Re: waiting for an NSThread

2008-10-12 Thread Omar Qazi


NSThread *newThread = [self startTheThread];
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]addObserver:self  
selector:@selector(threadExited:) name:NSThreadWillExitNotification  

- (void)threadExited:(NSNotification *)noti {
NSLog(@"Thread exited");

On Oct 12, 2008, at 8:42 PM, John Zorko wrote:

  Can I have Cocoa notify me when a thread ends, like it notifies me  
when an observed property changes?

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Re: Can we discuss iPhone development yet?

2008-10-01 Thread Omar Qazi

Not immediately.

(See: Please Hold off on iPhone Discussion)

Sent from my iPhone (which I can talk about now)
Omar Qazi
Hello Galaxy

On Oct 1, 2008, at 3:54 PM, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> wrote:

I just got notified that Apple has dropped the NDA:

I wonder what are liberties are; concerning development questions.


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Re: CoreData fetched property: one-to-one-to-many relationship

2008-08-03 Thread Omar Qazi
Create an NSFetechedPropertyDescription by setting up a fetch request  
in code, then add the property using the setProperties method of  
NSEntityDescription. It is only possible to edit an  
NSEntityDescription if you are not associated with a persistent store  
coordinator, so be careful. You might want to just add a custom method  
to the class of your Core Data model to execute the fetch request and  
get the job done.

Omar Qazi
Hello, Galaxy!

On Aug 3, 2008, at 9:49 AM, James Gregurich wrote:


I'm trying to figure out how to dynamically (in code) set up a  
fetched property with a Coredata in-memory store. The documentation  
is not detailed enough for me to quite see what the correct way to  
set the code up is and I'm not finding much in the way of useful  
sample code when searching on NSFetchedPropertyDescription.

What is the correct way to programmatically add a fetched property  
to the box  to get the list of stories for a given box managed object?

James Gregurich
Engineering Manager

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Re: Launch Path Not Accessible

2008-08-02 Thread Omar Qazi

You don't need to chmod the file NSTask is really meant for executing
Mach-I executables, so the launch path needs to be the interpreter.
For example, if this is a ruby script your launch path would be /usr/
bin/ruby and your first argument would be the first argument. If it's
a shell script you would use /bin/sh and the script would be the first
argument (and so on and so fourth).

Omar Qazi
Hello, Galaxy

On Aug 2, 2008, at 2:19 PM, "Steve Cronin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Andrew:
> Thanks for the slap on the head!
> So I chmod'ed the file and no longer get the 'not accessible error'
> BUT now I get:
> *** NSTask: Task create for path '/Users/steve/Library/Application
> Support/XYZ/Scripts/myUseful.o' failed: 88, "Malformed Mach-o file"
> So I must be missing something about the contents of script files.
> Here's my script:
> myUseful.m
> #import 
> int main(int argc, char **argv)
> {
>char dummy;
>read(STDIN_FILENO, &dummy, 1);
>[NSAutoreleasePool new];
>NSURL *url = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:[NSString
> stringWithUTF8String:argv[1]]];
>return 0;
> }
> You will just have to trust me that I DO need to launch the file in
> this manner.
> What do I need to do to this file to make it into the correct format?
> THANKS AGAIN for the chmod help!
> Steve
> On Aug 2, 2008, at 3:26 PM, Andrew Farmer wrote:
>> On 02 Aug 08, at 13:01, Steve Cronin wrote:
>>> I'm trying to do something that seems like it should be easy, but
>>> I'm stymied by what I think is a permissions error I don't
>>> understand.
>>> I'm trying to run a script using NSTask.
>>> I have the static script stored as a separate file in my bundle.
>>> I have created a folder in my "Applications Support" directory
>>> called "Scripts" and copied my script and several items into this
>>> directory.
>>> Note that this has a space in the full pathname!
>>> SO I have tried the following:
>>> NSString *myScriptPath = [[self scriptsFolderPath]
>>> stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"myUseful.script"];  //yes I have
>>> verified this is a valid path!!!
>>> NSTask *task = [[[NSTask alloc] init] autorelease];
>>> [task setLaunchPath: myScriptPath];
>>> [task setArguments:[NSArray arrayWithObject:...]];
>>> [task setStandardInput:[NSPipe pipe]];
>>> [task launch];
>>> ERRROR: launch path not accessible
>> Are you sure myUseful.script is directly executable? Just because
>> it's double-clickable in the Finder doesn't mean it's executable...
>> if this is an AppleScript, though, you may have better luck working
>> with NSAppleScript.
>>> So, thinking that the 'space' maybe wanking out the
>>> 'setLaunchPath' I tried to convert to a 'safe' url path:
>>> NSURL *myScriptFileURL = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:t];
>>> ...
>>> [task setLaunchPath:[myScriptFileURL absoluteString]];

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Re: NSTextView + other NSView in NSScrollView?

2008-07-27 Thread Omar Qazi
Putting two views inside a scroll view seems like a weird way to go  
about this. What I would do is create a custom NSView subclass that  
draws information at the top and has an NSTextView as a subview drawn  

Omar Qazi
Hello, Galaxy!

On Jul 27, 2008, at 8:31 PM, Jacob Bandes-Storch wrote:

I'm trying to create a Mail-style scroll view, with a view for  
information (like the view for message headers) above a text view  
for the content. I created two NSViews in Interface Builder, changed  
the class of the bottom one to NSTextView, selected both, and  
clicked Layout > Embed Objects In > Scroll View.

This all works (it puts the views inside a scroll view), but the  
NSTextView doesn't play well with the scroll view when it increases  
in size, and when the scroll view changes size. When the text view  
increases in size, instead of just getting longer by a line, it gets  
longer and moves down, and the scroll view doesn't enable the  
scrollbar. If I shrink the scroll view by means of resizing the  
window (and I do have the autosizing set properly), the text view  
moves up erratically, and doesn't move back down when I increase the  
window size again.

Everything works just fine when I create an NSTextView and embed it  
in a scroll view without another view alongside... because the  
NSTextView itself becomes the scroll view's "document view".

So... what's the right way to go about doing this? Should I even try  
to be putting 2 views in a scroll view for the effect I'm aiming  
for? Thanks in advance.

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Re: Need help with predicate format

2008-07-27 Thread Omar Qazi

On Jul 27, 2008, at 1:37 PM, Fabian wrote:

I want to query all keys in
each dictionary for a given string, i. e. something like "(ANY
SELF.function.collection.keys.value contains %@, searchString)". What
is the most efficient way to do this?

Well, NSArray has a method called containsObject: so,

for (NSDictionary *aDict in myObject.dictionaries) {
BOOL containsKey = [[aDict allKeys]containsObject:theKey];
//Do whatever you want with this

To be honest, I don't know if this will work, since I don't know if  
containsObject is checking if the argument is a pointer to an object  
in the array, or if it is equal to the object, but it's better than  
nothing, I guess.

Omar Qazi
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Re: How to locate coding examples for specified commands [Newbie]

2008-07-26 Thread Omar Qazi

On Jul 26, 2008, at 1:49 AM, Phil Faber wrote:

Can anyone direct me to an on-line resource that includes examples  
of how to use specific Cocoa commands? is a good one.

 (Are things like - (NSString *)capitalizedString called 'commands'  
or should I call them something else?)


 It's often so much easier to understand how it works by seeing an  

Of course. Good luck getting started.

Omar Qazi
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Re: NSSpeechSynthesizer delegate method not called in OCUint

2008-07-26 Thread Omar Qazi

On Jul 25, 2008, at 6:14 PM, Sean DeNigris wrote:

Hi, I'm using OCUnit injected into my project executable in xCode to  
test a class that contains an NSSynthesizer.

The following didFinishSpeaking method gets called when I run the  
app normally, but not in the test.

This is because, ostensibly (I don't know what the controller's stopIt  
method does, but I can imagine), the speech synthesizer never started  
speaking any text. If you stop the Speech Synthesizer before it starts  
speaking any text, it's not going to call that delegate method.

Omar Qazi
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Re: How to programmatically open an NSComboBox's list?

2008-07-17 Thread Omar Qazi

On Jul 17, 2008, at 9:26 AM, Jens Alfke wrote:

I have an NSComboBox, and I want to automatically pop open the list,  
without the user having to click the button. But I can't find  
anything in the API of either the control or the cell to do this.  
Did I overlook something?

Maybe you could fake the mouse even that would normally pop it open.

Omar Qazi
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Re: notification when app is moved

2008-07-17 Thread Omar Qazi

On Jul 17, 2008, at 3:50 AM, Mitchell Livingston wrote:

How can I call it again if I don't know it moved? Waiting until it  
fails is a bit too late in the process. Sure, chances are the app  
won't move, but why should it ever fail? Storing it in the library  
folder is not a real good option.

Sure. Then just update it every time the Application starts. Or do  
something like

// I  need to access that one file

if (![[NSFileManager defaultFileManager]fileExistsAtPath:savedPath]) {
newPath = [[NSBundle mainBundle]pathForResource:@"Whatever"  

[self savePath:newPath];

//Use saved path

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Re: mdbackup binary plist files

2008-07-17 Thread Omar Qazi

On Jul 16, 2008, at 8:15 PM, Ryan Chapman wrote:

Hopefully there is someone here who knows something about binary plist
files.  When an iPhone's firmware is upgraded in iTunes, a framework  

MobileSync creates a backup of the iPhone's data files.  The backup is
stored in .mdbackup files, in ~/Library/Application
I've found that the .mdbackup files are Apple binary plists (the  
magic is
bplist00, followed by 0xD4), however any attempts to read the files  
give the
error "Conversion of data failed. The file is not UTF-8, or in the  

specified in XML header if XML."

The plists are encoded in base-64. You can use this to decode them:

(Found via Craig Hockenberry on Twitter)

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Re: notification when app is moved

2008-07-16 Thread Omar Qazi

On Jul 16, 2008, at 8:28 PM, Mitchell Livingston wrote:

But if the app is moved, the string that was previously returned  
from the call is no longer valid.

So... call it again. You can do this whenever the user starts your  
application, or when the call returns an error saying that it can't  
find the file.

You might be worrying about this too much. How often will a user move  
your application? If these files don't change you might even consider  
copying them to the user's library folder the first time your app is  

Omar Qazi
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Re: alternative to flash

2008-07-16 Thread Omar Qazi

On Jul 16, 2008, at 7:35 PM, Chris Cooley wrote:

Apple said creating an NDA-covered discussion area was moot because  
the iPhone NDA would be ending July 11, 2008.

No they didn't. As far as I know it's still in effect, even though the  
software has been released to the public the SDK hasn't. In fact I'm  
pretty sure I read that on this mailing list.

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Re: notification when app is moved

2008-07-16 Thread Omar Qazi

On Jul 16, 2008, at 6:08 PM, Mitchell Livingston wrote:

I have code that must know where a folder inside the Resources  
folder of the application is. This location must be updated whenever  
the app is moved to another location. Is there some sort of callback  
I can register to receive for this?

Sorry I got confused about what you were trying to say, but if you  
want a resource in your OWN application's bundle you can just use

[[NSBundle mainBundle]pathForResource:@"File" ofType:@"txt"];

and skip that thing I said about NSWorkspace.

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Re: notification when app is moved

2008-07-16 Thread Omar Qazi

On Jul 16, 2008, at 6:08 PM, Mitchell Livingston wrote:

I have code that must know where a folder inside the Resources  
folder of the application is. This location must be updated whenever  
the app is moved to another location. Is there some sort of callback  
I can register to receive for this?

Huh? Where a folder inside the resources folder of an application is?  
I'm going to assume you mean the full path of something inside of an  
Application bundle.

You don't need to get a notification when the app is moved. Instead, I  
would recommend using NSBundle's pathForResource: ofType: in  
combination with NSWorkspace's fullPathForApplication:. So whenever  
you needed the path of that folder, you could do something like this:

NSString *pathToApp = [[NSWorkspace  
sharedWorkspace]fullPathForApplication:@"Whatever Application"];

NSBundle *appBundle = [[NSBundle alloc]initWithPath:pathToApp];
NSString *resourcePath = [appBundle  
pathForResource:@"WhateverResource" ofType:@"Whatever Type"];

Omar Qazi
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Re: Efficiently receiving data from an NSTask

2008-07-06 Thread Omar Qazi

On Jul 6, 2008, at 7:46 AM, Martin Hairer wrote:

This works like a treat and is faster by a factor 3 or so than using
the "Moriarity" implementation. However, it leaves me a bit concerned
about various warnings all over the place concerning the thread
(un)safety of NSTask and NSFileHandle. So my question is: is the kind
of approach that I am taking doable / reasonable? If not, is there an
alternative way of doing this which is more efficient  than the
"Moriarty" code? Thanks a lot in advance for any help / hint,

NSFileHandle *msgHandle = [standardInput fileHandleForReading];
[msgHandle waitForDataInBackgroundAndNotify];

- (void)newMessage:(NSNotification *)notification {
	NSString *strOutput = [[NSString alloc]initWithData:[msgHandle  
availableData] encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];

//Process the data
[msgHandle waitForDataInBackgroundAndNotify];

This is what I'm using in one of my Cocoa apps. I don't know if it's  
faster, but I would assume so, since there is no loop. Also, If i've  
interpreted the documentation correctly, the method is run in the main  
thread so you don't have to worry about anything being thread safe.

Omar Qazi
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RE: Methods that return autoreleased objects?

2008-06-28 Thread Omar Qazi
Oops. Sorry for the double reply. Stupid phone doesn't have a threaded view.

-Original Message-
From: Shawn Erickson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, June 28, 2008 5:32 PM
To: john muchow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Methods that return autoreleased objects?

On Sat, Jun 28, 2008 at 5:25 PM, john muchow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The last thread that I saw on this topic was dated sometime in
> 2004if there is something more recent that I didn't find, I
> apologize up front...
> I realize nothing has probably changed as far as the API and the
> documentation to indicate autoreleased methods, however, can someone
> provide any insight as to how one knows if a method from a framework
> returns an autoreleased object?

Who cares if it is autoreleased? That is essentially an implementation
detail in most situations.

Just learn the memory management rules, mix in common sense, look for
exceptions to the rules (very seldom do any exist) and follow the
rules in your own code.


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RE: Methods that return autoreleased objects?

2008-06-28 Thread Omar Qazi
Well theres no way to know, unless it's specifically mentioned in the 
documentation, but it really shouldn't matter. If you need the object retain 
it, if you don't let someone else worry about it.

-Original Message-
From: john muchow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, June 28, 2008 5:24 PM
Subject: Methods that return autoreleased objects?

The last thread that I saw on this topic was dated sometime in
2004if there is something more recent that I didn't find, I
apologize up front...

I realize nothing has probably changed as far as the API and the
documentation to indicate autoreleased methods, however, can someone
provide any insight as to how one knows if a method from a framework
returns an autoreleased object?



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RE: Building a Setup Assistant

2008-06-28 Thread Omar Qazi
NSViewController will hanfle view swapping stylishly. The oreily book is really 
outdated. Read Hillegas' instead. I'd link you but I am writing this on my 

-Original Message-
From: Christopher Keath <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, June 28, 2008 2:14 PM
Subject: Building a Setup Assistant

> For the life of me, I just don't know where to begin on this  
> seemingly simple project, which is basically my first Xcode project.
> Quite specifically, I can't seem to figure out how to setup the  
> 'Next' button that would step you thru each stage of the process.  
> All I want to do is collect some text based info that I will write  
> out to a plist. But this process will involve about 10 windows that  
> ask various questions, and later windows will need access to info  
> entered in earlier windows. KInd of like the registration apps that  
> launch after an application installs.
> I have read through Cocoa with Objective C (the O'Reilly book) but  
> there is nothing about having non-document based apps with more then  
> 1 window. I have looked thru the examples as well, but none seem to  
> follow this format.
> I'm especially having trouble with the fact that I am using XCode 3,  
> and it looks nothing like the examples in the book - for the life of  
> me I can't figure out where the Classes Menu went, and I can't find  
> the Instantiate command that will make the header files and so forth  
> in Xcode based on what I do in IB.
> So anyway -
> Do I want to try and do this with only 1 window object, and have  
> each stage simply load a new view? Or do I want a new nib for each  
> step?
> In either case, I have no idea where to begin. I can add my initial  
> text box that will hold my Welcome message, and I can add the 'Next'  
> button, all to the Window, but have no idea where to go from  
> there Do I need some kind of custom class for this? Where do I  
> overwrite the default latin text that is in my box? Can window have  
> multiple views that are mutually exclusive? or do I need to load a  
> new nib for each window? How do you load a new nib? How do you take  
> the old one off?
> Should I be trying to use core data for this? I messed with that for  
> a while but for the life of me could not figure out how to attach  
> the data objects I made in the Core Data part of XCode to fields in  
> IB.
> I can do the table view stuff from the book too, to get and write  
> the data I want for each window, but structurally, I'm not sure how  
> to setup a series of windows that would all have access to that  
> data, or even how to load the next window.
> I know it's a very basic question, but I would really appreciate the  
> help.
> Chris


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Re: Checking availability of host/website

2008-06-28 Thread Omar Qazi

On Jun 28, 2008, at 12:36 AM, Michael Kaye wrote:

I have implemented an SCNetworkReachAbility based method to test  
firstly whether a network is available, but I was wondering in your  
opinion what is the best way to check that the remote host/website  
is responding to requests?

It depends on what your definition of availability is. If you want to  
ping the server you can wrap a ping command through NSTask. If you  
want to check if it responds to connections, NSURLConnection is for  
you. If you want to check if the system is connected to the internet  
you would use the api for that.

You probably just want to open an NSURLConnection and see if it  
doesn't accept the connection within a second or whatever.

Omar Qazi
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Re: Extent of NDA concerning iPhone

2008-06-27 Thread Omar Qazi

On Jun 27, 2008, at 11:27 AM, John Murphy wrote:

I was planning to put some video tutorials up on my site that  
included some stuff on the iPhone. Should I hold off?

This is not really the right place for a question like that. That  
said, yes.

Omar Qazi
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Re: Losing some event

2008-06-27 Thread Omar Qazi

On Jun 27, 2008, at 10:37 AM, Laurent Cerveau wrote:

- I also make sure I make the view ist the firstResponder of the  

Sorry, I missed the last line of your email.

Omar Qazi
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Re: Losing some event

2008-06-27 Thread Omar Qazi

On Jun 27, 2008, at 10:37 AM, Laurent Cerveau wrote:


I am experiencing with Core Animation applications in kiosk mode and  
starts from the MenuView sample code I found somewhere on Apple web  
site (it displays a Quartz Composer composition in the background  
with a few CALayer that acts as button). In order to go full screen  
I have been going around the list archive, avoided enterFullScreen,  
and went with what seemed to have most sense that is :

- create a window that covers the screen
- move the content view of the window I use in IB to this one
- use the SetSystemUIMode API to hide menu bar and dock
- make sure the new window is properly the one getting events with  
- I also make sure I make the view ist the firstResponder of the  

However I do not get any more any keyDown,  moveUp mouseDown

The window itself is probably not going to respond to key and mouse  
events. It the custom view that is supposed to accept these events,  
implement them, and then make sure that view can become the  
firstResponder. You might want to set it as the window's  
initialFirstResponder so that it will accept events on startup. If you  
don't know what that means, you should probably read this:

Omar Qazi
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Re: What does 'thread safe' mean?

2008-06-27 Thread Omar Qazi

On Jun 26, 2008, at 11:50 PM, Kevin Ferguson wrote:
I am not entirely sure as to what exactly a thread is, but seeing as  
anything I've ever programmed is light weight, I've never needed to  
worry before

And you don't need to worry now. If you don't know what a thread is,  
and therefore are presumably only using a single thread,  you really  
don't need to worry about making sure your code is thread safe.

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Re: [Moderator] List Guidelines - Must Read

2008-06-26 Thread Omar Qazi

On Jun 26, 2008, at 11:01 PM, Jens Alfke wrote:
No, you've bought into the whole reality distortion field. What we  
_really_ need is for Apple to allow developer discussion of NDA'ed  
products. If there were an *Ph*n* mailing list on this server, and  
if that list were mentioned in the SDK or on the *Ph*n* developer  
home page, people would see it and go there to post. The list could  
be set up to require ADC membership to subscribe, so as to preserve  
the airtight confidentiality of all details of the *Ph*n* SDK.

Well I imagine this is going to happen soon anyway... July 11th isn't  
that far off anymore.

Until then perhaps you could emphasize this some more, like putting  
the little NDA boiler plate at the beginning of the welcome email. Or  
maybe even making it the subject.

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Re: NSSpeechSynthesizer and empty strings

2008-06-26 Thread Omar Qazi

On Jun 26, 2008, at 5:32 PM, Nick Zitzmann wrote:

 It is possible for an NSString to have zero length but not be empty.

Huh. Didn't know that. I must have done that at least a million times  
just today.

*Opens Xcode*

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Re: NSArchiver question?

2008-06-26 Thread Omar Qazi

On Jun 26, 2008, at 4:09 PM, Damien Cooke wrote:

do I need to override this method below for my class DCOViewItem to  
use the NSArchiver class?

(void)encodeWithCoder:(NSCoder *)encoder

Yes. Not only that but you also need to implement decodeWithCoder:

For information on how to do that, i recommend that you read this:

Omar Qazi
Hello, Galaxy!

P.S. Use NSKeyedArchiver  / NSKeyedUnarchiver instead.

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Re: description and proxy objects

2008-06-26 Thread Omar Qazi

On Jun 26, 2008, at 4:36 PM, Torsten Curdt wrote:

I am getting the selected object from a controller (that is using  

NSDictionary *accountSettings = [accountsController selection];

The returned object is a proxy object. But why isn't the  
[accountSettings description] passed on?
Instead of the print out of the contents of the dictionary I am now  
getting the description of the proxy object.

<_NSControllerObjectProxy: 0x196110>

Do this:

NSDictionary *accountSettings = [[accountsController  

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Re: NSString help!

2008-06-25 Thread Omar Qazi

On Jun 25, 2008, at 10:44 PM, Eric Lee wrote:

Okay, I've done this:

[labelField setstringValue:[textField StringValue]];

However, when I build it, and I type something in and then press the  

the string doesn't show up on the labelField IBOutlet.

How can I resolve this?

Ok, Cocoa is case sensitive. What this means is that stringValue is  
not the same thing as StringValue.

All methods in Cocoa follow the naming convention of starting lower  
case and having each word after that uppercase


So basically, stringValue: and setStringValue: are the methods you  
need to use.

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Re: NSString help!

2008-06-25 Thread Omar Qazi

On Jun 25, 2008, at 2:36 PM, Eric Lee wrote:

I’m trying to get a string from one text field and then set the  
string in

another text field.

[anotherTextField setStringValue:[oneTextField string value]];

Or, if you want to be cool with Objective-C 2.0:

anotherTextField.stringValue = oneTextField.stringValue;

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Re: Application Main window not appearing on application launch

2008-06-21 Thread Omar Qazi

On Jun 21, 2008, at 2:05 PM, Omar Qazi wrote:

On Jun 21, 2008, at 12:18 PM, Clayton Leitch wrote:

Core data document application:  I edited the MyDocument.nib file  
to add a few fields to one view and now when I start the  
application, the main window does not appear.  Also, the new menu  
fails to produce a window.  What caused this and how do I avoid it.

Read your updated email. Ignore what I just said.

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Re: Application Main window not appearing on application launch

2008-06-21 Thread Omar Qazi

On Jun 21, 2008, at 12:18 PM, Clayton Leitch wrote:

Core data document application:  I edited the MyDocument.nib file to  
add a few fields to one view and now when I start the application,  
the main window does not appear.  Also, the new menu fails to  
produce a window.  What caused this and how do I avoid it.

Select the window in interface builder and make sure the "Show window  
at launch" checkbox is checked.

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Re: Quartz Composer file in IB

2008-06-20 Thread Omar Qazi

On Jun 20, 2008, at 9:09 AM, Dan Uff wrote:

I am trying to make a Cocoa application using a Quartz Composer file  
as output.  Everything works fine when I Simulate the app in IB, but  
when I actually compile the app in Xcode, I get the following error:


Any ideas?
-Dan Uff

I think that there's a framework you have to link against to get the  
Quartz Compositions to show up.

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Re: Add item to NSSavePanel sidebar

2008-06-19 Thread Omar Qazi

On Jun 19, 2008, at 6:36 PM, Jens Alfke wrote:

(b) there's no way to get NSSavePanel in your own process to notice  
the file's changed, since you don't want to kill yourself...

Good point.

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Re: Add item to NSSavePanel sidebar

2008-06-19 Thread Omar Qazi

On Jun 19, 2008, at 7:57 AM, Fedor Larin wrote:

I need to allow user to save some data to a file or a recordable cd  
( dvd ),

using NSSavePanel. Is it possible to programmatically add an icon
representing recordable media to NSSavePanel's sidebar?  Writing  
will be
performed on-fly, so standard way used in Finder with 'untitled cd'  
icon and

'burn' button is unsuitable.


The finder has to save the sidebar state to disk somewhere. I image  
that it would be possible to read that file and change the place where  
it mentions all the items in the sidebar to include your directory. If  
I had to guess I would probably say that sidebar data is stored in ~/ 
Library/Preferenced/ If this is true, you can  
read all of the data into a NSDictionary, which will make the file  
very easy to edit make it very easy to edit.

You also might need to restart finder after you make the change using  
something like "killall finder".

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Time Machine Helpers

2008-06-19 Thread Omar Qazi
I want to enable my application to be able to display it's own  
interface when time machine opens, so that users can see what the data  
in the application looked like at that point in time, similar to the  
way applications like Mail and iPhoto display their interfaces in Time  

I did a little digging, and found that Mail has an application called  
MailTimeMachineHelper inside it's bundle, but I don't see this bundle  
referenced under Info.plist or anything that would tell Time Machine  
to load this app.

Is there a key I have to add? Is this functionality hard-coded into  
Time Machine and only available in the iApps? Is this possible at all,  
because apple doesn't seem to have any documentation on it, and it  
seems like a useful thing to have in third party apps.

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Re: Getting all subclasses

2008-06-17 Thread Omar Qazi

On Jun 17, 2008, at 10:19 PM, Laurent Cerveau wrote:


Is there a way to get all subclases of a class. I have a class that  
I would call abstract (although I did not find any real way to  
declare some methods as virtual) and would like to get a list of all  
"real" subclass implementations.



If you have a bunch of classes that you want to check you can call  
[SomeClass isSubclassOf:anotherClass].

If you wrote the class yourself, what I would do is override the +  
initialize method to add the class to some kind of global array that  
you can access later. The runtime sends initialize to each class in a  
program exactly one time just before the class is sent its first  
message from within the program. So this will only work for each class  
that is actually used within the application.

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File System Notifications

2008-06-17 Thread Omar Qazi
I'm a little confused about file system notifications in Cocoa. In  
NSWorkspace, it says that the method for subscribing to file system  
notifications will always return NO, which seems useless to me. I know  
Carbon has the FNSubscribe() and FNUnsubscribe() functions, but can I  
use those to get a notification when another application opens a file?  
If not is there any way I can achieve this?

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Re: Displaying live NSSlider value

2008-06-17 Thread Omar Qazi

On Jun 17, 2008, at 1:19 PM, Andy Klepack wrote:

I have an NSSlider and while the drag is in progress I would like to  
display the value in a text field. When the drag completes I would  
like the new value to get set in the user preferences and an action  

As far as I can tell I'll have to set the slider to send its action  
continually in order to find out that value has changed. If that's  
so then I would need a way to determine whether the drag had  
completed and then behave appropriately.

Am I wrong, is there actually some sort of delegate method like  
"valueDidChange:" that could be used to differentiate the drag  
events from the drag-complete event? If I do have to do the  
determination in the action itself how would I find out that the  
drag completed?

This is probably a common usage pattern for a slider but I haven't  
found any previous discussion. Ideally I'd like to display the value  
and its changes in a tooltip as the user drags but that also has  
proven difficult to do.

Bindings? Perhaps I didn't understand your question, since nobody else  
has suggested this, but couldn't you bind the value of the slider to a  
controller, and it set the user preferences / execute the action in  
the accessor method?

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Re: Calendar Store for iCal Server calendar...

2008-06-17 Thread Omar Qazi

On Jun 17, 2008, at 2:12 PM, Charles E. Heizer wrote:

I'm trying to find more info on how to get access to calendars  
stored on a
iCal server. Everything I'm finding is for the local iCal calendar  


As far as I know (and a quick google search seems to confirm this),  
Apple doesn't provide and API for accessing iCal server. However,  
since iCal Sever is based on the open CalDAV protocol, there is most  
probably an API out there that will let you work with the iCal sever.  
If there isn't a native Cocoa framework, you can still use something  
in C, implement one yourself, or, if you're feeling rebellious, check  
to see if Apple has a framework in /System/Library/Private Frameworks.  
Of course using a private framework is not recommended.

Additionally, if the user is already syncing with the iCal sever in  
iCal, changes to the local calendar should be reflected on the server  

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Re: iMovie HD like splash screen

2008-06-17 Thread Omar Qazi

[NSApp terminate:self]

Omar Qazi
Hello, Galaxy!

On Jun 17, 2008, at 5:50 AM, Angelo Chen wrote:


I'd like to implement a iMovie HD like splash screen, here are some  
tips needed:

1) when the 'quit' button is clicked, how to quit the entire  

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Re: Newbie interface questions - multiple "modal" windows

2008-06-16 Thread Omar Qazi

On Jun 16, 2008, at 4:38 PM, Matthew Youney wrote:

1.  What is the best way to instantiate the “other” windows?  In this
application, all of the windows are quite unique, and there will  
never be

more than one instance of each.  Should this be done in the “main”
controller by loading the NIB, instantiating the other controller,  
and then

showing the window?

I agree that this sounds like a bad idea, but if you have good reason  
to, you might want to have a NSWindowController and nib for each  
window. Perhaps you should be more specific on how you intend to use  
the modal windows, and why they need to be modal.

As for your second question, I can't think of any examples of this,  
because I've never seen an application do this before. Maybe something  
with sheets?

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Re: nib and xib

2008-06-16 Thread Omar Qazi

On Jun 16, 2008, at 5:54 PM, William Squires wrote:

What's the difference? (assuming 'xib's aren't under NDA here...)

A xib is an XML file that is ostensibly the same thing as a NIB file.  
It opens in interface builder and opens and edits just like a nib  
would. When you compile your project the XML file is converted to a  
nib and included in your application bundle.

The idea behind this is that source control systems like Subversion  
that had problems with NIB files will work nicely with the XML files,  
but the end result is the same for the developer and the user. 

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Re: Initializing font size in UITextField

2008-06-15 Thread Omar Qazi

On Jun 15, 2008, at 3:30 PM, Mike Westerfield wrote:

I'm trying to set the font size in a UITextField that is created  
using Interface Builder in the iPhone SDK. I'm new to Cocoa, so  
there may be something obvious I'm missing.

The first attempt was to set the Min Size from Interface Builder.  
This does not appear to do anything.

Well Mike, we're obviously under NDA on the iPhone SDK, but it might  
be helpful to note that when using interface builder on the mac, you  
can set the font of an NSTextField by using Interface Builder's Font >  
Show Fonts menu item, and picking whichever one you like. On Mac OS X,  
of course. ;)

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Control USB Power

2008-06-12 Thread Omar Qazi


I have a Cocoa application that controls an external USB device. I  
want to be able to turn the device off when the user performs some  
action, like click a button. Is there a way in Cocoa or IOKit to  
disable power to a USB Socket? The application runs on Leopard.

Thanks in advance,
Omar Qazi
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Re: Save as and Open conditional code samples? tutorials?

2008-05-13 Thread Omar Qazi


Check this out: 

Hope that helps. The developer documentation is your friend :)

Omar Qazi
Hello, Galaxy!

On May 13, 2008, at 8:56 PM, John Joyce wrote:

Does anybody have any code samples or tutorials on opening/saving  
documents with conditional handling for different file types?
Conceptually, handling the content is not a problem. The thing I'm  
not sure about is how to hook up a document-based app to handle  
additional file types but with the preferred native document type.
My app's documents are little more than an array of strings, where  
each string is a sub document.
The thing I want to do is export all as a single text file or as  
individual text files, and likewise import a text file with simple  
string symbols as separators (basically like a CSV file).

Handling the text and doing things with it is easy.
I just don't know what sort of design patterns exist for handling  
additional file types.

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Re: Anybody using Pantomime or mail-core framework?

2008-05-12 Thread Omar Qazi
Well in my case, the script only let's you send email in a specific  
format (i.e. Hey __, Your friend ___ sent you _), but  
thats a good point. It's not an unsolvable problem though, all you  
need is some way to make sure the request is really coming from your  
application, like assigning a client certificate when they activate or  

Omar Qazi
Hello, Galaxy!

On May 12, 2008, at 11:07 PM, Jens Alfke wrote:

On 12 May '08, at 10:57 PM, Omar Qazi wrote:

I have an app that sends emails, and what I did is have it post the  
message parameters to my server. Then, a PHP page processes the  
parameters and sends mail using  PHP.

Cool! What's the address of your PHP script? I have a couple million  
V**gr* ads I need to send untraceably... ;-)

No, what I meant to say was, "this seems like the sort of thing that  
could be exploited by spammers, and get you blacklisted from your  
hosting site, so watch out."


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Re: Shipping common app frameworks.

2008-05-12 Thread Omar Qazi
Are your users necessarily going to have more than one of your  
applications installed? Remember that when you put the frameworks in a  
common directory, as opposed to inside the app bundle you lose the  
ability for an application to be used by a non-admin user, as well as  
the ease of a drag and drop install.

Omar Qazi
Hello, Galaxy!

On May 12, 2008, at 11:53 AM, David Springer wrote:


We need to ship some frameworks that are common to a few of our apps.
The question, of course, is where to put these, and how to bundle them
with apps so downloads, etc. are not huge and bloated.  I'd like to
hear other's experience with this.  Do you put common frameworks in a
place such as /Library/Frameworks, or do you put them in your own app
support directory?  How do you handle things like a drag-to-install
and move-to-trash to uninstall (or can you with common frameworks)?

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Re: Anybody using Pantomime or mail-core framework?

2008-05-12 Thread Omar Qazi

I have an app that sends emails, and what I did is have it post the  
message parameters to my server. Then, a PHP page processes the  
parameters and sends mail using  PHP. One advantage to doing it this  
way is that it will work anywhere, without the user having to do any  
configuration. In my experience most SMTP servers only work on the  
local ISP / network.

Omar Qazi
Hello, Galaxy!

On May 12, 2008, at 4:25 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'm used pantomime framework to send mail without using any email
client.But the connection is established,after that serviceInitialized
method doesn't run.I given correct server,name and password.Anybody  

help me?

When the try to use Mailcore framework,the connectToServer function
throwing unknown exception,here also i've given correct initial
values.Please help me.

I've posted the my doubt in pantomime mailing list ,but no  
responce.And in
mail-core i couldn't find much help.So if any help available please  

me.I already having the example codes.I used it,but same error.

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