Re: [newbie] Linux on P120 laptop

2000-07-02 Thread Sthitaprajna

On 2 Jul 00, at 21:37, Peter Szalay wrote:

> I pretty new on this list, just subscribe it.
> I just got a P120, 40M ram, 1Gb hdd laptop.
> Has anybody have experiences to running Linux (not necesserly Mandrake) on a
> laptop like mine?

Not sure about Mandrake, but Debian will install. The debian install 
process is a bit tricky tho, but you get a rock solid platform
Sthitaprajna | (at)mailandnews(dot)com
 "So many people, so little purpose."

Re: [newbie] mozilla M16

2000-07-02 Thread Sthitaprajna

On 2 Jul 00, at 18:16, Digital Wokan wrote:

> I'd like to see an RPM of M16 with the SSL capabilities available
> through a second RPM.  Too bad so many governments have to be so uptight
> over encryption.

What's wrong with a binary tarball? It installs pretty well, but the 
SSL tunneling facility is prety poor as you say. Read the mozilla 
developer postings and ask there if there's any way to do that. 
Sthitaprajna | (at)mailandnews(dot)com
 "So many people, so little purpose."

Re: [newbie] Firewall/security

2000-07-02 Thread Sthitaprajna

On 2 Jul 00, at 20:59, Mark Weaver wrote:

> I'm getting the definate impression that I should maybe have my security
> set as high as I can stand it just in case. There seems to be quite a
> few varied opinions and it's better to safe than sorry.

Security is one thing, paranoia quite another. If you set your 
security settings to low during a Mnadrake install, it has something 
to do with the permissions on your computer rather than security via 
the internet. Of course, it a good thing to have good security, but 
if you set the settings to high or paranoid, you won't enjoy working 
on your desktop. Bar some, most Mandrake users use Linux at home on a 
workstation or a small home network of 1,2 PCs. Now if you set the 
settings as High, you can't access many programs as user because you 
will not have access to execute them. Would that be beneficial?

A security setting as Medium is just fine. If you really do want to 
ensure that someone else is not intruding upon your privacy via the 
internet(if that is at possible), then you'll need to monitor the 
logs /var/log/messages when you are connected. Close down and stop 
ports that are unnecessary and stop unnecessary services like httpd, 
and such likeon the machine. Not only are they security probs, but 
memory hogs. A good place to get started is the security howto in 
/usr/doc, as well as the system admin guide and network admin guide. 
A good book that is very thorugh is Essential System administration 
by O Reilly press. 

Security is one thing, paranoia quite another. Remember, no security 
settings can fully protect your computer. the best course is careful 
monitoring, and that comes of need and habit.
Sthitaprajna | (at)mailandnews(dot)com
 "So many people, so little purpose."

Re: [newbie] Linux-Mandrake 7.0 Complete installation

2000-07-02 Thread Sthitaprajna

On 2 Jul 00, at 15:15, Marcia Waller wrote:

> passwords. I tried the user idea but that did not work. How can I go
> back through the installation process and change a few things such as
> create a root password and set up  some other things that I skipped
> without messing up the install?Do I put the install CD in again and

I hope you are using a dual boot system with Windows using LILO. At 
the LiLO prompt, type linux 1. Now when Linux boots up, at the boot 
prompt type root. It won't ask you for a password. Then type passwd, 
and enter your password, enter and retype again.
You are done. Reboot, normally. Login as root. Goto KDE DrakConf and 
manage the user settings. Remove old users and add them anew if 
things dont work out as a last resort.

Sthitaprajna | (at)mailandnews(dot)com

Re: [newbie] Slow mail

2000-07-02 Thread Sthitaprajna

On 2 Jul 00, at 5:50, Dennis Myers wrote:

> I have stuff pop up two or three days late and yet some of the e-mail for
> those days came through within minutes of being posted. Some strange goings
> on, what?

It might have soething to do with sendinf the messages  to Newbie@ or 
newbie. Maybe the smaller case does'nt send the mauil to the list 
immediately. If Havlik is listening, is Mandrake considering using 
Majordomo 1.94 or 2 for the job and scrapping Sympa. Majordomo seems 
to be working fine on most lists.

    Sthitaprajna | (at)mailandnews(dot)com

Re: [newbie] MS Linux?

2000-07-02 Thread Sthitaprajna

On 2 Jul 00, at 18:51, Paul wrote:

> I missed something of this thread, it seems. MS did try to make the
> transition from Linux to Windows NT after they took over Hotmail, and they
> put in a LOT of effort and money. The problem that they faced, however,

Well, Hotmail never ran of LinuxIIRC, it used to run FreeBSD, and 
it still runs FBSD. And it uses qmail and tries to be pretty secure. 
IMHO, BSD clones are somewhat stabler than Linux systems, if only 
Bill Joy came out from Sun and helped guide another release of the 
Berkeley Unix, we people sure would have lots of advances - technical 
and otherwise.

Sthitaprajna | (at)mailandnews(dot)com

Re: [newbie] Fonts in Netscape

2000-07-02 Thread Sthitaprajna

On 30 Jun 00, at 0:09, Pedro _ wrote:

> I have Mandrake 7.02 and I am disapointed with fonts of Netscape. Pages do 
> not look the same...
> Where are the "Windows" fonts, like arial, verdana, etc... ?
> Can we add more fonts to Netscape? How?

Set font size to 18 or thereabouts, it'll work fine. Or download the 
mozilla fonts from
Even better, download the latest mozilla binary (current is M16, i 
think) and use it. It is faster, better, and definitely more eye 
friendly than Netscape's borg.
Sthitaprajna | (at)mailandnews(dot)com

Re: [newbie] Unpacking tar & gz files

2000-07-02 Thread Sthitaprajna

On 29 Jun 00, at 19:12, Neil Rowley wrote:

> Hi,
> As a recent convert to Mandrake 7 I find myself in a tiz over those so 
> called" tarball" and "gzipped" packages. Having recently downloaded 
> Realplayer G2 and an upgraded version of the Netscape Browser  it's 
> pretty obvious that they are not RPM programs.  On seeking help  about 
> this there is plenty of guidance out there on the use of commands such 
> as "tar xzf" etc. but to  where and how do you move the file package 
> from the "home" directory"  and what do I do the editing with ?

targz filea will unpack with
tar zxvf 

Almost certainly, if the files are binaries, they'll have a readme 
and install file, in text format which tell you what to do. Read 
them. There'll usually be a install script file that you'll have to 
run as ./install, then do a make and make install. Read the man pages 
man tar
tar --help


Sthitaprajna | (at)mailandnews(dot)com

Re: [newbie] Running XFree on Intel i810

2000-07-02 Thread Sthitaprajna

On 29 Jun 00, at 9:41, Turski Miroslaw wrote:

> A am running Mandrake 7.1 and try to run XFree86 4.0 on i810 graphic card.
> The XServer returns the fallowing error:
> Did somebody make it running? I am realy desperated and need help. Read Shanu's i810 install guide.

    Sthitaprajna | (at)mailandnews(dot)com

Re: [newbie] MS Linux?

2000-07-02 Thread Sthitaprajna

On 2 Jul 00, at 0:42, Thomas 2 wrote:

> MS makes applications for Mac OS and others, but nothing for Linux. It seems 
> especially strange considering that Microsoft choose Linux to run it's 
> Hotmail webservers, instead of NT! I wonder how long until MS Linux comes 
> out? Will Linux ever replace the old "Quick and Dirty OS" (that's what it 
> was known as before Bill bought it out from a small Seattle company in 
> 1980)? Then a future version of Windows could just be a Windows manager like 
> KDE with X.

Hey, no Ms bashing. This is a Linux help list, lets keep it that way. 
OTOH, what you say is perfectly true, I mean the fact that a large 
company like MS should put in some effort into contributing towards a 
stable, reliable and dependable OS. It may not be Linux, FreeBSD, it 
is enough if they make something that works well, and is rock solid. 
But then, they'll have to write it from scratch, coz DOS can never 
give the stability of the Unices.
Sthitaprajna | (at)mailandnews(dot)com

Re: [newbie] automated DUN lacking in Linux - why?

2000-07-02 Thread Sthitaprajna

On 2 Jul 00, at 0:53, Thomas 2 wrote:

> Why doesn't there seem to be any Linux applications that will automatically 
> dialout - like email clients and auto file downloaders? They're a dime a 
> dozen in Windows, but I've never found a single one for Linux. Is there some 
> kind of barrier? As popular as that is in Win, why does it seem to be 
> non-existant in Linux? I know there are work arounds using Cron, but for a 
> Newbie who doesn't have a lot of time, it would be much nicer if it sort of 
> worked out of the box. That would help me in making the transition. But 
> that's just me.

Oh yesm, there are. 
Automatic dial on demand - diald
Another easy dialer - wvdial and kde frontend called kwvdial
Downloaders - Caitoo - ftp tool(not much recommended) 
- Downloader for X(search Freshmeat with the string 
  "downloader"(pretty good)
- wget(this one is real good). This also has a kde 
  frontend, called kwebget and a gtk fronend called gwget

Keep looking for offerings in freshmeat, there may be more, but these 
are the more popular ones.
Sthitaprajna | (at)mailandnews(dot)com

Re: [newbie] 1.4 GB overkill for /boot?

2000-07-02 Thread Sthitaprajna

On 2 Jul 00, at 0:33, Thomas 2 wrote:

> When I installed LM 7.1 I let it set the three LM partition sizes (/, /boot, 
> and swap). Of the 5 GB available, it assigned about 1.4 GB to the /boot 
> partition. Now I've heard that you only need 10 MB for /boot. Am I wasteing 
> 1.4 GB? Thanks.

You most certainly are. My linux machine has a /boot = 10MB, and it 
is more than sufficient to boot debian and mandrake, and that too 
with a development kernel and a stable kernel.


Sthitaprajna | (at)mailandnews(dot)com

Re: [newbie] Help:After installing Mandrake Windows don´t boot

2000-07-01 Thread Sthitaprajna

On 28 Jun 00, at 10:52, Arlindo Fragoso wrote:

My /etc/lilo.conf looks like this, default is DOZE.



Sthitaprajna | (at)mailandnews(dot)com

Re: [newbie] YA E-Mail Client?

2000-07-01 Thread Sthitaprajna

On 1 Jul 00, at 21:28, ElephantsGoNorth wrote:

> The other approach - fetchmail/qmail + a ton of ... is working fine in my
> BSD boxen. Can I just start using Linux? Will this bird ever fly?

first,  I'll ask you to help me with this;). Have been trying to get 
a setup like that, to no avail. If you can, send a offlist detail.
> My q'n: is there any standalone e-mail client for GNU/Linux that allows to
> delete my e-mail from the server when deleted locally?

Try "poppy". But is it possible to synchronise the MUA with a pop 
account?? AFAIK, that is possible in IMAP, but is pop capable?

BTW, great to see people running BSD alongwith Lin;}
Sthitaprajna | (at)mailandnews(dot)com

Re: [newbie] Linux-Mandrake 7.0 Complete installation

2000-07-01 Thread Sthitaprajna

On 1 Jul 00, at 13:36, Marcia Waller wrote:

> setup is C,A,SCSI. Should not that be changed to the floppy first and

Is your hdd SCSI? Maybe not. Maybe its an IDE.

> how do I do that? I am a true newbie and have not done much on the Setup

At the BIOS option where you have C,a,SCSI written, scroll through 
the list with the NumKeypad + or the PageUP/DN keys. One of them 
should work. Change it, so that the order now reads A,C, 
whatever.Now, your system will boot off the floppy first, if there's 
a system disk in the fdd.

> screen. Also, may I install by graphical installation or text
> installation through MS-DOS? I have made the floppy for graphical with
> rawrite but how do I do it for text installation? I have already done

Grphical installation is flashy, and intuitive. The text install can 
reduce install times by more than half, and though not very self 
explanatory, is quite easy. To go the text install way, create a boot 
disk using rawrite.exe with txt_boot.img.

> as text installation through DOS without uninstalling bootmagic or
> partition magic? I appreciate your help with this. I have contacted

Since you've already partitioned your hdd, go ahead and install. Just 
take care that if you have some important data in the Windows 
partition, it has been backed up. The loadlin based linux install 
script from DOS will drop you into the install program anyway, so you 
had better boot from the floppy.

> I appreciate anyone's input. I do have a Pentium 200 MHZ with 2 IDE hard
> drives one with 2.5 gigs and the other with over 8 gigs. I have 96 megs

That is a great setup. The graphical setup program needs 32 MB RAM 
work, so it should be easy enough.

Go ahead. Install:]
Sthitaprajna | (at)mailandnews(dot)com

Re: [newbie] acrobat rpm

2000-07-01 Thread Sthitaprajna

On 1 Jul 00, at 8:56, Tom Brinkman wrote:

> acroread-kde-menus-4.05-2.i386.rpm   acroread-kde-menus : Adobe
> Acrobat Reader KDE System menus

Thanks to all who helped. got the tarball from Adobe, and installed. 
Works fine, AFAICT. Colour rendering is nice, the text is visible and 
most essentially, have'nt managed to crash it, So far.

    Sthitaprajna | (at)mailandnews(dot)com

Re: [newbie] Domain not bound message

2000-07-01 Thread Sthitaprajna

On 1 Jul 00, at 9:45, Bill Fisher wrote:

ng the password, console displays:
> YPBINDPROC_DOMAIN: Domain not bound
>   what does this mean? 
> Also, while the system is coming up from Boot Magic,  there is a delay while
> this message is displayed:
>   Listeing for an NIS Domain Server
>  what does this mean?
> I'm only local, only outside connection is internet via modem.
> Wodering if I've made a wrong selection, and if so how can I fix it?

Dunno whether this is the correct prescription for what is happening, 
but methinks you are running unnecessary daemons. If you are running 
X, then fire up DrakConf and goto Startup Services. Stop all the 
unnecessary services. for example, I run only the following, the rest 
have been put to sleep.

The startup daemons:
crond - for scheduling
dhcpd - host control
gpm - coz I usually work without X
keytable - a must daemon
network - another must
numlock - optional, though helpful
random - necessary
sendmail - MTa, you might be using postfix, smail, exim, etc.
syslog - preferred
xfs - needed by X

Just do this, and remove the others. Then boot up again and see if 
the problem persists. If yes, then send a transcript of 
tail /var/log/messages. Maybe, someone will decrypt it;]

Sthitaprajna | (at)mailandnews(dot)com

Re: [newbie] 2nd Hard Drive

2000-06-30 Thread Sthitaprajna

On 30 Jun 00, at 5:49, Jason Angus wrote:

> slave.   I want to know how to address installing
> Linux in that environment and how will Linux see that
> second disk \hda2?

Linux will recognise this new hdd as "hdb". 
hda2 will mean the second partition on primary hdd. There wil be no 
probs, go ahead, buy the disk and install. Happy L'xing
Sthitaprajna | (at)mailandnews(dot)com

Re: [newbie] Lilo & MBR

2000-06-30 Thread Sthitaprajna

On 30 Jun 00, at 9:14, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Linux floppy.  The intended use is to allow you to log to your own damaged 
> file system or do other serious system repair, but from what I've read on 
> Tom's documentation you should be able to log to Mandrake and run LILO to 
> restore dual booting on your system.
I have'nt followed this thread, but here's my 2 bits..
If u're intention is to restore dual boot with LILO because your boot 
floppy is damaged, there are much easier options:

1. Boot off your install CD and at the boot prompt, type rescue. Then 
mount the necesary partitions and make appropriate changes to 
/etc/lilo.conf, and run lilo -v.

2. Get loadlin for DOS, make a batch file and bot into Linux. Follow 
same instr. as above.

Sthitaprajna | (at)mailandnews(dot)com

Re: [newbie] Installation problems still.....

2000-06-30 Thread Sthitaprajna

On 30 Jun 00, at 14:45, Andreas B. wrote:

> CD is CD just cannot boot from ANY cdrom. (I tried using a 16x
> Toshiba and that cannot autoboot either).

The controls fo booting from the CD are in the BIOS. When you start 
your machine and the RAM check is going on, press the DEL key, that 
should drop you into the BIOS. Change the boot sequence so that CDROM 
is 1st.

> Also, another problem I met yesterday was that, after I finished installing
> Mandrake without the X-Server and the system would start normally, then at
> the login prompt, it would refuse to accept my password although I would
> type it correctly (no caps lock was on...).

You have company!! I had a similar problem with an install. This 
happened specifically I used the text mode setup, chose to install 
"everything", and did not configure X. When it did'nt take root 
password, I thought I had done something silly like forgetting my 
password or typing it wrong during install. Finally did the dirty 
thing, booting into runlevel 1 at lilo prompt and set things right.
This was with Mandrake 7.0

Sthitaprajna | (at)mailandnews(dot)com

Re: [newbie] Mandrake 7.1 Installao?

2000-06-29 Thread Sthitaprajna

On 30 Jun 00, at 0:07, Gary wrote:
> Thanks for your input.  I really would like the drivers for my TNT2 though,
> plus the mentioned above.  Do you think an install over the 7.0 would

The Creative team seems to have released some sort of drivers for the 
TNT2. You could try the gaming newsgroups for more news of the same. 
also see for new info and 

> suffice?  I really have my doubts considering the horror stories here upon
> upgrading.

Upgrading is best left aside with most Unices, except Debian which 
has a nice tool called apt. However, you can do things with the least 
hassle on a mandrake system if you've taken some precautions,like
1. Make multiple partitions..
My setup is 
/boot - 10 megs
/ - 300 megs
swap - total 160 megs
/var - 200 megs
/home - 800 megs
/usr - all the rest, in my case 2.5 GB

With a setup like this, you can save all the data in your home 
directory and the configuration files in /etc. Then doing a fresh 
install in the text mode is both fast and easy. Upgrading takes way 
too much time and I had a bad experience with upgrading Redhat where 
the compilers broke after the upgrade. Si I would'nt recommed it
Sthitaprajna | (at)mailandnews(dot)com

RE: [newbie] No go on notebook

2000-06-29 Thread Sthitaprajna

On 29 Jun 00, at 14:16, Hem Ramachandran wrote:

> I have a problem with my mouse pointer after installing Mandrake on 
> Athlon processor which uses a PS2 microsoft mouse and S3- 3D2X 
> card. Instead of the mouse pointer, what I have is a BIG WHITE 
> Do you know what I need to do in the XF86Config file(I suppose,) to 
> that to a pointer?

To remove that white block add this to your /etc/XF86Config under the 
graphic device tab:
no sw_cursor. Please check. If this does'nt work, then try sw_cursor. 
One of them works, but have forgotten which. 

   __   _  Sthitaprajna | (at)mailandnews(dot)com
  / /  (_)__  __   __   
 / /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /  . . .  t h e   c h o i c e   o f   a
//_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\  G N U   g e n e r a t i o n . . .

Re: [newbie] Mandrake 7.1 Installao?

2000-06-29 Thread Sthitaprajna

On 29 Jun 00, at 19:49, Gary wrote:

> Also, there was talk of problems with freeX86 V4, versus the 
> version.  Should I install it over 7.0 (which is very well setup 
for me
> presently), or just do a fresh install?  Any thoughts from those 
who have
> installed it?

I believe, if something is working fine, don't break it. If you do 
not find any special need, then there is no need to upgrade, or for 
that matter change your OS. When I upgraded the X server to version 
on my m/c, my goal was better support for my V3, so that I could play 
Quake better. And it worked better too, with better drivers, the glx 
extensions and the new XFree4

   __   _  Sthitaprajna | (at)mailandnews(dot)com
  / /  (_)__  __   __   
 / /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /  . . .  t h e   c h o i c e   o f   a
//_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\  G N U   g e n e r a t i o n . . .

Re: [newbie] Mandrake 7.1 Installao?

2000-06-29 Thread Sthitaprajna

On 29 Jun 00, at 19:33, Larry Hignight wrote:

> If for some reason your employer or someone else won't allow 
you to delete
> the messages check into fetchmail.  It is an excellent program 
designed to fetch

The employer will have to be real daft to have such a policy. Pretty 
soon, the mailbox quotas will be filled, what then?

> mail off of servers.  Don't quote me but I believe it will do what 
you need
> quite nicely.  Be sure to read up a bit and try fetchmailconf for 
> configuration.

Fetchmail has no option to download only new messages. The only 
options of note are the "all" option which'll get everything, and the 
"keep" option which'll suck all but leave the msgs on the mail host.

There's one way thoughif you can run a procmail recipe right at 
your mail host, it might help, like you download all the headers and 
select those messages you want to download. But don't think KMAIL is 
capable of this. If your mail host follows the IMAP proto, it might 
   __   _  Sthitaprajna | (at)mailandnews(dot)com
  / /  (_)__  __   __   
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//_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\  G N U   g e n e r a t i o n . . .

Re: [newbie] Booting Mandrake Linux 7.1 and Windows 2000

2000-06-29 Thread Sthitaprajna

On 29 Jun 00, at 13:55, Michael Graveen wrote:

> don't even get the option to boot to DOS.  The boot loader that comes up is
> call GRUP.  Does anyone know what I can do to fix this?  Should I just
> install Windows 2000 again?  Thanks in advance.

Can't say everything accuratey as I use LILO and Win98. But try this.
When you get to Linux, startx, and in KDE, you'll have an option to 
configure LILO. Add win2000 and linux. Make win98/linux your default 
OS(as per choice) and install LILO. A better and faster option is to 
wriye your own lilo.conf and then lilo -v.

   __   _  Sthitaprajna | (at)mailandnews(dot)com
  / /  (_)__  __   __   
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//_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\  G N U   g e n e r a t i o n . . .

Re: [newbie] installing an Intel i810 video card under Mandrake 7.0

2000-06-29 Thread Sthitaprajna

On 29 Jun 00, at 3:32, Claudio wrote:

> Try the intel site. I got my driver from there and it
> was working under M7.0

There's a prety good article out there. Basically you have to get the 
gart modules from Intel's site and use them. and if you want to play 
quake, you'll also have to get the glx modules from utahglx.

   __   _  Sthitaprajna | (at)mailandnews(dot)com
  / /  (_)__  __   __   
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//_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\  G N U   g e n e r a t i o n . . .

Re: [newbie] X-server crash

2000-06-29 Thread Sthitaprajna

On 28 Jun 00, at 16:27, Dennis Myers wrote:

> can't get in to server because I had it set to Boot to X-server.  So
> both times I have had to re-install Linux as a new install, and since I
> haven't figured out how to back up data, I lose stuff.  Nothing real

Okay!! Set your init default to 3 , ie in /etc/inittab, set the 
initdefault from 5(which starts the X server on boot) to 3.
Or, at lilo boot prompt(if you are using LILO), type linux 3.

> the x-server (Window in KDE)? How do I get back the server without
> re-install, I have tried to do just an update but that fails.  This is
> an annoying problem cause I thought  linux was more stable than this, or
> more likely it's something I am doing.  Any suggestions would be greatly

Linux is certainly more stable than many other operating 
systems...maybe some of your X settings are not correct. If you can, 
post what graphic device you are using, that is most likely to be the 

   __   _  Sthitaprajna | (at)mailandnews(dot)com
  / /  (_)__  __   __   
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//_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\  G N U   g e n e r a t i o n . . .

[newbie] acrobat rpm

2000-06-29 Thread Sthitaprajna

Hello folks

Can anyone point out an url for adobe acrobat rpm which works with 
Mandrake Air without segmentation errors while changing pages?


   __   _  Sthitaprajna | (at)mailandnews(dot)com
  / /  (_)__  __   __   
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//_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\  G N U   g e n e r a t i o n . . .

[newbie] Postfix configuration

2000-06-21 Thread Sthitaprajna

Hello folks

Can someone tell how to configure Postfix as my MTA? I have a dial-up 
account with my ISP and a dynamic IP. Fetching mails from pop servers 
is fine with fetchmail. I want to use my web based email accounts, 
like say mailandnews or yahoo, by masquerading as my email address 
like [EMAIL PROTECTED] rather than user@localhost. I had 
been using sendmail to do this with RedHat, but how do I make Postfix 
do the same? I am using Mandrake Air. 

URLs would be helpful as would be a little bit of elaborate help.

Life is pain, Highness.
Anyone who says differently is selling something
- Westley of "The Princess Bride" 

Re: [newbie] E-mail Clients

2000-06-14 Thread Sthitaprajna

On 14 Jun 00, at 17:54, Corrado / Prometheus The Gifter wrote:

> I'm currently using the Netscape e-mail client along with Kmail; I'm
> looking for a client which features message filters and search and
> multiple pop accounts, better if designed for Gnome; there's a lot of
> programs, what would you suggest me?

Spruce, mahogany, CSCMail - all these under Gnome.
Mutt - The best console based email client
Gnus under XEmacs
EXMH - The best mail client of all

Life is pain, Highness.
Anyone who says differently is selling something
- Westley of "The Princess Bride" 

Re: [newbie] About to give up.

2000-06-13 Thread Sthitaprajna

On 13 Jun 00, at 23:40, Everette wrote:

> Well it looked like every thing setup OK so I reinstalled qpopper but it
> want work now in fact I tried some other mail server software and can't
> get any of thm to work.

A better option to qpopper and faster is fetchmail. It is usually 
installed by default. At a terminal window, type fetchmailconf. a 
prety self explanatory GUI will crop up. Should get you popping mails 
from all over.

> When I use telnet it logs onto the mail server fine and tells me I have
> 0 massages, my mail client software logs in fine but tell's me I have no
> new massages this afther I have sent about 20 or 30 test mail to it.

Now this is something else. Probably your account does have 0 
messages. Does Netscape Messenger see any messages there? You say 
you've sent 20-30 mails to it, but are they really reaching it? 
Check. Use a dedicated mail client like balsa,kmail, netscape 
messenger, spruce...while you are setting up the perfect mail 
combination for yourself.
Life is pain, Highness.
Anyone who says differently is selling something
- Westley of "The Princess Bride" 

Re: [newbie] Tar and .Gz

2000-06-13 Thread Sthitaprajna

On 13 Jun 00, at 21:47, Fred Hamilton wrote:

> correct amount of RAM, but it still only reports 64Mb. How can I fix this, 
> or do I need to worry about it?

At the LILO prompt specify the amount of RAM. BTW, how did you get 
164MB RAM on your machine? 128+32=160. Maybe, you don't have 164MB 

> Next, how do I install software from TAR or GZ format? I know how to 
> install packages, but I downloaded a file in GZ format and opened it with 
> the software that came with Mandrake, but I could not figure out what to do 
> next? I mean in Windows there is always a setup.exe, but what about Linux? 

Read the manual pages for tar. In a terminal, man tar, or type tar --
help. That will show you many options. A .tar.gz package is a gzipped 
version of the actual install files. 

> I know I can extract these files, but I did not know what to do after that. 
> I saw no executables or installation routines. (See I am a newbie!) 
> Example, I have this file: so51a_lnx_01.tar so how do I install it? Once I 
> install it, does it automatically appear on the menu for execution?

At the bash or what ever shell you are using, type 
tar -zvf full_package_name. Then your staroffice application will be 
untarred to a /opt directory. Go there and read the Readme files. 
IIRC, there were options for a network or a single user configuration.
For help on installing staroffice, there maybe some help at Anyway, man tar and read everything.

Life is pain, Highness.
Anyone who says differently is selling something
- Westley of "The Princess Bride" 

Re: [newbie] winmodem?

2000-05-27 Thread Sthitaprajna

On 26 May 00, at 13:28, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hitachi Mobilized Computing
> PC card modem
> with XJACK connector
> x2 upgradeable
> 33.6kkps Data/14/4bps Fax

It is indeed. A way to check is to turn off the PnP BIOS setting on 
ur machine to disabled/off. Then boot Linux and try to see if you can 
detect or configure the modem. If there's no response, it is a 
winmodem. A good internal modem supported byLinux is the HayesAccura.

Re: [newbie] No login after installing StarOffice!

2000-05-27 Thread Sthitaprajna

On 26 May 00, at 7:07, Paul wrote:

> >1.  How do I stop it from hitting the graphical login?  I didn't make a boot
> >disk because I'm an idiot.

Open some decent text editor that you like, then open the file, 
Scroll down some and there you'll find a line which goes
id:5:...and so on. Just change that 5 to 3 and save the file. The 
next time you boot, u'll get the bash(or whatever u're using) shell.

