[Histonet] bone paraffin embedding

2014-11-03 Thread Nicole Cosenza


Our lab needs to paraffin embed and cut bone.  Is there a special 
process for fixation of bone, or can it be harvested and dropped right 
into NBF?

Nicole Cosenza
Research Technician
Institute for Plastic Surgery
SIU School of Medicine
Springfield, Il

Histonet mailing list

[Histonet] lyophilizing company

2014-01-22 Thread Nicole Cosenza


My lab is needing to lyophilize some skin tissue. Is there a company 
that offers such services?

Histonet mailing list

[Histonet] FISH technique and NBF as fixative

2014-01-15 Thread Nicole Cosenza
I need to do FISH with the universal bacterial probe EUB338. I am not 
too familiar with FISH. Can we fix the sample with NBF or is 4% 
paraformaldehyde better? The samples are acellular dermal matrix.  A 
quick lit search shows people using 4% paraformaldehyde, but the 
histologist that will be embedding the tissue said that NBF is gentler 
on tissue than 4% PFA...

Histonet mailing list

[Histonet] needing nerves resin embedded

2013-09-09 Thread Nicole Cosenza

Hi all:

My lab is starting a project involving neuromas. We are in need of resin 
embedding of the nerves, but our facility does not have the 
capabilities. Is there a company that offers resin embedding/sectioning 

Histonet mailing list

[Histonet] problem with DAB staining

2013-03-07 Thread Nicole Cosenza

Hello all:

I recently did IHC on paraffin embedded slides via the DAB method. Upon 
addition of the DAB, the entire section turned brown. I know this is not 
true staining, as I don't expect a high yield of my protein of interest. 
Any suggestions as to why this happened and what to do about it?

Histonet mailing list

[Histonet] nerve embedding/staining

2013-02-13 Thread Nicole Cosenza
My lab is thinking of performing a nerve study. We want to IF stain 
cross sections of nerve for a few different antigens of interest. The 
nerve will only be 5mm in length. Is it better to paraffin embed and 
section or cryosection?  Is there a way to stain the tissue to it can be 
seen in the block WITHOUT affecting later IF staining?

Histonet mailing list

[Histonet] cryosections with DiD labeling

2012-08-21 Thread Nicole Cosenza
We are beginning a retrograde tracing study in rats. We injected DiD 
into the rats and in 4 weeks we will perfuse and harvest the brainstems. 
My question is, is vibratome sectioning better than cryostat sectioning? 
The literature that accompanied the dye said either is an option, but 
some have noted dye leaching out when cyrostat sectioned. How common is 
this problem?  If vibratome is the better choice, is there a good 
embedding protocol?

Histonet mailing list

[Histonet] re-usability of ethanols

2012-03-14 Thread Nicole Cosenza

Hello all,

I am looking for opinions on how long/often I can re-use ethanols (100%, 
95%, 50%) when I rehydrate paraffin sections for IHC staining.


Histonet mailing list

[Histonet] need a counter stain for esterase and silver stained slides

2011-06-22 Thread Nicole Cosenza
I have recently stained some muscle tissue with bromoindigo and 
urea-silver to examine the neuromuscular junction.  The nerve axons and 
endplates stain quite well this way, but I'd like to add some color to 
the slide for picture-purposes. Is there a good counterstain (eosin, or 
Biebrich scarlet-acid fuchsin) I can dip the slides in to add color, 
WITHOUT taking away from the stain already present in the slides?

Histonet mailing list

[Histonet] combined cholinesterase-silver stain

2011-02-04 Thread Nicole Cosenza
I am looking into staining motor end plates. I've come across this 
combined cholinesterase-silver stain (reference Pestronk and Drachman, 
1978).  Based on the date of the paper, I'm wondering what the current 
technique is for this double staining.

Anyone currently doing AchE and axon staining on fresh frozen muscle 

Histonet mailing list

[Histonet] Karnovsky and Roots stain

2011-02-03 Thread Nicole Cosenza
I am looking into a project involving motor end plate staining. 
Literature that I've found continually references Karnovsky and Roots 
from the 60s.   However the papers are not supplying all the details.

Does anyone do AchE staining by this method on fresh frozen, unfixed 
tissue sections? If so, can I get a more detailed protocol  (fixation 
steps, washes, etc)?

Histonet mailing list

[Histonet] DiD retrograde tracing study. Vibratome or cryostat

2010-05-07 Thread Nicole Cosenza
We are beginning a retrograde tracing study in rats. We injected DiD 
into the rats and in 4 weeks we will perfuse and harvest the brainstems. 
My question is, is vibratome sectioning better than cryostat sectioning? 
The literature that accompanied the dye said either is an option, but 
some have noted dye leaching out when cyrostat sectioned. How common is 
this problem?  If vibratome is the better choice, is there a good 
embedding protocol?

Southern Illinois University School of Medicine

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