Re: FTP Error 426

2007-05-20 Thread Chris Mason
ession that the server was 
behaving badly[3]. Perhaps tracing can reveal what really happens - which is 
fine if it is reproducible as implied.

[3] Beware of course that in "smoke and mirrors" world of networking, 
whether SNA or IP - but particularly IP - what arrives is not always what 
was sent by the supposed partner.

Well, conscientious as ever - I hope - I thought it best not to mention 
something without researching a little. It turns out that FWFRIENDLY is a 
"client-side" parameter - so why not give it a try. Also I was directed to 
the EPSV4 parameter, the description of which has the right sort of "ring" 
about it - "If your client has trouble establishing a data connection" - as 
a possible way out of the problem as described - with all the key functions 
piled together, "security protected", "encrypted session", "NAT", "firewall" 
... you name it, we've got it covered!

Chris Mason

- Original Message - 
From: "Patrick O'Keefe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Saturday, May 19, 2007 2:51 AM
Subject: Re: FTP Error 426

On Fri, 18 May 2007 11:26:35 -0500, George Kozakos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

On the meaning of out-of-band:
It relates to the method
of signaling between the client and server. Normally subcommands
are processed one after the other and are received within the data
stream (or in band). In the case of an ABOR, you don't want the other
end to wait to get your command, so it is sent Out of Band. You really
want to interrupt the other end and have it respond to the ABOR
instead of finishing what it was doing.
Out of Band is a method of signalling that gets processed immediately.

Please don't ask me what any of that means.

There was apparently a change in terminology somewhere along the
line.  I found a few pages on the web that said "out of band" TCP data
is TCP data sent with the "Urgent" flag.   THAT is mentioned in the TCP
RFC (RFC0793 / STD0007) - data sent outside of the normal TCP flow
controls, data that should be acted on right away by the receiver.  The
"out of band" idea is that this urgent data should be processed even if
there is buffered "in band" data ahead of it.

But in this case we already sort of new that.   An ABORT was sent
and the receiver should process it right away.  Ok.  But why?

The only thing you can say for sure is that the remote end didn't like
something.  Hopefully there is some indication of a problem on the
remote end.  While there isn't much to go on, but it may be significant
that this an ABORT request (which is part of FTP, I think) rather than
a RESET flag.

Pat O'Keefe 

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Re: FTP Error 426

2007-05-18 Thread Patrick O'Keefe
On Fri, 18 May 2007 11:26:35 -0500, George Kozakos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>On the meaning of out-of-band:
>It relates to the method
>of signaling between the client and server. Normally subcommands
>are processed one after the other and are received within the data
>stream (or in band). In the case of an ABOR, you don't want the other
>end to wait to get your command, so it is sent Out of Band. You really
>want to interrupt the other end and have it respond to the ABOR
>instead of finishing what it was doing.
>Out of Band is a method of signalling that gets processed immediately.
>Please don't ask me what any of that means.

There was apparently a change in terminology somewhere along the 
line.  I found a few pages on the web that said "out of band" TCP data
is TCP data sent with the "Urgent" flag.   THAT is mentioned in the TCP
RFC (RFC0793 / STD0007) - data sent outside of the normal TCP flow
controls, data that should be acted on right away by the receiver.  The
"out of band" idea is that this urgent data should be processed even if
there is buffered "in band" data ahead of it.

But in this case we already sort of new that.   An ABORT was sent
and the receiver should process it right away.  Ok.  But why?

The only thing you can say for sure is that the remote end didn't like
something.  Hopefully there is some indication of a problem on the 
remote end.  While there isn't much to go on, but it may be significant
that this an ABORT request (which is part of FTP, I think) rather than 
a RESET flag.

Pat O'Keefe


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Re: FTP Error 426

2007-05-18 Thread George Kozakos
Hi John,
I'm not a TCP/IP person but from my searches...

On the return code 426:
The FTP server sends message that it's about
to open a data connection but we don't see an incoming SYN from port
20 and 2 seconds later, it sends "426 Connection closed. Transfer
aborted" which causes the control connection to be closed.
This could be due to a firewall not allowing the data
connection to flow.

On the meaning of out-of-band:
It relates to the method
of signaling between the client and server. Normally subcommands
are processed one after the other and are received within the data
stream (or in band). In the case of an ABOR, you don't want the other
end to wait to get your command, so it is sent Out of Band. You really
want to interrupt the other end and have it respond to the ABOR
instead of finishing what it was doing.
Out of Band is a method of signalling that gets processed immediately.

Please don't ask me what any of that means.

George Kozakos
z/OS Level 2 Software Service

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Re: FTP Error 426

2007-05-18 Thread Chase, John
> -Original Message-
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List On Behalf Of Greg Shirey
> John,
> I Googled '"out of band" FTP' and got a link to RFC 0529.  
> I'm no expert in IP networking, but to my reading, 
> out-of-band is sort of an interrupt caused by the ABOR.

Hmmm..  From Chris Mason's explanation I got the impression that the
ABOR subcommand was the "payload", and the "out of band" is somewhat
analogous to the SNA DFASY transmission.

>  So, 
> why did the client send the abort?  Could it be the timeout 
> value had passed?  I think the default is 120 seconds, but it 
> can be overridden.  
> If this is a batch job, you might check your EZA1617I 
> messages in the aborted runs and see if your transfer rate 
> was running really slow at the time.

Not likely, because the batch FTP jobstep started and ended in the same
second.  Here's the message sequence:

EZA1736I /AIX/pathname/filename.ext  
EZA1701I >>> SITE FIXrecfm 599 LRECL=599 RECFM=FB BLKSIZE=27554
500 'SITE FIXrecfm 599 LRECL=599 RECFM=FB BLKSIZE=27554'
EZA1701I >>> PORT 
200 PORT command successful.  
EZA1701I >>> APPE /AIX/pathname/filename.ext 
150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for 
426 Connection closed; transfer aborted.  
EZA1735I Std Return Code = 04426, Error Code = 2  
EZA1701I >>> QUIT 

It's as though z/OS said "just kidding" immediately after the 150 reply.

>  We've found IP traffic 
> to be so flaky that we coded a proc that runs a REXX that 
> attempts the FTP x number of times (4 as a default), sleeping 
> 30 seconds between attempts (adapted from something we 
> acquired from Terry Linsley somehow -- thanks, Terry).  And 
> all our batch jobs that need to FTP use the FTPRETRY proc - 
> most of them are successful on the first attempt, but many of 
> them wind up taking 2 or 3
> attempts.   And when the programmers discover a site they are 
> FTP'ing to
> that seems to fail a lot, they generally increase the timeout 
> value too.
> Anyway, our shop has viewed this unreliability in FTP 
> transfers as SOP (or WAD) and have adapted.  

OK, we may have to categorize this kind of situation as "unexplainable"
for the time being.


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Re: FTP Error 426

2007-05-18 Thread Chase, John
> -Original Message-
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List On Behalf Of Chris Mason
> [ technical minutiae snipped ]

So in this context, "Out Of Band" is somewhat analogous to SNA's DFASY?

But we'd still like to learn "why" it occurred.


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Re: FTP Error 426

2007-05-18 Thread Greg Shirey

I Googled '"out of band" FTP' and got a link to RFC 0529.  I'm no expert
in IP networking, but to my reading, out-of-band is sort of an interrupt
caused by the ABOR.  So, why did the client send the abort?  Could it be
the timeout value had passed?  I think the default is 120 seconds, but
it can be overridden.  

If this is a batch job, you might check your EZA1617I messages in the
aborted runs and see if your transfer rate was running really slow at
the time.  We've found IP traffic to be so flaky that we coded a proc
that runs a REXX that attempts the FTP x number of times (4 as a
default), sleeping 30 seconds between attempts (adapted from something
we acquired from Terry Linsley somehow -- thanks, Terry).  And all our
batch jobs that need to FTP use the FTPRETRY proc - most of them are
successful on the first attempt, but many of them wind up taking 2 or 3
attempts.   And when the programmers discover a site they are FTP'ing to
that seems to fail a lot, they generally increase the timeout value too.

Anyway, our shop has viewed this unreliability in FTP transfers as SOP
(or WAD) and have adapted.  

Greg Shirey
Ben E. Keith Company   

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List On Behalf Of Chase, John
Sent: Friday, May 18, 2007 8:48 AM

Trying to understand the explanation for this FTP error:

426 Connection closed; transfer aborted. 

The manual says only this:

The FTP server received an Out Of Band ABOR subcommand from the FTP
client requesting that the data transfer in progress end. The FTP server
aborted the data transfer.

The client in this context is z/OS 1.7; server is an AIX machine in our
local network.

What is an "Out Of Band" condition, and why would the z/OS FTP program
(client) originate it?

BTW, the same FTP job finally succeeded after four of the above aborts.

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Re: FTP Error 426

2007-05-18 Thread Chris Mason


In  4.1.3.  FTP SERVICE COMMANDS, RFC 959 states the following:


   This command tells the server to abort the previous FTP
   service command and any associated transfer of data.  The
   abort command may require "special action", as discussed in
   the Section on FTP Commands, to force recognition by the
   server.  No action is to be taken if the previous command
   has been completed (including data transfer).  The control
   connection is not to be closed by the server, but the data
   connection must be closed.

   There are two cases for the server upon receipt of this
   command: (1) the FTP service command was already completed,
   or (2) the FTP service command is still in progress.

  In the first case, the server closes the data connection
  (if it is open) and responds with a 226 reply, indicating
  that the abort command was successfully processed.

  In the second case, the server aborts the FTP service in
  progress and closes the data connection, returning a 426
  reply to indicate that the service request terminated
  abnormally.  The server then sends a 226 reply,
  indicating that the abort command was successfully

Interestingly enough, it doesn't mention "out-of-band". I expect this 
explanation text you found means that the TCP OOB function is used with the 
sending of the ABOR command from the FTP client to the FTP server over the 
TCP connection. OOB is some weird protocol used within TCP which is a pale 
shadow of the SNA expedite function. I expect this means that the FTP client 
was trying to "hurry along" the "abort" request - quite understandable - and 
maybe it worked!

Here are my presentation notes on OOB:

Out-Of-Band Data

Out-of-band data may be used for whatever purpose an application may have 
for it. It is usually thought of as of use for sending urgent data. It may 
be compared to the use of SIGNAL in SNA.

The sending and receiving of out-of-band data is supported by modified 
versions of the standard WRITE and READ subroutine calls: SEND and RECV. 
These subroutine calls allow for the additional specification of a flag 
parameter which includes the ability to send out-of-band data with a SEND 
subroutine call and receive out-of-band data with a RECV subroutine call. 
The flag has the name MSG_OOB.

Out-of-band data may be received either "inline" in the position it was 
placed in the data stream by the SEND subroutine call or not "inline" so 
that it can be received as soon as it appears in the arriving data and ahead 
of any normal data in the stream.

Setting the option to define how out-of-band data should be received is one 
of the functions of the SETSOCKOPT subroutine call. The ability to query the 
current setting of this option is one of the functions of the GETSOCKOPT 
subroutine call. The socket option is specified with the name SO_OOBINLINE.

Whether the out-of-band data is "inline" or not "inline", the fact that 
out-of-band data is next to be read can be detected by use of one of the 
functions of the IOCTL subroutine call. The function has the name 
SIOCATMARK. The function is normally used when the out-of-band data is 
"inline". Note that, whereas normally stream data accumulates such that data 
from multiple subroutine calls of any of the send types can be received with 
one subroutine call of any of the receive types, the presence of out-of-band 
data effectively creates boundaries in the stream so that a receive 
subroutine call stops, as it were, at the out-of-band marker. Thus there is 
no risk that "inline" out-of-band data can be missed by being embedded in 
normal data.

However, when out-of-band data is not "inline", there is a risk that the 
data can be lost entirely unless it is received
*before* normal data which was sent after the out-of-band data. Whether the 
out-of-band data is "inline" or not, the SELECT subroutine call will 
indicate that out-of-band data is present by setting the exception condition 
for the relevant socket. This condition is cleared when the out-of-band data 
is received or it has been, as it were, passed over.

The author has had some difficulty getting very definite descriptions of 
other than the most basic socket functions from available sources. At least 
one implementation of socket subroutine calls, namely, TCP/IP for MVS (and, 
almost certainly, also VM and, very probably, VTAM V3R4.2) implement 
out-of-band data as *a single byte*.
This is nowhere precisely documented. Strangely enough, if the SEND 
subroutine call used to send out-of-band data specifies more than one byte 
of data, all bytes, other than the last, enter the stream as normal data.

A further point, also discovered only by testing, is that only one 
out-of-band byte may be sent at any one time. If a s