Re: [newbie] microsoft hassling Aussie Charity.

2001-07-18 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

Making "donations" to charity (either made by Microsoft or by The Bill and 
Melinda Gates Foundation) is the best way for M$ to simultaneously create 
good PR and gain new customers and revenue. Remember, software costs 
basically nothing once its created. What people pay to buy software will 
cover production costs (i.e. pay developers, etc.) and make the company a 
tidy profit. 

M$ can give away, say, 100 copies of Windos to a school. If the retail cost 
of each copy of Windos is $100 then M$ can say that they gave 100 x $100 = 
$10,000 worth of software to that school. In reality, since M$ _owns_ the 
software, the real cost to them is the cost of the media and the cost to 
print licenses. This would easily be less than $US 1 per copy, since they 
mass-produce the stuff.

Now what about the hardware they donate? Doesn't M$ lose money on that? Well 
they do, initially. Hardware is obviously needed for software to run, and 
these poor schools cannot afford to buy any of this stuff on their own. M$ 
provide the hardware and the software, and make sure that the computers are 
used in a productive way in the school so that they become indespensible. Now 
what happens when a new version of Windos or M$ Office comes out? The schools 
now feel compelled to upgrade their systems to the latest and greatest. After 
all, there's no point in teaching children old technology, is there? This of 
course costs money, something which these schools don't have very much of. M$ 
then make a profit by charging exhorbitant rates (even "educational" prices 
are ridiculous) to upgrade the systems to the new software. Often, especially 
in M$-Land, new software requires new hardware, so M$'s hardware partners 
benefit. A computer network obviously needs administration and maintenance, 
so the school must hire someone, preferably with an MCSE, to do the job.

Of course, in the centre of this are the impressionable minds of 
schoolchildren. They learn at school (often indirectly) that M$ products are 
good and that M$ is a nice company because it gave them the opportunity to 
use computers at school (by donating them). When they go home, they convince 
their parents and family friends that M$ products are good, and so they buy a 
Windos computer for themselves, complete with M$ applications. And so the 
cycle contuinues. The users grow used to M$ products and as a result do 
not have any wish to change to something better. If they ever use something 
else they just get annoyed that it isn't Windows (i.e. it doesn't behave 
_exactly_ like Windows).

Anyway, I'll cut my rant there. I'm sure you all get my point.

On Thu, 19 Jul 2001 13:16, Lanman wrote:
> Here's an extra FYI for anyone following this thread. I heard somewhere
> that Bill Gates and his wife were involved in a charity that gives
> computers to kids in schools. You'd think that Bill would jump at the
> chance of getting some good PR for a change, and help these schools. He can
> certainly afford it! Good tax write-off too. Oh, well, maybe the whole
> thing was a PR sham on his part ! HHm!
> Dan LaBine
> On July 18, 2001 06:45 am, you wrote:
> > At 02:32 AM 7/16/01 +1000, you wrote:
> > >This is about a *charity* that is giving computers to *poor* people.
> > > Chances are that these people have hardly ever touched a computer,
> > > leave alone owning one (no insensitivity intended). Do you think they
> > > can afford a copy of
> >
> > Gotta add to this as this is a subject dear to my heart.
> >
> > I recall reading/hearing somewhere that these _donated_ computers come
> > from the donors (typically large companies) with Windblows already
> > installed.  Now I'm not sure of the fine print but haven't the donor
> > companies _already_ paid for the licence ?
> >
> > Thus MS is effectively asking for payment twice for the same piece of
> > software.  Most business I know realise that once you have paid for an
> > item _once_ you own it (case in point : when you buy pavers for your
> > house and then you sell your house, Boral doesn't expect the new owner to
> > pay for the pavers a second time).
> >
> > Couldn't the donor companies just sign a bit of paper saying "donated -
> > one old computer complete with windows   installed" ?
> >
> > Or is M$ a special case ??
> >
> > Once again M$ have led the field in the ever increasing race to screw
> > everyone.  Starting with the people who can _least_ afford it.
> >
> > It's a bloody charity  M$ need to give a little and just say
> > "naughty.  We won't take it any further, if you just stop doing
> > it".  Alternatively they could get a heart and allow the charity to
> > install win95 on machines that _dont_ come pre-loaded (remember these are
> > old machines so they probably won't run 2000/XP) subject to a 'cap' of
> > {say} 200 a year.
> >
> > Alternatively, the charity could be innundated with offers of support
> > from the linux community asking if they have considered linux / open
> > office.  And point

Re: [newbie] bpermissions

2001-07-18 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

There are some files and directories in /etc that only the root user is 
allowed to view. This is for security. If you want to back up /etc you should 
so so as root (just su to root from a console, or open a file manager in root 

On Thu, 19 Jul 2001 13:51, Colin Jenkins wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to back up my /etc/ from a win98 box but some files get
> copied and others don't. Is this just a matter of setting permissions?
> if so what do I change them to.
> thanks

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
"There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence."
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

Re: [newbie] imwheel = no mouse

2001-07-18 Thread skinky

Thanks Sevatio!  I feel like a right dork!  I switched mice (plugged in the
cordless Intellimouse), flicked the switches on both the mouse and its
receiver, and it went haywire again (flickering along the top of the
screen).  I then rebooted the computer, and whaddayaknow?  BINGO, I now have
a mouse and scroll wheel!  Why I didn't try switching the buttons before,
I'll never know.

Another problem solved. Thanks again.


- Original Message -
From: "Sevatio" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "skinky" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, July 19, 2001 5:31 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] imwheel = no mouse

Sorry, I just caught the tail end of this thread...  You mention that
you're having trouble with your cordless intellimouse.  It should behave
just like a regular mouse with a wheel.  Have you tried pressing the
"Connect" button on the mouse and its receiver?  Or, if you have Windows
installed, does the cordless mouse work there?


>> Original Message <<

On 7/17/01, 3:12:43 PM, "skinky" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote regarding
[newbie] imwheel = no mouse: Thanks...:

> To Charles and Siro

> Thanks for your help.  Just getting to a terminal without a mouse was

> I didn't uninstall imwheel but as Charles suggested, I ran mousedrake and
> reconfigured my standard PS/2 mouse which is now working fine again.  Had
> another go at trying to get the cordless intellimouse to work but no luck
> yet.  At least I can use my std mouse in the meantime.  I'll get around
> the intellimouse someday ;-).  Meanwhile, I just want to get to know
> Mandrake and learn more console commands.

> Thanks again.

> Cheers
> skinky

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Re: [newbie] RPM failures NOW: K. I. S.= S

2001-07-18 Thread John Rigby

Hi Sridhar & folks,

On Thu, 19 Jul 2001 14:39, you manipulated electrons to produce:
> On Thu, 19 Jul 2001 13:01, John Rigby wrote:
> > Hi Sridhar & folks,
> >
> > Well put, Sidhar, but missing the key point:
> > "Use" as distinct from "support."
> I would argue that GNU/Linux has _better_ support than does
> Windows. There are far more fora for GNU/Linux such as this list
> and web sites like With Windows, the main way to
> get support is to pay for it (and you pay through the nose). In
> GNU/Linux, you can either pay someone like MandrakeSoft or
> LinuxCare for support or get free support as I have just mentioned. 

 I meant at the "interface". What the user wants/needs is my 
old Menu.- or today's equivalent. 
The support capability of the *ux command line is phenomenally better 
than M$ product. 
But there is confusion out there in *directions* in Linuxland. 

It is extremely hard to write a training manual for someone totally 
alien.  I went knutz doing it in places where the locals used to 
steal  lightbulbs and nail them to rafters and wait for them to light 
up and the next day we had to teach them how to maintain Caterpillar 
Dozers ( the other Dozers!)

The user of today - the target market has not changed:
1.He/she wants to get on the internet. ( Why comes later)
2. He wants to write a letter
3. She wants a *simple* accounts pack
4. He wants some games
5. Most of all he wants to send emails.

He does not want to be told:
"Oh you want a printer now do you?"
"Oh you want a cable for it, now?" 

Remember, the vast mass of prospects out there do not even realise 
that you need a separate Printer. 
I spent years running a  regional internet help group and was never 
dismayed when people would ring me up and say they "bought a computer 
and the guy came and plugged it in, but now tells me I need a printer 
and a modem and a phone line for it all!!"
Some people think it works like a tv/phone - you  just start it up 
and talk into it and see pictures. 
Most common complaint? "You mean I gotta learn to type, too?"
** Adam Osborne sent me a Hard Disk for all the help I gave 
them with my Menu. It was the talk of the town! Worth about $10,000 
in todays dollars. 
> Osborne! Now there's a company that brings back memories! I almost
> bought a machine from them back in 1994. After numerous delivery
> delays, I cancelled my order and got my money back -- only about a
> month before they went bust for good (and were later bought by
> Gateway). I think the most innovative thing they came up with was
> their portable computer -- AFAIK the first production portable
> computer ever built. 
** Actually the BIG thing was that it was the first machine 
to come with bundled Software. It could actually work straight out of 
the box! 
He went broke from honesty!  He announced that the new model was 
going to come out in 3 months with an amazing number of extras. 
So... everyone cancelled their orders and waited. 
It was manufacturing problems and lack of marketing knowhow that did 
him in.  But it was not understanding marketing that finished him 
>> Internet years) for momentum to build. Despite this, look at all
> the progress we've made. in general) has taken great strides on
> the desktop in recent years, and has continued to outpace its
> closed-source competition. It is only a matter of time before it
> becomes useable by all (if it isn't already).

*** Oh, it is already!!
The thing people keep missing is that  Doze comes PRE-INSTALLED. 
It invariably used to come with  Microsoft Works.
All the hassles happened with the suckers that were selling the 

My aim is to help make it easier. My advice to Linux world is simple:
Stop selling the software! Start selling INEXPENSIVE solutions that 
Unless the box is sold directly with a standardised package running 
on it,  Big Bill *will* win.

BUT for the upgraders from Doze - and this is the main market for now 
-  what is needed is a SIMPLE standardised Distro without millions of 
options.  There should be ONE suite coming from Mandrake as an ENTRY 
1 Browser
1. Office Suite
1. Set of known Utilities 

Easy!  Easy for everyone concerned.


Re: [newbie] MDK 8.0 Frequent update and NVIDIA drivers

2001-07-18 Thread s

Just reinstall them (tarballs) and edit your xf86config-4 file again.  
Anytime you change the kernel, you have to redo the nvidia drivers.  They are 
still compatible, or at least I've read they are (don't know from personal 

On Wednesday 18 July 2001 11:31 pm, you wrote:
> I just dl'd and applied the 2 disks for the 8.0 frequent update.
> XFree86 is now at version 4.1.  I see that the XF86Config-4 file is using
> the NV driver rather than the NVIDIA that I had downloaded from the NVIDIA
> website and installed.
> Is the driver from the NVIDIA website compatible with version 4.1 of X?
> If so, I assume I need to download the packages for the video driver and go
> through the full install process again.  Is this correct or can I just
> update the config to use the existing driver?  I am guessing this won't
> work because I have to apply the kernal patches to the kernal that was
> updated when applied the frequent update cd's

Re: [newbie] How do I change the refresh rate of my monitor?

2001-07-18 Thread Paul

It was Wed, 18 Jul 2001 13:15:24 -0700 (PDT) when Jim Lynch wrote:

You might try xvidtune for this.

>I don't see an option for this in Mandrake Control
>Center in the X Control.
>Any other way I can do this? The refresh rate should
>be higher for this monitor.
>Thanks in advance if you can help me.

Learning without thought is labor lost;
thought without learning is perilous.
-Confucius - Registered Linux User 174403
 Linux Mandrake 8.0 - Sylpheed 0.5.1
** - when you care **

[newbie] MDK 8.0 Frequent update and NVIDIA drivers

2001-07-18 Thread Richard T.Waters

I just dl'd and applied the 2 disks for the 8.0 frequent update.

XFree86 is now at version 4.1.  I see that the XF86Config-4 file is using the 
NV driver rather than the NVIDIA that I had downloaded from the NVIDIA 
website and installed.

Is the driver from the NVIDIA website compatible with version 4.1 of X?

If so, I assume I need to download the packages for the video driver and go 
through the full install process again.  Is this correct or can I just update 
the config to use the existing driver?  I am guessing this won't work because 
I have to apply the kernal patches to the kernal that was updated when 
applied the frequent update cd's

[newbie] Request for Mandrake bosses..

2001-07-18 Thread Franki

Hi all,

I would like to make a request..

Dialup seems to be a constant problem that is always popping up on this

I suggest that mandrake still offer redhats netcfg as it is better for
unusual configs then the mandrake install..

I have tried the mandrake tools before, and ended up with a broken dialup
and ethernet setup... (I won't get this email from the list because my
dialup isn't working on my mail server.)

I have a static IP dialup, I use masquarading without dynamic IP, (I like to
set the boxs manually so when I ping a box, I know which one it is..)
mandrakes tools don't like working with that sort of setup..

Linuxconf (in mandrake at least is clagged for ppp and I don't even think
ppp is enabled in mdk 8 linuxconf)

so if you have a slightly unusual setup (and many of us do) then you have to
write the scripts manually..

thats not to good for what is the easiest linux distro...

Since the tool is free, open source, and already in existance.. why not
change it to suit mandrake and make it available online..

I downloaded the src rpm from redhat, and built it,, then installed it, and
it will edit everything bar dialup,,,

Its so annoying because in all the redhat installs in the past, the dialup
was always a piece of cake to setup...

In this respect Redhat cains mandrake into oblivion. (although in nearly
everything else the reverse is true.)

If anyone has a comment on this they could like me to receive please add
[EMAIL PROTECTED] to the emails. I won't get any until the mail server
is rebuilt.



Re: [newbie] Which program is Mandrake using for web demos?

2001-07-18 Thread Jon Doe

> > I'm interesting in creating additional Linux demos. Does any one know
> > what Mandrake is using to create their demos for their web page?

Not sure what Mandrake uses but there is a program out there called viewlet 
builder that looks pretty kewl. It has several demos you can use and watch 
also. You can get a free version at this site:

I couldn't figure out how execute it after I installed it but maybe you would 
have better luck.

If you figure it out let me know.

Re: [newbie] Transferring files from Windoze drives to Mandrake NOW Mounting 2nd CD

2001-07-18 Thread John Rigby

Hi Civileme,
Have responded to part of this in other post. 
Interesting how it all happens, what??  :-)

On Thu, 19 Jul 2001 02:00, you manipulated electrons to produce:
> On Wednesday 18 July 2001 12:36, John Rigby wrote:
> > Hi folks,
> >
> > Can't see how to do this:
> > Gnome automatically recognises my Doze Drives but K does not.
> > How do we make (preferably under the GUI like Gnome) K recognise
> > them? I need to attach some from them as email files.
> Either you haves a very corrupt install insofar as KDE is concerned
> or you are just unfamiliar with the desktop.

* see other answer.  All about "missing" Settings
> There should be icons on the K desktop which say mnt win_c or
> similar. Clicking on those brings up Konqueror in filemanager mode
> and you can click and drag between systems

* no. only under Gnome are they there.
> For email attachments click on Attach in the top textbar of Kmail
> and then use the drop-down bar to navigate to Root Directory (/)
> and then open the folder /mnt and then the one win_c or win_d or
> whatever and continue to navigate the folders till you get to your
> winmail.

*** Talk about a looong way down!  The key here is for Newbies 
that many of these "simple" functions are simply not readily noted 
anywhere - like my problem with the K Browser. 
Have a look at the Search function in KDE Help. 
I still can't figure it out. It simply doesn't seem to do anything. 

> Within the next two releases, there will likely be an import to
> bring across your Outlook files. 

*** Everyone keeps saying "outlook" but very few people use 
outlook - they use Outlook Express. The masses, that is  :-)
> If you do NOT have the winfolders on your K desktop then
> right-click on any vacant area of the screen and select create new
> and enter a URL of the form file:/mnt/win_c  then right click on
> the icon made and browse the icons for a hard disk icon.

 Not only not, but I have 2 CD's.  According to Control 
Centre, 3 . It identified both correctly as a Sony and a Ricoh 
Writer, but then adds a copy to the Ricoh as a SCssi device. Not true.
However, any attermpt to add another icon on the desk results in a 
warning about overwriting the one there and  won't add the second 
I can pick and choose which one easily - but it only allows one.
> Civileme



Fablor now Webhosting?? What on earth for??  Info here: 
(it's only an Autoresponder)  :-)

Re: [newbie] Looking for SquidGuard rpm for LM8.0

2001-07-18 Thread Lanman

Roman; I haven't seen one for LM 8.0, only for Mandrake SNF, and that's a 
version of 7.2. Maybe you can pull it off of SNF ??

Dan LaBine

On July 18, 2001 08:20 pm, you wrote:
> Has any one heard of an available rpm for SquidGuard? So far, I've only
> been able to find the tar ball version.
> Roman
> Registered Linux User #179293
> "su is not the root of your problem
> but the start of a new journey"

Re: [newbie] microsoft hassling Aussie Charity.

2001-07-18 Thread Lanman

Here's an extra FYI for anyone following this thread. I heard somewhere that 
Bill Gates and his wife were involved in a charity that gives computers to 
kids in schools. You'd think that Bill would jump at the chance of getting 
some good PR for a change, and help these schools. He can certainly afford 
it! Good tax write-off too. Oh, well, maybe the whole thing was a PR sham on 
his part ! HHm!

Dan LaBine 

On July 18, 2001 06:45 am, you wrote:
> At 02:32 AM 7/16/01 +1000, you wrote:
> >This is about a *charity* that is giving computers to *poor* people.
> > Chances are that these people have hardly ever touched a computer, leave
> > alone owning one (no insensitivity intended). Do you think they can
> > afford a copy of
> Gotta add to this as this is a subject dear to my heart.
> I recall reading/hearing somewhere that these _donated_ computers come from
> the donors (typically large companies) with Windblows already
> installed.  Now I'm not sure of the fine print but haven't the donor
> companies _already_ paid for the licence ?
> Thus MS is effectively asking for payment twice for the same piece of
> software.  Most business I know realise that once you have paid for an item
> _once_ you own it (case in point : when you buy pavers for your house and
> then you sell your house, Boral doesn't expect the new owner to pay for the
> pavers a second time).
> Couldn't the donor companies just sign a bit of paper saying "donated - one
> old computer complete with windows   installed" ?
> Or is M$ a special case ??
> Once again M$ have led the field in the ever increasing race to screw
> everyone.  Starting with the people who can _least_ afford it.
> It's a bloody charity  M$ need to give a little and just say
> "naughty.  We won't take it any further, if you just stop doing
> it".  Alternatively they could get a heart and allow the charity to install
> win95 on machines that _dont_ come pre-loaded (remember these are old
> machines so they probably won't run 2000/XP) subject to a 'cap' of {say}
> 200 a year.
> Alternatively, the charity could be innundated with offers of support from
> the linux community asking if they have considered linux / open
> office.  And pointing out that the support offered by mailing lists is very
> good...
> Possibly even the local linux users could come and offer to "hand hold"
> through the first couple of installs.
> Now where was this charity located again ??

Re: [newbie] Which program is Mandrake using for web demos?

2001-07-18 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

They are just animated GIF files. Could they be done with a simple screen 
capture programme? I know both GNOME and KDE have applets designed to do 
this, and The GIMP can do this as well. KDE 2.2 (IIRC) will have a feature 
where you can press your Print Screen key and capture your desktop to the 
clipboard, and Ctrl-Print Screen will capture the current window.

On Thu, 19 Jul 2001 10:17, Romanator wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm interesting in creating additional Linux demos. Does any one know
> what Mandrake is using to create their demos for their web page?
> Roman
> Registered Linux User #179293
> "su is not the root of your problem
> but the start of a new journey"

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
"There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence."
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

Re: [newbie] Looking for SquidGuard rpm for LM8.0

2001-07-18 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Thu, 19 Jul 2001 10:20, Romanator wrote:
> Has any one heard of an available rpm for SquidGuard? So far, I've only
> been able to find the tar ball version.
> Roman
> Registered Linux User #179293
> "su is not the root of your problem
> but the start of a new journey"

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
"There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence."
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

Re: [newbie] microsoft hassling Aussie Charity.

2001-07-18 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

Many of these computers have been donated by companies. These companies buy 
licenses, not CDs. In other words, they may have only one CD even though 
they've installed on multiple machines. This is a common way to keep 
licensing fees down.

This can create a major problem because the new owner of the machine does not 
have a CD. Another major problem with pre-installing Windos on machines 
intended for charity is that the recipients are not going to be able to 
afford to upgrade once new versions of software are released. Open source 
software can alleviate this concern.

On Thu, 19 Jul 2001 11:44, Miark wrote:
> I'm not a lawyer, but I think the charity would still be
> responsible to pay unless the M$ install CDs were included
> with the donated computers (unlikely, but who knows?).
> I don't know why the donors wouldn't give 'em the CDs too,
> though; any replacement they bought would probably already
> come with its own copy of Winsux.
> Miark
> - Original Message -
> From: Paul Clyne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2001 4:45 AM
> Subject: Re: [newbie] microsoft hassling Aussie Charity.
> > At 02:32 AM 7/16/01 +1000, you wrote:
> > >This is about a *charity* that is giving computers to
> *poor* people. Chances
> > >are that these people have hardly ever touched a
> computer, leave alone owning
> > >one (no insensitivity intended). Do you think they can
> afford a copy of
> > Gotta add to this as this is a subject dear to my heart.
> >
> > I recall reading/hearing somewhere that these _donated_
> computers come from
> > the donors (typically large companies) with Windblows
> already
> > installed.  Now I'm not sure of the fine print but haven't
> the donor
> > companies _already_ paid for the licence ?
> >
> > Thus MS is effectively asking for payment twice for the
> same piece of
> > software.  Most business I know realise that once you have
> paid for an item
> > _once_ you own it (case in point : when you buy pavers for
> your house and
> > then you sell your house, Boral doesn't expect the new
> owner to pay for the
> > pavers a second time).
> >
> > Couldn't the donor companies just sign a bit of paper
> saying "donated - one
> > old computer complete with windows   installed" ?
> >
> > Or is M$ a special case ??
> >
> > Once again M$ have led the field in the ever increasing
> race to screw
> > everyone.  Starting with the people who can _least_ afford
> it.
> > It's a bloody charity  M$ need to give a little and
> just say
> > "naughty.  We won't take it any further, if you just stop
> doing
> > it".  Alternatively they could get a heart and allow the
> charity to install
> > win95 on machines that _dont_ come pre-loaded (remember
> these are old
> > machines so they probably won't run 2000/XP) subject to a
> 'cap' of {say}
> > 200 a year.
> >
> > Alternatively, the charity could be innundated with offers
> of support from
> > the linux community asking if they have considered linux /
> open
> > office.  And pointing out that the support offered by
> mailing lists is very
> > good...
> >
> > Possibly even the local linux users could come and offer
> to "hand hold"
> > through the first couple of installs.
> >
> > Now where was this charity located again ??

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
"There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence."
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

Re: [newbie] Next replacement needed: CUTEFTP NOW: Missing Title bar in K

2001-07-18 Thread John Rigby

Hi Civileme and folks,

This little "gotcha" is typical of what we need for THE Book: 
The missing bit is actualled the "Menu Bar" 
It was not there on my Konqueror.
I found it by accident after Right Clicking in the body of the screen 
while not connected in browsing mode.
There was this odd offering:  "Add Menu Bar" so I clicked and 
..  there were all the missing bits! 
THUS I was able to take advantage of the sage weords of Civileme to 
make it do all sorts of tricks like these!
On Wed, 18 Jul 2001 23:41, you manipulated electrons to produce:
> On Wednesday 18 July 2001 09:13, John Rigby wrote:
> > Hi Civileme,
> >
> > My K doesn't have VIEW or even Bookmarks ??
> > Can't find any change options and docs don't say anything about
> > how to
> >
> > Cheers,
> >
> > John
> You have a titlebar at the top, then a NON-MODIFIABLE Text Bar that
> says
> "Location" "Edit" "View" "Go" "Bookmarks" "Tools" "Settings"
> "Window" "Help"
> All in text
> then the location Toolbar
> then the main toolbar
> You can put functions on the main toolbar by clicking on Settings
> in the Textbar and picking "Configure ToolBar"
> That includes little things like adding an icon to split screens
> either horizontally or vertically.  But you have it anyway from the
> Textbar.
> Civileme
> > On Wed, 18 Jul 2001 02:55, you manipulated electrons to produce:
> > > On Tuesday 17 July 2001 02:23, John Rigby wrote:
> > > > Hi folks,
> > > >
> > > > What advice as a replacement for   CuteFTP in M8?
> > >
> > > Konqueror
> > >
> > > Go to an FTP site
> > >
> > > Click on view to split the screen
> > >
> > > set file:/home/(yourusername) as the URL fot one of the
> > > half-screens.
> >
> > John
> >
> > Fablor now Webhosting?? What on earth for??  Info here:
> > (it's only an Autoresponder)  :-)



Fablor now Webhosting?? What on earth for??  Info here: 
(it's only an Autoresponder)  :-)

Re: Fw: [newbie] Problem with automounting CDROM and floppy

2001-07-18 Thread Dennis Myers

On Wednesday 18 July 2001 15:26, you wrote:
> Thanks for your advice,
> but I am not sure, how to configure these things. Could anybody tell me
> what should stand in /etc/fstab file for floppy disk and for CD-ROM?
> I tried to use various settings, but CD-ROM is still unmountable reporting
> various erros messages...
> Thanks
> Jan Sedivy

This is what my fstab file looks like and supermount is what you are looking 
for I think. This is from LM 8.0, which version are you using?

/dev/hda1 / ext2 defaults 1 1
none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
/dev/hda7 /home ext2 defaults 1 2
/mnt/cdrom /mnt/cdrom supermount fs=iso9660,dev=/dev/cdrom 0 0
/mnt/floppy /mnt/floppy supermount fs=vfat,dev=/dev/fd0 0 0
/mnt/zip /mnt/zip supermount fs=vfat,dev=/dev/zip 0 0
none /proc proc defaults 0 0
/dev/hda6 /usr ext2 defaults 1 2
/dev/hda8 /var ext2 defaults 1 2
/dev/hda5 swap swap defaults 0 0

If you need any other help, come back to the list,
Dennis M. registered linux user # 180842

Re: [newbie] Transferring files from Windoze drives to Mandrake

2001-07-18 Thread John Rigby

Hi Paul,
K=KDE the "other one"  :-)
Dave covered it "Newbie style" for me thanks! 
I aim to K.I.S.S. and that means GUI solutions wherever possible and 
it was simple .. when someone shows you!  :-)
I wouldn't have known how to get to /mt/windows !

On Wed, 18 Jul 2001 23:19, you manipulated electrons to produce:
> > Can't see how to do this:
> > Gnome automatically recognises my Doze Drives but K does not.
> > How do we make (preferably under the GUI like Gnome) K recognise
> > them? I need to attach some from them as email files.
> Hi John,
> What do you mean by "K"?
> Winders drives normally are mounted at boot through the definitions
> in /etc/fstab, and they should be accessible through any
> environment. Just go to /mnt/windows and from there you should be
> able to manoeuver to any directory (at least on the disk known as
> C: )
> Paul



Fablor now Webhosting?? What on earth for??  Info here: 
(it's only an Autoresponder)  :-)

Re: [newbie] Desktop

2001-07-18 Thread Tom Cada

It worked! It must be magic! Is it a bug??? Why did it happen?? I have no idea. I
may pose that question to the KDE mailing lists.

Anyway, my day is now complete along with my desktop.

Thanks much... Tom.

s wrote:

> It may not help, but you could try deleting ~/.kde directory and reboot and
> see if it they come up.  This helps with corruption, but I'm not sure that is
> the case with a new install.  But try it, what do you have to lose?  Also,
> another idea is if the root desktop is working, you could copy over root's
> /.kde directory and chown it to the user's.
> -s
> On Wednesday 18 July 2001 02:34 pm, you wrote:
> > Tried it and it worked like a charm.
> >
> > Thanks for the reply.
> >
> > Now if I can only get my desktop going...
> >
> > Tom.
> >

Re: [newbie] Transferring files from Windoze drives to Mandrake

2001-07-18 Thread John Rigby

Hi Dave,

On Wed, 18 Jul 2001 23:16, you manipulated electrons to produce:
> Hash: SHA1
> John,
> I'm not sure what you mean when you say KDE doesn't recognize your
> Windows partitions but Gnome does. The ability to mount a vfat
> partition is part of the linux kernel (or a kernel module), but the
> GUI you are using.
> Are you saying that Gnome set up shortcut icons to easily access
> your partitions, but KDE did not?

** Pregnantcisely! :-)  There are these nice icons on the 
desktop in Gnome, zilch in K.
> Try this: in KDE, run konqueror in file-manager mode (just click
> the Home button or icon). Navigate to the Root ( / ) folder, then
> to /mnt, and there (within /mnt) you will see your Windows
> partitions. They may have wierd-looking names like hda1, hda2,
> etc., or they may actually say win_c or windows or some such. You
> can create shortcuts to these "folders" on your desktop or wherever
> you want, to access them more easily.
> Hope this helps,
> Dave

** AAARRHHGH - does it help! :-)
Now all I have to do is find out how to easily make desktop 
shortcuts!  But we are halfway there!



Fablor now Webhosting?? What on earth for??  Info here: 
(it's only an Autoresponder)  :-)

Re: [newbie] microsoft hassling Aussie Charity.

2001-07-18 Thread Miark

I'm not a lawyer, but I think the charity would still be
responsible to pay unless the M$ install CDs were included
with the donated computers (unlikely, but who knows?).

I don't know why the donors wouldn't give 'em the CDs too,
though; any replacement they bought would probably already
come with its own copy of Winsux.


- Original Message -
From: Paul Clyne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2001 4:45 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] microsoft hassling Aussie Charity.

> At 02:32 AM 7/16/01 +1000, you wrote:
> >This is about a *charity* that is giving computers to
*poor* people. Chances
> >are that these people have hardly ever touched a
computer, leave alone owning
> >one (no insensitivity intended). Do you think they can
afford a copy of
> Gotta add to this as this is a subject dear to my heart.
> I recall reading/hearing somewhere that these _donated_
computers come from
> the donors (typically large companies) with Windblows
> installed.  Now I'm not sure of the fine print but haven't
the donor
> companies _already_ paid for the licence ?
> Thus MS is effectively asking for payment twice for the
same piece of
> software.  Most business I know realise that once you have
paid for an item
> _once_ you own it (case in point : when you buy pavers for
your house and
> then you sell your house, Boral doesn't expect the new
owner to pay for the
> pavers a second time).
> Couldn't the donor companies just sign a bit of paper
saying "donated - one
> old computer complete with windows   installed" ?
> Or is M$ a special case ??
> Once again M$ have led the field in the ever increasing
race to screw
> everyone.  Starting with the people who can _least_ afford
> It's a bloody charity  M$ need to give a little and
just say
> "naughty.  We won't take it any further, if you just stop
> it".  Alternatively they could get a heart and allow the
charity to install
> win95 on machines that _dont_ come pre-loaded (remember
these are old
> machines so they probably won't run 2000/XP) subject to a
'cap' of {say}
> 200 a year.
> Alternatively, the charity could be innundated with offers
of support from
> the linux community asking if they have considered linux /
> office.  And pointing out that the support offered by
mailing lists is very
> good...
> Possibly even the local linux users could come and offer
to "hand hold"
> through the first couple of installs.
> Now where was this charity located again ??

Re: [newbie] Managing Zip, CD-ROM, and floppy drives

2001-07-18 Thread Miark


Yes, add the "user" option, which allows any user to mount.
But I would also make a backup copy of fstab ;-)


- Original Message -
From: Judith Miner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2001 5:43 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Managing Zip, CD-ROM, and floppy

> Dennis wrote:
> >> once you do a  umount on the zip drive you must place
another disk in
> the drive and then type in console "mount  /mnt/zip"
assuming that is
> what it is called in your fstab file.  so if you umount
you have to then
> mount again. <<
> I thought I was doing that, but today I discovered that I
was writing
> "mount /mnt /zip" instead of "mount /mnt/zip". It was that
extra space
> that was preventing the new disk from being mounted. So
one problem
> solved.
> However, I can't mount and unmount zip disks as user, only
as root. I
> checked my /etc/fstab file and found this line:
> /mnt/zip /mnt/zip supermount fs-vfat,dev=/dev/zip 0 0
> Should I put a "user" in there somewhere, or "users" so
anyone could
> insert and eject zip disks? I read man supermount and man
mount and
> couldn't figure out anything to solve my problem. I didn't
want to
> experiment with editing /etc/fstab until I knew what I
should put in, if
> anything.
>  --Judy Miner

Re: [newbie] microsoft hassling Aussie Charity.

2001-07-18 Thread Paul Clyne

At 02:32 AM 7/16/01 +1000, you wrote:

>This is about a *charity* that is giving computers to *poor* people. Chances
>are that these people have hardly ever touched a computer, leave alone owning
>one (no insensitivity intended). Do you think they can afford a copy of

Gotta add to this as this is a subject dear to my heart.

I recall reading/hearing somewhere that these _donated_ computers come from 
the donors (typically large companies) with Windblows already 
installed.  Now I'm not sure of the fine print but haven't the donor 
companies _already_ paid for the licence ?

Thus MS is effectively asking for payment twice for the same piece of 
software.  Most business I know realise that once you have paid for an item 
_once_ you own it (case in point : when you buy pavers for your house and 
then you sell your house, Boral doesn't expect the new owner to pay for the 
pavers a second time).

Couldn't the donor companies just sign a bit of paper saying "donated - one 
old computer complete with windows   installed" ?

Or is M$ a special case ??

Once again M$ have led the field in the ever increasing race to screw 
everyone.  Starting with the people who can _least_ afford it.

It's a bloody charity  M$ need to give a little and just say 
"naughty.  We won't take it any further, if you just stop doing 
it".  Alternatively they could get a heart and allow the charity to install 
win95 on machines that _dont_ come pre-loaded (remember these are old 
machines so they probably won't run 2000/XP) subject to a 'cap' of {say} 
200 a year.

Alternatively, the charity could be innundated with offers of support from 
the linux community asking if they have considered linux / open 
office.  And pointing out that the support offered by mailing lists is very 

Possibly even the local linux users could come and offer to "hand hold" 
through the first couple of installs.

Now where was this charity located again ??

Re: [newbie] Disk full problem

2001-07-18 Thread Michael D. Viron


It would help us if you posted the partitions you have and what size they are.


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems & Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

At 12:21 AM 07/19/2001 +0200, George Baker wrote:
>I installed LM 7 on a 1.2 gig extended partition. Now I see that /root
>partition is nearly full, yet I have 300 MB free in /home. How can I
>give more space to /root or specifically /usr.
>George Baker
>South Africa

Re: [newbie] mp3 encoding

2001-07-18 Thread Kevin Fonner

If I only had the time!!!

Robert wrote:

> On Wednesday 18 July 2001 16:02, Kevin Fonner wrote:
>> I have been looking at Grip and it's interface seems simple and easy to
>> use however I noticed it talks to other mp3 encoding programs.  None of
>> them seem to be installed.  I was wondering which one would be best to
>> do mp3's?  lame?  bladeenc? I3enc?   mp3encode?  their are others also
>> listed.
>> Thanks
>> Kevin
> I have found bladenc and mp3encode to be the quck pair, but hey, d/l em all 
> and decide for yourself

[newbie] Looking for SquidGuard rpm for LM8.0

2001-07-18 Thread Romanator

Has any one heard of an available rpm for SquidGuard? So far, I've only
been able to find the tar ball version.

Registered Linux User #179293
"su is not the root of your problem
but the start of a new journey"

[newbie] Which program is Mandrake using for web demos?

2001-07-18 Thread Romanator

Hi all,

I'm interesting in creating additional Linux demos. Does any one know
what Mandrake is using to create their demos for their web page?

Registered Linux User #179293
"su is not the root of your problem
but the start of a new journey"

Re: [newbie] Joysticks

2001-07-18 Thread s

On Tuesday 17 July 2001 03:07 am, you wrote:
> On Tuesday 17 July 2001 05:04, s wrote:
> > On Monday 16 July 2001 09:03 pm, you wrote:
> > > On Tuesday 17 July 2001 02:25, s wrote:
> > > > Can anyone brief me on the set up  of a joystick?
> > >
> > > If you're using a 2.4 kernel, add the following to
> > > /etc/modules.conf... # Joystick
> > > alias char-major-13   joydev ns558 
> > >
> > > That should be it.  Good luck.
> >
> > Thanks, that helped some.  
> You don't have to add anything to the XF86Config-4 file.
> Raider Pro isn't listed in joystick.txt, so which module are you loading?
> What sort of SoundBlaster card do you have?  Your problem might be
> something to do with the PNP setup.  I have an AWE64 ISA PnP and my
> /etc/isapnp.conf looks like this.  Look in particular at the Game section.

It's a sound blaster live pci.  I used joydev ns558 analog as that was the 
closest in the .txt file to what I have.  I have even tried insmod gameport 
before firing up a game.
The joystick controller is on port 0xd400 and I think the usual is 0x0200.  
So I even tried joystick=0x0200 and 0x200.

Some discussion has been going on in the loki games ngs and the consensus is 
that kernels 2.4.3 & .4 can't handle the confliction between the joystick and 
video cards.  I don't think that's the case here, but another guy with my 
same exact set up is having the same exact problem.  Another with similiar 
set up is having similar errors.  Anyway
I tried upgrading the kernel, but it errored out too.  (Not my week)

So, ultimately I ordered a usb joystick from logitech that is supposed to 
work and recommended in the faq of descent3.  I'll know Friday...

Thanks for your help, but I give up on the Raider Pro for now.  :-)


Re: [newbie] Growing Help Resources

2001-07-18 Thread Romanator

John Rigby wrote:
> Hi Judy,
> On Wed, 18 Jul 2001 12:35, you manipulated electrons to produce:
> > Hi John--
> >
> > Never fear, I noted your first message and said "here's a guy with
> > a great idea!" I certainly will send you tales of my many painful
> > encounters with this beast of an OS.
> >
> >
> > I'm sure I'll have plenty more to report.
> >
> > Good luck with your project,
> >   Judy Miner
> * What user background would you qualify yourself as?
> 1,2,3,?
> Am already getting good feedback and hope to create a simple "format"
> approach like:
> Please identify your User level:
> 1.
> 2.
> 3.
> 4.
> 1. What were you trying to do?
> Was it part of the Distribution?
> 2. What didn't you understand?
> (after reading the docs of course)
> 3. What finally made it clear? (Assuming you got it fixed)
> 4. What steps did you finally do?
> ( How would *you* explain it now to someone else at your level)
> 5.  What advice can we pass on to Mandrake to help us all?
> 6. Do you want acknowledgement in the new Ebook?  First name only?
> Full name? Nickname? Email? Site?
> Any other idea inputs welcome, folks.
> Just read the submission again a DAY AFTER you write it and then send
> it!  :-)
> It will be a "living" book freely available and updating constantly.
> Working Title is:
> "LINUX - The Great Escape With Mandrake"
> (Sub-title: If *I* can understand it, you can!)
> --
> Cheers,
> John
> Fablor now Webhosting?? What on earth for??  Info here:
> (it's only an Autoresponder)  :-)

Sounds good. I like to include demos. There are time when the visuals
can help more than plain dcoumentation. We should find out what the good
people at Mandrake use to create their demos.

Registered Linux User #179293
"su is not the root of your problem
but the start of a new journey"

Re: [newbie] Mystery of missing Install of Websphere NOW DEsktop Icon setup

2001-07-18 Thread Romanator

John Rigby wrote:
> Hi Roman,
> Well, intuitive it is not!  :-)
> Took a clue from you and re-used an icon that failed previously and
> went to "OPEN WITH" on a RClick on it.
> It works, but boy, is it slow to come up!
> Next little one:
> How do I open/import  webs from the Doze side?
> --
> Cheers,
> John
> Fablor now Webhosting?? What on earth for??  Info here:
> (it's only an Autoresponder)  :-)

Since wine is still being worked on, I would recommend using Netscape,
to edit and save a web page to a folder. Copy it to your Linux

Registered Linux User #179293
"su is not the root of your problem
but the start of a new journey"

[newbie] Disk full problem

2001-07-18 Thread George Baker

I installed LM 7 on a 1.2 gig extended partition. Now I see that /root
partition is nearly full, yet I have 300 MB free in /home. How can I
give more space to /root or specifically /usr.

George Baker
South Africa

[newbie] C Compiler

2001-07-18 Thread George Baker

Trying to install koffice 2.0.1 and kfinance 0.2.0 and keep getting the
message that the C Compiler can't create executables. I have installed
gcc and gcc -c++. This is the config.log I get:

George Baker
South Africa

This file contains any messages produced by compilers while
running configure, to aid debugging if configure makes a mistake.

configure:558: checking for gcc
configure:671: checking whether the C compiler (gcc  ) works
configure:687: gcc -o conftestconftest.c  1>&5
/usr/bin/ld: cannot open crt1.o: No such file or directory
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
configure: failed program was:

#line 682 "configure"
#include "confdefs.h"


[newbie] mp3 encoding

2001-07-18 Thread Kevin Fonner

I have been looking at Grip and it's interface seems simple and easy to 
use however I noticed it talks to other mp3 encoding programs.  None of 
them seem to be installed.  I was wondering which one would be best to 
do mp3's?  lame?  bladeenc? I3enc?   mp3encode?  their are others also 


Re: [newbie] Sound Card

2001-07-18 Thread Paul

It was Thu, 19 Jul 2001 01:43:15 +0530 when Alwan Sadagopan wrote:

Very strange. Sounds like a problem in IRQ's, when a soundcard hangs up a
See what cat /proc/interrupts shows, perhaps there is something in it that
tells more. Shared IRQs are possible, but not all systems/cards like it


>Nope i get no sounds in the wav files also. I use an C8738 sound card 
>from cmedia. During installation this was auto detected.
>>>I recently installed Linux Mandrake 8.0. I am unable to play mp3 music. 
>>>When i launch the XMMS window and submit a MP3 file for play the system 
>>>hangs (No response, Key board and the mouse become non functional),  Any 
>>>suggestion to get XMMS stuff going???

Learning without thought is labor lost;
thought without learning is perilous.
-Confucius - Registered Linux User 174403
 Linux Mandrake 8.0 - Sylpheed 0.5.1
** - when you care **

Re: [newbie] New HDD

2001-07-18 Thread Dennis Myers

On Saturday 14 July 2001 13:44, you wrote:
> On Saturday 14 July 2001 12:32 pm, David E.Fox wrote:
> > > been runnin Linux on for years. I bought an OEM HDD that only came
> > > with IBM's version of ez-bios on a floppy ($135 from MegaHaus
> > > Dickinson, TX).
> >
 That same dir on the new
> 7200 rpm 2mb cache ata/33 drive loads in about 10 seconds. It's my firm
> opinion that it wouldn't load noticibly faster if I changed kernels and
> got the drive running at ata/100.  I would be risking data corruption
> tho, and draining other system resources. Things like AGP, USB, DDR,
> ata/66 or /100 have never impressed me with their pseudo tricks. I view
> them as marketing tools aimed at the average Windo$ user.  YMMV

Just to let everyone know I installed the Soyo K7-VTA Pro mobo and a 900 mhz 
duron processor last night. It took me 20 minutes to detach all my cards, 
unscrew the old mobo,  put the new board in, replace the cards and reconnect 
all cables. I fired it up and did not have to do anything further, if it had 
been windows I would be reinstalling drivers and rebooting for another hour. 
I just love linux. The board has shown no problems with the SB  live sound 
card and via southbridge, so far.  Can't optimise the HD's but with the 
faster bus my hdparm -t shows 21mb/s + now instead of the 12.8 I got with the 
old board.  Reports I read indicated that Soyo had the problem with the 
viachipset resolved. Don't know, but will see what happens over the next few 
days.  This is for those looking for a new MoBo  to use with AMD processors, 
works for me, YMMV.  : )

Fw: [newbie] Problem with automounting CDROM and floppy

2001-07-18 Thread Ján Šedivý

Thanks for your advice,

but I am not sure, how to configure these things. Could anybody tell me what
should stand in /etc/fstab file for floppy disk and for CD-ROM?

I tried to use various settings, but CD-ROM is still unmountable reporting
various erros messages...


Jan Sedivy

> First you need to open your KDE or GNOME.
> Go to KDE Start Center and you will se Configuration and then to Others (I
> don't know exactly the names just because my Linux is in Spanish). In
> you will see LinuxConf.
> You need to open LinuxConf. Then in the window of LinuxConf you go to
> FileSystem, you open it. Then you will see a new window with all the file
> devices you have on your system.
> You need to configure your CD and floppy, and that's it.
> Have a fun. See you,
> Tomek Nowinski
> -Mensaje original-
> De: Ján Šedivý [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Enviado el: Lunes, 16 de Julio de 2001 04:48 p.m.
> Asunto: [newbie] Problem with automounting CDROM and floppy
> Please help,
> I am a real newbie to Mandrake Linux 8, I have installed it only a few
> ago. After some hours of trying its possibilites I managed to set up all
> work fine, but today a problem occured. During booting of Mandrake there
> were two problems - with mounting a CDROM and a floppy. An error message
> something like: ... CDROM is not a block device, or too many filesystems
> mounted" or something like that. These devices  are locked now - and I am
> unable even to install anything from CD...
> Could you tell me, how options should I set for CDROM and floppy drive in
> Linuxconf / Filesystems / Access local drive?
> P.S.
> Yesterday when all this was running O.K., I had another problem with
> floppy - I could not access it - even if I was logged in as root...
> Thanky you very much
> Jan Sedivy

Re: [newbie] Ad Blocker for Linux? (Mandrake 8.0)

2001-07-18 Thread Peter Ruskin

On Wednesday 18 July 2001 02:25, Miark wrote:
> And while I ponder Konqueror, I have one other question: I
> have "Enable Web Shortcuts" turned on, and I _thought_ this
> would allow me to type, say "av" and go directly to
> altavista. Instead, Konqueror sends it to Google as a search
> term. Should that happen?
> Miark
You have to type a colon (:) after "av", for example av:ppp
 Peter Ruskin, Wrexham, Wales.
Registered Linux User No. 219434 ( see ).
Linux Mandrake release 8.0 (Traktopel) for i586,
   kernel 2.4.3-20mdk-win4lin-pnr,  XFree86 4.0.3, patch level 11mdk,
  KDE: 2.1.2,  Qt: 2.3.1.   Uptime 2 hours 49 minutes

Re: [newbie] Transferring files from Windoze drives to Mandrake

2001-07-18 Thread Alan Shoemaker

civileme wrote:
> Either you haves a very corrupt install insofar as KDE is
> concerned or you are just unfamiliar with the desktop.
> There should be icons on the K desktop which say mnt win_c
> or similar.

ÇivilemeI've just done 3 installs, 2 with 8.0 (powerpack) 
and 1 (from scratch) with MandrakeFreq (20010619) on a system 
with a DOS partition, an IDE CD-ROM, and IDE CD-RW and both a 
3½ and a 5¼ floppy.  

In all cases the only desktop icon that was installed on the 
KDE desktop was one for the 3½ floppy.  Previously when I 
have installed on this same system with only a CD-ROM (no 
CD-RW, but all other devices were the same) there was a 
CD-ROM icon installed on the KDE desktop in addition to one 
for the the 3½ floppy.

In /mnt there were directories for both CD's and in /dev 
there were correct simlinks to both real devices (one IDE and 
one SCSI). There was also a directory for the DOS partition 
and for the 3½ floppy, but none for the 5¼ floppy.  

/ect/fstab had correct lines for everything except for the 5¼ 
floppy which had no entry at all.

[newbie] Lisa & Relisa configuration/KDE Windows share browsing

2001-07-18 Thread Jose M. Sanchez


FYI: (In case no one has posted this before)

There is a bug in 8.0's KDE installation of Lisa & reLisa.

It doesn't see the config files in ~/.kde/share/config/lisarc &

If you move the files generated by the control panel into ~/.lisarc &
~/.relisarc browing of Windows shares works fine... Provided samba is
installed properly.


Re: [newbie] Transferring files from Windoze drives to Mandrake

2001-07-18 Thread preston smith


My install did not place my three Win partitions on the KDE 
desktop.  Neither did it place the two CDROMs there.  Although I have two 
floppies, the install placed only one non-specific floppy on the desktop 
and made it inaccessible to me as a user.

Using the info you provided below, i placed my Win partitions on the desktop.

Now how do I place the two CDROMs and both floppies on the desktop so that 
they are accessible to me as a user.

Another question - how can i tell how much free space is available in each 
of my partitions?

I know these are simple issues but i am still having problems grappling 
with the Linux paradigm.



At 01:00 PM 7/18/01, civileme wrote:
>Either you haves a very corrupt install insofar as KDE is concerned or you
>are just unfamiliar with the desktop.
>There should be icons on the K desktop which say mnt win_c or similar.
>Clicking on those brings up Konqueror in filemanager mode and you can click
>and drag between systems

>If you do NOT have the winfolders on your K desktop then right-click on any
>vacant area of the screen and select create new and enter a URL of the form
>file:/mnt/win_c  then right click on the icon made and browse the icons for a
>hard disk icon.

Betti Ann & Preston Smith
Head of St Margaret's Bay, NS
MGB & RV Owners

[newbie] Sound Card

2001-07-18 Thread Alwan Sadagopan


I recently installed Linux Mandrake 8.0. I am unable to play mp3 music. 
When i launch the XMMS window and submit a MP3 file for play the system 
hangs (No response, Key board and the mouse become non functional),  Any 
suggestion to get XMMS stuff going???

Is there means to play .rm and .ram files?

Thankx in advance.


Re: [newbie] Desktop

2001-07-18 Thread Tom Cada

Tried it and it worked like a charm.

Thanks for the reply.

Now if I can only get my desktop going...


Miark wrote:

> Tom,
> These refer to USB ports (180) and serial ports (4). I know
> this happens if you've got them disabled in your BIOS, as I
> have. If you don't need the ports, then add the following
> lines to /etc/modules.conf as root:
> alias char-major-180 off
> alias char-major-4 off
> Miark
> - Original Message -
> From: Tom Cada <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2001 9:16 AM
> Subject: [newbie] Desktop
> > I have installed LM 8.0 on my system. Everything seems ok
> except for the
> > following:
> >
> > 1.  When I boot, and after the logon prompt is displayed,
> a bunch of
> > messages appear stating
> >
> > modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module char-major-4 and
> >
> > modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module char-major-180.
> >
> > 2.  During the install and in any subsequent upgrades, the
> installation
> > process would stall loading a program for some 15 to 30
> seconds (or
> > more) and then carry on. A group of programs would load
> from the CD and
> > then it would stall in the middle of a load, and then
> continue. It
> > caused the program install process to take about 3 hours.
> >
> > 3.  My desktop has disappeared. It initially happened when
> running KDE
> > as root. All the icons and panel were loading properly.
> Then when
> > re-starting KDE, it started up with the initialization
> screen (the KDE
> > logo) being displayed. Once the initialization finished,
> there was no
> > panel, or icons but the mouse pointer was shown. The
> screen did not
> > display any menus when clicked on by the right and left
> mouse buttons. I
> > started using another user, and KDE was working properly.
> Then it
> > stopped working for that user too.
> >
> > I notice that the startup messages for KDE are displayed
> at the bottom
> > of the logo with the last one being "Loading the Desktop"
> and then
> > skipping to the end stating "KDE is up and running". Well
> it aint.
> >
> > Any assistance would be most welcome... Tom.
> >
> >

Re: [newbie] Path and KDESU

2001-07-18 Thread Alan Shoemaker

tazmun wrote:
> here..but what does "pwd" stand for again?  And I keep
> hearing about "kdesu"  is this just something your typing
> into the console shell from kde window manager.  I was
> wondering if someone could go a bit more into detail on
> this command and exactly how to use it.  Also what the
> advantage...disadvantage of this might be.

Tazmunpwd = pRINT wORKING  dIRECTORY.  kdesu is a GUI 
tool to allow you to run a GUI app as root.  The syntax is:

kdesu [-c] 

advantage is that you don't have to log out as user and 
re-login as root to use certain root-only programs.  
Disadvantage is none.

Re: [newbie] Re(newbie)Linux Magazine 8.0 Installation impossible!!Help appreciated

2001-07-18 Thread Steve Maytum

- Original Message -
From: Jason Guidry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Linux-Mandrake Newbie (E-mail) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2001 3:18 PM
Subject: RE: [newbie] Re(newbie)Linux Magazine 8.0 Installation
impossible!!Help appreciated

> >MACK , if this was a cover version from news vendor , the disk was
> >Do you live in UK or USA? If UK could send a working copy. Let me know
> *Ouch*  well, I guess they tried...
> anyway, looking at your system specs you may want to be cautious.  I
> installed 8.0 on a system very similar to yours 2 weeks ago, except the
> thing that makes it run halfway decent is that the ram was upgraded to 96
> MB.
> would it be a good Idea to install the older kernal (2.2.19) and the older
> XF86 instead?
> How is that done again?  :0
Installed all O.K. on my PC , is your machine having any other problems?
Sometimes it's just a case of every PC being so individual you may need
better advice than i can give to see if there may be a specific problem.
Hope you can get a good result soon. regards [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[newbie] Ceative WebCam III.

2001-07-18 Thread Tomek Nowinski

Hi everybody,

I just wanted to ask is someone knows how to configure a webcam in LM80?
Which software should I use?

Any suggestions?




Znudzilo Ci sie logo w komorce?
Wgraj nowe [ ]

Re: [newbie] Galeon AND Mozilla -- Simultaneously!

2001-07-18 Thread Michel Clasquin

On Tuesday 17 July 2001 20:10, you wrote:

I'm running both right now, each one loading a different site, and 

which mozilla

shows only one such file in the path.

> Dear friends:
> Just found out today that you CAN run Galeon and Mozilla simultaneously!
> How?
> Well, you can't run them both at the same time IF the Mozilla version is
> identical, i.e. if, for example, Galeon uses Mozilla installed at

Michel Clasquin, D Litt et Phil (Unisa)
This message was posted from a Microsoft-free PC

Unless you're the lead dog, the view never changes ...

[newbie] Real Audio Support in Mozilla

2001-07-18 Thread Kevin Fonner

According to Mandrake Real Player is already installed.  How do I get it 
to work with Mozilla?


RE: [newbie] Fonts very small everywhere

2001-07-18 Thread Jason Guidry

I had this problem on my laptop and felt like a dork when I figured it out.
go into your desktop (KDE or gnome, whatever) configuration tool (where you
change the colors and all) and select fonts on the right hand side.  you
should be able to choose what fonts and sizes you want where.

if you can't find where this is, lemme know.  I'll have to get into LM to
find out.

Re: [newbie] Okidata Ol400

2001-07-18 Thread Bryan Tyson

On Wednesday 18 July 2001 08:13, Johnix wrote:

> I'm haveing trouble with printer Okidata Ol400e is supported but
> Ol400 is not. I'm useing Mandrake 7.2. Any idea's would be
> appreciated.

Try setting it up as a HP LaserJet II. Although I have not done that 
with Mandrake, it worked great for me with Caldera and SuSE.

Powered by SuSE Linux 7.2 Professional
KDE 2.1.2 KMail 1.2

Bryan S. Tyson

Re: [newbie] Playing CD's through SB live SPDIF socket

2001-07-18 Thread Miark

>From the K menu, select

   K > Multimedia > Sound > Sound Mixer

Mess with the sliding controls--you'll get it.


- Original Message -
From: Glen Swindell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2001 7:34 AM
Subject: [newbie] Playing CD's through SB live SPDIF socket

> Hi,
> I have my CD drive connected via the SPDIF internal socket
to my SB live
> card. At the moment, I cannot play CD's though linux
> Has any one any experience of this, what settings do I
need ?
> Thanks in advance
> Glen Swindell

[newbie] nVidia Installation Guide

2001-07-18 Thread Miark

By the way, the formatting in the installation guide annoyed
me so much that I completely re-did it; first for myself,
but also because I thought nVidia may also like to post it.

Well, I was wrong on the second count. I sent it to them,
and all they said was that they would incorporate more white
space into the next version of the document.


Anyway, if anybody wants a legible version of that document,
please let me know.


Re: [newbie] Got a question...

2001-07-18 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Mon, 16 Jul 2001 00:57, Tim Holmes wrote:
> Maybe somebody can shed some light on this subject.
> I write a lot of scripts, and I go back and revise them as well.  Well I
> keep noticing files that have a ~ at the end of the file.  For example,
> one of the first scripts I tested when learning expect.
> [timh@r2d2 bin]$ ls -la aftp*
> -rwxr-xr-x1 timh timh  142 Jul 15 10:53 aftp*
> -rwxr-xr-x1 timh timh  142 Jul  1 19:45 aftp~*
> But the files are the same.
> [timh@r2d2 bin]$ diff aftp aftp~
> They both look like this.
> [timh@r2d2 bin]$ cat aftp
> #!/usr/bin/expect
> log_user 0
> proc domainname {}  {
> set file [open /etc/resolv.conf r]
> while {[gets $file buf] != -1}  {
> if {[scan $buf "domain %s" name] ==1} {
> close $file
> return $name
> }
> }
> close $file
> error "No domain declaration in /etc/resolv.conf"
> }
> spawn ftp $argv
> expect "Name"
> send "anonymous\r"
> expect "Password:"
> send "anon@[domainname]\r"
> log_user 1
> interact
> But as soon as I edit it, then close it out, there's a "temp" file there
> and it always ends in ~.  What's this all about?  How long do these files
> stick around?  I've often just gone and removed them, but now I'm real
> curious as to what's the point of them.
> Thanks for the help.
> tdh

I believe that they are just backups made automatically by your text editor, 
whenever you save. That way, you have something to go back to if you mess 
your file up.

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
"There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence."
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

Re: [newbie] InteractiveBastille killed my sound!

2001-07-18 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Mon, 16 Jul 2001 00:57, civileme wrote:
> On Sunday 15 July 2001 03:54, Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:
> > On Sun, 15 Jul 2001 05:17, civileme wrote:
> > > On Saturday 14 July 2001 09:03, Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:
> > > > Hey everyone,
> > > >
> > > > I ran InteractiveBastille and configured my system security settings.
> > > > After I rebooted and returned to GNOME, I found that my sound no
> > > > longer works. The Esound daemon (ESD) is running, but nothing comes
> > > > out of my speakers. My mixer settings are fine, and sound still works
> > > > perfectly in KDE, which uses the ARTS sound server. I can also run
> > > > console apps like mpg123 with no trouble.
> > > >
> > > > What could be wrong? Perhaps I accidentally blocked a port that
> > > > Esound needs?
> > >
> > > Or the arts _server_
> > >
> > > Yes indeed.
> > >
> > > Civileme
> >
> > Thanks for the response.
> >
> > I'm sorry, Civileme, but I don't quite understand what you mean here ("Or
> > the arts _server_"). I don't have ARTS running at all when I'm using
> > GNOME (I checked with a "ps aux").
> >
> > When I run GNOME, it loads "esd -nobeeps -as 30" to initialise sound.
> > Even though this is loaded, sound doesn't work. If I go to the GNOME
> > Control Centre sound settings, it turns off sound. I have tried turning
> > it back on again both via the Control Centre and by directly editing the
> > file /home/user/.gnome/sound/system (changing "false" statements to
> > "true").
> >
> > As Tom Brinkman suggested, I have tried executing (as root) "chmod 666
> > /dev/dsp* /dev/audio* /dev/mixer* /dev/midi* /dev/sequencer*". Now when I
> > try to run esd manually (after killing other instances of it) I will get
> > the "startup beeps" (as they are called when I type "esd --help") that
> > indicate that it is working (I didn't get them before), but sound in
> > GNOME still doesn't work (e.g. XMMS complains when I try to play an MP3).
> >
> > Thanks for any help.
> OK that could be gmix... go to another desktop and use the mixer settings
> from it, then return to GNOME and keep hands off the gmix.

I logged off GNOME and loaded IceWM. When I ran gmix it appeared with my 
preset mixer settings. I changed things a bit (just in case) and then logged 
off. GNOME was still soundless upon my return. I tried going to KDE and doing 
the same as I did in IceWM -- no luck. I even tried changing the volume with 
aumix from the console then logging into GNOME. Nothing.

> GNOME uses CORBA and that means sockets, so it is conceivable that the
> Bastille firewall is blocking something internally.  You would need to
> check the rules and make sure that things with origin at are
> never blocked.  (the internet routers will not relay such an address, so
> you are still safe from exploits.)

I checked my firewall rules and I noticed that "lo" (local loopback) was 
running as a trusted interface. There is nothing blocking either lo or (or any of its aliases).

I then fully disabled my firewall (so that it wouldn't start at bootup) and 
rebooted. GNOME was the same: no sound. Loading esd on different ports didn't 
help either (I didn't think it would, but I'm getting desperate here :-) ).

By the looks of it, the problem is with a different component of Bastille -- 
not the firewall. I am quite certain that it is *something* (I just don't 
know what) in Bastille, since this is the second time I've had this problem 
(a MandrakeFreq install fixed it the first time).

In case you're wondering (I forgot to mention before), I am using Bastille 
Linux 1.2.0 from on Mandrake 8.0 (upgraded to 

Any more ideas to help an increasingly desperate user?

Cheers :-)

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
"There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence."
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

Re: [newbie] GeForce2 MX

2001-07-18 Thread Miark

Hi Dan,

The nVidia drivers that come with Mandrake are not 3D
capable. You'll need to go to  nVidia's web site to download
the proper driver RPMs and the Installation Guide.


- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2001 8:32 AM
Subject: [newbie] GeForce2 MX

> Hello!
> I just installed my second Mandrake machine (which I built
from components, a
> new experience for me!), and this second installation is
giving me somewhat
> more grief than my first did.
> Most notably, my GeForce2 MX doesn't do full-screen GL
very well at all.
> Tuxracer gives me about .5 frames per second--which makes
sliding down a
> mountain VERY challenging! I saw this same behavior in
gltron too.
> I installed Mesa off the Core CD, which allowed Tuxracer
to launch.
> Prior to that it gave an error about being unable to find
GL extensions for
> this device. I don't have the exact wording of that error
(this machine is at
> home, while I'm at work), but I could get it if that would
be helpful.
> Then when I saw the performance I was getting, I went to and
> downloaded their drivers, which I installed. I made the
changes they
> recommended to /etc/X11/XF86Config-4. Installing
NVIDIA_GLX from rpm, I got a
> bunch of messages about it copying away GL-related
libraries that it had
> conflicts with. With NVIDIA_GLX installed, I get the same
error I got before
> Mesa about missing GL. 'rpm -e NVIDIA_GLX' gets back my
Mesa stuff, and gets
> me back the very poor performance I mention above.
> Any input on this? Anybody got a GeForce2 MX running GL
> --
> Dan Ray
> Director Custom Applications
> Triangle Research, Inc.

Re: [newbie] How difficult is Nautilus 1.0.4 to install ?

2001-07-18 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Mon, 16 Jul 2001 02:55, Charles Darcy wrote:
>I didn't know about the Cooker packages. Is it where the candidate
> update packages for the next release of Mandrake exist ?

Yep. Be careful when using them -- they haven't been fully tested and some of 
them are incompatible with the current Mandrake release.

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
"There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence."
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

[newbie] M$ is pulling Java & MP3 support from WinDOS XP

2001-07-18 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

Just another "innovative" way for M$ to "compete":,4586,2790355,00.html

I have also read (on CNet) that M$ is pulling MP3 codecs from XP. If users 
want to use MP3s, they have to either buy the plug-in for Media Player from 
M$ or use something else. Of course, M$ is doing this so people will use 
their very own WMA format instead (which contains digital rights management).

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
"There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence."
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

[newbie] Desktop

2001-07-18 Thread Tom Cada

I have installed LM 8.0 on my system. Everything seems ok except for the

1.  When I boot, and after the logon prompt is displayed, a bunch of
messages appear stating

modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module char-major-4 and

modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module char-major-180.

2.  During the install and in any subsequent upgrades, the installation
process would stall loading a program for some 15 to 30 seconds (or
more) and then carry on. A group of programs would load from the CD and
then it would stall in the middle of a load, and then continue. It
caused the program install process to take about 3 hours.

3.  My desktop has disappeared. It initially happened when running KDE
as root. All the icons and panel were loading properly. Then when
re-starting KDE, it started up with the initialization screen (the KDE
logo) being displayed. Once the initialization finished, there was no
panel, or icons but the mouse pointer was shown. The screen did not
display any menus when clicked on by the right and left mouse buttons. I
started using another user, and KDE was working properly. Then it
stopped working for that user too.

I notice that the startup messages for KDE are displayed at the bottom
of the logo with the last one being "Loading the Desktop" and then
skipping to the end stating "KDE is up and running". Well it aint.

Any assistance would be most welcome... Tom.

Re: [newbie] WinDOS NT install & UK government

2001-07-18 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

This is already happening in a big way in governments across the globe. I 
have posted numerous lengthy messages about this in the recent past. You may 
want to look through the list archives for them if you're interested.

On Wed, 18 Jul 2001 23:05, Andy Weller wrote:
> Another topic that has sprung to mind (which stems from "Linux in public
> (state) schools") is the use of Linux for government services/offices. I
> was speaking to someone the other day who works for our NHS (which is in
> tatters and could do with as much £'s as possible). Their 'industry
> standard' is M$ and often workers are sent on M$ courses for them to
> learn how to use M$ products (WinDOS, Office, etc.). Surely the use of
> M$ products amounts to great expense to the tax payer!?! An obvious way
> to be kinder on the tax payers pocket - or (which is surely prefered) to
> put that money back into services is to use a better/cheaper alternative
> - Linux!
> I would imagine this is the case for many other UK (Euro/US) government
> services/offices. They could save £'s...
> Just a thought.
> Thanks,
> Andy

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
"There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence."
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

[newbie] web page display

2001-07-18 Thread L.V.Gandhi

I have put the following line in a page.
I have seen big letters in winme,
netscape 4.77
ie 6
in mdk 8.0 galeon and mozilla.
But in konquerer and netscape 4.77 in linux I get only small letters. Can 
anybody explain it?
Further I get vertical stripes in konquerer and ns 4.77 linux, where as it is 
OK in other browsers. Why?
203, Soundaryalahari Apartments, Lawsons Bay colony, Visakhapatnam, 530017
MECON, 5th Floor, RTC Complex, Visakhapatnam AP 530020 INDIA
[EMAIL PROTECTED],  [EMAIL PROTECTED] linux user No.205042

[newbie] looking up internet address for hostname hangs up my machine after gnome login

2001-07-18 Thread Ravi Malghan

Hello: I use linux on my laptop at home and work. It 
uses the same fixed
IP address both at home and office.  I recently 
installed the IBMJDK (using rpm) 
when I was connected to my office network and the 
installation was smooth.
But when I took my machine home, it will go through the 
start up process (all
processes start fine), but it takes a long time (almost 1 
minute compared to
few seconds before I started having problems) for the 
gnome login window
to come up. Now when I login, a new window comes saying 
"looking up 
internet address for linux_ravi" (linux_ravi is my 
hostname) with a moving bar 
below. Eventually this window disappears and then the 
machine hangs. But back
in the office network, it works just like before. 

I donot know what does it mean by "looking up internet 
address for linux_ravi". I have a 
fixed IP and the same default gateway everywhere. Looks 
like the gnome configuration
is screwed up somewhere. or I am not sure about the 
I booted into text mode and removed the IBM JDK, but still 
see the same problem
Could some one help me.

RE: [newbie] Re(newbie)Linux Magazine 8.0 Installation impossible!!Help appreciated

2001-07-18 Thread Jason Guidry

>MACK , if this was a cover version from news vendor , the disk was corrupt!
>Do you live in UK or USA? If UK could send a working copy. Let me know

*Ouch*  well, I guess they tried...

anyway, looking at your system specs you may want to be cautious.  I
installed 8.0 on a system very similar to yours 2 weeks ago, except the only
thing that makes it run halfway decent is that the ram was upgraded to 96

would it be a good Idea to install the older kernal (2.2.19) and the older
XF86 instead?

How is that done again?  :0

[newbie] Playing CD's through SB live SPDIF socket

2001-07-18 Thread Glen Swindell


I have my CD drive connected via the SPDIF internal socket to my SB live 
card. At the moment, I cannot play CD's though linux (LM8.0)

Has any one any experience of this, what settings do I need ?

Thanks in advance

Glen Swindell

Re: [newbie] Transferring files from Windoze drives to Mandrake

2001-07-18 Thread Paul

> Can't see how to do this:
> Gnome automatically recognises my Doze Drives but K does not.
> How do we make (preferably under the GUI like Gnome) K recognise them?
> I need to attach some from them as email files. 

Hi John,
What do you mean by "K"?
Winders drives normally are mounted at boot through the definitions in
/etc/fstab, and they should be accessible through any environment.
Just go to /mnt/windows and from there you should be able to manoeuver to
any directory (at least on the disk known as C: )

Re: [newbie] Transferring files from Windoze drives to Mandrake

2001-07-18 Thread Dave Sherman

Hash: SHA1


I'm not sure what you mean when you say KDE doesn't recognize your Windows 
partitions but Gnome does. The ability to mount a vfat partition is part 
of the linux kernel (or a kernel module), but the GUI you are using.

Are you saying that Gnome set up shortcut icons to easily access your 
partitions, but KDE did not?

Try this: in KDE, run konqueror in file-manager mode (just click the Home 
button or icon). Navigate to the Root ( / ) folder, then to /mnt, and 
there (within /mnt) you will see your Windows partitions. They may have 
wierd-looking names like hda1, hda2, etc., or they may actually say win_c 
or windows or some such. You can create shortcuts to these "folders" on 
your desktop or wherever you want, to access them more easily.

Hope this helps,

On Wednesday 18 July 2001 07:36, thus spake John Rigby:
> Hi folks,
> Can't see how to do this:
> Gnome automatically recognises my Doze Drives but K does not.
> How do we make (preferably under the GUI like Gnome) K recognise them?
> I need to attach some from them as email files.

- -- 
"Nihil tam munitum quod non expugnari pecunia possit." (No 
fortification is such that it cannot be subdued with money.)
- - Marcus Tullius Cicero, 106-43 B.C.
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


[newbie] WinDOS NT install & UK government

2001-07-18 Thread Andy Weller

Dear all,

Thanks one and all who helped me solve my dual boot (NT/Linux) problems.
NT sucks and had to use the start sectors of my HD - the WinDOS
partition I had created (during Linux install) was at the end...
therefore, I had to blow the whole lot and start again!!! What a
nightmare I had trying to get it up and running - it has taken me (&
others) almost 2 days to configure and set up NT! I installed and
configured LM 8.0 this morning in approx. 2 hours flat! WOW - wasn't
quite expecting that, in fact, quite the opposite! Hasn't 'our' OS come
along way? The install is so much more user-friendly compared to NT - it
was a breaze. I even took coffee during package install :)

Another topic that has sprung to mind (which stems from "Linux in public
(state) schools") is the use of Linux for government services/offices. I
was speaking to someone the other day who works for our NHS (which is in
tatters and could do with as much £'s as possible). Their 'industry
standard' is M$ and often workers are sent on M$ courses for them to
learn how to use M$ products (WinDOS, Office, etc.). Surely the use of
M$ products amounts to great expense to the tax payer!?! An obvious way
to be kinder on the tax payers pocket - or (which is surely prefered) to
put that money back into services is to use a better/cheaper alternative
- Linux!

I would imagine this is the case for many other UK (Euro/US) government
services/offices. They could save £'s...

Just a thought.



[newbie] subscribe

2001-07-18 Thread Nick

subscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

The contents of this e-mail (including any attachments)
are confidential and may be legally privileged.
The information contained in this e-mail is intended only for the 
person or entity to whom it is addressed.
Any review, re-transmission, dissemination or other use of or taking
of any action in reliance upon, this information by persons 
or entities other than the intended recipient is prohibited.
If you have received this in error, please contact the sender 
and delete the material permanently from any computer. 

[newbie] (newbie)Linux-Mandrake 6.1 Installation

2001-07-18 Thread Steve Maytum

Matthew , if nobody has offered before you recieve this e-mail , contact me
and i'll help where i can Regards [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [newbie] Text Display in boxes and WP Programs NOW: YOU NEW USERS CAN HELP

2001-07-18 Thread John Rigby

Hi Charles,
You are durn tootin' right!!



> Until then, when you need to use a terminal or write a script for
> something, this list will get you very detailed resoponses. That is
> what makes it easier than Winduhs in my estimation. I can actually
> get someone to explain (in plain language) how to perform a
> particular task. Sometimes the advice doesn't work, because of
> differences between systems, but I don't see that as a fault of
> Linux, MDK or code slinging experts, just a problem that needs a
> solution. I am thankful to have some code slinging experts that are
> so willing to help us desktop guys out when we need some code. With
> an OS as configurable as Linux, some problems have to be expected.


Re: [newbie] RPM failures

2001-07-18 Thread John Rigby

Hi Sridhar,
Thanks again for your help!
 But what I'm trying to do is avoid the command-line wherever 
possible and use the long-awaited friendly gui. 
Especially as I will have to teach it to a lot of utter computer 
novices in the not distant future.  
I personally already have enough troubles with the Unix-zone and I've 
been playing with PC's since before most of our readers were born! 
My first uni assignment was counting out an allocation of Punch Cards 
to run/debug a fortran compilation.  ( We were only allowed a certain 
number of cards!!)

> > It does show up as installed, it just doesn't start.
> > It did not add itself to the Desktop Menu.
> This is normal. Only Mandrake apps will add themselves to the menu,
> since Mandrake uses its own menu system.
> > I am attempting to start it from the Konq File Manager Directory.
> As I said before, go to a console and type "hpbuilder". You can
> make an icon to do this if you want.

> This isn't Windows (thank god!) -- things work differently here.
> RPM packaging takes care of installing and uninstalling, so a user
> doesn't normally have to look in the programme directories. The RPM
> would've installed an executable somewhere in your PATH. All you
> have to do is type the executable name from a command line -- in
> this case "hpbuilder".

> I don't have a Lexmark printer, but I would say that you need to
> configure your printer with CUPS afterwards. Try pointing your web
> browser to http://localhost:631/ to configure your printer.
> > APPARENTLY RPM also will not install over an existing program.
> > Worse, it  won't tell you that it is not listing under
> > "installable" because of this. It simply doesn't show up under
> > Pack Mgr search.
> You need to 'upgrade' not 'install', if an older package exists.

> You shouldn't need to look for anything. You should just be able to
> type the programme executable's name (often this is just the name
> of the app) at a command line. Look at its documentation (often in
> /usr/doc/appname, /usr/local/doc/appname or /usr/lib/doc/appname)
> for details.
> > On this mornings bootup, I suffered the same problem again with
> > SCREEM. I downloaded the fixes as advised, reinstalled SCREEM and
> > it seemed to work ok, yesterday.
> > This AM it froze on startup ( why it was starting up resident I
> > do not know)  and would not be killed - leaving the same white
> > block in centre screen left over from its "splash" . To remove it
> > I had to delete SCREEM again.
> You can kill (stronger than a normal close) the app. Load up xkill
> and click on the app you want to kill. Or you can issue a "killall
> " from the command line.
> > Cheers,
> >
> > John
> >
> > Fablor now Webhosting?? What on earth for??  Info here:
> > (it's only an Autoresponder)  :-)



Fablor now Webhosting?? What on earth for??  Info here: 
(it's only an Autoresponder)  :-)

Re: [newbie] g77 compiling

2001-07-18 Thread Renato Tognaccini

Norman Teferle wrote:
Dear all,
can anyone tell me what command line arguments I have to use to compile
Fortran 77 code on my Mandrake 8.0 box.
The programs were compiled on IRIX6.5 using f77 with following command
line options: -32 -O1 -C -r8 -static -check_bounds -c file.f -lv77
Some of these options do not seem to be supported on Linux using g77
and produce numerous compilation errors.
The main problem you will find is that, to my knowledge, g77 does not support
the option -r8 whichj means set default declaration REAL equivalent to
REAL*8. Most of the options are also in g77 you can check them with
man g77.
Renato Tognaccini,
Dipartimento di Progettazione Aeronautica,
Universita` di Napoli Federico II,
Piazzale V. Tecchio 80,
80125 Napoli, ITALIA.

tel.:  +39-0817682179
fax:   +39-0817682187