Re: Shutting down RedHat 8 with NFS mounts active

2003-03-23 Thread Ryurick M. Hristev
On Thu, 20 Mar 2003, Michael Mansour wrote:


> Sometimes it's very impractible (and sometimes I
> forget) to dismount all exported volumes before
> shutting down the NFS server.
> What can I do to "fix" this?

It is likely that they are still in use and thus can't be unmounted.
This shouldn't normally happen.

Then you have to find out what process still uses them.
Try to use the fuser command.

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Re: Finding the next uidNumber

2003-03-18 Thread Ryurick M. Hristev
On Tue, 18 Mar 2003, Robert Canary wrote:

> Greping the passwd file will not work as this system gets its user info
> from both a passwd file and an nscd connection to an LDAP server. 

You don't grep the /etc/passwd directly if you have LDAP but you can generate
one on the fly with "getent passwd"

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Re: Mounting SMBFS from fstab

2003-03-17 Thread Ryurick M. Hristev
On Mon, 17 Mar 2003, Jacob Langley wrote:

> It's just not mounting as a user. 

You mean it doesn't give you any error message ? Nothing ?

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Re: MySQL vs. PostgreSQL

2003-02-27 Thread Ryurick M. Hristev
On Wed, 26 Feb 2003, Joe Giles wrote:

> Question about backing up...
> Sorry if this is not on the lines of what you guys are talking about,
> but I set up MySQL and I sym link the database from one file system to
> another for redundancy purposes. So, when I upgrade, I just break the
> link and upgrade, then re link. It has worked so far (well, only one
> upgrade as of yet). Is this a BAD idea? Was I just lucky?
> When I backup, I just backup the dir that pertains to the database. I
> have not had to restore anything yet...
> I appreciate the comments good or bad so I don't get stuck in the
> future...

Pray very hard to God that you never need those "backups".

Maybe you can get lucky with MySQL but as a general rule those backups
are worthless.

There is a reason why each serious database have its own backup mechanism.

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Re: MySQL vs. PostgreSQL

2003-02-26 Thread Ryurick M. Hristev
On Wed, 26 Feb 2003, Martin Marques wrote:

> On MiƩ 26 Feb 2003 16:19, Juan Nin wrote:
> > From: "David Busby" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


> > I've heared that upgrading is more painfull with PostgreSQL, since you have
> > to dump the databases and restore them again after the upgrade


> That's true with all the database systems I have used (Informix, Oracle and 
> PostgreSQL).
> It has to do with how diferent versions handly the database files, and how it 
> changes. Any way, you don't have to do a dump-restore with patch upgrades, 
> only with version upgrade (say, from 7.2 to 7.3).

So, I've heard as well. 

But my question is what the heck do you do when you have a db
within hundreds (or more) of GB range ?

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Re: GUI Firewall Admin

2002-12-27 Thread Ryurick M. Hristev
On Fri, 27 Dec 2002, B r u ma wrote:

> Hello medina,
> mcucb> Is there any friendly GUI firewall administration program ??or any easy
> mcucb> way to admin iptables/ipchains ??
> I try few GUIs and I stuck with Firewall Builder
>, I think it's the best GUI for firewall.

IMHO also good: Guarddog

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Re: LPI or RHCE?

2002-12-12 Thread Ryurick M. Hristev
On Thu, 12 Dec 2002, Ben Russo wrote:


> A person who is a UNIX guru, and knew PC hardware well,
> could take the RHCE and pass it *IF* he just had more time
> to take the EXAM.

Maybe, maybe not. There are things which are very Linux
(and PC) specific. E.g. the bootloaders. And various other
Unix flavors differ quite significantly among them. What Unix
systems are you talking about ? All of them ?

> A person who knows RedHat on PC hardware extremely well,
> might pass the RHCE exam,

That's basically the idea of the exam. Isn't it ?

> but not be able to impress me as a System Admin.

OK, what does then impress you ? :-)

> There were several people I know very well who are 
> *Damn-Good* Sys-Admins with 20 years of experience
> and who can write GUI X-windows Games in standard C code

This is IMHO definitely not a required skill for a sysadmin.

> in their sleep that couldn't pass that RHCE exam.
> There were also people in the exam with me who had no
> real enterprise experience at all, but who had worked with
> their workstation and home firewall on PC hardware for
> a year or two and studied hard and aced the exam.

Any "exam" will be limited in scope due to their time restrictions.

So first, ask yourself what that piece of paper wants to prove ?

And second, IMHO any certificate is good only to shut up people
who do not know better.

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Re: Boot up Problem. Plz Help.

2002-12-12 Thread Ryurick M. Hristev
On Thu, 12 Dec 2002, rahul b jain cs student wrote:

> HI,
> This problem is related to X-windows boot up. After every couple of days,
> my machines fails to boot up in the x-windows mode. When I delete some of
> the log files, it boots up properly in the X-windows mode.
> Is there a permanent solution to this problem ?

Looks like a disk space problem.

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Re: LPI or RHCE?

2002-12-12 Thread Ryurick M. Hristev
On Thu, 12 Dec 2002, Patrick Law wrote:

> I don't have a lot experience in Linux,

This is a key issue. You will have a very hard time going for RHCE
and I suspect likely for LPI as well.

> but I got some experience in Windows 2000 networks.

Except for the very basic stuff (like basic TCP/IP networking)
Windows experience is rather a liability, not an asset.
Please understand that I don't mean anything derogatory here,
there are just completely different worlds with completely
different cultures. Many are being caught in this trap:
trying to apply Windows frameworks in an Unix environment.
Most of these just don't work and then they complain about
Unix being hard when in fact they are just experiencing a culture

> If I want to go for Linux certification, should I go for LPI
> or RHCE? Any comment for these exams? Which one is more popular?

On a global level is being said that RHCE is more widely known,
particularly by HR. But you should probably check you particular
geographical location.

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Re: Novice need help ->How to - load module and check what module the pc had loaded...

2002-12-11 Thread Ryurick M. Hristev
On Thu, 12 Dec 2002, Alex Chooi wrote:

> Hi! I'm using Red-hat 6.1. I am 2 weeks new in Linux. Currently, my pc can't
> use for floppy and also USB mouse. Any idea?
> I would appreciate your help. Thanks you

If you are indeed using RedHat 6.1 then consider getting the
latest 8.0 version ASAP.

There has been a tremendous amount of progress since.

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Re: Decent Word / Excel Conversion: Not yet?

2002-12-11 Thread Ryurick M. Hristev
On Wed, 11 Dec 2002, Ryan wrote:

> I've been somewhat disappointed with the quality of the conversion of 
> Office documents into native *nix documents by most of the decent GUI apps 
> (Kword, Staroffice, Openoffice, etc.).

Are you expecting perfection ? There is no such thing! You want more ?
What have _you_ done to solve your problems ? 

> Is everyone with me on this?  It's a current barrier holding me back from a 
> complete dump of everything M$, and I know each new version of the MS 

Then don't. Is as simple as that! Is nobody's fault that _you_ choose to
keep your docs in an closed and proprietary format. Nobody's forcing
you to "dump of everything M$".

> Office data formats incorporates an even more closed, corrupted, arcane 
> (and unstable!) system to prevent easy translation.

Exactly, AFAIK even Microsoft's own Word had some troubles importing from
one version to another.

> I'm sure M$ doesn't want to repeat the mistakes of Samba, but if RedHat 
> really wants to take over the desktop market share, isn't decent document 
> import one of the first requirements in a sea of nonstop incoming .doc's on 
> email (another issue)?

In other words: "If you want me to come on your side then Gimme, Gimme, Gimme!"

Instead of moaning at what OpenOffice does not, better be amazed at what it _does_!

AFAIK the Microsoft "doc" format is completely closed and there has been a
tremendous effort to reverse engineer it and have what you already see.

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Re: mod_auth_ldap in RH 8.0

2002-12-11 Thread Ryurick M. Hristev
On Wed, 11 Dec 2002, Steve D Mckay wrote:

> In reading the release notes for 8.0, I noticed that mod_auth_ldap has been
> removed from RH 8.0.  Doing further searching I found that it is now
> included in Apache as of 2.0.48.  However, the most recent httpd package
> available from redhat is 2.0.40.
> Am I missing something or was the mod_auth_ldap removed without a
> replacement in place?

Here you solved it yourself. It's likely that ldap support was unavailable
at the time of shipping 8.0

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Re: GTK fonts problem

2002-12-11 Thread Ryurick M. Hristev
On Wed, 11 Dec 2002, Louis Sabet wrote:

> Hi all,
> I've spent the last couple of hours googling and man-paging in vain, trying 
> to sort out the fonts on my GTK applications.

> Has anyone else ever seen this weird double-spaced fonts thing? From what I 
> can make out, the font is a standard 
> -adobe-helvetica-medium-r-normal--12-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-*, but for some 
> reason not as "xfontsel" shows it, but rather with a space between each 
> letter (or almost a space).

>From your description I am guessing that your system is keeping the font metric
in place but replaces the actual font glyphs.

I.e. your font installation is screwed somewhere but debugging it may be
non-trivial, particularly without access to the actual system.

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Re: gnorpm replacement in RH8

2002-12-10 Thread Ryurick M. Hristev
On Tue, 10 Dec 2002, Bob Hartung wrote:

> Ryurick
>Package manager is okay for the packages supplied by RH but I do not see 
> any way to install OTHER packages using the GUI.  There does not seem to be 
> any way to list packages residing in a directory, etc.
>Why would RH move us backward [at least for some!] to a command line 
> installation, upgrade, freshen policy.  This will surely turn off new users 
> let alone those of us used to the "old" way.

I don't know, i don't work for RedHat! Why don't you ask them ? :-)

No distro is perfect, no OS is perfect and no human is perfect. :-)

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Re: gnorpm replacement in RH8

2002-12-10 Thread Ryurick M. Hristev
On Tue, 10 Dec 2002, Bob Hartung wrote:

> Okay so call me stupid.  And yes I have RTFM!  They just don't happen to 
> mention what gnorpm has beeen turned into in RH 8 and the re-write of the 
> default GUI.  So please point me in the right direction!


If uou upgrade rather than install then make sure that
is installed

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Re: Mount CD-RW as a read-write filesystem?

2002-12-08 Thread Ryurick M. Hristev
On Sun, 8 Dec 2002, Shannon Neumann wrote:

> Does anyone have any idea how to mount a CD-RW as a read-write filesystem
> like I can on my Windows boxes?  I would like to be able to drop a CD-RW in
> the drive and write files to it (and delete files from it) for backup
> purposes.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

There are two approaches to this:

1. use the packet-cd driver

   You format the CD-RW as udf then write to it
   Last time I've tried - a long while ago - it it was extremely buggy
   so take care.

2. Mount Rainier
   First you need a writer which support it (not all do)
   Second: again it seems to be work in progress, I couldn't try it
   as I don't have the required drive.
   Do your homework, see what gives.

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Re: Hanging RH8.0 server

2002-12-03 Thread Ryurick M. Hristev
On Wed, 4 Dec 2002, Graeme Coates wrote:

> I've got an odd problem with a server I am looking after that runs
> Redhat 8.0. At random intervals, the box just freezes completely and
> requires a hard reboot to get it to respond again. This is a pain as I'm
> trying to run a web and mail server on itI think it's managed 2 and
> a bit days of uptime.
> The box is an Athlon 1GHz with 512MB RAM sitting on a Chaintech Mobo


> Has anyone had any similar experiences, or got any ideas as to what is
> causing it? Or, has anyone else got experience of setting up a server

Yes: I had this year some hair-pulling problems with an AMD.
Turned out it was overheating but it was showing only after ~2-3h of constant
trashing at very high load (fixed by replacing the CPU fans and the thermal
compound). I know others who had similar problems.

It doesn't mean it _is_ your problem but ... it could be.

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Re: autofs equivalent of amd's 'host==' ?

2002-12-03 Thread Ryurick M. Hristev
On Tue, 3 Dec 2002, Cameron Simpson wrote:

> On 14:25 03 Dec 2002, Ryurick M. Hristev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> | I am new to autofs but used the amd for a while.
> | 
> | Currently I have one amd map file across many clients. Each client takes
> | whatever is for in for it, via a 'host==' attribute.
> | 
> | Is there an equivalent under autofs ? I.e. some hosts should mount
> | only some shares but not others listed in the maps ?
> Can you show us some example amd clauses to make more clear what you mean?


This will mount the nfs share server1:/dirA _only_ on client1 at /dir1/dir2
Even if other clients have the same file they will not attempt to mount
the nfs share.


This will mount the nfs share server1:/dirB on _all_ clients
_except_ client1.

The advantage of this system is that I can have one file only,
for all automounts, which is easy to distribute to all participating
clients. One file == easy to see everything at once, easy to manage.

Is this possible to achieve with autofs ?
I haven't seen anything either in the docs or on the web.

I could indeed deny mounting from the exports file but this would
be a workaround not a proper solution.

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autofs equivalent of amd's 'host==' ?

2002-12-02 Thread Ryurick M. Hristev

I am new to autofs but used the amd for a while.

Currently I have one amd map file across many clients. Each client takes
whatever is for in for it, via a 'host==' attribute.

Is there an equivalent under autofs ? I.e. some hosts should mount
only some shares but not others listed in the maps ?

Any way of doing this in a ldap setting ?


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Re: LPI Certification...Any Idea?

2002-11-29 Thread Ryurick M. Hristev
On Fri, 29 Nov 2002, Alex Chooi wrote:

> Hi! How's life out there? I'm new in Linux. Any commendation with this
> certification? I heard it is good Cos it cover most of the unix or linux
> favor. Please get advice? any recommend book for this ?

Any certificate is useless by itself. What matters is knowledge, experience
and a keen eye for details -- particularly when it cames to troubleshooting.

However having said that, sadly it happens that some people pay more attention
to the paper rather to the person, e.g. employers (hopefully only few of them).

LPI is supposed to be vendor independent, RHCE is more widely known. I doubt
very much that either of you will make you wiser.

If you are new to Linux then RHCE may prove difficult even if you are 'old'
to Unix. Don't know much about LPI.

So it boils down to: what do you need it for ? (you have to answer the question
only to yourself).

Disclaimer: I have the RHCE

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Re: getting nfs working through the firewall

2002-11-26 Thread Ryurick M. Hristev
On Tue, 26 Nov 2002, Gordon Messmer wrote:

> On Tue, 2002-11-26 at 11:08, Ian wrote:
> > 
> > I opened the system settings - security level, and managed to get ssh 
> > working. But i dont know how to allow incoming nfs requests. I basically 
> > just need to allow incoming:
> If you're at a medium security level, add port 111 to the list of
> allowed ports.
> If you're at a high security level, it may be impossible to get NFS to
> work through your firewall, because the statd and mountd RPC services
> may bind to arbitrary ports.

Indeed. But IIRC one could force nfs to bind to specific ports.
Generally that would be a pain in the proverbial ...
However I encountered a situation where it might have been useful.

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setquota over nfs

2002-11-26 Thread Ryurick M. Hristev

Apparently the setquota have an option ('-r' and/or '-F')
to set up quotas over nfs.

However I can't make it work (tried several things).

Does anybody have an working example or some gotchas ?


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Re: Xine SOS

2002-11-26 Thread Ryurick M. Hristev
On Tue, 26 Nov 2002, Will Mendez wrote:

> So I edit /etc/ and added /usr/local/lib/xine/plugins run
> ldconfig and try to install the ui package again and get the same error.

Usually this happens if you have an old xine lurking somewhere.
Check out. 

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2002-11-26 Thread Ryurick M. Hristev
On Tue, 26 Nov 2002, Shaw, Marco wrote:

> Couldn't seem to find anything on-line...
> With LILO, you could append a command directly to the boot argument like:
> boot: linux mem=128m
> I don't see any references whether this can be done with GRUB.  Is it possible?

Read the bottom line of the bootup GRUB screen.

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Re: no java in oo1.0.1

2002-11-26 Thread Ryurick M. Hristev
On Tue, 26 Nov 2002, Thomas Ribbrock wrote:

> On Tue, Nov 26, 2002 at 12:26:34PM -0400, Vano Beridze wrote:
> > I have also had that screen and I pointed to my JAVA HOME directory
> > 
> > but data sources does not work
> > :(
> Hm. I've used j2re-1.4.0 from and pointed OO to /usr/lib/j
> (can't check, I'm at work) - no problem whatsoever.
> > oo says
> > 
> > Error occurred during initialization of VM
> > Unable to load native library: cannot open shared object 
> > file: No such file or directory
> That sounds as if it can't find the file - do you have your Java in an
> unusual location? Maybe you need to tell ldconfig about it?

Remark: The OO from RHL 8.0 have java support disabled.

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Re: Incredible Disappearing Quotas

2002-11-21 Thread Ryurick M. Hristev
On Thu, 21 Nov 2002, Hace Calor wrote:

> Hi all,
> All the quotas on our system (Red Hat 7.3, quota package quota-3.03-1,
> kernel kernel-2.4.18-5, ext3fs filesystems) keep getting hosed.  I keep
> updating them, but user quotas either disappear, revert to the previous
> quotas, etc.  About once per week I've been setting the quotas properly,
> but as each day goes on, even without modifying *any* quotas, one by one
> they start disappearing.

Well ... if there is any consolation ... you are not alone :-)

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Re: users ssh access

2002-11-21 Thread Ryurick M. Hristev
On Thu, 21 Nov 2002, Ed Wilts wrote:

> On Thu, Nov 21, 2002 at 07:02:27PM -0500, Steve Howard wrote:
> > Can I set an upper level directory, /home/user, for example for each
> > user? I have been able to do this with ftp, but can I do it with ssh?
> You mean you want to chroot the user so that they can't transfer files
> outside of that directory?  If so, the answer is no, openssh does not
> support this.  Any user that has ssh access to your system (or sftp via
> the openssh server) has regular access to every file, including your world
> readable password file.  This limitation is why I claim that ftp is
> *more* secure than ssh for file transfers in many/most environments.
> For some very odd reason, the openssh aren't too eager to fix this and
> when I raised this with the Red Hat openssh package maintainer, he
> wasn't eagar either since he felt that if the openssh group wasn't going
> to do, he shouldn't either.

If you are so paranoid you must use some restricted shell, or do a chroot
(but then you must provide some binaries within), etc.

Personally I don't think it's the job of ssh to do this, I think is the
job of the shell, ssh provides just the secure communication channel
(i.e. overloading it will be both difficult and unnecessary)

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