!)


Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have

SB+, dCS Purcell, Ack Dac, Audion Quattro, Welborne DRD 300Bs, Lowther
Big Fun Horns with PM6As

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Explain this, please.

2008-12-31 Thread adamslim

darrenyeats;377848 Wrote: 
> Hi Stefan,
> Firstly you're brand new to this forum and secondly you've got a
> shopping list of statements to kick off a big argument. Whether you
> realise it or not, people are going to think that combination means
> you're a troll.
> Darren

It's proper 'Happy New Year' trolling though, don'cha think? :) 
Quality first post, I reckon :D


Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have

SB+, dCS Purcell, Ack Dac, Audion Quattro, Welborne DRD 300Bs, Lowther
Big Fun Horns with PM6As

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Am I imagining this? Squeezecentre 7.3 sounds worse than 7.2.1?

2008-12-19 Thread adamslim

I got quite worried when I saw this thread; I then realised that I had
noticed that the previous track didn't sound great, and the current
one, a Beethoven concerto, also was a bit rough.  Panic!!!

So I checked the SC version - 7.2.1.  I haven't bothered to upgrade

Then I engaged brain, and realised that this was a recording from the
1950s, and the previous one was a pretty dodgy digital one from the
80s.  I had had it on random play and wasn't paying too much attention,
so I only noticed the iffy sound when I listened for it.

Put a track that I know well, and all is well.  It'll probably be fine
when I get round to upgrading to 7.3 as well.  It's very easy to jump
to conclusions based on imagination and little else in this game.


Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have

SB+, Audion 300Bs, Lowther Big Fun Horns with PM6As
SB3, Charlize, Harbeth HL-P3ES

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Greenhorn looking for guidance.

2008-11-24 Thread adamslim

The best way to listen to a lot of kit is to check out some hi-fi shows.
You don't want to buy purely off the basis of your listening there, but
it will give you a reasonable idea of what stuff does.  There's a lot of
variety, and you could easily get something much better than your
friends' Naim kit - but only if you spend some time looking!


Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have

SB+, Audion 300Bs, Lowther Big Fun Horns with PM6As
SB3, Charlize, Harbeth HL-P3ES

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter dig out/in and jitter box?

2008-11-18 Thread adamslim

Makes more sense to me to upsample your music in non-realtime (can
Audacity do this?), and use the Transporter 'properly'.  This allows
the potential for better upsampling, as you are not restricted by the
machine's CPU speed, and eliminates all the jitter problems that other
have mentioned.

However, I'm not sure if there are good software systems for
upsampling.  I doubt if dCS, Monarch and the like make their
interpolation equations public domain.  Be fun to try a few different
ones though!


Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have

SB+, EAR V20, Lowther Big Fun Horns with PM6As
Living Voice OBX-R2s stuck in a corner looking lonely
SB3, Charlize, Harbeth HL-P3ES

Whoops I seem to have bought a record player...

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Is External DAC What I'm Craving?

2008-11-07 Thread adamslim

I tried a Shek DAC, which cost a bit over £150 IIRC, and it certainly
changed the sound; it soundstaged better and was smoother, but lacked a
bit of punch.  If that's the kind of change you want, it can help.

I'm now trying an Ack DAC, which seems very good.  I got it used for
£140 (retail in the UK is £750!), and it is a real step up from the
SB3; in many ways it is better than my SB+.

IMO you probably need to spend a bit more, but keeping track of ebay
can be worthwhile...


Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have

SB+, EAR V20, Lowther Big Fun Horns with PM6As
Living Voice OBX-R2s stuck in a corner looking lonely
SB3, Charlize, Harbeth HL-P3ES

Whoops I seem to have bought a record player...

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Audiophile rescues masters: collector items!

2008-10-27 Thread adamslim

Nice find.  Despite the website being down ATM, I will revisit often; I
would pay significant sums for discs of Talk Talk's later albums that
sound half as good as they did on vinyl!


Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have

SB+, EAR V20, Lowther Big Fun Horns with PM6As
Living Voice OBX-R2s stuck in a corner looking lonely
SB3, Charlize, Harbeth HL-P3ES

Whoops I seem to have bought a record player...

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Using SqueezeCenter with a Linn DS

2008-10-24 Thread adamslim

Interesting stuff - Linn seem to have hacked something together so you
can stream from SC to a Linn DS.  See here:

One of the things that has stopped me buying a DS is the interface -
Twonky, nasty.  Could be a fun investigation!


Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have

SB+, EAR V20, Lowther Big Fun Horns with PM6As
Living Voice OBX-R2s stuck in a corner looking lonely
SB3, Charlize, Harbeth HL-P3ES

Whoops I seem to have bought a record player...

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Online source for sensible interconnects?

2008-08-10 Thread adamslim

Blue Jeans, but be careful as they are very stiff, which may not be
ideal for such short runs.


Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have

SB+, EAR V20, Lowther Big Fun Horns with PM6As
Living Voice OBX-R2s stuck in a corner looking lonely
SB3, Charlize, Harbeth HL-P3ES

Whoops I seem to have bought a record player...

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Does a better CD drive make better sound?

2008-08-07 Thread adamslim

The point of a CD drive is to convert a legacy format (CD) to a current
one (audio data).  Once you have it in an audio data format, whether
wav, FLAC or Apple Lossless, you have a 100% guarantee that it will
just work.

To get it into that format, you just need something that can be aligned
with AccurateRip (close on 100% of modern $20 drives), and then you
check each disc as it rips.  Once you have validated 19 in 20 rips (and
you can see that the 20th is a buggered disc) you relax about this stage
of the process and find somewhere else to spend your audio budget :)


Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have

SB+, EAR V20, Lowther Big Fun Horns with PM6As
Living Voice OBX-R2s stuck in a corner looking lonely
SB3, Charlize, Harbeth HL-P3ES

Whoops I seem to have bought a record player...

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] At-tunes SB+, SB3 + DAC or Transporter?

2008-07-17 Thread adamslim

I worried about the lack of 24/96, but there is so little available in
that format (and less in 24/192!) that it's really not worth worrying
about.  You can always downsample to 24/48.

Just get whatever you prefer the sound of on 16/44.1, I say, and you
will be happy with 99% of your music collection.


Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have

SB+, EAR V20, Lowther Big Fun Horns with PM6As
Living Voice OBX-R2s stuck in a corner looking lonely
SB3, Charlize, Harbeth HL-P3ES

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Squeezebox plus, does it still exist?

2008-07-17 Thread adamslim

You definitely prefer it to the TP then MC?


Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have

SB+, EAR V20, Lowther Big Fun Horns with PM6As
Living Voice OBX-R2s stuck in a corner looking lonely
SB3, Charlize, Harbeth HL-P3ES

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] WIfi or hard wire between server and squeezebox

2008-07-13 Thread adamslim

Phil Leigh;319141 Wrote: 
> Wireless vs wired makes NO difference to sound quality. Wireless either
> works or it doesn't

IME I agree, although some have thought they heard a difference, and it
could be valid to claim that the wifi card could have some impact.  Much
flaming has occurred on this.

Interestingly, it strikes me that there is a way around this - use a
Receiver in bridge mode as a wifi receiver, feeding ethernet to the
Transporter.  Effectively your TP then becomes a two-box product - one
to receive the wifi, and one to do all the sound stuff.

Obviously pointless, but fun pointless :)


Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] What DAC to use?

2008-07-03 Thread adamslim

Pascal Hibon;316694 Wrote: 
> As far as upgrading my speakers, well I don’t think there is any HiFi
> speaker out there that would out perform the speakers I have. I have MP
> Audio speakers

Well on paper there's lots about those speakers that I am less than
keen on, but with 100dB/W and 750W continuous power handling, by golly
you could have an impressive party!


Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter Transport?

2008-06-27 Thread adamslim

Complicated, and something you're only going to resolve with plenty of

Firstly, the Transporter might work for you.  Try it.  You might also
like to consider the modded products such as the Modwright Transporter
and the SB+.  If you go the DAC route, I would suggest one with a clock
output and slave the TP, but this does depend on the DAC.  If it -is
-doing its job properly, it should be independent of transport, but I
fear many/most/all do not.

Let us know how you get on!


Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have

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SB3, Charlize, Harbeth HL-P3ES

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter Transport?

2008-06-26 Thread adamslim

Not the first time this has been asked.  I think the problem is that it
wouldn't remove much from the BOM, so you'd probably be looking
somewhere north of $1,500.

Considering the inherent advantage (jitter-wise) of a one-box solution,
the 'full' TP is likely to sound better than one with an external DAC
unless the DAC is *very* good - so you would be looking at a target
audience of people who have spent more than the price of the TP on
their DAC - and they can easily afford the extra $500.


Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Advice on 24/96 with SB3 Please.

2008-06-25 Thread adamslim

mvalera;314923 Wrote: 
> audible garbage due to the downsampling.

I think the phrase you're looking for is aliasing artefacts ;)


Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Receiver with 96kHz output

2008-06-25 Thread adamslim

tobyjug;314736 Wrote: 
> I know the transporter outputs at 96 but it would be a waste of money
> when I have the dCS kit any I haven't got any where near that kind of
> money.

Wow - the TP is too expensive compared to your dCS kit?  You steal it?

The Receiver is very similar to the SB3; I think it's highly unlikely
that it will ever support 24/96.  SD designed the TP for audiophiles
who wanted that kind of thing - I can't even see why they would want to
put into their cheapest product.

I reckon you might do best to sell the Purcell and buy a TP, slave it
to the Delius.  I've always found that upsampling gives an artificial
kind of air/space/detail, TBH.  YMMV.


Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] How to lower output level DAC the audiophile way.

2008-06-24 Thread adamslim

Use an attenuator - you can get RCA plugs that knock off 10dB, say.  Use
the SB volume to suss out the right amount of attenuation, then buy that
value, or close.


Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] dCS Elgar and Verona with SD Transporter

2008-06-23 Thread adamslim

Does using the Verona as master clock really make sense?  I would have
thought that you would want the master clock in the DAC for best jitter
elimination, in which case the Verona would be redundant in a 'direct'

It makes sense to me if you are syncing many digital processors (and
potentially DACs) in some professional environment, maybe, where you
need a lot of synchronicity, as it were.  Like if you're using the
upsampler (Purcell?)

I thought the point of the Verona was to take a master clock in from
the DAC, and then send it out again to lots of digital processors.

Right, I seem to have confused myself...


Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB3 -> Transporter Minireview

2008-06-18 Thread adamslim

It's probably not surprising that there was little (indeed no)
discernable difference.  In principle, if a DAC is doing its job
properly then it should be pretty well immune to jitter, and since
they're the same bits, there's no scope for improvement.

Since you have a £5k Meridian device that's receiving your digital
data, I'd be very surprised if it didn't deal with jitter very well
indeed.  In fact, I'd be rather worried about it if there were a big
improvement moving to the TP!


Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Matching integrated amp for speaker

2008-06-07 Thread adamslim

Might be worth adding Sugden to that list - these are great with
classical and acoustic.


Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Timing Jitter question

2008-05-10 Thread adamslim

A most succinct and balanced reply.  The only thing I want to add is to
point out that if your DAC has a clock out then you can slave the
Transporter to it, which should reduce jitter to almost zero, although
is probably not quite as low as the 'internal' Transporter system.

Oh plus the standard health warning:

WARNING: The audibility of jitter in the low picoseconds is disputed. 
Other factors may affect sound quality.  This thread may self-destruct
in ten seconds.


Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] BNC or RCA which should I use?

2008-05-01 Thread adamslim

opaqueice;297645 Wrote: 
> Would you mind expounding on that?  They were able to tell the
> difference between the CD player's digital out going into the Krell and
> the SB3 and/or Duet's digital out going into the Krell - is that right? 
> Did you level the volumes?  How many trials did you do?

Might I politely recommend this is not replied to? :)

The OP proved it to his and (importantly, I imagine) his wife's
satisfaction.  It would probably not have been double blind and it
would almost certainly not qualify for inclusion in a scientific
journal.  It's never going to be data, it's just an opinion point. 
Let's not get flaming please...


Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] audio insanity

2008-04-29 Thread adamslim

harmonic;291144 Wrote: 
> Have a look  at jean yves system  

OMG, digital active 5-way horns, driven by SET valve amps.  One can but


Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] How many reasons...

2008-04-29 Thread adamslim

ModelCitizen;296711 Wrote: 
> The more I think about the HDX the more i think that Naim have got it
> right and that it is far from flawed product. Considering their
> probable target market as it stands at the moment it seems well aimed.
> It is attempting to take all the hassle and geekness out of network
> music.

I agree in part, but still I think the server / client is where
everything is moving, rightly.  Naim could have provided a computer
that does the ripping, tag lookups, database, music server side, a
crossover cable and a 'slim' client that has the sensitive audio bit. 
Then geeky types like us could use our own PC system, saving half the

All you need to do is package up EAC and FLAC, MP3Tag, the server, and
Firefox, with a UI into a silent PC.  Easy for consumers, and dead easy
for Naim - you're just splitting the HDX into two.  Offers a perfect
upgrade route too - Linn Akurate DS users can easily upgrade to the
Klimax DS without having to rerip or move swap HDs

ModelCitizen;296711 Wrote: 
> I don't really care what lossless format the music plays in as long as
> tags are supported (and I see it supports flac anyway).
> I'm interested how quiet the device is and how good the interface and
> remote are. I prefer the screen on the remote rather than the device
> but without wireless I gues this is not possible. The tie up with AMG
> is interesting. This is something I think Logitech should be looking
> into (for Reviews and Bios).

Be interesting to see if you can amend the tags.  For me this is
essential - I bet AMG is totally inconsistent with Classical music. 
And the screen on the device is rather pointless, although a nice idea!


Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] How many reasons...

2008-04-28 Thread adamslim

ModelCitizen;296400 Wrote: 
> As someone here once said (maybe the original poster?): "I've already
> made a sacrifice in sound quality going from CD from vinyl. I don't
> want to take another going to a network player" (or some such). As
> things stand I still think you still have to, but maybe the Linn and
> Naim offerings will rectify this but I won't be buying them until
> they are much less expensive and much better designed.

Yeah I think that was one of mine.  Happily the SB+ was a step-up from
my CD player; I think I'll stick for the next few years and let the
market ply its course, maturing in both sound quality and useability

What might be interesting would be if Slim Devices were to license
their server and firmware to the likes of Linn, Naim and so on. 
Audiophile companies are not software developers; could be a nice
little earner for Logitech, although it would, I think, be a unique
business model for them - already the SB/Transporter is a bit away from
their comfort zone.

ModelCitizen Wrote: 
> SB+ > Bryston 4BSST > PMC OB1s

Sold the Transporter then? ;)


Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have

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SB3, Charlize, Harbeth HL-P3ES

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Best method of connection for SB Classic to AMP

2008-04-28 Thread adamslim

Being a home cinema amp, it has digital inputs as well as analogue.  You
can therefore use either stereo RCAs, in which case you use the SB3's
DAC and should put your amp in analogue direct mode, or you can use a
digital coax cable (also will be RCA, but is a different cable design),
in which case you will be using the DAC in your amp.

The Arcam amp will only work in analogue (i.e. the former).

The best sound?  Whichever sounds best!  Not trying to be facetious,
but it really is down to you which you prefer, there's unlikely to be
an absolute winner.

In your situation I would go to and get
a stereo audio cable and a digital audio one.  They're all decent and
great value, and it'll allow you to see which you prefer without
spending serious money.


Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have

SB+, EAR V20, Living Voice OBX-R2s plus some other stuff
SB3, Charlize, Harbeth HL-P3ES

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] How many reasons...

2008-04-25 Thread adamslim

ModelCitizen;295227 Wrote: 
> The point about NAIM is that their gear just sounds superb. The rest is
> details  ;-/

That's why it would be really cool if they came up with a product that
isn't so fundamentally flawed!  Might sound great *but*...

Slim Devices came up with products that are far less flawed (at least
for people who aren't scared of computers).  While the sound quality
may (untested, not flamebait) not be as good as the Linn/Naim players,
it's easier to mod to improve the sound quality than it is to sort out
the fundamental flaws of design and usage.


Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have

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SB3, Charlize, Harbeth HL-P3ES

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] How many reasons...

2008-04-24 Thread adamslim

Can we come up with why this is a flawed product:

Although it's good to see another entrant to the audiophile
hard-disk-streaming world :)


Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Anybody bought one (or 4) of these..?

2008-04-23 Thread adamslim

While I don't like to diss products that I haven't tried, so much on
that website is such utter nonsense it beggars belief.  "Brilliant
Pebbles" taped to your interconnects?!?  WTF??

Even if you had everything else totally sorted about your system and
room, I can't see that these could have a meaningful effect.  But just
compare the effect these could have with stuff like (proper) room
treatment, speaker positioning and the like.

And the 30-day money back guarantee is genius: totally playing on
people's sense of audiophile paranoia.  "We're so confident that the
difference is night and day that we're willing to let you try them
free" - placebo and paranoia.

It's the music...

[/rant] :)


Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] I want it bit-perfect

2008-04-20 Thread adamslim

ModelCitizen;293326 Wrote: 
> Please, it'd be nice to see one thread here end in harmony.

No it wouldn't!


Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Burning amp in with dummy load

2008-04-14 Thread adamslim

I've never been a great believer in burn-in, although my speakers are
sounding much better now than when I first got them - unless it's just
me getting accustomed to them...

Anyway, it sounds like you have a nice system so why not just use it as
normal (maybe leave the amps on 24/7) and enjoy it?  The downsides of
wiring up resistors incorrectly - especially with Naim amps, which
usually need some inductance to keep them stable IIRC - are
considerable.  From your other thread it sounds like this is a big
step-up already, so relax and enjoy the music :)


Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Linn Klimax DS - Network Music Player

2008-04-07 Thread adamslim

Kris;288729 Wrote: 
> Where to can you suggest? perhaps mark some RED X's on the photograph
> Its difficult to move them though , simply because of the room
> size/shape
> I am working on obtain a SPL meter/mic and some software to analyse the
> room and see where I can make some improvements. Any suggestions would
> be great

I would get a narrower system stand and allow the speakers to be closer
together.  You normally don't want a speaker in the corner like that
left one.  I would expect a new system stand to be a lot cheaper than
most of your upgrades :)


Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Linn Klimax DS - Network Music Player

2008-04-07 Thread adamslim

The Linn products are basically the same as the SB3 & Transporter - they
are systems for converting data, e.g. FLAC files, to music - not just
DACs.  The Linns do not have wifi - I understand this is because Linn
don't want to get involved with configuring wifi for customers and
sorting out those problems.  Ethernet only - no bad thing if you want
24/192 too!

I've mostly discounted the Linn as SqueezeCentre is so great!  Having
to move to TwonkyMedia would be such a downgrade, it would really
impinge on the usability of the product.  I do expect that the Linn
sounds better, but I am happy with my sound.

Have you tried an SB+?  It's a Squeezebox-derived system that most who
have heard them both prefer to the Transporter.  It has a few
limitations compared to the TP (only one screen, max res 24/48, no
knob...) but does cost less.  Just a thought.


Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have

SB+, EAR V20, Living Voice OBX-R2s plus some other stuff
SB3, Charlize, Harbeth HL-P3ES

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter of SB3

2008-04-06 Thread adamslim

As Opaqueice indicated, if a DAC is working (I'd use the phrase "really
good"), it should sort out jitter, and so should be independent of
transport.  In principle, the SB3 should sound the same as the TP.

In practice, I don't quite hold with the 'perfect DAC' position, but
certainly I have struggled to hear much difference between transports
into decent DACs.

The other thing to try is to spend longer listening than just an A/B
swap.  I have often found myself listening much later with better
digital sources, despite not being able to readily pick them apart in
quick A/B tests.


Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have

SB+, EAR V20, Living Voice OBX-R2s plus some other stuff
SB3, Charlize, Harbeth HL-P3ES

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter of SB3

2008-03-31 Thread adamslim

If your Theta has a clock out, you can use the clock in of the
Transporter; this should virtually eliminate jitter, and give the best
results.  If there is no clock out, then I would expect the Transporter
to be slightly better than the SB3 but the difference may be minimal or
even unnoticeable.  The SB3 is a pretty good transport.

You may also consider a modded SB3 such as the SB+, which has a
digital-only version for £800 - better value in the UK than the US!


Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have

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Re: Virtual Dynamics Power 3 � 2000% Profit Margin

2008-03-26 Thread adamslim

Yeah cutting out the EMI from the last metre, ignoring the 100+km agross
the grid, always struck me as kinda pointless.

I DIY'd my mains cables.  It's always satisfying to build something
yourself, and you mind less when the interesting experiment that shows
you can't hear any difference cost you just a few quid and was actually
quite fun.

I find it amazing that people pay loads for this stuff - you could get
an electrician come in and fit a dedicated spur for your hifi for the
same kind of amount.  That makes much more sense.

Anyway 2000%?  By the time you factor in distribution, retail
packaging, retail margins and so on, it will shrink rapidly.  Take the
$15 component cost and add:
$20 for labour and packaging = $35
$15 for a minimal manufacturer profit = $50
$10 for a small distro cost or postage to dealer = $60
$40 for a low (on cables) dealer margin = $100

So it's 3x overpriced, maybe.  I've seen worse!  What I find really
crappy is the poor build quality - for that there is no excuse.


Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have

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SB3, Charlize, Harbeth HL-P3ES

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-03-25 Thread adamslim

rydenfan;283380 Wrote: 
> For anyone that is interested 6moons just reviewed the Modwright
> transporter and favorably compared it to a $30,000 Esoteric player.
> Needless to say it was awarded a 6moons award.

Cheers, interesting to see.  I have almost written off the Linn stuff
completely because of the quality of SqueezeCenter; this is probably
the only digital upgrade I could make.

Tom, there was no point to your post.  Go away. :)


Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Who uses green marker pens on their CDs?

2008-03-10 Thread adamslim

radish;278106 Wrote: 
> Who uses CDs anymore? This is what you need these days:

LOL review says

> Cons: color is slightly off what the picture shows

That's a -con-?!?


Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Stereophile Article: MP3 vs AAC vs FLAC vs CD

2008-03-10 Thread adamslim

opaqueice;277809 Wrote: 
> So he's claiming that by looking at a graph of this particular test-tone
> he can tell whether or not these effects are audible on music.  And yet
> he didn't bother to do a listening test - in the time it took him to
> prepare that article, he could have performed a whole series.  -That-
> would have been interesting, because what most people really want to
> know is which format to use and at what level of compression.  This
> kind of vague cursory analysis and unsubstantiated statements isn't
> useful.
> Frankly, I very much doubt he would have been able to hear the
> differences between 320 MP3 or AAC and CD (at least not without lots of
> practice and choosing the test track very carefully), and after all the
> whining Stereophile has been doing recently that wouldn't look very
> good.

Yes, a typical JA article.  This is the man who won't listen to a SET
amp as he considers it a tone control, IIRC.

It would be so easy for them to do a detailed blind test using a high
resolution system; they could even highlight any changes in the results
generated by the listeners getting familiar with the MP3/AAC artefacts. 
That would have been interesting!  The vague 'ooh look at those charts'
tone of the article is at best pointless, at worst misleading.

Moral: don't expect investigative reporting in the hifi press!


Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] New setup: Passive plus amp or Active??

2008-03-07 Thread adamslim

highfi;276294 Wrote: 
> I understand the Transporter can produce a high level noise which can
> damage the ATC's (or ears) if used without a preamp?

There was a bug some time ago, IIRC on the SB not the TP, that could
result in a full-level white noise signal being sent out.  If your
speakers can't handle it, this could cause damage.  AFAIK no-one
suffered damage and it was fixed.

But the TP has built-in attenuators, which you can select internally. 
You should use these to make sure that 0dB on the TP is the loudest you
want it to play; your normal listening level will then be say -10dB,
which you alter using the digital volume control.  This system means
that the TP spewing out noise at 0dB won't break your speakers, and
also you are doing the least digital attenuation, to avoid its
(alleged) negative effects.


Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] New setup: Passive plus amp or Active??

2008-03-05 Thread adamslim

Squeeze Me;275284 Wrote: 
> Just oe question, what exactly do you mean when you say it is
> straightforward to mess up an active system. Surely you just plug in
> your source (Squeezebox) and are good to go?

Sorry I meant from a design perspective - just because you have the
theoretical improvements that going active could bring does not mean
that any improvement will be achieved in practice.

>From a user perspective, whatever you get should all just work, active
or passive.


Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] New setup: Passive plus amp or Active??

2008-03-04 Thread adamslim

Is this a destination or a path?  If you want something that is neat and
you'll leave it for many years, go for the active setup.  If, however,
you anticipate upgrading every couple of years, then passive gives you
more options.

Secondly, it is easy to argue for the theoretical advantage of active
speakers, but it is quite straightforward to mess up a simple active
system, so it really all depends on the specific system.

Thirdly, speakers are a very personal choice, so ignore anything anyone
tells you, as they'll normally just be recommending what they use.

Fourthly, if you can get something for a decent price then what's to
lose?  You can flog it on ebay if you don't like it, and it costs you
little or nothing.  Best way to get going IMO.

With reference to my third rule, I use Wharfedale 9.1s in my computer
system and they're fine, good value.  You pick three other
manufacturers below that which are not favourites for me.  Wharfedales
are decent value and easy to move on when you come to upgrade, what's
not to like?  Get the credit card out and start listening to some
tunes! :)

Oh and I've heard nothing but good things about that amp.


Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Wishlist for Transporter 2

2008-02-18 Thread adamslim

opaqueice;270631 Wrote: 
> There's a $300 Behringer unit (with six balanced outputs) that will do
> that.

Yeah but digital, man, this is the audiophile forum!

I actually would quite like this - the TP could have 6 analogue outs
configurable either to be a (up to 3-way) digital crossover or 5.1
system, catering for both audiophile and videophile.  Just software
innit?  One product for all.


Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-02-10 Thread adamslim

adamslim;267631 Wrote: 
> Valves may not be intrinsically better than transistors, maybe, but I'm
> pretty sure transistors -sound- worse than valves ;)

Phil Leigh Wrote: 
> Rant

opaqueice Wrote: 
> Rant

Crikey calm down calm down, there's me thinking smileys are there for a
purpose, to show - in this case - the gentle wink that goes with such a
statement.  Clearly despite such assistance I need to flag up my poor
attempt at humour even more clearly :D


Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-02-10 Thread adamslim

Phil Leigh;267621 Wrote: 
> Valves aren't "better" than transistors - they are just different.
> That's fine. Nothing wrong with that. But can we please have a
> moratorium on the unqualified use of the word "better"? No-one can
> define better in this context.

Valves may not be intrinsically better than transistors, maybe, but I'm
pretty sure transistors -sound- worse than valves ;)


Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-02-09 Thread adamslim

The Modwright mod (AFAIK) leaves everything up to DAC the same, but then
adds a valve output stage (replacing that in the TP), which is similar
to an amplifier.  If you contend that valve amplifiers can be superior
to transistors, than this could address an area of the TP that might be

I can't comment as to the efficacy as I have never heard it, but given
the dollar rate I reckon I might be able to import one direct and make
only a small loss on resale.  However, I've just bought speakers, so
it'll be a while before I play that game!


Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-02-09 Thread adamslim

tomjtx;267439 Wrote: 
> You could have gotten the same result feeding transporter through a tube
> preamp or buffer.
> I love tubes also but it is a shame you wasted that money when you
> could have gotten the same results for a fraction of the price.
> It is getting a bit tiresome listening  to  talk about the illusory
> "improvements"  modded TP's make posted ,IMO, rudely. on the slim
> forums.
> Modwright has it's own forum for that.

You could have gotten a better result by not posting.


Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-02-09 Thread adamslim

Thanks for sharing (does that sound like an AA comment? ;) ).  Out of
interest, why did you go for the Modwright over other modders?


Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Arcam Solo Movie 2.1

2008-02-08 Thread adamslim

marksw;265242 Wrote: 
> I don't watch many films

Don't buy a device primarily suited to films then! :)

I can't help directly as I don't know the RS6s.  However, it seems that
your problems are caused by a noisy NAS, which is not going to be solved
by a Solo Movie, and by an inadequate amp, which is unlikely to be
improved upon massively by a 5.1 amp with DSP.

So I'd fix the noise problem - either remove from the room, encase or
replace.  Then fix the amp problem - and I would recommend considering
valves if you like jazz and classical.


Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Anyone identify this cable?

2008-02-06 Thread adamslim

Sorry, I can only tell the difference between cables blind ;)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Linn Klimax DS - Network Music Player

2008-01-31 Thread adamslim

harmonic;264278 Wrote: 
> What  ? i did no such thing ,   you did.
> Why would you buy a Mclaren mercedes  when you can get from a/b in a
> fiat punto?
> sure you can buy 65 sb3`s for the price of the klimax ds  but to me it 
> dossent sound as good .
> Then ad there is the design and overall kvality to the design.
> The only thing that matters i think  is  ,are the  extra amounth of
> money the  klimax ds cost compared to the sb3worth the extra  price
> ?
> Most will say no including me.
> But that dossent change the fact  that  it sounded completly mesamizing
> and i would love to owen it.
> Enyway I was  pointing out that IF you buy  a linn Klimax ds  it will
> forever be upgradeble just like the sondek wich was released in 1973 .
> The sondek  have  gone through massive upgrades since then based apone
> orginal platform  and all the upgrades have been aveileble to the linn
> customers. 
> The klimax DS with its extreme kvality housing   is the same in this
> regard
> For  me this is a Huge  benefit,

Oh gosh, I find myself agreeing with Harmonic, what's going on ?!?!

I haven't heard a Klimax DS but Linn's record (sorry) in digital replay
is excellent.  I recognise that it might be euphonic and less accurate
(might being an important word here), but they have a lot of history
that Slim Devices don't have.  This is not a dig at the Transporter - a
truly remarkable device, sure, but I think it would be folly to consider
it the best possible, ever.

I do disagree with the upgrade side though - I've never liked the way
that you get suckered into an ongoing upgrade path with Linn and Naim
that promises smaller and smaller improvements.  A good business model
for them, sure, but I'm quite happy selling my old stuff to buy new, if
that's what I want; this also allows me to step back and consider other
manufacturers without thinking about the potential lost investment in
the old kit.



Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have

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SB3, Charlize, Harbeth HL-P3ES

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] B&W 802D Speakers. Tempted.

2008-01-30 Thread adamslim

GuyDebord;263886 Wrote: 
> Dont get me wrong, B&W are not bad speakers, but they spend a lot of
> their budget in heavy branding campaigns which the majority swallow.
> Lets say they are not the best in the ratio of what you get for the
> money, Almost all the time I discover how much better are smaller and
> less known audio companies, this is why I prefer them.
> A lot of the value you get with the likes of B&W is the value of the
> BRAND, which is the same seducer that makes people grab Louis Vuitton's
> instead of others...

Like Andrew, I think you're being a bit harsh here.  Sure B&W spend a
lot on brand advertising, but this is a rational business decision - it
sells speakers.  Their business model is to ensure high sales so they
can spend money on R&D and get economies of scale.  This is different
from my speaker manufacturer's, which is lower volume and lower
advertising, but there's nothing wrong with B&W.

Comparing them to Louis Vuitton is disingenuous - fashion brands
deliberately price high to become exclusive, and make obscene per item
profits.  B&W do loads of R&D and produce a product that is at the
leading edge of the market.  You may not like it, but all those studios
would not use it for mastering if it were not good enough, even if they
got it for free.

So to the OP: pay attention to all the specific recommendations, and
spend time listening, as speakers have a big influence on the character
of the sound and it's all very personal, but if you prefer the 802Ds
you'll have a great speaker.  Not as good as my OBX-R2, obviously... ;)


Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Best sound possible

2008-01-30 Thread adamslim

hshrader;263878 Wrote: 
> I need no beating.  Thanks for unequivocal clarification. 
> Hans

LOL :)  Welcome to the forum Hans.  I've not been around here too much
recently, but it seems in my absence some initiation rites have been
set up!  I thought that kind of thing was restricted to the Audio
Circle :)


Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Lavry DA10 DAC: Subjective Impressions and Listening Tests (Long)

2008-01-28 Thread adamslim

Great post, thanks for taking the time :)


Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter vs SB3 worthwhile for this system?

2008-01-27 Thread adamslim

I've little doubt your system is good enough to merit a Transporter, but
why not start off with a SB3 and see if you like it all?  Trust me, if
you decide to get a TP later you'll find somewhere to use the SB3 -
very nice in a kitchen system :)


Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] lust object speakers

2008-01-24 Thread adamslim

I just got me some Living Voice OBX-R2s, so as far as I can see it's job
done on the speaker front for a decade!


|Filename: LV.jpg   |


Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB3 mediocre sound quality

2008-01-20 Thread adamslim

crooner;260599 Wrote: 
> Would have loved to produce this thing commercially, but it wouldn't be
> cheap. I'd probably end up losing money. Call it the "Marantz 10B" of
> streaming network players!!

Patrick Dixon does something similar with his SB+, which I bought. 
Rehouse, improved PSU in a separate box, although I think he played
more with the output stage than you did, IIRC.  But the advice must be,
never to turn a labour of love into a product, surely! :)


Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have

' group: people who don't listen to any of's top

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SB3, Shek d2, Ming-Da MC84-C, Harbeth HL-P3ES

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Downloads From Linn

2008-01-16 Thread adamslim

Foobar will downsample too.


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' group: people who don't listen to any of's top

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] CD Player as DAC recommendation?

2008-01-10 Thread adamslim

The Resolution Audio Opus 21 is much admired, and has a digital input. 
It's somewhat over £2k, IIRC - over budget?


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' group: people who don't listen to any of's top

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] 6moons preview ModWright Transporter

2008-01-08 Thread adamslim

seanadams;256048 Wrote: 
> Maybe. Or maybe based on what I know of the Transporter and of
> electrical engineering, I can be quite confident in my position with
> just the information at hand.
> Here's an analogy:

Your analogy is a bit disingenuous - these mods are available, so you
can test them, unlike your strings.

seanadams;256048 Wrote: 
> You don't think I have better things to do? the only reason I post in
> threads like this is because I don't want my customers to be misled.
> But after a certain point, if someone insists on believing despite all
> evidence to the contrary, I give up!

You may have better things to do, but Slim Devices, a company producing
an audiophile product, should have someone who investigates actual
competing and complementary products.  This is not some theory out
there that the software version x has quantum alignment properties that
sweeten the sound, it's an actual product that someone makes and people
buy on the basis that it sounds better than yours.  How much time would
it really take?

I don't believe that the Modwright (or whatever) mods are better than
the stock TP; I haven't heard them, so I can hold no position. 
However, the more I see where you diss them without checking them out,
the more I am sceptical about the TP!

Would it not even be interesting to get the modders around and have
some kind of challenge?  Allow them to demonstrate the improvements,
with neutral observers?  This would be a fun event, and there's no
downside for you - every TP modded is a TP sold by you!



Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have

' group: people who don't listen to any of's top

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SB3, Shek d2, Ming-Da MC84-C, Harbeth HL-P3ES

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] 6moons preview ModWright Transporter

2008-01-08 Thread adamslim

seanadams;255997 Wrote: 
> But hey, maybe I don't know my head from a hole in the wall if you
> think that's the case, go ahead and buy one of these modded TPs, and we
> can have a listen, see what's in it, and test their claims.

It's a good response, Sean, but I would have thought that you would be
interested in buying one and seeing if there is something in it.  That
is the ultimate test.

You could even have A-B trials at your next open day, and demonstrate
that the difference is euphonic distortion, and the the TP is better.

Surely Logitech's budget would run to that?


Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have

' group: people who don't listen to any of's top

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] FS: a DAC and PSU ready-made upgrade

2008-01-05 Thread adamslim

now sold, thanks



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] FS: a DAC and PSU ready-made upgrade

2008-01-05 Thread adamslim

Never sure if classified posts are welcome here, so I'll do one anyway!

Now I have shrunk my kitchen system (see the DIY section), a couple of
bits are surplus to requirements:

- A Skynet SNP-8080 PSU.  This is a PSU that outputs 10A at 5V and 6A
at 12V - ideal to be used with the SB3 plus a 12V DAC, say.  It's boxed
and has suitable flying leads for SB3 and DAC

- A Derek Shek D2 DAC, which is an excellent little NOS
(non-oversampling) DAC

For details on these, see for the
PSU for the DAC

I'll sell these together, with a decent Blue Jeans digital
interconnect, for £150 all-in, or nearest offer.  UK only, delivery for
a tenner.  The parts alone would cost around £250.

Here's a piccie of the DAC and PSU:

And here's one of the PSU with a white SB3:

The only barrier to complete plug-and-play is that the DAC power
connector is slightly the wrong size - I used a 2.5mm connector, and I
think the DAC needs something a bit smaller.  It fits, but is a bit
loose; easily remedied using a bit of sellotape

PM if interested



Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have

' group: people who don't listen to any of's top

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SB3, Shek d2, Ming-Da MC84-C, Harbeth HL-P3ES

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] AccurateRip not working with EAC

2008-01-04 Thread adamslim

Do you have the latest version of EAC?  The AccurateRip integration is
much better now - it took me just a few minutes to set up, a big
difference from a year ago!


Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have

' group: people who don't listen to any of's top

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SB3, Shek d2, Ming-Da MC84-C, Harbeth HL-P3ES

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Beginner's Basic Setup - Home Theatre or Hi-Fi

2007-12-28 Thread adamslim

1 - I would (indeed have) go for a music system, and plug the TV/DVD
into it.  This means no compromise on music, and IMO such systems are
perfectly good for AV - you just need the ability to go fairly loud,
really.  If you watch lots of TV and films, maybe a surround system
could work for you, but do you want all the extra speakers and cabling?
That's why I got rid of mine.

In terms of specific recs, I'm not too familiar with the Oz market. 
All my stuff is British, which may get expensive once import duty and
the exchange rate are considered.  Given your budget I would be looking
at ebay and secondhand - you'll get a lot more for your money.

2 - you need powered speakers or an amp plus speakers.  For a bedroom
the former is smaller and neater; Audio Engines are recommended by some
- try a search on this forum, you'll find loads!




Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have

' group: people who don't listen to any of's top

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Simply my audio life

2007-12-24 Thread adamslim

agentsmith;251044 Wrote: 
> OK I broke down and got sick of tuning all my equipment.

Does the tuning make that much difference, or are you trying to, uh,
polish a turd (to use an old Transporter-related phrase)?

Spending lots of time and/or cash doing minor tweaks is indicative of
mild paranoia or a system wrong for you.  Try some radically different
stuff, like valves - into full-range drivers if you like the F80!  Buy
more music.  Try building your own kit.


Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have

' group: people who don't listen to any of's top

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SB3, Shek d2, Ming-Da MC84-C, Harbeth HL-P3ES

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Gimell Records offers Professional Quality Downloads

2007-12-22 Thread adamslim

gharris999;250733 Wrote: 
> Moan about prices

gharris999;250738 Wrote: 
> OK, I've talked myself into giving it a try.

35 minutes and they didn't even have time to respond.  Show some
backbone, man!

My comment on price: you can buy these on Amazon for less than a tenner
- why would I get the download at £9.99?  I think that the studio master
downloads should be under a tenner.  (Indeed I am unconvinced that there
should be a significant difference in price for studio masters too - the
costs are the same, virtually.  Why not just a quid extra?)

How much does the studio see from the £10 CD sale?  Three quid? 
Whereas they get all of the amount when using their own distribution
system.  They should be pushing this strongly, and pricing it
aggressively - this can massively increase their revenues.

Anyway, nice to see another joiner :)


Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have

' group: people who don't listen to any of's top

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Not all 24/96 flac's are created equal

2007-12-18 Thread adamslim

I found foobar to be better than DBPowerAmp for converting to 48kHz. 
Just downsample but keep the original files for when/if you get a
Transporter: HD space is free...

The FLAC frontend will convert 24/96 WAVs to FLAC IIRC - I think this
is what I used.  I just have so little hi-res source material as we
can't rip SACDs, bah humbug!


Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have

' group: people who don't listen to any of's top

SB+, EAR V20, Heybrook Sextets plus some other stuff
SB3, Shek d2, Ming-Da MC84-C, Harbeth HL-P3ES

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Any changes to FW v.83 that would effect sound?

2007-12-05 Thread adamslim

opaqueice;247034 Wrote: 
> True - they're mostly well into their retirements.

A mate's friend is retired and really very wealthy indeed.  He has some
huge Linn system, and every so often my mate or I get a call asking us
to come listen to new speakers, or some such.  Daddy is really rather
hard of hearing, and cannot hear any difference at all, so he asks us
to say if it sounds better, then buys off the back of that.

Annoyingly, his system does sound very good indeed!


Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have

' group: people who don't listen to any of's top

SB+, EAR V20, Heybrook Sextets plus some other stuff
SB3, Shek d2, Ming-Da MC84-C, Harbeth HL-P3ES

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] HD Music Downloads from iTrax

2007-11-25 Thread adamslim

Dr. AIX;245193 Wrote: 
> What would the meta data tags ideally be?

Everyone has a different answer.  IMO the best you can do is put a
reasonable amount in the standard tags (artist, album, title etc), and
stick the rest into the Comment tag.  People who care will fill it out
as they like.

I like your idea of the customer choosing, but there is no way you will
tag it the way I want it.  Therefore, spending a lot of time here is
kinda pointless.  Anyone else like me will also customise the tags,
whereas normal people will be happy with a middling system.



Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have

' group: people who don't listen to any of's top

SB+, EAR V20, Heybrook Sextets plus some other stuff
SB3, Shek d2, Ming-Da MC84-C, Harbeth HL-P3ES

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Will Linn high resolution recordings play on an SB3?

2007-11-22 Thread adamslim

Use Foobar to downsample them to 24/44.1 or 24/48 as appropriate rather
than relying on the SB to do it properly (it doesn't).

I have a few and they sound fantastic, but I imagine that the CDs do
too - never compared them!



Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have

' group: people who don't listen to any of's top

SB+, EAR V20, Heybrook Sextets plus some other stuff
SB3, Shek d2, Ming-Da MC84-C, Harbeth HL-P3ES

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Remember the Randi million dollar cable challenge?

2007-11-19 Thread adamslim

Well we've proved that such a system is so good that it can get a great
sound through any cables.  Plus, that room looks pretty acoustically
active, a DAB radio would probably sound good ;)

[/Deliberate Flamebait]


Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have

' group: people who don't listen to any of's top

SB+, EAR V20, Heybrook Sextets plus some other stuff
SB3, Shek d2, Ming-Da MC84-C, Harbeth HL-P3ES

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Linn 24/96 downloads make my SB3 freeze

2007-11-18 Thread adamslim

I agree with the firmware matter, although best sound with the SB3 and
>48kHz is achieved by using Foobar or similar to downsample by half, so
in this case to 48kHz.  Just missing out every other sample was never
intended as more than a quick hack, I think.



Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have

' group: people who don't listen to any of's top

SB+, EAR V20, Heybrook Sextets plus some other stuff
SB3, Shek d2, Ming-Da MC84-C, Harbeth HL-P3ES

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