Re: POD <-> Code entanglement

2007-06-14 Thread Aankhen

On 6/14/07, Thomas Wittek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

It's a bit like HTML<->XML, where the former lacks most of the semantics
and makes the information processing - not to speak about a consistent
look over several documents - a lot harder.

Actually, that's incorrect.  HTML is a markup language with a
particular set of elements, some of which have semantic meaning
attached and some of which don't.  XML, on the other hand, is a means
of writing your own markup languages; this has two consequences in
this context:

1. It is just as easy—if not easier—to have an XML dialect containing
elements with absolutely no meaning.
2. Even if the dialect contains only elements with well-defined
semantics, it's still completely meaningless to a generic XML parser.
A parser must be intimately familiar with the dialect to understand
that any element has semantic meaning.

If you were referring to XHTML vs. HTML, I would like to point out
that XHTML 1.0 is merely a reformulation of HTML 4.01 in XML.  The
elements and their semantics are unchanged.  XHTML 1.1 modularizes the
DTD and adds a few Ruby (annotation, obviously, not language)
elements, in addition to a few other minor changes.  As for XHTML 2.0,
that's still a long way off. :-)
(We have no branches.)

Re: [svn:perl6-synopsis] r14421 - doc/trunk/design/syn

2007-06-14 Thread Aankhen

On 6/14/07, Mark Overmeer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I had suggested syntax like this, in Perl6:

  class Mail::Message {
`base class for message types

 .has $msgid;
`The (internet wide) unique string which identifies this
`message object.  May be undef as long as the message is
`begin composed.

 .has $content_type = 'text/plain';

I always thought this could be achieved using traits:

 class Mail::Message is doc("base class for message types") {
.has $msgid is doc("The (internet wide) unique string which
identifies this message object.  May be undef as long as the message
is begin composed.");

.has $content_type = 'text/plain';

(We have no branches.)

Re: explicit line termination with ";": why?

2007-05-14 Thread Aankhen

On 5/14/07, Andrew Shitov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

JavaScript allows to omit semicolumn.

Speaking of JavaScript, any experienced JavaScript programmer will
tell you that while semi-colons are in fact optional, you should
always treat them as mandatory, to avoid subtle errors creeping into
your code.

(We have no branches.)

Re: CGI Session management (was Re: the in Perl 6)

2006-09-21 Thread Aankhen

On 9/21/06, Juerd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Because they speak the same language. That is: they know about arguments
passed via forms, and the preferred output language (xhtml? html?).

Ah, I didn't think of that.  My bad.  Roles for all these things sound
great to me. :-)


Re: Web development I: Web::Toolkit

2006-09-20 Thread Aankhen

On 9/20/06, A. Pagaltzis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I did qualify my statement.

I'm sorry, I must have missed it. :-)


Re: CGI Session management (was Re: the in Perl 6)

2006-09-20 Thread Aankhen

On 9/20/06, Fagyal Csongor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

And maybe expand Web::HTML something like:
But that's might as well be too much.

If those are modules to generate markup, I don't see why they should
under the Web namespace.  There needs to be a toolkit (or
something similar), but that's mostly an amalgamation of other


Re: Web development I: Web::Toolkit

2006-09-20 Thread Aankhen

On 9/19/06, A. Pagaltzis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

* Aankhen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2006-09-17 21:00]:
> XHTML 1.0 and 1.1 offer no practical benefits over HTML, but
> tangible disadvantages.

To be fair, XHTML does let you embed MathML and SVG (as well as
XForms, pending browser support) in your markup, which is a great
boon where applicable. But that's the only benefit XHTML provides
as of yet.

Not XHTML 1.0 and XHTML 1.1... there you need to use the compound
document types, e.g. XHTML + SVG + MathML.  Since we're being fair,
XHTML 1.1 also offers specific elements for Ruby[1].

> If the XHTML produced by the module adheres to the W3C
> standard, there won't be any elements that only work in certain
> browsers (with the exception of ... no others I can think
> of offhand).

Plenty. IE6 doesn't understand `q`, off the top of my head. I
know there are several more, plus a few that *no* browser
supports. On top of this, roughly 80% (or so it sometimes feels)
of the useful attributes defined in HTML do not have any tangible
browser support (such as `cite` on `blockquote`/`q`, or
`datetime` on `ins`/`del`).

IE doesn't render q correctly, but the content of the element is still
available.  As far as the attributes go, that's a UI problem with the
browsers. :-) Come to think of it, as long as those attributes show up
in the DOM correctly, I don't see how you could not support them.
Perhaps we could say no *useful* browser support?



Re: Web development I: Web::Toolkit

2006-09-17 Thread Aankhen

On 9/17/06, Amir E. Aharoni <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

WordPress is an example of a webserver software tool that does try to
produce standard XHTML. It does it by default and very few bloggers
who use it care about it or, for that matter, notice it. should be like that too. I see no reason
that autogenerated code won't conform to standard XHTML. Every
deviation from standards and XML well-formedness should produce a

The point is not to have autogenerated code conform to the XHTML
standard.  The point is to not use XHTML simply because it's shiny.

XHTML 1.0 and 1.1 offer no practical benefits over HTML, but tangible
disadvantages.  Using XHTML unnecessarily complicates processing and
adds lots of gotchas.  If someone still wishes to use it, (or
Web::Toolkit or or whatever it's called eventually) should be
perfectly capable of producing well-formed XHTML... but please, not
XHTML by default.

Wishful thinking: could have
functionality that will output XHTML that adheres to both the
w3c-standard and the defacto-standard (warning about tags that only
works in certain browsers etc.) It might make it easier for developers
to test their sites on several browsers and platforms.

The majority of problems arising in authoring documents for the Web
are due to poor implementations of CSS, not poor implementations of
HTML.  If the XHTML produced by the module adheres to the W3C
standard, there won't be any elements that only work in certain
browsers (with the exception of ... no others I can think of

"I meant *our* species."
"You said *your* species."
"Evidently I am insane.  May I go now?"

Re: the in Perl 6

2006-09-14 Thread Aankhen

On 9/13/06, Leon Timmermans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On the other HTML outputting functions: They never really belonged in
CGI in the first place I guess. There is no reason they cannot be
generalized to XML outputting and be put in an appropriate library.

There is, actually.  HTML ne XML.  HTML is an SGML application.  XHTML
is an XML application.  The HTML generation functions definitely don't
fit in, but neither should they be pushed out into an XML
generation module, if only for the sake of conceptual clarity.

Regarding the general " in Perl 6" topic... I was working on
porting HTTP::* from LWP to Perl 6 a long time ago, but I was unable
to complete that.  That was probably a year or so ago; if someone
would like to take over and bring it up to date with the latest syntax
and tricks, be my guest.

There were a few discussions with Juerd and others in #perl6 about in Perl 6... if anyone's interested, I'll look for the logs.
The major feeling was that there should be no (if someone was
hellbent on using it, they could use the Perl 5 module).  Rather,
there needs to be proper seperation of concerns.  Maybe instead of
just importing CGI, you'd now import HTTP::Request::CGI and
HTML::Generator (I'm throwing names out at random, although I did
write HTTP::Request::CGI as a subclass of HTTP::Request whose members
are populated in a manner similar to's parsing of %ENV).

"I meant *our* species."
"You said *your* species."
"Evidently I am insane.  May I go now?"

Re: [svn:perl6-synopsis] r7795 - doc/trunk/design/syn

2006-02-23 Thread Aankhen
On 23 Feb 2006 14:15:21 -, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Log:
> Typo, plus audrey forgot to increment version.

There seems to be another typo on the same line: "just as method like"
instead of "just as methods like".

"Why don't you go on a diet!"
"Because I like to eat!  Is that a crime?"

Re: numification and stringification of objects

2005-09-26 Thread Aankhen
On 9/26/05, Yuval Kogman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I think that this role should define the dump operator. Perhaps
> prefix or postfix ?! can work... That seems fairly obvious. For
> example
> warn "Done fetching $url, { $ua?! }";
> Let's call it the wtf operator.

No, please... how about just calling it the interrobang operator
<>? :-D


Re: Do slurpy parameters auto-flatten arrays?

2005-08-03 Thread Aankhen
On 8/3/05, Piers Cawley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So how *do* I pass an unflattened array to a function with a slurpy parameter?

Good question.  I would have thought that one of the major gains from
turning arrays and hashes into references in scalar context is the
ability to specify an unflattened array or a hash in a sub call
without any special syntax...


Re: $arrayref.ref?

2005-07-30 Thread Aankhen
On 7/30/05, Larry Wall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sat, Jul 30, 2005 at 02:14:52PM +0200, Ingo Blechschmidt wrote:
> : say $arrayref.isa("Ref"); # true or false?
> False, though tied($arrayref).isa("Ref") is probably true.

In that case, how do you check if something is a ref?  `if (tied($foo))`?


Re: lazy list syntax?

2005-07-29 Thread Aankhen
On 7/29/05, Flavio S. Glock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Is "for =" only for filehandles? I tried:

No, it's for anything that supports iteration... `=$foo` ==
`$`, if I recall correctly.  It's probably not yet


Re: Messing with the type heirarchy

2005-07-27 Thread Aankhen
[sorry Luke, I hit "Send" too soon]

On 7/27/05, Luke Palmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > There is probably a better word than "contains".  I was thinking set
> > theory when I came up with that one.

What about "derives"?


Re: Database Transactions and STM [was: Re: STM semantics, the Transactional role]

2005-07-18 Thread Aankhen
On 7/18/05, Sam Vilain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Is this needed, when you can just;
>atomic {
>   unsafeIO { $dbh.begin_work };
>   unsafeIO { $ };
>   unsafeIO { $dbh.commit };
>} CATCH {
>   $dbh.rollback;

Shouldn't that `CATCH` block be within the `atomic` block?  Or did I
miss something?


Re: WTF? - Re: method calls on $self

2005-07-14 Thread Aankhen
On 7/14/05, Larry Wall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Certainly.  The problem is that there are too many viable alternatives,
> and half of everyone hates half of the alternatives.
> You will know I'm no longer a benevolent dictator when I start to enjoy
> watching people squirm every time I change my mind.

Well, you've certainly got everyone flustered enough that they'll be
overjoyed even if you pick the alternative they hated the most... :-)


Re: WTF? - Re: method calls on $self

2005-07-12 Thread Aankhen
On 7/12/05, Juerd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> [snip]
> Disallowing .method here means a huge step back in time. Back to
> $_.method or $object.method.
> [snip]

I agree with what is being said here.  `.method` is a great way to
eliminate a lot of repetitive, tedious typing.  Surely there is a
viable alternative that doesn't involve outlawing it?


Re: using rules

2005-06-05 Thread Aankhen
I'll take a shot at it since no one else seems to want to. :-)

On 6/3/05, BÁRTHÁZI András <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> How can I catch the matched elem name, and block content? I'm guessing
> that hypotetical variables can be the solution, but it says, that those
> variables should have been defined, before I use them, and it's not that
> case.

Named subrules have their values stored in the $/ match object under a
key of the same name.  So, in this case:

$foo ~~ m//;

$/ will contain the matched block, and $/[1] will
contain the block content (i.e. the content of the second capturing
group).  The working is the same in the case of s///, so you can
probably safely use $/ within your &trigger_block and &trigger_elem.

Hypothetical variables work like this:

   my $bar; # not quite sure you need to initialise it; just in case :-)
   $foo ~~ m/$bar := (bar|baz)/;

Now $bar will contain either "bar" or "baz", depending on which one was matched.

Hope this is helpful.  Corrections are welcome from anyone who spots
any mistakes.


Re: pugs 'make clean' fatal error on ms windows

2005-05-31 Thread Aankhen
On 5/31/05, Carl Franks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Running `make clean` on WindowsXP is dying with an "expanded command
> line too long" error.
You need to get a later version of nmake.  The latest is 7.10, I believe.
