2006-05-18 Thread FHargr3092
CONGRATULATIONS Every kind of improvement helps us all, it goes right
to our own hearts when one of us does
a "goodie"
.so proud of you to be continuing your work & improvements!!!

Hugs, janh

Re: [TMIC] Hi,

2006-04-21 Thread FHargr3092
CONGRATULATIONS!!  Tell her to keep up the good work.we're pulling for
all of you!  janh

Re: [TMIC] Loss of a Friend

2006-04-09 Thread FHargr3092
How very sad!!  He was such a positive person as he worked for those of us with prayers go out to his familyI hope that they can gather strength from
the role he played for others.

Sincerely, janh

Re: [TMIC] Fw: Hello

2006-03-06 Thread FHargr3092
What a blessing he is for Grace, and their familyit sounds as if he has no time for himself...what love!!

janh  Stillwater, OK

Re: [TMIC] Have I been cut off

2006-02-18 Thread FHargr3092
I got your message..don't know about the digest...have heard of some others who haven't received their digest..janh

Re: [TMIC] Chest Pain!Boa constrictor banding

2006-02-13 Thread FHargr3092

I said that it was the bra God.paying me back for hating bras!!  It now, after almost 10 years, doesn't come around often...only when I REALLY overdo!!

janh  Stillwater, OK

Re: [TMIC] loss of bowel control

2006-01-23 Thread FHargr3092

Don't give up!!  I danced for the first time on the 9th anniversary of the day I was hospitalized/diagnosed!!

janh    Stillwater, OK

Re: [TMIC] January birthdays

2006-01-01 Thread FHargr3092
Happy Birthday!
to all the January tmers!!  Here's hoping that 2006 brings you a healthier more positive year...

janh  Stillwater, OK

[TMIC] (no subject)

2005-12-25 Thread FHargr3092



Re: [TMIC] so stiff

2005-12-18 Thread FHargr3092
One warning about blaming every little twitch on tm.I discovered when I had the tia and broke my leg that the fatigue and shortness of breath that I had always faulted tm for, was in fact the blockage in my left carotid..since the rotorooter surgery, the shortness of breath is much better, as for fatigue, who can tell at this busy! time of year??

janh  Stillwater, OK


2005-12-17 Thread FHargr3092
Thanks for updating us..I'm very sorry for your loss!!  janh  Stillwater, OK

Re: [TMIC] neda

2005-12-15 Thread FHargr3092
My first thought is whenever I get weaker, I have a UTI or bladder he
seeing his doc or an urologist for his weaking condition and bladder dysfunction?

Keep us updated...janh  Stillwater, OK

Re: [TMIC] Hi Everyone

2005-12-13 Thread FHargr3092
I, too, get up thinking I can take on the world, only to be brought back to earth and my couch more rapidly than I like!!  I've learned to let things go that aren't absolutely necessary in our lives..and still continue to rest to store up energy to continue our social activities.After all, Frank has enough burden on his shoulders just taking care of my needs without stopping the rest of his life!!

Take care, jan

Re: [TMIC] Hi Everyone

2005-12-13 Thread FHargr3092

It's so good to hear from you.and everything your shared was a positive
and an idea for some of us to pursue.

It's great to hear you so upbeat!!

Thanks for writing and keep us updated..this time of the year we need positive strokes as we're all so busy, and we can get down! so easily when we overdo.

janh  Stiolwater OK

Re: [TMIC] OT: My mom passed away today

2005-12-10 Thread FHargr3092

I'll be praying fpr you and your family..know this is a tough time to
go throughplease know my prayers are with you and your family! 



2005-12-09 Thread FHargr3092
Thank gooodness for doctors with good senses of humor. They help us make it through the stresses of life with tm (and other maladies)!

I told my PCP the other day that I had to make an appt with the infectious disease guy for a regular check up. That he'd told me to lose a few pounds (41 to be exact!)
before I came I told the PCP I was going to call for an appt and ask for
Feb 29th..hoping there wasn't one for at least another year, that way I might be able to make the weight loss...he looked at me with a glimmer in his eye
and said, "I like the way you think!"

Laughter really is the best medicine!!

Hugs, janh  Stillwater, OK

Re: [TMIC] another question from the newbie on the block

2005-12-07 Thread FHargr3092
Weather makes my symptoms get worse..cold weather makes the pain sooo much worse and hot weather weakens me,.for I sweat only above the point of paralaysis so heat stroke is danger if I stay out in the heat too long

I do know that if you let up on yor rehab, you lose what you've gained.and that's no fun so keep up the good exercise.(whatever you can do)...

janh  Stillwater, OK

Re: [TMIC] Newly Diagnosed/Mild case

2005-12-07 Thread FHargr3092
My hubby and I are on the other end.The lab in Tulsa called the doctor and he called me and told me to get Frank to the ER as quickly as I could drive!..we almost lost him to High Potassium...he has severe heart problems..and just recently my Potassium has gone high and they've taken me off the Potassium I've always taken along with my diureticguess the range for Potassium is something that is really! important.

janh  Stillwater, OK

Re: [TMIC] Newly Diagnosed/Mild case

2005-12-06 Thread FHargr3092
Rick,  Just be certain that you're not overdoing the potassium, or anything else for that matter, getting any of that screwed up is as bad, if not worse, than not taking other words let your doctoer know these things you'e doing and keep up regular lab check-ups...

Just my 2¢ , from experience...janh  Stillwater, OK

Re: [TMIC] Newly Diagnosed/Mild case

2005-12-05 Thread FHargr3092
Your symptoms sound familiar.especially the fatigueit's major and you need to listen to your body when it says it's tired, stop and rest!! or other symptoms seem to magnify!!

Exerciserehab if possible.your doctor can presribe the rehabit is most helpful.especially early on so you can learn what you can and can't do.then you can work on that on your own

Sorry you had to join our group..but glad you found're welcome to ask any thing that you wonder about.someone here will understand what you two of us are alike/nor do we all share the same symptoms, etc..

Again, welcome!  janh  Stilwater, OK

Re: [TMIC] leg spasms at night

2005-11-21 Thread FHargr3092
I know this sounds weird, but, it works for me and many others...put a bar of soap,
any but ivory or camay, between the bottom sheet and the mattress protector on your bed and keep your legs near this "hump" in the sheet and see if it doesn't has helped my leg cramps and also has been reported to help some with restless leg syndrome.

Hope it works for you.janh  Stillwater, OK

Re: [TMIC] Re: Medicare and meds

2005-11-19 Thread FHargr3092
Both of us are on Medicare.and have State Employee insurance as our seecondary.The secondary has a drug plan and they've told us that they're going to enroll all membership to the Medicare drug plan and incorporate it into our present drug plan with no changes except those annual changes they make in what it costs for their services...We've used the heck out of that program and medicare and are completely happy with how much they cover!! 

Medicare has taken care of me since the onset of tm and I've been very pleased!!
I've been in the hospital 3 more times since then and Frank has had numerous surgeries and they (with our secondary) have covered it all except our copay for doc visits and drugs. Of course, we do pay Medicare Part B and pay to get our  secondary insurance..which is stilll less than I paid for our health insurance while
I was still teaching!!

It certainly has made life easier not having to worry about the financial end of all our
various ails!!

Just my 2¢.janh  Stilllwater, OK

Re: [TMIC] Broken Femur

2005-11-11 Thread FHargr3092

Please know our thoughts and prayers are with youall through all this!!

Hugs, janh Stillwater, OK

Re: [TMIC] Broken Femur

2005-11-09 Thread FHargr3092
Hug Cole for meI've just gone through the broken leg bit and I, for the first time in 9 years, had pain like a normal person..hope the Cole is without pain!  I know how confining it was for me so realize that it really puts the brakes on what Cole wants to do

My prayers are withyou!  Hugs, janh Stillwater, OK

Re: [TMIC] Flu shot anyone?

2005-11-09 Thread FHargr3092
For what it's worth:

The questions asked when I took my hubby for the drive-thru flu shots at the hospital were theseare you allergic to eggs or have you ever had Guilliane-Barre(SP?)

Because of my allergies, I haven't taken the flu shot since the late fiftiesbut I 
did mention to my doc what the nurse had said about G-B and he said in his opinion that would mean those who have tm...

My 2¢ worth   janh Stillwater, OK

Re: [TMIC] Gas

2005-11-08 Thread FHargr3092
Thank you, Gunny, for helping all of us get healthier...for you know, laughter is
the best medicine!!  only you could tell. this so eloquently!!

Hugs, janh

Re: [TMIC] janh--The walking pharmacy. :-)

2005-11-07 Thread FHargr3092
My hubby and I have joined Air Evac (we live in the country) and are required to keep
a list of meds, allergies et al in our refrig so they know what's going on with each
of dept would know that this is in the refrig because the air evac sign is onl our doors..

It's a great deal for us.when they had to pick him up at the farm in MO, we had
our meds list with us...and the service was covered by our it cost us the price of membership, $45.


Re: [TMIC] RE: A Wedding! How wonderful!!!

2005-11-06 Thread FHargr3092
In a message dated 11/6/05 5:32:46 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Does anyone use Beano and would it work for

I was at a bridge luncheon the other day and the hostess offered Beano to anyone
who used it or had problems that it would take care ofit works!!

Re: [TMIC] janh--The walking pharmacy. :-)

2005-11-05 Thread FHargr3092
I carry a list of my meds and those that Frank takes in my billfold at all timesand give one to each doc on every visit.(organized or compulsive?)anyway, this makes it easier both for the doc and for us..and in an emergency, i.e: when 
we had to call Air Evac to fly in at the farm (400 miles from home) to pick Frank up and get him to the hospital it came in REALLY handy!!  

Also as the docs change meds or dosages it's easy to update as I keep it all on my computer (and his)!

Just another way that I try to make our medical lives easier

janh  Stillwater, OK

Re: Fw: [TMIC] Spill

2005-11-04 Thread FHargr3092
Someone sent an article about Lyrica and when it got to side effects.early in list
is mentioned diabetis..and since I have steroid induced diabetis, I wouldn't try it...
course, I quit all pain meds etc for tm a few years ago and just live with it...the
side effects (mostly weight gain!) weren't worth it!! besides, I take enough 'have to 
have' meds the way it is.blood pressure, diabetis, water retention,  etc and then
vitamins..I feel like a pharmacy!! or like I should own the pharmacy!!

janh  Stillwater, OK


2005-11-04 Thread FHargr3092
Cardio-Vascular surgeon said that it was a blessing that I broke my leg when I fell,
or I wouldn't have gone to the doctor/hospital where they discovered the 96% block-age in my left carotid..which had caused me to have a small stroke.which had
caused the fall in the first place!!  and I take Fosamax.course I've taken pred-
nisone since 1984 on and off.before tm struck in '96...and of course 
off and on since tm came to live with us...which of course is the root of my brittle bones  (prednisone not tm).

My 2¢  janh  Stillwater, OK

Re: [TMIC] November Birthdays, updated

2005-11-03 Thread FHargr3092


  Hugs, janh Stillwater, OK

Re: [TMIC] Today with TM.....

2005-10-18 Thread FHargr3092

Very well said!!  Thank goodness you came back to us soon enough to help Grace!!

Hugs, janh  Stillwater,OK

Re: [TMIC] neuro visits

2005-10-13 Thread FHargr3092

My PCP and the neuro he sent me to in spring dagnosed me with diabetic nueropathy,.said it'd probably improve as I continued my down(sizing)
my dosage of prednisonewho knows..with the light stroke and 
broken leg 3 weeks ago,  I'm just hanging on!!

janh   Stillwater, OK

Re: [TMIC] OT:Boosting And Rebuilding The Immune System

2005-10-09 Thread FHargr3092
Why would I want to boost my immune system since it's what attacked my spine


2005-10-09 Thread FHargr3092


janh   Stillwater, OK

Re: [TMIC] (no subject)

2005-10-07 Thread FHargr3092
It has always been my feeling that the caretaker has the more difficult job here
and as  a tmer I know that I never say thank you enoughwith this recent
hospitalization I've been made more aware than ever  Thanks to all you care-
takers out there!!

janh   Stillwater, OK

Re: [TMIC] O.T.went out to lunch

2005-10-06 Thread FHargr3092
Hooray for you, Cheryl!!   You know what's important and worth the price you 
pay for it!!
janh   Stillwater, OK

Re: [TMIC] pain

2004-08-04 Thread FHargr3092

Don't give up hope!! EVER!!!  Time and a positive attitude will go a long way..

I've been a tmer for 8½ yrs and today I have more feeling than beforeas long
as I was numb/paralyzed to t8 I didn't have pain...the tingling came along and
then the heavier pain as I improved..

I do think that a Physical Therapist is important part of least
when I had home care after leaving the hospital, the Physical Therapist was major
help in regaining my walking skills.and continued physical therapy is also
important part of improvement...and you can do the phsyical therapy at home
after a therapist has shown you what to do.

I do want to say that I appreciate the situation you're in and to let you know that
we understand that life for the caretakers in our lives are very stressful!!!

Please know we're thinking of you...keep us updated.

Hugs, janh

Re: [TMIC] pain

2004-08-04 Thread FHargr3092

It's so good to see your name come up!!  I don't think I've seen it any time

I know what you mean about the cloudy days being difficult to have a positive
attitude, but I can't imagine you without positive thoughts!

Are you going to the Symposium?  We're unable to go this year...I've been
rather ill since March and I've not been cleared by my multitude of docs yet
I'm sorry to miss but that's part of life...

Anyway, I'm so glad to hear from you.such a positive message you shared
with told it like it is, but you gave her hope, too!!

Hugs, janh 

Re: [TMIC] pain

2004-08-03 Thread FHargr3092

At 8 years and 3 months and counting, I continue to have the same type of
pain that you's a tm thing as far as I'm concerned!!  I never
had it before tm!! 

I don't know anything about the nerve block that they're suggesting, but I 
certainly wouldn't rush in to something like that without second opinion,
and more answers from the tmers' who know of what you speak..

Keep us updated..


[TMIC] August Babies

2004-08-03 Thread FHargr3092

Happy Birthday to all you August babies!!
Many happy returns of the day!!!


Re: [TMIC] DVD winner

2004-08-01 Thread FHargr3092
I agree with Todd!  CONGRATULATIONS Sue!! Enjoy

and thanks to you Gunny for putting another raffle out there for
us to show our support for Dr Kerr's work!



2004-07-28 Thread FHargr3092
Hey guys and gals,

I received my TM Cookbook this morning and I've read through the first ½,
and the recipes look delish!!

Thanks to Alan (and Kelly), for all the hard work they put into this!! (Alan, 
I would have written you a thank you note, but I don't seem to have your
address in my address this will have to do!!  

BUT, I  wanted the total membership to know how neat the book is and to 
tell them that if they haven't ordered one (or more), they should do so!!  It's 
a great buy at $10 plus $2 s/h!!  I'm especially glad that Alan included the
names of the tm'ers who sent each recipe!! 

Anyway, Thanks again Alan for your time and work putting this together for
us and the TMA!!

The return address on my envelope is:  Alan & Kelly Connor
 117 Foxhound Drive
 Glen Burnie, MD 21061
Make check out to TMA..amount is total of $12.
