[freenet-dev] FCP FEC Proposal -- in message body

2002-09-12 Thread Robert Bihlmeyer
Gianni Johansson  writes:

> C. Within a segment all data blocks must be the same size and all
> check blocks must be the same size.  The check block and data block
> sizes are not required to be the same however.  Smaller trailing
> blocks must be zero padded to the required length.

Ugh, do we need this bloat on the wire? An exception for the last
data block would be preferable.

> 0) Deprecate the BlockSize field, since check blocks are not necessarily the
> same size as data blocks and blocks may be different sizes across segments.

I'd still like to know the data and check block sizes for a segment
beforehand. Will I be able to deduce these?

> 1) Add an AlgoName field. This is the name for the decoder and encoder 
> implementation, that can be used to decode or re-encode the file. 
> This replaces decoder.name and decoder.encoder in the previous
> implementation.

The Metadata spec should probably list the known values for this
field, and give links to further documentation. A genuine registry for
these may be needed, but I doubt that there will be more than 3
algorithms used in general ...

> * SplitFile.Graph is currently not being used and is not implemented.

Delivering the blueprint for reassembly with every splitfile has it's
appeal, but is probably more redundancy than it's worth.

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[freenet-dev] FCP FEC Proposal -- in message body

2002-09-12 Thread Robert Bihlmeyer
Gianni Johansson  writes:

> It's good to make the distinction because if you manage to get all the data 
> blocks you don't need to decode at all.

Prefering data blocks to check blocks will restrict the usefulness of
FEC, as it will make the check blocks less popular, thus less
fetchable, in extreme degenerating to non-FEC splitfiles. I'm with
Fish in the belief that all blocks should be requested in random
order, and with equal probability.

Decoding is a really cheap operation relative to the fetching of the
blocks from Freenet. We shouldn't shun it and make FEC less efficient
in the long run.

> Client writers just don't want to deal with it.

It's certainly a class harder than fetching a monolithic key. I also
found that accurate documentation more accessible than the source is

> FEC support has been in CVS for almost a year and you are the first
> person who has attempted to write a client besides me.

Well, could have something to do with Freenet being largely unusable
for retrieval of bigger files in that time period. With the current
comeback, more freesites are a-coming, with more FEC splitfiles, so
the need for clients supporting that rises as well.

The FCP access will surely be a good thing. As long as direct access
is still possible ... and I don't see why that should be removed.

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[freenet-dev] Cleaning up fproxy

2002-09-12 Thread Robert Bihlmeyer
Gianni Johansson  writes:

> /  -- with no arguments would map to Ian's infolet main page
>-- with a valid URI, maps to a leaner and meaner fproxy-lite servlet that 
> handles normal requests and inserts but redirects splitfile
> inserts /requests to he servlets below.
> /servlet/splitfile_insert  -- inserts a FEC encoded splitfile
> /servlet/splitfile_retrieve -- retrieves a fec encoded splitfile
> /servlet/cool_thing_no_one_has_thought_of yet -- it's easy to add new stuff

Sounds good. Except I'd like to have the URLs as short as possible,
before they're set in stone. Nobody cares that this is a servlet
internally, so let's just use /x/ or /_/ or /./ as the special prefix. 
Or (I already suggested that) drop the prefix and restrict servlets to
have names easily distinguishable from freenet keys (we will lose the
ability to make /gpl.txt mean /KSK at gpl.txt, but KSKs aren't as hip as
they were in our youth, anyway).

We will also have to think about access from freesite pages. Will
links to /_/some_service be allowed? Redirects? Triggered javascript?
This may make sense for some servlets and not for others. We could put
the safe class under /s/ and unsafe ones under /u/. There could be a
generalised version of the __CHECKED_HTTP_ handler named /s/u/, so
that surfing to /s/u/dangerous will bring up a confirmation
page, that links you to the real /u/dangerous.
__CHECKED_HTTP__freenetproject.org will get /s/u/http/freenetproject.org

The safeness of a servlet need not be encoded in its name (and if it
isn't it is easier to reconfigure locally). Every servlet could
register whether it is safe (overridable from the config file). fproxy
will not barf on links to unsafe servlets, but rewrite them to checked
links on the fly.

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[freenet-dev] FCP FEC Proposal -- in message body

2002-09-12 Thread fish

Most of this sounds pretty good.

Firstly, a stupid question - is there any reason to seperate "data blocks"
and "check blocks"?  As far as the FEC encoder/decoder knows, they're just
blocks, right?  I mean, that's the whole *point* of it (you need any k
blocks of n in order to decode a file).  Would make things simpler,
conceptually, I think.  This of course is based on assumptions from FEC
implentations that I have seen, where the block size is
constant... obviously, if your FEC implentation makes the distinction,
then I guess it makes sense (translation from fishish: yeah, we need to
support checkblocks for certain algorythms, but they don't make sense for

Anyhow, the other point I wished to make, is that from looking at your
information, it seems like it would be far more convinent still to just
call the onionnetworks library direclty - okay, yeah, I see the usefulness
of this for providing access to people who don't have/don't want to have
bindings to this, but it just seems like an unnessesary layer of
abstraction to me.  But perhaps I am on crack.

> III. Changes to SplitFile metadata format.
> 0) Deprecate the BlockSize field, since check blocks are not necessarily the
> same size as data blocks and blocks may be different sizes across segments.

I strongly disagree with this - if we want to support this case, it is
better to then have a seperate set of metadata for each segment and
specify the block/check size in each one.  This information is very useful
to have for reasons of memory allocation and the like.

Other than that, however, All of that being said, this all looks okay to
me on my initial reading.

- fish

p.s. I included the following in the original draft of this email, but
considered it offtopic and hence seperated it out from the main
email.  However, I include it here because it is interesting and

> For a given maximum block size, some FEC algorithms can only
> practically handle files up to a certain maximum size.  The design
> uses segmentation to handle this case.  Large files are divided into
> smaller segments and FEC is only done on a per segment basis.  This
> compromise provides a least limited redundancy for large files.

Should we be perhaps looking for a library which doens't suffer from these
problems as much as onion's library, however?  The thing is, the whole
usefulness of FEC is for big files, you know... I know that we do have to
deal with reality instead of would-be-nice's, however, but it is something
to think about.

The other problem is, that as you stripe like this, the amount of
redundancy is, of course, reduced significantly, however you already knew
that.  However, people writing bad algorythms for downloading files (block
1,2,3,4 etc in order) could make this problem even worse.  (As a side
note to this, I have been wondering if an AWT based freenet download
manager would be a useful thing to code/have... any thoughts on
this?  Heh, of course, this would require me to learn how to communicate
with freenet from java, but i can't be that hard, can it? :-p)

Anyhow, I'm sure you knew all of this... just restating it for my own
benefit, don't mind me :).  I'll look into the alternative libraries
myself over the next few days... there's nothing to stop us having two
encoders, given that the facilities are there, and let the best codec win

devl mailing list
devl at freenetproject.org

Re: [freenet-dev] FCP FEC Proposal -- in message body

2002-09-12 Thread fish

On Thu, 12 Sep 2002, Gianni Johansson wrote:

> It's good to make the distinction because if you manage to get all the data 
> blocks you don't need to decode at all.

bob the angry flower says "wrong,m wrong, wrong ,wrong, where did you
learn that??! wrong!!!" :-p.  Seriously, this is a very bad thing to be
encouraging, for two reasons:

a) the checkblocks will fall oiff freenet - you should never be retrieving
this data significantly!  (i wrote about that in the documentation i
wrote, I won't reepat that here)
> Client writers just don't want to deal with it.  FEC support has been in CVS 
> for almost a year and you are the first person who has attempted to write a 
> client besides me.

I think that's got more to do with the fact that there was no
documentation, and hence it took me a solid week to work everything out to
the point where it worked where I tested it (and yes, before anyone asks,
I did try just asking GJ first.  4 times (this was back last march.  I
also asked about the fproxy changes, to the same lack of result).  it
seems that any email I send to GJ gets redirected to /dev/null :().  And
then I *still* got it wrong and didn't know until fproxy was patched,
which I found out about when people started bitching about my tools
breaking freenet.

Hell, I had to write *documentation* to get your attention :-p.  Talk
about sinking to a new low :-p.

> > Should we be perhaps looking for a library which doens't suffer from
> these > problems as much as onion's library, however?  The glass is
> half full man.  The math works for files out to about 1G no problem
> even with segmentation for the current implementation.
> The OnionNetworks code works well for moderately sized files now!
> We should make it easily available.

I agree with this... i wasn't trying to suggest otherwise, it was just
random musings. I get emails asking me why it's still hard to insert iso's
into freenet :-p (hey, did you know that onionnetwork's c library will
bluescreen a winxp box when you feed it an iso? :-p)

> Segmenting reduces redundancy not striping.  (see above)

okay, i got the two confused ^_^

- from fish with love.

devl mailing list

Re: [freenet-dev] Fproxy insert

2002-09-12 Thread fish

On Thu, 12 Sep 2002, Ian Clarke wrote:

> Not at all, it just means that they can't insert with FProxy, I honestly 
> doubt many people were actually using FProxy for inserting stuff (more 
> likely they will use fcptools, freeweb, or frost).

You'd be surprised, actully, at how many people were using it to insert
static files.

> Writing a file on Freenet isn't of much use unless you have a mechanism 
> to tell people where the file is.  This means that Frost is probably a 
> better option, or if you want to insert a website, you will be using 
> fcptools anyway.

it's called a telephone, iip, etc ;)

- fishy fishy fish

devl mailing list

[freenet-dev] Fproxy insert

2002-09-12 Thread Matthew Toseland
On Thu, Sep 12, 2002 at 10:31:58AM +0200, Marco A. Calamari wrote:
> None follow Ian's call for opinion about the
>  fproxy insertion capability removal.
> My opinion about it is that was a bad(TM) idea.
> I cannot imagine a good technical reason for that.
>  From a normal user point of view, this fact transform
>  a read/write media in a readonly media; something that
>  the RIAA and other organization from the Dark Side
>  can just dream of.
However, you were never able to insert a *site* by fproxy. This would be
a useful feature, no? :)
> It is unreasonable that a normal user install and understand
>  other programs just to have the basic feature of writing a file
>  on Freenet; maybe the only good change would be to put a size
>  limit on that.
We don't need to put a size limit on. We only need to change some HTML.
Ian seems reasonably adept at this, he broke it, and I'm busy with more
important things :).
> An artist friend of mine, that was partecipating to "Ars Electronica"
>  exibition in Lintz, showing an installation that use a Freenet gateway,
>  had major problems because she lost the ability to insert
>  without warning; I downgrade a node for her, but this was just
>  a stop-gap solution.
> So I strongly suggest to reenable some kind of Fproxy in fred,
>  at least as option.
> FWIW.   Ciao. Marco
> -- 
> * Marco A. Calamari  marco at freenetproject.org *
> il  Progetto Freenet - segui il coniglio bianco
> the Freenet  Project - follow the  white rabbit

Matthew Toseland
mtoseland at blueyonder.co.uk
amphibian at sourceforge.net
Freenet/Coldstore open source hacker.
Employed full time by Freenet Project Inc. from 11/9/02 to 11/11/02.
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[freenet-dev] FCP FEC Proposal -- in message body

2002-09-12 Thread Matthew Toseland
On Thu, Sep 12, 2002 at 07:37:32PM +1000, fish wrote:
> Most of this sounds pretty good.
> Firstly, a stupid question - is there any reason to seperate "data blocks"
> and "check blocks"?  As far as the FEC encoder/decoder knows, they're just
> blocks, right?  I mean, that's the whole *point* of it (you need any k
> blocks of n in order to decode a file).  Would make things simpler,
> conceptually, I think.  This of course is based on assumptions from FEC
> implentations that I have seen, where the block size is
> constant... obviously, if your FEC implentation makes the distinction,
> then I guess it makes sense (translation from fishish: yeah, we need to
> support checkblocks for certain algorythms, but they don't make sense for
> onion's)
> Anyhow, the other point I wished to make, is that from looking at your
> information, it seems like it would be far more convinent still to just
> call the onionnetworks library direclty - okay, yeah, I see the usefulness
> of this for providing access to people who don't have/don't want to have
> bindings to this, but it just seems like an unnessesary layer of
> abstraction to me.  But perhaps I am on crack.
Hmmm, maybe. It's not well documented afaics? Anyway, higher level
commands (with reasonable status reporting, and some sort of keepalives
or a way to reconnect to a running command, and it only terminate when
explicitly told to), would make clients easier to write, but this looks
> > III. Changes to SplitFile metadata format.
> > 
> > 0) Deprecate the BlockSize field, since check blocks are not necessarily the
> > same size as data blocks and blocks may be different sizes across segments.
> I strongly disagree with this - if we want to support this case, it is
> better to then have a seperate set of metadata for each segment and
> specify the block/check size in each one.  This information is very useful
> to have for reasons of memory allocation and the like.
> Other than that, however, All of that being said, this all looks okay to
> me on my initial reading.
>   - fish
> p.s. I included the following in the original draft of this email, but
> considered it offtopic and hence seperated it out from the main
> email.  However, I include it here because it is interesting and
> semi-relevent:
> > For a given maximum block size, some FEC algorithms can only
> > practically handle files up to a certain maximum size.  The design
> > uses segmentation to handle this case.  Large files are divided into
> > smaller segments and FEC is only done on a per segment basis.  This
> > compromise provides a least limited redundancy for large files.
> Should we be perhaps looking for a library which doens't suffer from these
> problems as much as onion's library, however?  The thing is, the whole
> usefulness of FEC is for big files, you know... I know that we do have to
> deal with reality instead of would-be-nice's, however, but it is something
> to think about.
> The other problem is, that as you stripe like this, the amount of
> redundancy is, of course, reduced significantly, however you already knew
> that.  However, people writing bad algorythms for downloading files (block
> 1,2,3,4 etc in order) could make this problem even worse.  (As a side
> note to this, I have been wondering if an AWT based freenet download
> manager would be a useful thing to code/have... any thoughts on
> this?  Heh, of course, this would require me to learn how to communicate
> with freenet from java, but i can't be that hard, can it? :-p)
Please do. Do NOT use swing. And include more detail on the status of
the individual blocks, eg bytes downloaded/total progress bar, time this
block idle for etc. Would be very cool.
> Anyhow, I'm sure you knew all of this... just restating it for my own
> benefit, don't mind me :).  I'll look into the alternative libraries
> myself over the next few days... there's nothing to stop us having two
> encoders, given that the facilities are there, and let the best codec win
> :-p.

Matthew Toseland
mtoseland at blueyonder.co.uk
amphibian at sourceforge.net
Freenet/Coldstore open source hacker.
Employed full time by Freenet Project Inc. from 11/9/02 to 11/11/02.
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[freenet-dev] Cleaning up fproxy

2002-09-12 Thread Matthew Toseland
On Thu, Sep 12, 2002 at 02:24:28AM -0400, Gianni Johansson wrote:
> I think we should break froxy up into separate servlets bound together on the 
> same port with Tavin's MultipleHttpServletContainer.  The hard cross port 
> redirects are ugly.   Once everything is running on the same port redirects 
> are less ugly.
> /  -- with no arguments would map to Ian's infolet main page
>-- with a valid URI, maps to a leaner and meaner fproxy-lite servlet that 
> handles normal requests and inserts but redirects splitfile
> inserts /requests to he servlets below.
> /servlet/splitfile_insert  -- inserts a FEC encoded splitfile
> /servlet/splitfile_retrieve -- retrieves a fec encoded splitfile
> /servlet/cool_thing_no_one_has_thought_of yet -- it's easy to add new stuff
We might want to make checked_http a separate servlet too.
> This would make the code more modular and more easily expandable. 
> Think webcam servlet. edition freesite checker servlet etc. etc.
> -- gj

Matthew Toseland
mtoseland at blueyonder.co.uk
amphibian at sourceforge.net
Freenet/Coldstore open source hacker.
Employed full time by Freenet Project Inc. from 11/9/02 to 11/11/02.
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Re: [freenet-dev] Cleaning up fproxy

2002-09-12 Thread Robert Bihlmeyer

Gianni Johansson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> /  -- with no arguments would map to Ian's infolet main page
>-- with a valid URI, maps to a leaner and meaner fproxy-lite servlet that 
> handles normal requests and inserts but redirects splitfile
> inserts /requests to he servlets below.
> /servlet/splitfile_insert  -- inserts a FEC encoded splitfile
> /servlet/splitfile_retrieve -- retrieves a fec encoded splitfile
> /servlet/cool_thing_no_one_has_thought_of yet -- it's easy to add new stuff

Sounds good. Except I'd like to have the URLs as short as possible,
before they're set in stone. Nobody cares that this is a servlet
internally, so let's just use /x/ or /_/ or /./ as the special prefix. 
Or (I already suggested that) drop the prefix and restrict servlets to
have names easily distinguishable from freenet keys (we will lose the
ability to make /gpl.txt mean [EMAIL PROTECTED], but KSKs aren't as hip as
they were in our youth, anyway).

We will also have to think about access from freesite pages. Will
links to /_/some_service be allowed? Redirects? Triggered javascript?
This may make sense for some servlets and not for others. We could put
the safe class under /s/ and unsafe ones under /u/. There could be a
generalised version of the __CHECKED_HTTP_ handler named /s/u/, so
that surfing to /s/u/dangerous will bring up a confirmation
page, that links you to the real /u/dangerous.
__CHECKED_HTTP__freenetproject.org will get /s/u/http/freenetproject.org

The safeness of a servlet need not be encoded in its name (and if it
isn't it is easier to reconfigure locally). Every servlet could
register whether it is safe (overridable from the config file). fproxy
will not barf on links to unsafe servlets, but rewrite them to checked
links on the fly.


Description: PGP signature

Re: [freenet-dev] FCP FEC Proposal -- in message body

2002-09-12 Thread Robert Bihlmeyer

Gianni Johansson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> It's good to make the distinction because if you manage to get all the data 
> blocks you don't need to decode at all.

Prefering data blocks to check blocks will restrict the usefulness of
FEC, as it will make the check blocks less popular, thus less
fetchable, in extreme degenerating to non-FEC splitfiles. I'm with
Fish in the belief that all blocks should be requested in random
order, and with equal probability.

Decoding is a really cheap operation relative to the fetching of the
blocks from Freenet. We shouldn't shun it and make FEC less efficient
in the long run.

> Client writers just don't want to deal with it.

It's certainly a class harder than fetching a monolithic key. I also
found that accurate documentation more accessible than the source is

> FEC support has been in CVS for almost a year and you are the first
> person who has attempted to write a client besides me.

Well, could have something to do with Freenet being largely unusable
for retrieval of bigger files in that time period. With the current
comeback, more freesites are a-coming, with more FEC splitfiles, so
the need for clients supporting that rises as well.

The FCP access will surely be a good thing. As long as direct access
is still possible ... and I don't see why that should be removed.


Description: PGP signature

[freenet-dev] Fproxy insert

2002-09-12 Thread Gianni Johansson
On Thursday 12 September 2002 08:42, you wrote:

> However, you were never able to insert a *site* by fproxy. This would be
> a useful feature, no? :)
This is  exactly the kind of feature that doesn't belong in a bloated 
monolithic fproxy, but which could easily be implemented as a separate 


devl mailing list
devl at freenetproject.org

[freenet-dev] FCP FEC Proposal -- in message body

2002-09-12 Thread Gianni Johansson
On Thursday 12 September 2002 08:40, you wrote:

> > Anyhow, the other point I wished to make, is that from looking at your
> > information, it seems like it would be far more convinent still to just
> > call the onionnetworks library direclty - okay, yeah, I see the
> > usefulness of this for providing access to people who don't have/don't
> > want to have bindings to this, but it just seems like an unnessesary
> > layer of abstraction to me.  But perhaps I am on crack.
> Hmmm, maybe. It's not well documented afaics? Anyway, higher level
> commands (with reasonable status reporting, and some sort of keepalives
> or a way to reconnect to a running command, and it only terminate when
> explicitly told to), would make clients easier to write, but this looks
> useful.
Status messages might be a useful addition.  "keepalive", "reconnect" == 
stateful.  You don't want to do that. One of the reasons that FCP is easy is 
that it is stateless.


devl mailing list
devl at freenetproject.org

[freenet-dev] FCP FEC Proposal -- in message body

2002-09-12 Thread Gianni Johansson
On Thursday 12 September 2002 05:37, you wrote:
> Most of this sounds pretty good.
> Firstly, a stupid question - is there any reason to seperate "data blocks"
> and "check blocks"?  As far as the FEC encoder/decoder knows, they're just
> blocks, right?  I mean, that's the whole *point* of it (you need any k
> blocks of n in order to decode a file).  Would make things simpler,
> conceptually, I think.  This of course is based on assumptions from FEC
> implentations that I have seen, where the block size is
> constant... obviously, if your FEC implentation makes the distinction,
> then I guess it makes sense (translation from fishish: yeah, we need to
> support checkblocks for certain algorythms, but they don't make sense for
> onion's)
It's good to make the distinction because if you manage to get all the data 
blocks you don't need to decode at all.

> Anyhow, the other point I wished to make, is that from looking at your
> information, it seems like it would be far more convinent still to just
> call the onionnetworks library direclty - okay, yeah, I see the usefulness
> of this for providing access to people who don't have/don't want to have
> bindings to this, but it just seems like an unnessesary layer of
> abstraction to me.  But perhaps I am on crack.
Client writers just don't want to deal with it.  FEC support has been in CVS 
for almost a year and you are the first person who has attempted to write a 
client besides me.

> > III. Changes to SplitFile metadata format.
> >
> > 0) Deprecate the BlockSize field, since check blocks are not necessarily
> > the same size as data blocks and blocks may be different sizes across
> > segments.
> I strongly disagree with this - if we want to support this case, it is
> better to then have a seperate set of metadata for each segment and
> specify the block/check size in each one.  This information is very useful
> to have for reasons of memory allocation and the like.
You can still get this info out of the SegmentHeader messages if you want it.

I am leery of bloating the SplitFile metadata any more.

> Other than that, however, All of that being said, this all looks okay to
> me on my initial reading.
>   - fish
> p.s. I included the following in the original draft of this email, but
> considered it offtopic and hence seperated it out from the main
> email.  However, I include it here because it is interesting and
> semi-relevent:
> > For a given maximum block size, some FEC algorithms can only
> > practically handle files up to a certain maximum size.  The design
> > uses segmentation to handle this case.  Large files are divided into
> > smaller segments and FEC is only done on a per segment basis.  This
> > compromise provides a least limited redundancy for large files.
> Should we be perhaps looking for a library which doens't suffer from these
> problems as much as onion's library, however?  
The glass is half full man.  The math works for files out to about 1G no 
problem even with segmentation for the current implementation.  

The OnionNetworks code works well for moderately sized files now!
We should make it easily available.

I will keep a similar plugin architecture so that new encoder/decoder 
implementations can be used if/when they are written.

> The thing is, the whole
> usefulness of FEC is for big files, you know... I know that we do have to
> deal with reality instead of would-be-nice's, however, but it is something
> to think about.
Segmenting reduces redundancy not striping.  (see above)
> The other problem is, that as you stripe like this, the amount of
> redundancy is, of course, reduced significantly, however you already knew
> that.  However, people writing bad algorythms for downloading files (block
> 1,2,3,4 etc in order) could make this problem even worse.  (As a side
> note to this, I have been wondering if an AWT based freenet download
> manager would be a useful thing to code/have... any thoughts on
> this?  Heh, of course, this would require me to learn how to communicate
> with freenet from java, but i can't be that hard, can it? :-p)
> Anyhow, I'm sure you knew all of this... just restating it for my own
> benefit, don't mind me :).  I'll look into the alternative libraries
> myself over the next few days... there's nothing to stop us having two
> encoders, given that the facilities are there, and let the best codec win.
> :-p.
> ___
> devl mailing list
> devl at freenetproject.org
> http://hawk.freenetproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/devl

devl mailing list
devl at freenetproject.org

[freenet-dev] Fproxy insert

2002-09-12 Thread Marco A. Calamari
None follow Ian's call for opinion about the
 fproxy insertion capability removal.

My opinion about it is that was a bad(TM) idea.

I cannot imagine a good technical reason for that.

 From a normal user point of view, this fact transform
 a read/write media in a readonly media; something that
 the RIAA and other organization from the Dark Side
 can just dream of.

It is unreasonable that a normal user install and understand
 other programs just to have the basic feature of writing a file
 on Freenet; maybe the only good change would be to put a size
 limit on that.

An artist friend of mine, that was partecipating to "Ars Electronica"
 exibition in Lintz, showing an installation that use a Freenet gateway,
 had major problems because she lost the ability to insert
 without warning; I downgrade a node for her, but this was just
 a stop-gap solution.

So I strongly suggest to reenable some kind of Fproxy in fred,
 at least as option.

FWIW.   Ciao. Marco

* Marco A. Calamari  marco at freenetproject.org *

il  Progetto Freenet - segui il coniglio bianco
the Freenet  Project - follow the  white rabbit

devl mailing list
devl at freenetproject.org

[freenet-dev] Fproxy insert

2002-09-12 Thread Ian Clarke
On Thu, Sep 12, 2002 at 10:31:58AM +0200, Marco A. Calamari wrote:
> I cannot imagine a good technical reason for that.

It was a usability reason, FProxy should be a tool for retrieval of 
information from Freenet, there are much better tools for inserting 
information into Freenet.

>  From a normal user point of view, this fact transform
>  a read/write media in a readonly media; something that
>  the RIAA and other organization from the Dark Side
>  can just dream of.

Not at all, it just means that they can't insert with FProxy, I honestly 
doubt many people were actually using FProxy for inserting stuff (more 
likely they will use fcptools, freeweb, or frost).

> It is unreasonable that a normal user install and understand
>  other programs just to have the basic feature of writing a file
>  on Freenet; maybe the only good change would be to put a size
>  limit on that.

Writing a file on Freenet isn't of much use unless you have a mechanism 
to tell people where the file is.  This means that Frost is probably a 
better option, or if you want to insert a website, you will be using 
fcptools anyway.

> An artist friend of mine, that was partecipating to "Ars Electronica"
>  exibition in Lintz, showing an installation that use a Freenet gateway,
>  had major problems because she lost the ability to insert
>  without warning; I downgrade a node for her, but this was just
>  a stop-gap solution.

Well, insert functionality is back for the time being.


Ian Clarkeian at freenetproject.org
Founder & Coordinator, The Freenet Projecthttp://freenetproject.org/
Chief Technology Officer, Uprizer Inc.   http://www.uprizer.com/
Personal Homepage   http://locut.us/
-- next part --
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[freenet-dev] Insert functionality returns to FProxy

2002-09-12 Thread Ian Clarke
As of this email, FProxy can insert again (I have updated the snapshot).


Ian Clarkeian at freenetproject.org
Founder & Coordinator, The Freenet Projecthttp://freenetproject.org/
Chief Technology Officer, Uprizer Inc.   http://www.uprizer.com/
Personal Homepage   http://locut.us/
-- next part --
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Re: [freenet-dev] Fproxy insert

2002-09-12 Thread Ian Clarke

On Thu, Sep 12, 2002 at 10:31:58AM +0200, Marco A. Calamari wrote:
> I cannot imagine a good technical reason for that.

It was a usability reason, FProxy should be a tool for retrieval of 
information from Freenet, there are much better tools for inserting 
information into Freenet.

>  From a normal user point of view, this fact transform
>  a read/write media in a readonly media; something that
>  the RIAA and other organization from the Dark Side
>  can just dream of.

Not at all, it just means that they can't insert with FProxy, I honestly 
doubt many people were actually using FProxy for inserting stuff (more 
likely they will use fcptools, freeweb, or frost).

> It is unreasonable that a normal user install and understand
>  other programs just to have the basic feature of writing a file
>  on Freenet; maybe the only good change would be to put a size
>  limit on that.

Writing a file on Freenet isn't of much use unless you have a mechanism 
to tell people where the file is.  This means that Frost is probably a 
better option, or if you want to insert a website, you will be using 
fcptools anyway.

> An artist friend of mine, that was partecipating to "Ars Electronica"
>  exibition in Lintz, showing an installation that use a Freenet gateway,
>  had major problems because she lost the ability to insert
>  without warning; I downgrade a node for her, but this was just
>  a stop-gap solution.

Well, insert functionality is back for the time being.


Founder & Coordinator, The Freenet Projecthttp://freenetproject.org/
Chief Technology Officer, Uprizer Inc.   http://www.uprizer.com/
Personal Homepage   http://locut.us/

Description: PGP signature

[freenet-dev] Insert functionality returns to FProxy

2002-09-12 Thread Ian Clarke

As of this email, FProxy can insert again (I have updated the snapshot).


Founder & Coordinator, The Freenet Projecthttp://freenetproject.org/
Chief Technology Officer, Uprizer Inc.   http://www.uprizer.com/
Personal Homepage   http://locut.us/

Description: PGP signature

Re: [freenet-dev] Fproxy insert

2002-09-12 Thread Gianni Johansson

On Thursday 12 September 2002 08:42, you wrote:

> However, you were never able to insert a *site* by fproxy. This would be
> a useful feature, no? :)
This is  exactly the kind of feature that doesn't belong in a bloated 
monolithic fproxy, but which could easily be implemented as a separate 


devl mailing list

Re: [freenet-dev] FCP FEC Proposal -- in message body

2002-09-12 Thread Gianni Johansson

On Thursday 12 September 2002 08:40, you wrote:

> > Anyhow, the other point I wished to make, is that from looking at your
> > information, it seems like it would be far more convinent still to just
> > call the onionnetworks library direclty - okay, yeah, I see the
> > usefulness of this for providing access to people who don't have/don't
> > want to have bindings to this, but it just seems like an unnessesary
> > layer of abstraction to me.  But perhaps I am on crack.
> Hmmm, maybe. It's not well documented afaics? Anyway, higher level
> commands (with reasonable status reporting, and some sort of keepalives
> or a way to reconnect to a running command, and it only terminate when
> explicitly told to), would make clients easier to write, but this looks
> useful.
Status messages might be a useful addition.  "keepalive", "reconnect" == 
stateful.  You don't want to do that. One of the reasons that FCP is easy is 
that it is stateless.


devl mailing list

Re: [freenet-dev] FCP FEC Proposal -- in message body

2002-09-12 Thread Gianni Johansson

On Thursday 12 September 2002 05:37, you wrote:
> Most of this sounds pretty good.
> Firstly, a stupid question - is there any reason to seperate "data blocks"
> and "check blocks"?  As far as the FEC encoder/decoder knows, they're just
> blocks, right?  I mean, that's the whole *point* of it (you need any k
> blocks of n in order to decode a file).  Would make things simpler,
> conceptually, I think.  This of course is based on assumptions from FEC
> implentations that I have seen, where the block size is
> constant... obviously, if your FEC implentation makes the distinction,
> then I guess it makes sense (translation from fishish: yeah, we need to
> support checkblocks for certain algorythms, but they don't make sense for
> onion's)
It's good to make the distinction because if you manage to get all the data 
blocks you don't need to decode at all.

> Anyhow, the other point I wished to make, is that from looking at your
> information, it seems like it would be far more convinent still to just
> call the onionnetworks library direclty - okay, yeah, I see the usefulness
> of this for providing access to people who don't have/don't want to have
> bindings to this, but it just seems like an unnessesary layer of
> abstraction to me.  But perhaps I am on crack.
Client writers just don't want to deal with it.  FEC support has been in CVS 
for almost a year and you are the first person who has attempted to write a 
client besides me.

> > III. Changes to SplitFile metadata format.
> >
> > 0) Deprecate the BlockSize field, since check blocks are not necessarily
> > the same size as data blocks and blocks may be different sizes across
> > segments.
> I strongly disagree with this - if we want to support this case, it is
> better to then have a seperate set of metadata for each segment and
> specify the block/check size in each one.  This information is very useful
> to have for reasons of memory allocation and the like.
You can still get this info out of the SegmentHeader messages if you want it.

I am leery of bloating the SplitFile metadata any more.

> Other than that, however, All of that being said, this all looks okay to
> me on my initial reading.
>   - fish
> p.s. I included the following in the original draft of this email, but
> considered it offtopic and hence seperated it out from the main
> email.  However, I include it here because it is interesting and
> semi-relevent:
> > For a given maximum block size, some FEC algorithms can only
> > practically handle files up to a certain maximum size.  The design
> > uses segmentation to handle this case.  Large files are divided into
> > smaller segments and FEC is only done on a per segment basis.  This
> > compromise provides a least limited redundancy for large files.
> Should we be perhaps looking for a library which doens't suffer from these
> problems as much as onion's library, however?  
The glass is half full man.  The math works for files out to about 1G no 
problem even with segmentation for the current implementation.  

The OnionNetworks code works well for moderately sized files now!
We should make it easily available.

I will keep a similar plugin architecture so that new encoder/decoder 
implementations can be used if/when they are written.

> The thing is, the whole
> usefulness of FEC is for big files, you know... I know that we do have to
> deal with reality instead of would-be-nice's, however, but it is something
> to think about.
Segmenting reduces redundancy not striping.  (see above)
> The other problem is, that as you stripe like this, the amount of
> redundancy is, of course, reduced significantly, however you already knew
> that.  However, people writing bad algorythms for downloading files (block
> 1,2,3,4 etc in order) could make this problem even worse.  (As a side
> note to this, I have been wondering if an AWT based freenet download
> manager would be a useful thing to code/have... any thoughts on
> this?  Heh, of course, this would require me to learn how to communicate
> with freenet from java, but i can't be that hard, can it? :-p)
> Anyhow, I'm sure you knew all of this... just restating it for my own
> benefit, don't mind me :).  I'll look into the alternative libraries
> myself over the next few days... there's nothing to stop us having two
> encoders, given that the facilities are there, and let the best codec win.
> :-p.
> ___
> devl mailing list
> http://hawk.freenetproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/devl

devl mailing list

Re: [freenet-dev] Fproxy insert

2002-09-12 Thread Matthew Toseland

On Thu, Sep 12, 2002 at 10:31:58AM +0200, Marco A. Calamari wrote:
> None follow Ian's call for opinion about the
>  fproxy insertion capability removal.
> My opinion about it is that was a bad(TM) idea.
> I cannot imagine a good technical reason for that.
>  From a normal user point of view, this fact transform
>  a read/write media in a readonly media; something that
>  the RIAA and other organization from the Dark Side
>  can just dream of.
However, you were never able to insert a *site* by fproxy. This would be
a useful feature, no? :)
> It is unreasonable that a normal user install and understand
>  other programs just to have the basic feature of writing a file
>  on Freenet; maybe the only good change would be to put a size
>  limit on that.
We don't need to put a size limit on. We only need to change some HTML.
Ian seems reasonably adept at this, he broke it, and I'm busy with more
important things :).
> An artist friend of mine, that was partecipating to "Ars Electronica"
>  exibition in Lintz, showing an installation that use a Freenet gateway,
>  had major problems because she lost the ability to insert
>  without warning; I downgrade a node for her, but this was just
>  a stop-gap solution.
> So I strongly suggest to reenable some kind of Fproxy in fred,
>  at least as option.
> FWIW.   Ciao. Marco
> -- 
> * Marco A. Calamari  [EMAIL PROTECTED] *
> il  Progetto Freenet - segui il coniglio bianco
> the Freenet  Project - follow the  white rabbit

Matthew Toseland
Freenet/Coldstore open source hacker.
Employed full time by Freenet Project Inc. from 11/9/02 to 11/11/02.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [freenet-dev] FCP FEC Proposal -- in message body

2002-09-12 Thread Matthew Toseland

On Thu, Sep 12, 2002 at 07:37:32PM +1000, fish wrote:
> Most of this sounds pretty good.
> Firstly, a stupid question - is there any reason to seperate "data blocks"
> and "check blocks"?  As far as the FEC encoder/decoder knows, they're just
> blocks, right?  I mean, that's the whole *point* of it (you need any k
> blocks of n in order to decode a file).  Would make things simpler,
> conceptually, I think.  This of course is based on assumptions from FEC
> implentations that I have seen, where the block size is
> constant... obviously, if your FEC implentation makes the distinction,
> then I guess it makes sense (translation from fishish: yeah, we need to
> support checkblocks for certain algorythms, but they don't make sense for
> onion's)
> Anyhow, the other point I wished to make, is that from looking at your
> information, it seems like it would be far more convinent still to just
> call the onionnetworks library direclty - okay, yeah, I see the usefulness
> of this for providing access to people who don't have/don't want to have
> bindings to this, but it just seems like an unnessesary layer of
> abstraction to me.  But perhaps I am on crack.
Hmmm, maybe. It's not well documented afaics? Anyway, higher level
commands (with reasonable status reporting, and some sort of keepalives
or a way to reconnect to a running command, and it only terminate when
explicitly told to), would make clients easier to write, but this looks
> > III. Changes to SplitFile metadata format.
> > 
> > 0) Deprecate the BlockSize field, since check blocks are not necessarily the
> > same size as data blocks and blocks may be different sizes across segments.
> I strongly disagree with this - if we want to support this case, it is
> better to then have a seperate set of metadata for each segment and
> specify the block/check size in each one.  This information is very useful
> to have for reasons of memory allocation and the like.
> Other than that, however, All of that being said, this all looks okay to
> me on my initial reading.
>   - fish
> p.s. I included the following in the original draft of this email, but
> considered it offtopic and hence seperated it out from the main
> email.  However, I include it here because it is interesting and
> semi-relevent:
> > For a given maximum block size, some FEC algorithms can only
> > practically handle files up to a certain maximum size.  The design
> > uses segmentation to handle this case.  Large files are divided into
> > smaller segments and FEC is only done on a per segment basis.  This
> > compromise provides a least limited redundancy for large files.
> Should we be perhaps looking for a library which doens't suffer from these
> problems as much as onion's library, however?  The thing is, the whole
> usefulness of FEC is for big files, you know... I know that we do have to
> deal with reality instead of would-be-nice's, however, but it is something
> to think about.
> The other problem is, that as you stripe like this, the amount of
> redundancy is, of course, reduced significantly, however you already knew
> that.  However, people writing bad algorythms for downloading files (block
> 1,2,3,4 etc in order) could make this problem even worse.  (As a side
> note to this, I have been wondering if an AWT based freenet download
> manager would be a useful thing to code/have... any thoughts on
> this?  Heh, of course, this would require me to learn how to communicate
> with freenet from java, but i can't be that hard, can it? :-p)
Please do. Do NOT use swing. And include more detail on the status of
the individual blocks, eg bytes downloaded/total progress bar, time this
block idle for etc. Would be very cool.
> Anyhow, I'm sure you knew all of this... just restating it for my own
> benefit, don't mind me :).  I'll look into the alternative libraries
> myself over the next few days... there's nothing to stop us having two
> encoders, given that the facilities are there, and let the best codec win
> :-p.

Matthew Toseland
Freenet/Coldstore open source hacker.
Employed full time by Freenet Project Inc. from 11/9/02 to 11/11/02.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [freenet-dev] Cleaning up fproxy

2002-09-12 Thread Matthew Toseland

On Thu, Sep 12, 2002 at 02:24:28AM -0400, Gianni Johansson wrote:
> I think we should break froxy up into separate servlets bound together on the 
> same port with Tavin's MultipleHttpServletContainer.  The hard cross port 
> redirects are ugly.   Once everything is running on the same port redirects 
> are less ugly.
> /  -- with no arguments would map to Ian's infolet main page
>-- with a valid URI, maps to a leaner and meaner fproxy-lite servlet that 
> handles normal requests and inserts but redirects splitfile
> inserts /requests to he servlets below.
> /servlet/splitfile_insert  -- inserts a FEC encoded splitfile
> /servlet/splitfile_retrieve -- retrieves a fec encoded splitfile
> /servlet/cool_thing_no_one_has_thought_of yet -- it's easy to add new stuff
We might want to make checked_http a separate servlet too.
> This would make the code more modular and more easily expandable. 
> Think webcam servlet. edition freesite checker servlet etc. etc.
> -- gj

Matthew Toseland
Freenet/Coldstore open source hacker.
Employed full time by Freenet Project Inc. from 11/9/02 to 11/11/02.

Description: PGP signature

[freenet-dev] FCP FEC Proposal -- in message body

2002-09-12 Thread Gianni Johansson
FCP FEC Proposal rev. 1.0
giannijohansson at attbi.com 20020912


This proposal presents a set of new FCP commands that can be used to
encode and decode files using forward error correction (FEC).

FEC is a way of encoding packetized data files with extra error
recovery information which can be used to reconstruct lost packets.
In this document I will refer to the packets containing data as "data
blocks" and those containing error recovery information as "check

One of the objectives of this design is to separate FEC encoding and
decoding from inserting and retrieving the data and check blocks
to/from Freenet.  By separating encoding and decoding from insertion
and retrieval I sidestep the problem of having to hold FCP connections
open while waiting for large amounts of data to be fetched from /
inserted into Freenet.

For a given maximum block size, some FEC algorithms can only
practically handle files up to a certain maximum size.  The design
uses segmentation to handle this case.  Large files are divided into
smaller segments and FEC is only done on a per segment basis.  This
compromise provides a least limited redundancy for large files.

II. Assumptions
This proposal doesn't specify any particular FEC algorithm.  
However the following assumptions are implicit in the design:

A. For a given segment with k data blocks and n - k check blocks, it
must be possible to decode all k data blocks from any k of n data or
check blocks.

B. Encoder and decoder implementations must be completely specified by
an implementation name and a file length.  No other parameters can be
required to instantiate the encoder or decoder.

C. Within a segment all data blocks must be the same size and all
check blocks must be the same size.  The check block and data block
sizes are not required to be the same however.  Smaller trailing
blocks must be zero padded to the required length.

D. The encoder may ask for extra trailing data blocks.  These extra
blocks must contain zeros.

II. Proposed FCP FEC commands

convention: All numbers are hexadecimal

A. Helper messages, SegmentHeader and BlockMap

A SegmentHeader message contains all the information necessary to FEC
encode or decode a segment of a file.  SegmentHeaders may contain FEC
implementation specific fields.  They are guaranteed to contain the
documented fields given in the example SegmentHeader
message below:

FECAlgorithm=OnionFEC_a_1_2   // The FEC implementation name
FileLength=17 // Total file length
Offset=0  // Offset from the start of the file
BlockCount=6  // Number of data blocks
BlockSize=4   // Data block size
CheckBlockCount=3 // Number of check blocks
CheckBlockSize=3  // Check block size
Segments=1// Total number of segments
SegmentNum=0  // Index of the current segment
BlocksRequired=6  // Blocks required to decode this segment

Client code should not rely on any undocumented fields.

BlockMap messages are used to list the CHKs of the data and check
blocks for a segment.

Here's an example:

Block.0=freenet:CHK at p2ISvZPkCwbY62xciJb~KrsOCTsSAwI,jGonMeCCz1GCHde5bc1t~w
Block.1=freenet:CHK at 1z8CubDNzLEfNfuTYM4NVJAUxU4SAwI,5cxWki4YzWyKP0s3g9~Vow
Block.3=freenet:CHK at A-qK8GWofXd9JOxb4fHfVMHAUawSAwI,2D5~Mm~MjAfup3edGXy6Eg
Block.4=freenet:CHK at r-FhUu444LxUIUGi5BMuEVGM4nQSAwI,J7HpLvPscLyW3Sc6Nq2S5g
Check.0=freenet:CHK at rLdCwOXO7PAv6BDpm21ThdIwmnkSAwI,4ZX2inJ7gg0EectTxPYRSg
Check.1=freenet:CHK at EjEg1UHWsAfHHMQmRbxe2ToY0RQSAwI,xjJCPsCxpnw9lyNI2VBRGA

B. FECSegmentFile
The FECSegmentFile message is used to generate the segment headers
necessary to encode a file of a given length with a specified FEC


If this command is successful one or more SegmentHeader messages are sent in 
of ascending SegmentNumber.

The client can detect when the last segment has been sent by checking the 
and Segments field of each received SegmentHeader.

On failure a Failed message is sent.

C. FECEncodeSegment
The FECEncodeSegment message is used to create check blocks for a
segment of a file.  The RequestedList field contains a comma delimited
list of the requested check blocks. If the list is empty or omitted completely
all the check blocks are sent.

The SegmentHeader for the requested segment must sent as data in the
trailing field of the FECEncodeSegment message, preceding the raw
segment data to encode.

DataLength= + 

< SegmentHeader >
< raw data >

If the encode request is successful, the server sends a BlocksEncoded
confirmation message, followed by DataChunk messages for the encoded
blocks.  Check b

[freenet-dev] Cleaning up fproxy

2002-09-12 Thread Gianni Johansson
I think we should break froxy up into separate servlets bound together on the 
same port with Tavin's MultipleHttpServletContainer.  The hard cross port 
redirects are ugly.   Once everything is running on the same port redirects 
are less ugly.

/  -- with no arguments would map to Ian's infolet main page
   -- with a valid URI, maps to a leaner and meaner fproxy-lite servlet that 
handles normal requests and inserts but redirects splitfile
inserts /requests to he servlets below.
/servlet/splitfile_insert  -- inserts a FEC encoded splitfile
/servlet/splitfile_retrieve -- retrieves a fec encoded splitfile
/servlet/cool_thing_no_one_has_thought_of yet -- it's easy to add new stuff

This would make the code more modular and more easily expandable. 

Think webcam servlet. edition freesite checker servlet etc. etc.

-- gj

devl mailing list
devl at freenetproject.org

Re: [freenet-dev] FCP FEC Proposal -- in message body

2002-09-12 Thread fish

Most of this sounds pretty good.

Firstly, a stupid question - is there any reason to seperate "data blocks"
and "check blocks"?  As far as the FEC encoder/decoder knows, they're just
blocks, right?  I mean, that's the whole *point* of it (you need any k
blocks of n in order to decode a file).  Would make things simpler,
conceptually, I think.  This of course is based on assumptions from FEC
implentations that I have seen, where the block size is
constant... obviously, if your FEC implentation makes the distinction,
then I guess it makes sense (translation from fishish: yeah, we need to
support checkblocks for certain algorythms, but they don't make sense for

Anyhow, the other point I wished to make, is that from looking at your
information, it seems like it would be far more convinent still to just
call the onionnetworks library direclty - okay, yeah, I see the usefulness
of this for providing access to people who don't have/don't want to have
bindings to this, but it just seems like an unnessesary layer of
abstraction to me.  But perhaps I am on crack.

> III. Changes to SplitFile metadata format.
> 0) Deprecate the BlockSize field, since check blocks are not necessarily the
> same size as data blocks and blocks may be different sizes across segments.

I strongly disagree with this - if we want to support this case, it is
better to then have a seperate set of metadata for each segment and
specify the block/check size in each one.  This information is very useful
to have for reasons of memory allocation and the like.

Other than that, however, All of that being said, this all looks okay to
me on my initial reading.

- fish

p.s. I included the following in the original draft of this email, but
considered it offtopic and hence seperated it out from the main
email.  However, I include it here because it is interesting and

> For a given maximum block size, some FEC algorithms can only
> practically handle files up to a certain maximum size.  The design
> uses segmentation to handle this case.  Large files are divided into
> smaller segments and FEC is only done on a per segment basis.  This
> compromise provides a least limited redundancy for large files.

Should we be perhaps looking for a library which doens't suffer from these
problems as much as onion's library, however?  The thing is, the whole
usefulness of FEC is for big files, you know... I know that we do have to
deal with reality instead of would-be-nice's, however, but it is something
to think about.

The other problem is, that as you stripe like this, the amount of
redundancy is, of course, reduced significantly, however you already knew
that.  However, people writing bad algorythms for downloading files (block
1,2,3,4 etc in order) could make this problem even worse.  (As a side
note to this, I have been wondering if an AWT based freenet download
manager would be a useful thing to code/have... any thoughts on
this?  Heh, of course, this would require me to learn how to communicate
with freenet from java, but i can't be that hard, can it? :-p)

Anyhow, I'm sure you knew all of this... just restating it for my own
benefit, don't mind me :).  I'll look into the alternative libraries
myself over the next few days... there's nothing to stop us having two
encoders, given that the facilities are there, and let the best codec win

devl mailing list

[freenet-dev] Adding FCP commands for FEC

2002-09-12 Thread Gianni Johansson
Here's a description of the fcp commands I want to add to do FEC 

I have a working implementation with encoder and decoder plugins based on the 
OnionNetworks Java FEC library.  It has JNI native code support for Windows, 
x86 linux and Solaris.  

Unfortunately, I don't have FEC downloading working in fproxy with the new 
code yet.  Otherwise I might have been tempted to do a "full speed ahead and 
damn the torpedos checkin" ;-)

Don't get too hung up on the issue of segments.  Files under 128M won't get 
segmented with the my plugin implementation.

I played around with FCP level 2 like single call "just do it and tell me 
when your done" designs.  I didn't do it that way, because I don't think that 
will work for real applications.  FEC SplitFile inserting / downloading is a 
resource intensive process.  You need fine grain control at the application 

What do people think about the proposal?


I am not igoring the source issue for the OnionNetworks util code.  Somehow 
that got lost between rev's.  Justin is supposed to be coming out with an 
update release with full source pretty soon.  If worse came to worse we could 
just decompile.  We have full human readable source to all the tricky stuff.

-- next part --
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[freenet-dev] Fproxy insert

2002-09-12 Thread Marco A. Calamari

None follow Ian's call for opinion about the
 fproxy insertion capability removal.

My opinion about it is that was a bad(TM) idea.

I cannot imagine a good technical reason for that.

 From a normal user point of view, this fact transform
 a read/write media in a readonly media; something that
 the RIAA and other organization from the Dark Side
 can just dream of.

It is unreasonable that a normal user install and understand
 other programs just to have the basic feature of writing a file
 on Freenet; maybe the only good change would be to put a size
 limit on that.

An artist friend of mine, that was partecipating to "Ars Electronica"
 exibition in Lintz, showing an installation that use a Freenet gateway,
 had major problems because she lost the ability to insert
 without warning; I downgrade a node for her, but this was just
 a stop-gap solution.

So I strongly suggest to reenable some kind of Fproxy in fred,
 at least as option.

FWIW.   Ciao. Marco

* Marco A. Calamari  [EMAIL PROTECTED] *
il  Progetto Freenet - segui il coniglio bianco
the Freenet  Project - follow the  white rabbit

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