Re: CMS module from assembler

2009-10-15 Thread Ray Mansell
You didn't mention how you generated your new module, but if it needs to 
run as a nucleus extension then you at least need to use the RLD option 
on the LOAD command:

   load rxtpcf ( rld
   genmod rxtpcf

Ray Mansell

Rothman, Peter wrote:

What is the 'special' way of genning the module?

Re: mixed case messages

2008-05-19 Thread Ray Mansell

Shimon Lebowitz wrote:

"CP MSG " variable_with_mixedcase_text

What have I missed?


Try this:

Address command "CP MSG " variable_with_mixedcase_text


Re: Impromptu XEDIT Survey

2008-02-21 Thread Ray Mansell

Right is right.

Huegel, Thomas wrote:

Where does the prefix field belong?
On the left?
On the right?

Re: z/VM COBOL compiler

2007-10-12 Thread Ray Mansell

Ron Schmiedge wrote:

I believe it was withdrawn for MVS only, it is still available and
orderable for z/VM (at least it was when we ordered z/VM 5.2 last
year). It did take some coaxing and pointing to the right announcement
letter paragraphs to convince IBM of this, if I recall correctly.


Indeed... Romney just pointed me to this page:


Re: z/VM COBOL compiler

2007-10-12 Thread Ray Mansell

Julie Erickson wrote:
Is there a supported COBOL compiler on z/VM 5.2?  Is COBOL for OS/390 and 
VM (product code 5648-A25) still supported and available?

I found a posting from 2001 mentioning the above compiler.  It seems 
pretty old.

I'd appreciate any information.  I have some COBOL code on z/OS which I 
would like to port to CMS on z/VM.

Thanks for your help,

Look here:

According to this table, it is still supported for VM, but was long ago 
withdrawn from marketing.


Re: Sanity check?

2007-10-12 Thread Ray Mansell

Marcy Cortes wrote:

When I did an IND USER on him, it did say 1TB - must have taken him
lower at logon time.  It happily let me put 1500GB in the directory. 


Ah yes... that explains it. When you used the word "define", I thought 
you meant the DEFINE command.

And yes, you can put any (acceptable) value in the directory, but CP 
will enforce the maximum storage size at LOGON time according to the 
machine restrictions.


Re: Sanity check?

2007-10-12 Thread Ray Mansell

Marcy Cortes wrote:

I know, my gun my foot...

But does anyone else think it might be a good idea for CP to check
available page space before allowing a (really big) virtual machine to
be logged on?  
One shouldn't define a virtual machine of size 1500G when one meant to
do 1500M!  

Maybe I should just take a day off, huh?

OK... I have to ask. How did you manage to define a virtual machine 
whose size was 1500G?

There's a machine-dependent limit on the maximum virtual storage size 
(256GB for a z990, 1TB for a z9), so are you sure you successfully 
defined 1500G? Or did CP enforce the maximum supported for your machine? 
(Or maybe there's some way I'm not aware of to bypass this limit.)

Of course, even if CP did constrain you to the maximum supported, you'd 
still be in trouble! I'm just curious concerning the actual numbers quoted.

Ray Mansell

P.s. "Constrained to 1TB" is really a sign of the times. My very first 
virtual machine, several decades ago, was 320KB!!

Re: z/vm security advise requested

2007-09-26 Thread Ray Mansell

Lionel B. Dyck wrote:
racf will solve a myrid of issues but our security folks wanted me to set 
all the system/service/linux machines to nolog and I think this solution 
will be better all the way around :-)

Your security folks were correct: setting all machines to NOLOG would 
make your system extremely secure.

Of course, it would also render it totally useless :-)

Ray Mansell

Re: Guest in 31 or 64 bit?

2007-08-11 Thread Ray Mansell

Lee Stewart wrote:
Is there a way to tell from a CP command if a guest is running in 31 
bit or 64 bit mode?

Not directly, but you could issue the DISPLAY PSW command on behalf of 
the target user (using the FOR command in z/VM 5.3, or via SCIF for 
earlier releases) and interpret the result, which will be like one of 
the following:

Guest in 31-bit mode:
for operator cmd d p  
OPERATOR : PSW = 030E 8105B570
OPERATOR : HCPFOR069I Command Complete.  CP return code = .

Guest in 64-bit mode, PSWTRANS OFF:
for raylx2 cmd d 

RAYLX2   : HCPCDP6150E The option PSW has been specified but is not 
valid in z/Architecture mode.  To enable the use of this option issue 
the appropriate SET PSWTRANS command or use the PSWG option.

RAYLX2   : HCPFOR069I Command Complete.  CP return code = 6150.

Guest in 64-bit mode, PSWTRANS ALL|DISPLAY|STORE:
for raylx2 cmd d 
RAYLX2   : PSW = NON TRANSLATABLE PSWG = 07060001 8000  

RAYLX2   : HCPFOR069I Command Complete.  CP return code = .

And yes, it would be very easy (code-wise) to provide a QUERY command 
option to give this information, or you might try the following piece of 
REXX from a suitably-privileged userid (this, of course, is subject to 
VMDMMODE remaining at the same offset in the VMDBK - which it has for at 
least the last four releases):

/* QMODE: determine whether a guest is in 64-bit mode 
Parse UPPER Arg uid   
If (uid='*') Then uid = userid()  
Numeric Digits 20 
'PIPE CP LOCATE' uid '| spec w3 1 | var vmdbk'
If (rc<>0) Then Do
 Say 'Error' rc 'from "CP LOCATE' uid'"' 
 Exit rc 
vmdmmode = d2x(x2d(vmdbk)+x2d(4c4))   
'PIPE CP DISPLAY HS' || vmdmmode || '.1 | spec w2 1 | var mode'
If (rc<>0) Then Do
 Say 'Error' rc 'from "CP DISPLAY HS' || vmdmmode || '.1"'   
 Exit rc 
If bitand(x2c(mode),'40'x)='40'x  
 Then Say uid 'is in 64-bit mode'
 Else Say uid 'is not in 64-bit mode'
Or one could write a CP QUERY command extension - isn't that possible? 
I'll take a look and maybe post something later.


Re: FW: IBM saves $250 million consolidating Linux servers on to mainframes | Community

2007-08-01 Thread Ray Mansell

Macioce, Larry wrote:

But isn't lparing a VM technology??
Yes - LPAR and z/VM share a common ancestor, and there's still some of 
my own code in LPAR from wy back, but these days they are very 
different beasts.

Ray M

Re: FW: IBM saves $250 million consolidating Linux servers on to mainframes | Community

2007-08-01 Thread Ray Mansell

Dave Jones wrote:

And I suspect that these Linux servers will be hosted on z/VM..
This was just circulated internally, too, and I was extremely annoyed 
that z/VM wasn't mentioned (although I note that LPAR was touted as 
being IBM's "premier virtualisation product" - not that I have anything 
particularly against LPAR, but really...).

I'm trying to find out more.

Ray M

Re: Possible Causes of HCPMFS057I

2007-07-31 Thread Ray Mansell

Dixon, Patricia A wrote:

Hi Mike


I am not a VM expert by any means, but here goes: 


A user issues 3 SMSG commands to a disconnected machine.  This service 
machine has the ability to send files (monitor and account data) to 
MVS or write files to a users CMS disk.  The SMSG issues a TRANSFER to 
the service machine providing the file names and their locations.  In 
this instance, the files are being written to a CMS disk. 


The first SMSG command executes successfully, but the second and third 
get the HCPMFS057I message. 


From what I am seeing in other responses on the LISTSERV, it looks 
like a VMCF AUTHORIZE issue. 



Given your description and Mike's earlier response abut a missing VMCF 
handler, the following possibilities occur to me:

1) The service machine tries to process the first SMSG, but encounters a 
problem and fails less than gracefully (perhaps its disk is full?)

2) The service machine disables its VMCF handler whilst processing a 
request. Processing the request takes a long time, so the subsequent two 
SMSGs fail.

Or something along those lines. If it were me, I would take a close look 
at your service machine to see what's going on there.

Good luck!
Ray Mansell

Re: Possible Causes of HCPMFS057I

2007-07-31 Thread Ray Mansell
This is the response from SMSG when the system detects that you are not 
authorised to use that command. Here is what the SMSG help says:

4.   If an external security manager (ESM) is installed on your system, you
may not be authorized to enter this command. However, messages sent to
or from the system operator are not subject to authorization checking 
by the ESM. For additional information, contact your security 

I hope this is sufficient for you to determine where the problem is.

Ray Mansell

Pat Dixon wrote:
Receiving a HCPMFS057I User not authorizied.  Checked the help facility 
but no reasonable explanation found other than "not authorized The user is 
not authorized." 

What could cause this error or what is it that the user does not have 



Re: HELP on z/vm 5.3 install!

2007-07-25 Thread Ray Mansell
For an FTP server (and I assume you are talking about a Windows PC - I 
know, big assumption), you can't go wrong with FileZilla.


Anne Crabtree wrote:

Well, it just so happenend, not sure how, that my VM session went from
"running" to "vm read" and then the ftp server timed out.  I don't know
if I hit enter or what?  Anyway, I just logged off.  Will check the ftp
server software for transmission speed or whatever...  it was freeware I
downloaded...  may hav to try a different one.  No big deal I guess.  I
can always start over.. :)

Re: HELP on z/vm 5.3 install!

2007-07-24 Thread Ray Mansell
Hmmm... I can't help, though I suspect a simple HX would do the trick. 
However, you might want to do some investigation, since I also did an 
FTP install last week, and it took less than an hour.

Or, just leave it running overnight. Is there any reason you can't do that?

Ray Mansell

Anne Crabtree wrote:

I am installing z/vm 5.3 from an ftp server...  Was really proud of
myself until I realized after starting the instdvd and 1 1/2 hours have
gone by and I am on disk 5 of 280 that it might not have been prudent to
start it this late in the day! 

Is there a graceful way to interrupt the install so that I'm not here
all night?  I see instructions about restarting instdvd with restart
option which I'm perfectly willing to do... in the morning..

Re: FW: PIPEDDR & TERSE and other stuff

2007-07-12 Thread Ray Mansell

Kris Buelens wrote:
COPYFILE (PACK is very simple, I never looked in the actual details 
but it replaces multiple occurances of the same character, inexpensive 
but not lots of gains.  TERSE is much like ZIP and VMARC.  The FCOPY 
tool on the download lib has a PACK option too, but that works like 
A reason why COPYFILE (PACK is used to transfer files from VM into the 
PC world, is that a safe binary download/upload is only possible for 
files with a FIXED recordlength.  COPYFILE (PACK makes every file 
F1024 (TERSE too and VMARC F80; FCOPY creates a RECFM V file)

From the 1985 internal announcement of TERSE:
TERSE is a program which compresses data.  It is based on a new algorithm
developed by Victor Miller and Mark Wegman of IBM Research at Yorktown  
("Variations on a theme by Ziv and Lempel" - Research RC 10630).
The compression algorithm is adaptive, and does quite well on a variety 
of file types, usually much better than HUFF or HUFFMOVE.   
I could likely dig up a copy of RC10630 if anybody is really that 


Re: ACCESS /extension

2007-06-28 Thread Ray Mansell
When CMS is searching for something executable, it does not search 
extensions before intervening disks.

However, you could EXECLOAD your exec - that will find it according to 
the extension rules. Not maximally convenient, I know...

Ray Mansell

Ian S. Worthington wrote:

Hmmm.  That's what I was hoping for, but with EXECs.  Maybe those are 
found differently. When my VM's available I'll test it again.



Re: set run on

2007-05-22 Thread Ray Mansell

Duane Weaver wrote:
The Operator on my system has SET RUN ON.  Yet it still shows a VM 
READ all the time.

The other appenders are correct - you should include the CMS command SET 
AUTOREAD OFF in the operator's PROFILE EXEC. Note that SET AUTOREAD is a 
CMS command, while SET RUN is a CP command.

AUTOREAD is a feature that harks back to 2741 (i.e. typewriter) terminal 
days when the terminal was either in receive or transmit mode. AUTOREAD 
ON meant that when CMS was ready to accept input it would send a READ to 
the terminal, enabling you to type. However, in this mode, any output 
from the system could not be sent until the next time you pressed the 
ENTER (or some other interrupt) key.  With AUTOREAD OFF, such system 
output could be sent immediately, but the keyboard was disabled and you 
had to press the ATTN key to unlock it. Fun times. With the advent of 
the 3270 screen, there was no longer a need for this feature, since 
whatever you typed on the keyboard was buffered in the terminal. When 
you pressed ENTER, an attention was sent to the system, which in turn 
would issue a read to the terminal, which in its turn would send the 
contents of it buffer to the system. Even though AUTOREAD was no longer 
required, it was retained for compatibility (just like SET BLIP :-) )

For historical reasons, the default for AUTOREAD is ON if the virtual 
machine is autologged, and OFF if you logon from a terminal (I forget 
why). If you have a userid which is ever likely to be autologged, you'll 
probably want to include SET AUTOREAD OFF in its profile exec.

Ray Mansell

Re: FW: IOS3270 Manual or documentation

2007-05-16 Thread Ray Mansell

Rob van der Heij wrote:

Yeah, was written way back... ;-)   I recall the Y2K version of VMARC
never was picked up for the IBM internal systems. That bit me a few
times as well.

Since 1907 appears on the formatted front page, I assume it is SCRIPT 
that is getting confused. In the version I posted a week or so ago, the 
year appeared as 2007.


Re: REXX370 4.02 01 Dec 1998 - why is Rexx so old?

2007-04-17 Thread Ray Mansell

Jim Elliott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

The only thing that might be nice is to have his later ObjectREXX
on z/VM
That would be Simon Nash's Object REXX (just to get the attribution 
where it belongs :-))

Ray Mansell

Re: Maximum virtual storage

2007-02-03 Thread Ray Mansell
I just tried this second-level. You did not misread . This looks like a 
very good reason to request Q STOR MAX.

q v stor 
def stor 16e  
HCPDST093E Storage size requested (16E) exceeds maximum allowed on this 
processor (256G). Size set to maximum allowed.
Storage cleared - system reset.

Ray Mansell

Phil Smith III wrote:

So if I had 1G before, I get to reIPL?  That's a change in behavior, and makes the 
"issue a ridiculous size to see what my max is" unworkable!  Or am I misreading 
what you wrote?



Re: Litotes?

2006-12-21 Thread Ray Mansell

Schuh, Richard wrote:
The opposite of non-trivial would be complex. 


Re: z/vm 4.4

2006-12-06 Thread Ray Mansell

Alan Altmark wrote:

2064 - z900
2066 - z800

2084 - z990
2086 - z890

2094 - z9 EC
2096 - z9 BC

A pattern emerges.  ;-)
Aha! So this little, rack-mounted 2074 we have in the lab must have some 
additional capabilities I had never suspected before! I'll go and check 
it out right now...


Re: IBM sues PSI

2006-12-05 Thread Ray Mansell

Schuh, Richard wrote:

The URL is "Non-working", even if resolve the issue of it being split
into 2 pieces. 	  


Hmmm... it worked for me, and it wasn't split, either

Ray Mansell

Re: writing color enhanced messes from rexx execs

2006-11-30 Thread Ray Mansell
Long ago one could indeed use other codes, but this proved to be a 
security hole. (One could send non-displayable messages containing 
privileged commands to a privileged user such that the next time that 
user pressed the ENTER key, the command would be executed. Not that *I* 
ever did anything like that, of course... well, except perhaps for pure 
research purposes.)  The fix for that was to filter only the 
highlighting codes.  The ESAY program I mentioned a couple of days ago 
allows you to generate colourful linemode output, but only under control 
of CP, so there are no explicit attribute codes involved.

Ray Mansell...

Fran Hensler wrote:

I found the codes for hilite and normal in an EXEC that I did not
write.  I have tried codes like these to do color but I was not

Re: writing color enhanced messes from rexx execs

2006-11-29 Thread Ray Mansell

Gonen Shoham wrote:

So where is this Assemble pgm

It's on my A-disk, of course. I guess I should bundle it up and make it 
available as-is...

Re: writing color enhanced messes from rexx execs

2006-11-28 Thread Ray Mansell

Kris Buelens wrote:
What you ask is impossible In linemode.  If you want to exploit fullscreen 
CMS, then you can define the color of each character:

Some code extracted from my TSTREX EXEC
Nothing is impossible :-)  Well, alright, *some* things are impossible, 
but this isn't one of them.

Some years ago I wrote a small assembler program to do just this. In 
essence, it uses a combination of SCREEN VMOUT, TERM AUTOCR, and a 
little-known switch on the CMS TYPLIN function call. Using this, I am 
able to create linemode output on the screen that includes colours, 
blinking, reverse video, and underscore.

Everything is triggered off an escape character which is followed by 
attribute specifications. For example:

'esay /yuH/dnello /bnthere/dn'

will generate an output line containing the text 'Hello there', where 
the 'H' is yellow and underscored, the 'ello ' is normal, and 'there' is 

Ray Mansell
IBM Hawthorne

Re: Extended storage question.

2006-10-24 Thread Ray Mansell
They are XC mode machines so that they can use data spaces - it really 
has nothing whatsoever to do with expanded storage. (XC stands for 
eXtended Configuration - an extension to the zSeries architecture 
specially designed for use by z/VM)

If you manage to track down that document, please let us know, since it 
definitely needs to be fixed.

Thank you,
Ray Mansell

Steve Gentry wrote:
Respectfully, Richard, I ran across some doc somewhere that recommended 
that the MACHINE TYPE for VMSERx (U and S) machines be set to XC so that 
they can use XSTORE.  Whether VMSERx actually uses x storeage or VM itself 
handles these moves to and from  x  storage is another matter.
If necessary, I will look up the doc. regarding the XC recommendation. 
VMSERVS and VMSERVU come shipped this way (MACHINE XC) from

IBM.  VMSERVR is MACHINE XA , which, of course, makes sense.

Re: Diag A8 R15 RC of 3

2006-09-26 Thread Ray Mansell


Can you tell us the level of CP where this happens, and the associated
condition code?  I've just spent an hour or so poring over the 5.2
source code for diag A8, and I can't see any way return code 3 can

Ray Mansell

Ken Vance wrote:

  We are using DIAG A8, and we are
a RC of 3.  This does not appear to be documented.  We can see
a condition code of 3, but not the R15 RC of 3.

Re: Inconsistent XEDIT Logical Not

2006-07-07 Thread Ray Mansell
This annoys me, too. There are a couple of ways around it: (i) use 
keyboard mapping so that some key appears to the host as 0x5F, or (ii) 
use the regular ALL command, followed by the DISP 0 0 command (to show 
the excluded lines).

Ray Mansell

Don W. wrote:

I'm not sure how to use <> in XEDIT to find all lines without a specific
character string. I want to use the logical not prefix for the LOCATE and
ALL commands as specified in the z/VM 5.1 XEDIT COMMANDS AND MACRO REFERENCE:
NOT symbol (Locate something that is not the specified string.)

Re: Draft Command Script Processing Manual

2006-06-25 Thread Ray Mansell


I can report that Parasite and Story are alive and well. I still have 
the source, have been maintaining it, and still use both programs on a 
daily basis...

Ray Mansell
IBM Research
(ex-IBM Hursley)


parasite did 3270 terminal emulation. it was less than 8k bytes
executable (written in assembler). story was the scripting processor
... also less than 8k bytes executable (written in assembler). the
above has example of some number of story "scripts". story processing
included support for REX variables ... aka still internal software ...
before it was renamed to REXX and released as a product.

there is even an example story in the above to automatically retain put
bucket from retain.