Re: please let mehave nt again. i have messesd up my computer loading linux

2002-02-06 Thread Stuart Biggerstaff

So it starts to boot, but BSODs?  It is probably not finding the System 
partition where it is identified in boot.ini.  Changing the partition table 
when you formatted partitions for Linux probably changed the effective 
partition number for your System partition.

If boot.ini lives on a FAT 16 partition, you can try editing it to see if 
you can make NT boot.  Find a line that looks something like this, and 
change partition( ):

multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINNT40="Windows NT Workstation Version 

Otherwise, it may be easiest (if you have an ERD!) to do a maintenance 

At 10:56 PM 2/5/02 -0800, you wrote:
>Dear Sir,
>I have loaded linux Madrake which has become the boot
>After loading from the Linix boot selector, for 'dos'
>which is the ntpartion I get the 'blue
>screen death' of Nt.
>Please help.
>I have tried different options including fdisk,
>partioning from nt, partioning from nt, loading
>ntfirst ,loading nt
>first etc.
>When I partioned from linux there is a problrm of
>'ntldr not found. Insert other disk'.
>I have formated my system around 30 times trying
>different options but still it's not done.
>I will remove linux altogether if need be.
>I want nt by any means.
>All my programs run on Nt.
>this is a SOS call. Please help.
>My life is messed up because of this.It's 15 days that
>I have been working on this but with no sucess. And
>this time I am passing througha critical time and I
>needmy computer by any means.
>Please reply.
>Gurmeet Singh Arora
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Stuart Biggerstaff

Linda Hall Library
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Re: an interesting experience

2002-01-21 Thread Stuart Biggerstaff

NT 4.0 lets you boot to NT or NT "VGA Mode"--or whatever other OS choices 
are in boot.ini, and so did 3.51 (at least).  And to really mess up video 
settings, your user would have to have administrator privileges on the system.

Windows 3.1x DID have this problem--but there you could boot to DOS and 
edit system.ini to fix things.

At 07:11 AM 1/21/02 -0800, you wrote:
>--- Tim Wunder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Net Llama wrote:
> > 
> > > Windoze will let you completely fubar the video settings to
> > something
> > > above what the monitor will handle.  Good luck getting that fixed
> > > without reinstalling the OS, when you have no video, no telnet, no
> > ssh.
> > >
> >
> > You boot into safe mode and run 640x480 and fix it. Not ALL Windows
> > problems require re-installing the O/S. In fact, Windows users
> > re-install the O/S far more frequently than is required.
>Last I checked NT4 didn't have a safe mode.  If some luser
>unintentionally (or otherwise) screwed the video settings, it was time
>to see how the blind use windoze.
>Lonni J. Friedman  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Stuart Biggerstaff

Linda Hall Library
5109 Cherry
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Re: Sendmail question

2002-01-08 Thread Stuart Biggerstaff

Thanks to the people who responded for their ideas.  Where I think we will 
go with this is indeed using tools for virtual domains.  In particular, if 
we can be sure doing so will leave mail to valid addresses untouched, 
making an entry to virtusertable sounds like the approach that will have 
least impact.  I may do a test system to verify.

At 04:19 PM 1/8/02 -0800, Bill Campbell wrote:
>On Tue, Jan 08, 2002 at 04:34:42PM -0600, Stuart Biggerstaff wrote:
> >Is there a straightforward way to have e-mail sent to nonexistent addresses
> >forwarded to root or another account? We would like to be able to collect
> >these to possibly forward to the users.
>I don't do sendmail, but did see an /etc/maildomains file on a system I did
>some other work on which provides for mapping mail for multiple domains
>with default addresses if there isn't a match.  The file for this is in the
>[EMAIL PROTECTED]   some_valid_email_address
>[EMAIL PROTECTED]   another_valid_email_address
> an_address_where_anything_else_goes.
>I thought this was a pretty neat way to handle virtual domains, and
>implemented this in smail-3.2 using the rewrite driver.  This probably
>isn't the best way to handle several thousand primary addresses on a system
>though.  It lends itself best to virtual domains with limited numbers of

We have probably just over a hundred users--but LOTS of mail, and more than 
a few really large messages.

>This could be used though if one has a capability similar to smail's
>smart_user variable which will forward unknown local addresses to another
>mail server for handling (or another instance of the server on the same
>machine, but listening on another NIC).

We ideally want undeliverable mail to go to root, or (better) another 
single address on the same server.

> >I know we could set up aliases for deleted former users and maybe for
> >incorrect spellings we could anticipate, but that wouldn't get all
> >possibilities.
>Deleted or expired are fairly easy to handle by aliasing the address so
>that they get forwarded to a script that returns some useful message.

True, but it means about three years worth of former employees, some of 
whom we've probably forgotten.  And then there is the issue of senders 
guessing e-mail addresses--while the way we assign addresses is probably 
not exactly intuitive for some of our colleagues.


Stuart Biggerstaff

Linda Hall Library
5109 Cherry
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Sendmail question

2002-01-08 Thread Stuart Biggerstaff

Is there a straightforward way to have e-mail sent to nonexistent addresses 
forwarded to root or another account? We would like to be able to collect 
these to possibly forward to the users.

I know we could set up aliases for deleted former users and maybe for 
incorrect spellings we could anticipate, but that wouldn't get all 

Any suggestion would be appreciated.

Stuart Biggerstaff

Linda Hall Library
5109 Cherry
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Re: Scanners [was Re: (no subject)]

2001-09-20 Thread Stuart Biggerstaff

I would say...  Is there any way around your requirements?

HP (and Microtek) make pretty decent stuff, but mainly for low-end graphic 
arts work:  not high-speed or larger format.  Then there's always Fujitsu, 
and they seem affordable for production scanners, but theirs leave you with 
a choice between color and larger formats.  VERY good stuff, though.

Under $1000.00 for one (ScanPartner 15C) that does all you want but is 
8.5x11 (8.5x14 for the ADF).  $4-5000.00 for one (M3096GX) that's faster, 
does 11 x 17, but is monochrome.  Unfortunately, theirs just seem to just 
get faster but stay monochrome as you spend more--though it appears there 
is something called the M4097D that is large-format, color, and puts us 
right back where you were before in terms of price.
At 11:04 PM 9/19/01 -0400, Ian wrote:
>Chang wrote:
> >
> > take a look at first.
> > HP is the usual choice.
> >
> > Ian Marchak wrote:
> >
> > >Anyone have any experiences, good or bad, with scanners that are 
> intended for
> > >office use.  Namely, I am trying to track down reviews and details on 
> scanners
> > >that include:
> > >
> > >- D-Size / 11x17 / A3 format
> > >- Colour
> > >- auto document feeder (50+ page capacity)
> > >- Duplex scanning nice but not necessary.
> > >
> > >Most of the contenders I have found weigh in at 6-7K $US...caught me a 
> bit off
> > >guard.  It seems thought that this is about the going rate for this 
> type of
> > >critter.
>HP makes nothing larger than 8.5x14 so they are out the door from the
>get go.

Stuart Biggerstaff

Linda Hall Library
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Re: New York WTC

2001-09-17 Thread Stuart Biggerstaff

In the "Is that a good thing or a bad thing?" department...

If bin Laden is guilty, this brings the very real possibility of solving 
the immediate problem without having much effect on terrorism as a force. I 
mean, if we were to return to a situation where W. Europe rarely saw acts 
of terrorism and America were immune we lose our excuse to get tough.

Stuart Biggerstaff

Linda Hall Library
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Re: New York WTC

2001-09-14 Thread Stuart Biggerstaff

Apparently you never can be too intolerant...


Stuart Biggerstaff

Linda Hall Library
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Re: New York WTC

2001-09-13 Thread Stuart Biggerstaff

At 03:38 PM 9/13/01 -0400, Joel Hammer wrote:
>Yes. They USED to burn witches and heretics, but haven't been doing that for
>several hundred years.
>Unlike the Muslims, who in Afghanistan, are putting on trial for their life
>people for the crime of promoting a non-Islamic religion.
>You may have forgotten the death sentence for the Indian author placed on
>his head by the Islamic govt of Iran. Iran is a large country, not some
>backwater you can ignore.
>What makes my views sound harsh is :
>I judge people by their actions.
>I take these people seriously.
>I do not believe that North America is immune from this madness.

Haven't burned witches for hundreds of years, true.  But it hasn't been 
that long since some goons have used "their faith" as an excuse to bludgeon 
people to death.  And their leaders squirmed in front of the media because 
the wanted to distance themselves but couldn't really condemn the activity.

The paradox:  Modern, open society seeks religious 
tolerance.  Fundamentalists seem to hold persecution of those who hold 
other beliefs to be an important part of being a believer--and that it is 
indeed persecution of THEM to prevent them from doing so.

Where does that take us?

Stuart Biggerstaff

Linda Hall Library
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2001-09-12 Thread Stuart Biggerstaff

At 04:35 AM 9/12/01 -0500, Terry Bassett wrote:
> The key thing here is that the Ba'th religion is the  State 
> religion in
>Iraq. It seems that it is a religion of the state such as the American
>Constitution warns against. I spent two years in Turkey.  When I would ask
>a Sunni what the difference between them and a Shi'ite was, the response
>was always a rapid denouncement in a flurry of vehement Turkish that I had
>no chance of following with my limited Turkish skills.  I can tell you
>that they have a very strong heartfelt dislike for Shia.
>Terry Bassett

Several hundred years as a Sunni theocracy and a world power, almost a 
hundred years a secular state wanting to be part of the European 
community?  And Shi'ites the thorn in their side both ways.  Why EVER would 
a Turk not like Shi'ites?

Stuart Biggerstaff

Linda Hall Library
5109 Cherry
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Re: Picture Problem

2001-08-15 Thread Stuart Biggerstaff

I suggest playing with your Outlook settings instead of KMail.  Outlook can 
do things to attachments that make them usable by no other e-mail client 
(even Outlook Express).  I haven't fooled with it enough to know just what 
you need to do, but I did have to change settings on how Outlook dealt with 
attachments so one of my users could communicate with people mainly using 
Eudora or Outlook Express.

The option to send messages in text only mainly refers to the ability of 
the mailer to do messages as HTML instead of text, so fonts, underlining, 
etc. can be included.  There should be a separate setting for how 
attachments are handled and encoded.

If you see your whole message appear as an attached file "winmail.dat" 
you've done it wrong.

At 09:14 AM 8/15/01 -0700, Thomas A. Condon wrote:
>I'm running Outlook on Win2K at work, but SuSE 7.2 at home (with KDE and
>reading mail with KMail).
>As has happened before, I received the picture at home as text gibberish,
>and if I were to bother to re-read some manuals that I first ran into about
>20 years ago I'd remember how to decode that into a picture again.
>However, I've received pictures at home just fine from my father (Netscape
>Mail on a Win98 OS), and this encoded text from work when I was running
>WinNT, too.  So it is something done on the sending end, I think.  Is it
>because I send messages in "Text Only" mode?  I've understood that that is
>more correct for email, because not all systems have attachment capability.
>If this is so, I'll need to remember how to decode it at the other end.
>But, perhaps someone on this list knows how to set KMail to do this
>automatically.  How about it?  Anyone up to that challenge?
>| Thomas A. Condon

Stuart Biggerstaff

Linda Hall Library
5109 Cherry
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Re: adobe pdf virus

2001-08-08 Thread Stuart Biggerstaff

Not so far...but the ability of PDFs and Acrobat to do something like this 
means we can't look at PDFs as innocuous.  I mean most people have felt 
nearly as safe opening a PDF to see what it is as a text file.

At 10:13 AM 8/8/01 -0500, Jim Conner wrote:
>The way I read this is that it needs Acrobat full it will not work with
>Acrobat Reader.  Since Acrobat full isn't ported to Linux, we are immune.
>Also, it will need MS Outlook and a way to run a vbs script.  Only Windows
>systems that have Acrobat full and MS Outlook installed will be vulnerable.
>This doesn't seem to be a new linux virus.

Stuart Biggerstaff

Linda Hall Library
5109 Cherry
Kansas City, MO 64110

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Re: adobe pdf virus

2001-08-08 Thread Stuart Biggerstaff

Actually, the way I read this, the script is embedded in the PDF.  Not 
clear on whether it only works with Acrobat full, or if it works in Reader, 
but you just have to double-click the link instead of just clicking.

At 09:56 AM 8/8/01 +0800, you wrote:
>it uses the PDF extension only so that file association could
>get the script executed...right?
>Ronnie Gauthier wrote:
>>not sure if this is real but it sounds like it is.
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Stuart Biggerstaff

Linda Hall Library
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Re: The Strangest Things In My Mailbox!

2001-07-24 Thread Stuart Biggerstaff

This particular virus grabs a file from the user's hard drive, appends 
itself to that file, and sticks an extension (.pif, .com, .lnk--and several 
others) that allow it to execute--then sends that file as an attachment, 
and the

Just a nuisance unless you unthinkingly RUN it...the good thing about it 
working with Outlook Express.  There are things that attack Outlook (you 
know, the one that's part of Office) that can run automatically when you 
look at the mail.

At 12:41 AM 7/25/01 +0800, you wrote:
>I got the same mail.
>The .pif file extension indicates that it is an executable file for the
>windows system. Most of the currently spreading viruses belong to this
>category.  -- I believe that it is some kind of trojen.

Stuart Biggerstaff

Linda Hall Library
5109 Cherry
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Re: RedHat7.1/eDesktop2.4 differences

2001-07-23 Thread Stuart Biggerstaff

Umm...  Not to mention 'man installpkg'.

At 05:59 PM 7/23/01 -0400, Douglas Hunley wrote:
>On Sunday 22 July 2001 13:14, Net Llama babbled:
> > > dig up some documentation on their package manager.  I forget
> >
> > 'man tar'  ;)
>bit of an oversimplification there LLama... 'man pkgtool' would be correct
>(but who actually uses that?)
>Douglas J. Hunley ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - Linux User #174778

Stuart Biggerstaff

Linda Hall Library
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Re: Help with PDF files

2001-07-18 Thread Stuart Biggerstaff

Just wondering...

If your documents actually are .TXTs--i.e. with no inherent formatting--why 
do you need to convert them to .PDF?  They should be usable as they are on 
essentially any platform, including browsers.  I recently had to buy a 
couple of copies of Acrobat because patrons "didn't want to deal with" 
multipage .TIFs.  They wanted to use Acrobat Reader (which they had to 
download), even though if they had Windows there is an accessory that will 
read and print them.  And even if they had Macs all they had to do was get 
the latest free QuickTime.

At 02:25 AM 7/19/01 +1130, Mike Andrew wrote:
>On Wednesday 18 July 2001 06:34, Vern W Heesch wrote:
> > Didn't dawn on me that txt files contain no formatting. Sooo, any ideas on
> > something that CAN write to PDF and maintain the original formatting? I
> > tried a few searches but only came up with the Adobe windows program. But I
> > don't want to use windows.
>Comng out of left field here, While there is no 'standard' langauge for
>word-processed documents, many people use and prefer rtf (rich text) as the
>transport medium. I am assuming you want pdf files so that your 'customers'
>can download whatever-it-is, and conveniently use acrobat reader to read
>them. Adobe give away the reader, and charge for the creation tool, eg to
>make pdf files in the first place.

Stuart Biggerstaff

Linda Hall Library
5109 Cherry
Kansas City, MO 64110

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