*THANK YOU* to everyone who responded. The list I found did list Commodore
Business Machines and I sort of felt this this was the intended meaning,
but I wanted to be sure since this group is for the Radio Shack M100 and
not the Commodore any model. I do agree the Commodore computers were
Hey, Steve, I’m good with one list.
> On May 11, 2020, at 10:40 PM, Stephen Adolph wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I have started to update the REX wiki for my new projects:
> and
> REX# aka REXsharp
> a work in progress.
> Anyhow, we have a mailing list for CP/M use
Keep in one place but encourage starting messages with "CP/M:" so folks not
interested can manage efficiently. I am interested.
On Tuesday, May 12, 2020, 11:20:23 AM EDT, Joshua O'Keefe
Thanks for updating on REXnext!
As far as CP/M discussion goes: while I probably don't hav
I had sent some binary files to the list earlier with the excuse that my S3
bucket that I use for file transfers was out of service. I have since
added a handful of m100 files back into the bucket including some of the
things I sent to or requested from the list. In the future when providing
On Mon, May 11, 2020 at 4:19 PM Peter Noeth wrote:
> According to my information, version R2C1D.BX was some kind of development
> version, undocumented as far as I can tell.
This document seems to have a "developers version supplement" at the top:
Interesting - I hadn't thought to try call 911 without the ROM being
initialized, but as you say, it works fine!
I'll swap my BX out for the non-development one though.
I've noticed that if you go into REXMGR and re-select the Cleuseau ROM, it
installs. Until power up, but that is a less error-pron
Thanks for updating on REXnext!
As far as CP/M discussion goes: while I probably don't have the technician's
chops to do a REXCPM installation on my 102 given the surface mount ROM issue,
I'm still quite interested in the discussion. Significant new development on
the platform is fascinating!
My two cents - One list works better for me.
Thanks to the guys doing the heavy lifting...
On 5/11/20, Philip Avery wrote:
> Yeah, I think keep it on this list. Then it covers the REX part of REXCPM.
> Philip
> On 12/05/2020 3:52 pm, Stephen Adolph wrote:
>> After I wrote the note, I