[newbie] microsoft bounty - was: If this will not turn businesses [...]

2001-05-01 Thread Nathan Hopper

To clarify: I have noticed a great deal of FUD originating from the Linux
community over Microsoft offering a 'bounty' for resellers turning over the
names of corporate buyers purchasing boxen sans an operating system.

The fact is, Microsoft, with full legal rights, is pursuing copyright
violators. It seems many businesses are purchasing machines sans an OS and
surplusing their old machines. On the new machines, the businesses are
installing the old copies of the OS.

The site license these businesses purchased is not transferable and for them
to install the old OS on the new machines is in violation of the terms of
their site license.

Unethical that one cannot wipe and old system and transfer one's software to
the new machine? Perhaps. But it's not legal to do that, and Microsoft is in
the business of making money, not being everyone's pal. If businesses don't
like the policy, they ought to have better examined the terms of their site

I'm treading a fine line on being off topic here, so any replies might be
best done to my email versus the list.

> The original e-mail came from Toronto LUG.  Buying a "naked" computer
> soon be against the law.  Sort of scarry thing.  Unfortunatelly too many
> are addicted to Windows, that's enough to make this work.  Just thought I
> it with good people of Mandrake list.


Re: [newbie] samba RPM

2001-04-30 Thread Nathan Hopper

With all due respect, if you're struggling with the documentation, Samba is
not the place to be. Samba, IMHO, is one of the more difficult programs to
configure. I've yet to find "an easy way" to configure Samba. SWAT caused
more problems than it fixed, and the varying iterations of SMB are a pain in
the ass. Win95 does it one way, Win98 another, Win2k a third way, etc...

The writing in Securing and Optimizing Linux: RedHat edition is fairly well
polished. It has an acceptable section on Samba.

Check this over:

Also, the SMB HOW-TO is decent:

What book are you referring to?


- Original Message -
From: "kaab kaoutar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, April 30, 2001 1:44 PM
Subject: [newbie] samba RPM

> Hi!
> can u put me on track on how to make samba run ?
> this whole book that came with the rpm is too boring for a beginner :(
> can u please tell me the steps in a easier way ?
> thanks a lot
> NB: i always have trouble using rpm cause in tutorials thaey assuming u've
> install it in /usr/local etc :(

[newbie] Opening ports on a firewall

2001-04-28 Thread Nathan Hopper

I have a Mandrake box serving as a NAT/Firewall box.

My IPCHAINS ruleset is as follows:
default incoming policy of REJECT
remote interface, any source, going to WAN interface address is valid
outgoing policy of reject
local interface, any source, going to LAN is valid
forwarding policy is DENY

If I wish to offer a service on the Linux box to the outside world, need I
configure IPCHAINS to allow access to that service? For instance, if I wish
to offer SSH on port 22 from the WAN, must I specifically allow access to
that port?


Re: [newbie] Looking for fast FTP site

2001-04-27 Thread Nathan Hopper

> > I am looking for a fast and reliable FTP site to download Mandrake 8.0
> > have fast access to the net, I work for an ISP, I have just been lucky
> > finding sites that suck so bad they bend light.
> >

I'm at a Internet2 university, so that makes a huge difference in DL speeds,
but generally I find that .edu sites located in the continental US (given
that the ISP you work for is continental US...) have good connections.

I generally don't bother DLing from a site with a ping worse than 100ms.
Your mileage will vary -- 100ms may be unreasonably fast for you.

ftp://jungle.metalab.unc.edu is a decent site. ftp://ftp.software.umn.edu
may work good for you, however I have no way of knowing as I am only 4 hops
away from that machine.

Avoid Tucows. I've never gotten good speeds from them, seldom over 25k/sec.
That's way too slow for an ISO.


Re: [newbie] Requesting hardware advice for AMD based machine. jrt

2001-04-26 Thread Nathan Hopper

There's an interesting article at Anandtech,
http://www.anandtech.com/showdoc.html?i=1456&p=1, about how they ran into
trouble running their webservers on AMD-based systems.

It's worth a read, just to see how they implemented a large-scale site with
a Linux-based load balancer, in addition to the hardware troubles.


- Original Message -
From: "abram olson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, April 26, 2001 12:14 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Requesting hardware advice for AMD based machine. jrt

I've been using amd processors with linux since
mandrake 6 without any problems.  I've currently got
an asus a7v with a western digital HD running reiserFS
in mandrake 8.0 without any problems at all.

AMD is a great choice for a linux box.

Re: [newbie] How much internet security do I need?

2001-04-23 Thread Nathan Hopper

> Along with Pmfirewall you should also configure portsentry to watch for
> port scans. Pmfirewall, using Ipchains, is a wonderful first step, but a
> single layered security scheme isn't much security at all. I wouldn't use
> anything less then two layers and thats cutting things down to bare bones.
> these days, when it comes to keep your machine secure from unwanted
> visitors redundency is the way.

Along with Portsentry, installing LogCheck is wise. It too is made by
Psionic. Logcheck parses the logs, saving only the pertinant information,
and mails them each hour to root, or whomever.

> I will tell you that the hosts.deny file continues to grow daily since
> these guys just don't take no for an answer and they're still trying to
> gain access. their ip numbers are all over my firewall logs and portsentry
> continues to log their scans and enter their ip addresses in the
> hosts.deny file so that it remembers them.

If you the following line to the hosts.deny file, you needn't worry about a
vast majority of problems:

That tells the machine, for programs using TCPWrappers, to deny everyone
access to everything, and block any machine whose name does not match its

If you need to use INET services on the Linux machine, add the following
lines to hosts.allow:
in.telnetd: bar.foo.com

That's just for example. Replace in.telnetd with whatever program you wish
to use, and with which ever machine you want to connect.

Also, if you add the following lines to the sysctl.conf (IIRC, that's what
Mandrake calls it):
net.ipv4.conf.all.rp_filter = 1
net.ipv4.icmp_echo_ignore_broadcasts = 1
net.ipv4.tcp_syncookies = 1
net.ipv4.conf.all.accept_redirects = 0
net.ipv4.conf.all.accept_source_route = 0
net.ipv4.conf.all.log_martians = 1
net.ipv4.icmp_echo_ignore_all = 1

And if you're going to all that trouble, you might as well do the following:

In /etc/securetty comment out everything except tty1. Then root can only log
onto tty1. If you need more root, you can log on and su.

For a good degree of security, remove the rpm binary. Copy it to a floppy
disk, or three, and store them away safely. Without rpm, it's impossible for
both you and nefarious users to add anything to the computer. If you also
remove the compiler, that increases security , but makes life difficult.

Consider using Tripwire as it checks the integrity of your important
programs. It won't stop an intrusion, but you'll be alerted promptly.
Another program, called sXid, which also runs as a cron job, tracks changes
in s[ug]id programs. It's available at


Re: [newbie] Netscape update for mdk 7.02- TROLL

2000-05-10 Thread Nathan Hopper

Troll alert.


> > Hey, if you guys don't make this any clearer(easier?) I will be forced
> > remove this mdk stuff from my computer and either switch to redhat for
> > i can at least buy a distro-specific book, or just give up and use
> > Microsucks products.
> >

Re: [newbie] watch what you say on this list

2000-05-08 Thread Nathan Hopper

This is news to me. Not good news either.

Not that I'm trying to be sarcastic, but isn't all mail archived anyway?

- Original Message -
From: "WolfRyder" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, May 08, 2000 11:29 AM
Subject: [newbie] watch what you say on this list

> Following is a copy of an email I am sending to the "filtering" site that
> linux-mandrake uses. This is in reference to the email thread about
> "Parental Control".
> I received an email just now saying my email was " inappropriate subject
> matter ". It was logged by you. I don't understand why, though. I was
> answering an email on a listserv of which I am a member and we were
> discussing filtering software for Linux as opposed to parental monitoring.
> I don't understand why I was singled out for this type of monitoring when
> the other people the list used the same word as I, but were not censured
> (as far as I know).
> You can bet I won't be discussing the merits of software filtering on that
> list again. If they use this service to strike fear in the hearts of it's
> participants when discussing possible writing of filtering options, it's
> not a site I wish to respond to at all.
> I am therefore unsubscribing right now.
> Carol
>  >MIMEsweeper ChineseWall
>  >Server:   CN=NS005/OU=DSRV/O=Texas Utilities
> ->
> -
>  >Mail-Info
>  >From:   WolfRyder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> @ TU
>  >Date:   05/08/2000 07:42:46 AM
>  >Subject:Re: [newbie] Parental Control
> --
>  >'ChineseWall Job' reports:
>  >TXU automatically screens all e-mail for inappropriate subject matter
>  >material that is discriminatory, hateful, vulgar, pornographic,
>  >sexually-explicit, or obscene). This e-mail contains information that is
>  >considered inappropriate for the business environment and has been
logged and
>  >will be reviewed to determine final disposition. If you have any
>  >please direct them to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  >  ' porn ' found!
>  >Mail has been archived!

Re: [newbie] mandrake 7.0

2000-05-08 Thread Nathan Hopper

Why? It's free and you can DL it from a few dozen places. Check
www.mandrake.com and look for the download link?

- Original Message -
From: "joey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, May 09, 2000 10:56 AM
Subject: [newbie] mandrake 7.0

> anyone here want to send me a copy of the linux-mandrake 7.0:-)

Re: [newbie] Quake

2000-05-06 Thread Hopper

How did you get the download file to do anything? I DLed this 49 meg .gz.sh thing only 
to find an error say "cannot run" such and such script.

Thinking there would he a handly reference in the file itself, I tried to open it in 
the KDE text editor. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES ATTEMPT THIS. It was a 25 minute ordeal. 
It was rather unhelpful anyway.


- Original Message - 
From: "Glenn Johnson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, May 05, 2000 5:15 PM
Subject: [newbie] Quake

> I've been playing Quake under Linux for a while now with no problems.
> Tried to play last night and got the error 'can't load library
> LIBM.SO.5'. Is this familiar to anyone?
> Thank you
> Glenn Johnson

Re: [newbie] Mandrake-7.02.i486.iso ???

2000-05-05 Thread Hopper

There is a way to do a net install via FTP (and maybe HTTP too). I've been tempted to 
try it, just to say I did, but haven't needed to. It involves making a boot disk which 
contains an extremely small version of linux. 

You boot off the disk, and then into the installer, where you input the address of 
some ftp site which contains Mandrake.

However, finding a non ISO of the i486 install might be hard. Blashpemous as it 
sounds, Red Hat might be a better choice for your particular installation.


Has pointers on where to start. Pedantic as it sounds, you'll probably want a fast 


- Original Message - 
From: "mendes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, May 05, 2000 9:22 AM
Subject: [newbie] Mandrake-7.02.i486.iso ???

> Hello
>  Is Mandrake-7.02.i486.iso an image for 486 SX?
>  I have an old 486 SX machine without CD rom but if a netcard. Could
> someone give a help on how to install Mandrake on such a machine?
>  Thanks a lot.
> Eduardo

Re: [newbie] Root Password

2000-05-05 Thread hopper

On Thu, 04 May 2000, you wrote:
> On Wed, 3 May 2000, David Smith wrote:
> >Anyone know anything about how to set super permissions to a user without giving 
>them the root password, or the authority to change the root password once they are 
>granted super user permissions.
> >Thanks in advance.
> >Dave
> >
> You could add the user to the ROOT group, using userconf (as root).

This question is sort of along the lost password lines.

If I loose the root password, am I totally screwed?


Re: [newbie] Mouseconfig - MS Intellimouse (PS/2)

2000-05-05 Thread hopper

On Thu, 04 May 2000, you wrote:
> Why is it that when I select MS Intellimouse (PS/2) from the list in 
> Mouseconfig it will not work correctly in X?
> My mouse is a PS/2 Intellimouse.
> The symptoms are the pointer will automatically move to the upper-right 
> corner of the screen and the button-press events (menus) will fire randomly.
> My workaround is to use the generic 3 button PS/2 mouse settings.  I'm 
> really curious as to why this happens.  Do others have the problem?  And 
> are there really any differences between selecting Intellimouse or generic 
> mouse?

Yes, I had this problem too. Quite frustrating. I did the thing that all true
blue former mac and windows users do: I reformatted and reinstalled Mandrake,
this time being careful to choose the generic ps/2 driver.

But that doesn't support the beloved mouse wheel. Are there any drivers which
allow for the use of the wheel?


[newbie] I think I've found a bug

2000-05-05 Thread Hopper

Maybe not, but using 2.2.14-mdksecure with Mandrake 
7.0-2. My dhcp crapped out and takes a whole lot of massaging to get it to work. 
I've changed nothing under linux, it just quit working.
Under win2k, dhcp works just fine. I've spoken with another 
person on campus here who runs the identical Mandrake version as me, and he 
mentioned having the same problem.
Does Mandrake have a bug tracking site? I'm curious whether 
anyone else has reported such a problem.
Nathan Hopper

Re: [newbie] GCC...where are you???

2000-05-05 Thread Hopper

gcc, the C compiler, and g++, the c++ compiler 
needs to be told which file you'd like to compile. 
If I've written a program and called it "dirtydeeds.c" or 
"dirtydeeds.cpp", when I want to compile it, I'd type:
gcc dirtydeeds.c
g++ dirtydeeds.cpp
This will generate a file called a.out in the directory where 
my source file was located. Then just type:
to run the program.
If you're like me, you'll get a crap load of errors. Vi has a 
nice feature to show you the line number, which makes finding the offending line 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Thursday, May 04, 2000 5:38 
  Subject: Re: [newbie] GCC...where are 
  when i type gcc in a terminal window i get gcc.colorgcc: No input filesI would like to be able to use the Gnu C++ compiler for a course in c programming and don't know how to get the darn thing to cooperate to where i can even do a hello world!-- 

[newbie] Trouble running programs

2000-05-02 Thread Hopper

Here's the most frustrating aspect of Linux:

In KDE (or Gnome, etc...), I will sometimes double click on something to start it and 
nothing happens. No error, just nothing. 

One incident involved the distributed.net client. Untarred and unzipped it, intalled 
into the home directory (I was logged in as root) and then double clicked on it. 
Nothing happened. I was quite frustrated. I checked top, it wasn't running.

A while later, I tried running it in the console. It worked fine.

Why would something run in the console, but not under KDE or Gnome? Are many programs 
like this?


Re: [newbie] first graphical version

2000-05-01 Thread Hopper


The project that has become XFree86 was initiated in April, 1992 by four developers 
seeking to provide enhancements to Release 5 of Version 11 of The X Window System 
(X11R5). At the time, the existing support for Intel-based Unix platforms was 
unstable, and performed poorly on the current display technology. These four 
individuals had been working on enhancements, independently, and at (sometimes) 
cross-purposes. The decision of the four to unite their development efforts has led to 
one of the most successful free software projects in history. 

XFree86 grew rapidly, largely due to the concurrent development of freely available 
operatings systems (Linux, 386BSD, and its follow-ons, FreeBSD and NetBSD). Each 
project helped stimulate the growth of the other. The free operating systems provided 
the massive user base for XFree86, while the availability of a quality, 
high-performance windowing system helped make the operating systems accessible to the 
users, and helped ensure their success. While there is no reliable way to judge how 
many people use our software, due to the ad-hoc nature of its distribution, estimates 
of 100-500,000 users of the free operating systems have been made, with an estimate 
that 80% or more of these users are using XFree86. 

Since the initiation of the project, there have been 7 major and several smaller 
releases of XFree86. XFree86 provides workstation- class performance on a wide range 
of hardware, while still providing quality support for the low-end systems in use by a 
large number of free-software users (refer to the documentation located with the 
software distribution (see below) for details on supported hardware and operating 

XFree86 has maintained good working relationships with many companies and 
organizations involved with the development of X products. Several of these 
organizations have members involved in the development of XFree86, providing a 
possibly unique symbiosis between a free software project and its commercial 


taken from:




- Original Message - 
Sent: Monday, May 01, 2000 11:18 AM
Subject: [newbie] first graphical version

> Kind of a general question here...
> Does anybody know when Linux first went to a GUI and not entirely command line 
> Thanks,
> BG

[newbie] RPM of QT 2.1

2000-04-30 Thread Hopper

Does anyone know of an RPM for QT 2.1? I tried installing Licq, but the RPM said 2.1 
was needed. I can only find the RPM for 2.02. I've checked the Red Hat site, trolltech 
(the makers of QT), and rpmfind.net.


Re: [newbie] linux versus windows

2000-04-30 Thread Hopper


> No matter what I try to add i always need something else. I have 3
> pcs on a network and flavours of linux on they are all unstable worse than
> windows ever was.

>And yet is is advertised that you could run  linux on a 486 with 16mb
> ram , I think somebody should pull that statement back. What more is that I did

> I cant do my graphic design because
> corel only provides me with and unstable gimp .
> this is where I would much prefer to just put windows back on all my pcs
> becuase I just cant win with this linux.
> so here is my final attempt  

>I want a file manager that works just like the one
> in corel linux os v1.1 in my mandrake. I want a graphic ppp dialer that does
> not give the deamon died error all the time i want a download manager of some
> description and I want stability.

> More I want somethong that does not require me to try and be what I am not
> Iam not a c++ programer or software research and devepement, I am a user and
> thats  what I  do I run my bussiness and I play games and I download things

> PS: excuse the spelling the kmail spellchecker doesnt work properly so i gave
> up with it .

Webster makes a good spellchecker.

Your post is nice attempt at a troll, but a little obvious. First try?


[newbie] Mandrake installation, comments on 7.1

2000-04-29 Thread Hopper

I'd like to try a clean install of Mandrake 7.1, but would like to try the 
installation via FTP or HTTP.

Has anyone had luck with a network installation? I know Red Hat 6.x can be easily 
installed, using a boot disk, via FTP and HTTP, but what about Mandrake?

7.0 only supported installation via FTP. Does 7.1 support installation via HTTP? Also, 
for those of you brave enough to try the new version, what do you think of it?

Nathan Hopper

Re: [newbie] Re Active X on Evans Messages

2000-04-28 Thread Hopper

It would be wise to set your internet security setting to such a level that activeX 
scripts cannot run, unless you give them explicit permission.

I saw Evan's email and couldn't figure out what the hell he was doing trying to run 
Active X on email. Hope you get rid of it okay, everyone.

- Original Message - 
From: "mrweb" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, April 28, 2000 2:43 PM
Subject: [newbie] Re Active X on Evans Messages

> I recently received the KAK.hta worm through an innocent email from my
> brother. It was on 4-23-00, I had not recently updated my virus files,
> needless
> to say I have now.
> It is easy to tell if you have it, it only works in OutLookExpress, click on
> tools, and then options, and then signatures, look to see if the box is
> checked that says 'use signatures', then look in the lower text window for
> the default signature file of KAK.htm or KAK.hta.
> If you have it, it will be there. It is not that hard to get rid of though,
> but it does take quite a few clicks as the worm goes into several different
> areas of your system.
> b/web

Re: [newbie] Award BIOS problem

2000-04-27 Thread Hopper

Found this utility if you've been hit by the CIH virus:


Page says it can sometimes recover your data. Can't personally vouch for it though, 
I've not tried it.

Nathan Hopper

the webcam to end all webcams http://jennings.yi.org/webcam/

> Not really on topic here, but about half the computers in my Computer Science
> class got hit by Chernobyl yesterday; including mine. Most people probally got
> it from sharing the pirated programs that students had put on there.
> Fortunatly I didn't have anything real important on my computer, so they only
> big loss is reinstalling Windows. And since I used Linux to view all the disks
> I had brought home from school, my computer at home wasn't infected. Thank
> goodness for Linux : ) I'm going to see if maybe I can't convince my CS teacher
> to let me install Linux on my computer, but I doubt it'll happen. 

Re: [newbie] LILO: The 1024-cylinder limit has been removed by a patch

2000-04-27 Thread Hopper

Is it possible to upgrade LILO on a machine currently running the older version?

If you're doing a fresh install of Mandrake, can the new LILO be substituted for the 
old one?


> I was going to comment on this news too, I'm excited about it. Finally you can
> put Linux at the back of the drive with no worries at all. The 1024 limit also
> confused a lot of Newbies (including me) when they first heard about it, so now
> that won't be an issue anymore. I wonder if Mandrake will put it in 7.1

the webcam to end all webcams http://jennings.yi.org/webcam

Re: [newbie] PPP security (firewalls and such)??

2000-04-27 Thread Hopper

Can you elaborate on what you've heard?

Nathan Hopper
- Original Message - 
From: "Don Macy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, April 27, 2000 10:50 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] PPP security (firewalls and such)??

> Better be careful using BlackIce...some mention about snooping and
> e-mail problems...I got a message this am about this...
> Don
> vern wrote:


2000-04-26 Thread Hopper

CNET external modem modem #5614XE. 56k, verified working with Linux, around $50. Word 
is they have some really good hubs too.

Beware any modem that says "host based" or sports a minimum CPU requirement -- it's 
probably a skanky WinModem thing. This I learned from my own experience.

Nathan Hopper

- Original Message - 
From: Bob Root 
Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2000 5:58 PM

Just talked to the tech at Gateway.  I have a winmodem.:(.  In fact it seems that 
Gateway only installs winmodems on their systems.
As I have to replace current modem can anyone recommend a good one?Thanks

[newbie] Install security setting

2000-04-26 Thread Hopper

Is there a list of what the install-time security settings provide? I'm referring to 
the 1-5 list that starts with "Hack me please" and ends with "Ultra Paranoid" (or 
something to those effects).

I'm curious as to the technical details of each setting, such as what services are 
installed and running, what ports are open etc...

Nathan Hopper