Re: [313] The "Rave Act"

2000-05-14 Thread Carissa Tintinalli
I live in Windsor which is, unfortunately, the home town of Sandra 
Pupatello, the one of the members of parliament that is initiating this 

I also work for an afterhours club so I've experienced her "campaign" head 
on. Just an example of the type of person we're dealing with here:

a) The owner of the club made numerous calls to her office in an effort to 
discuss her views and the club with her. Not only did she refuse to speak to 
him, her secretary flat out REFUSED TO TAKE A MESSAGE. Very professional.

b)The owner decided to go to the office of the "rave task force" Ms. 
Pupatello set up. A MEMBER of the task force (supposedly made up of local 
government officials, school principles, etc.) said:

"We don't have a problem with people dancing. It's the MUSIC you play. It 
makes kids want to do drugs and has (get ready) SUBLIMINAL MESSAGES in it".

These are the people we've elected to run our country...god help us.

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Sender Berlin

2000-05-14 Thread Michael Adamczyk
Does anybody have any info on Sender Berlin? I have their release off of Tresor 
and I'm curious what else they've produced. Besides their Ungleich 12 have they 
produced anything else? Has Litschko and Vaak (the two behind Sender Berlin?) 
done any individual work? Thanks.


The "Rave Act"

2000-05-14 Thread trobbs

Apologies for using the "r" word but you may want to peruse this Act which
is being passed in Ontario which takes hearty steps against "raves" (which
are defined as "a dance event occurring between 2:00 a.m. and 6:00
a.m., for which admission is charged").

Apologies as well for the length of this message.


-- Forwarded message --
> Bill 73 2000
>An Act to promote
> public peace and safety by
>  regulating late?night dance events
> Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative
> Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows:
> Definitions
> 1. In this Act,
>  "Minister" means the member of the Executive Council to whom the
> administration of this Act is assigned by the Lieutenant Governor in
>  Council; ("ministre")
>  "municipality" means a city, town, village or township;
> ("municipalité")
>  "rave" means an event with all of the following attributes:
>  1. Any part of the event occurs between 2 a.m. and 6:00 a.m.
>  2. People must pay money or give some other consideration to
> participate in the event.
>  3. The primary activity at the event is dancing by the
> participants.
>  4. The event does not take place in a private dwelling. ("rave")
> Prohibition
> 2. (1)?No person shall hold a rave unless the person holds a permit for
> the rave.
> Promotion and ticket sales
> (2)?No person shall promote or organize a rave, or offer, distribute or
> sell tickets to a rave, unless a permit has been issued with respect to
> the
> rave.
> Use of property
> (3)?No person shall allow property to be used for the holding of a rave
> unless a permit has been issued for the rave.
> Permit for raves
> 3. (1)?A person wishing to hold one or more raves may apply to the
> municipality in which the rave would be held for a permit.
> Permits prohibited
> (2)?A municipality shall not issue a permit in any of the following
> circumstances:
>  1. The past conduct of the applicant affords reasonable grounds for
> belief that the applicant will not carry on business in accordance with
>  the law and with integrity and honesty.
>  2. Within six months preceding the date of the application, the
> applicant has been convicted of an offence under this Act, or the
> Controlled
>  Drugs and Substances Act (Canada).
>  3. Within six months preceding the date of the application, a
> person has been convicted of an offence occurring at a rave held by the
>  applicant under,
>i. the Liquor Licence Act,
>ii. the Fire Protection and Prevention Act, 1997,
>iii. the Health Protection and Promotion Act,
>iv. any by?law concerning the regulation of noise,
> maximum occupancy, or fire safety,
>v. the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (Canada), or
>vi. the Criminal Code (Canada).
>  4. The applicant makes a false statement or provides false
> information when applying for the permit.
>  5. The applicant is in default of payment of a fine imposed upon
> conviction for an offence under this Act.
>  6. It is not in the public interest to issue the permit having
> regard to the needs and wishes of the residents of the municipality in
> which the
>  premises are located.
> Non?applicability of para. 3, subs. (2)
> (3)?Paragraph 3 of subsection (2) does not apply if the municipality is
> satisfied that the applicant took all reasonable steps to prevent the
> offence
> from occurring.
> Permits for one or more raves
> (4)?A permit may be for one or more specified raves or may authorize the
> holder of a permit to hold raves on an ongoing basis.
> Expiry
> (5)?A permit to hold raves on an ongoing basis shall expire one year
> from the date it is issued, unless a shorter period is specified in the
> permit.
> Issue or renew
> (6)?If a municipality is satisfied that the grounds set out in
> subsection (2) do not exist, the municipality may issue or renew a
> permit.
> Permit may be subject to conditions
> (7)?A permit shall specify the location at which the holder may hold a
> rave and may be made subject to any conditions that the municipality
> considers advisable to ensure the public peace and to ensure the safety
> of the public and of participants in the rave.
> Permits suspended or revoked
> (8)?A municipality may suspend or revoke a permit for any ground set out
> in subsection (2) by which it could decline to issue a permit.
> Opportunity to make written submissions
> (9)?Before a municipality intends to issue or renew a permit with
> conditions, refuse to issue a permit or suspend or revoke a permit, the
> municipality shall afford the applicant an opportunity to make written
> s

Check this out

2000-05-14 Thread Dustin A Sledgianowski
ive got my first live mix on the internet
you can listen to it at
then click on LIVE, then click on ARCHIVES
it will be down in the bottom in one of those scroll boxes listed under
it is a 4 hour recording but my mix is only the first hour or so
the first track is not mine, that is the dj before me - i mix into it 
you will hear some screechy metallic string sounds on the second track -
that is me
yes this website is one of those typical "raver" type of things, but that
is Florida for you
it has been very difficult for me to have any kind of success as a dj the
way the scene is down here and i would appreciate any listeners and
---The Sapphrite

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Try it today - there's no risk!  For your FREE software, visit:

Re: [313] The Advent

2000-05-14 Thread Counterforce - Lay


*** I have some info at the Counterforce site and an article by me on the
Sony/BMG case. You can check it out at
The article speaks exactly in the way that a precedent that is being open by
this case can affect the independent record industry. We're working on that
English version of the site that is still outdated, please be patient with
us :-) I'd appreciate any info on the UR case with Sony/BMG, like
interviews, opinions, points of view, sites, information centers, etc.
*** On that other note, when and where is Cisco living in Portugal? Didn't
he said why or what he plans to do now? There's also an interview with the
Advent guys at the Counterforce site, address above. Cisco and Colin gave me
the best live show I have ever seen in my life on electronic music. Now
*that* was a workout  :-)

"Um Império Tecnológico consolidado pela Necessidade"

- Original Message -
From: Ben Shepherd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, May 15, 2000 12:32 AM
Subject: [313] The Advent

> Was speaking to Cisco/The Advent a few days ago and he seems to be majorly
> hyped about his future work. Cool guy, and still can enter the darkside
> though he couldn't resist the urge to speak about his two children. He's
> moving to Portugal next year.
> He gave major props to a few producers - Umek, Oliver Ho, Gaetano Parisio
> and Marco Carola. He particularly likes the mental Italian style - the
> darker, harder edge.
> He dissed trance and wouldn't speak about it ruining the UK's music scene
> because "it's too fucking depressing"!!! :) Amen.
> Also, I am currently researching an article on the whole UR/Sony fiasco
> would appreciate any comments anyone on this list would have.
> I've gotten comments from a variety of people - including Dirk Dreyer (if
> anyone wishes to see what he wrote back to me I am happy to pass them on)
> and many Australian based and international producers, writers and DJ's.
> Although some people have made the comment the issue is over I don't
> it is. The point isn't that Sony screwed UR, it is the precedent it will
> for techno in the future and the way the major companies work when they
> can't have what they want. Besides, Knights of the jaguar would never have
> "shifted major units" if put out by a major. It's not dumb, obvious or
> the top!
> Peas.
> Ben
> Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at
> -
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> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RESEND NO ATTACHMENTS OF: A Sad Note- Marcus "Marc the Lark" Dickerson and "Keys to the House"

2000-05-14 Thread Victor Maldonado

As I sit here, with a heavy heart tired of crying, sifting through piles
of e-mail addresses, phone numbers, photographs, drafts of unfinished
projects and also those projects that are now long gone, I realize that
I'm just not going to be able to
get in touch with everyone who made contact with Marcus Dickerson.

We are part of a House that has been built and continues to be built
with many building blocks. Not all of the building blocks are the same,
though. Some blocks are the musical shamans, others are the dancers,
others are lovers, others are
grinners (as in big smiling faces), still others are observers (to their
loss). Marcus was one among many of those first building blocks to this
House of ours, some would even venture say that he was part of the
foundation, or at the very least a
clearing-house for House music.

We come to our House, the one we have built, wherever it may be, in a
field with all of the equipment that had to be dragged in, or in a night
club, maybe a dirty old warehouse or at a rave, we come together to
absorb the energy that this music
we call House brings into our lives. We all touch each other mystically,
spiritually perhaps too.


I sadly write to you today to inform you of the passing of Marcus ("Marc
the Lark") Dickerson, producer of "Keys to the House," 91.3 FM, KUOP,
and publisher of "The Underground Update" and "The Keys Hit Playlist."
Marcus passed away
in the afternoon of May 5, 2000, in Northern California.

Marcus had supported the House music movement since he started the radio
program "Keys to the House" in 1987, which was heard throughout the
Central Valley of California and sometimes simulcast in Philadelphia,
New York and Chicago.  At
times -- when the weather would cooperate -- the signal would even
travel further.  In the past, we received (to our disbelief) a call from
someone in their bedroom groovin' to the tunes up North at Mount Shasta,
and from a party down South in
Bakersfield.  We even received a call from a snowed-in newlywed couple
East in Lake Tahoe who were dancing to the beat, and I can't forget the
crazy screamin' mobile phone call from West Oakland from a carload of
revelers encouraging Marcus
to keep it rolling. Marcus mostly played the R&B sound of House music,
which was later termed Deep House, but he did not stop there. He was
always ready -- and without prejudices and politics, I might add -- to
lend a hand to anyone he thought
had the talent and the spirit of the Deep House music sound. Those who
tuned into his show often will recall also hearing  Breakbeat, Acid,
Techno, Trance, Morning Techno and sometimes even Rap. Many tuned in
just to listen to the many mix
tapes (Garth, Jeno, James Prestley, Alfie, DJ Dan, Jan Cooley, and
others) that he played of the rave scene that was developing in San
Francisco and throughout the world at the time (with Northern California
events such as the Gathering, Club
Mission Rock, Funky Tekno Tribe, Sharon, Casper, Planet Rock and Full
Moon). The "Keys to the House" radio show tapes were also mailed all
over -- including to England, Germany, Chile, and Brazil.

Marcus' domain from midnight to four in the morning for nearly a decade
was California's Highway 5.  (You know the one if you ever traveled it,
the thoroughfare connecting Northern and Southern California through
hours of empty land that
stretches for what seems like an eternity).  Sometimes, he and I would
sit in the studio together and daydream about a lonely redneck big-rig
truck driver who would per chance (we thought) happen to have his radio
tuned to "Keys to the House."
We pictured him listening to the latest mix tape from Europe that Marc
would be playing over the airwaves, just groovin', having a smoke,
tapping his toes to that irresistible beat, feeling groovy for the first

Although Marcus had a Master's Degree in Business, many of you know that
his first love was for the music that he dedicated himself to. In 1995,
Marcus met Jesus Christ and was born-again. Shortly after, in 1997, he
put all of his music ventures
-- his radio show "Keys to the House," his newsletter "The Underground
Update," and "The Keys Hit Playlist" (which my company Sound Wall
Productions helped co-produce) -- in hiatus siesta mode while he focused
on furthering his
professional development.  He tested for and received his broker's
license (stocks were his other passion), and spent a short stint as a
stockbroker for Smith Barney. As recently as  last week, Marcus called
me and spoke of starting the radio show
up again, but this time he was planning to bring it to Los Angeles.
Unfortunately, it was not to be.

The Memorial Service will be on Friday, May 12, 2000, 11:00 A.M., at
Calvary Christian Center, in the chapel, 2665 Del Paso Boulevard,
Sacramento, California. Minister Walker, 9

Re: [313] old tresor albums by detroit artists

2000-05-14 Thread Phonopsia
-Original Message-
From: stephen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Date: Sunday, May 14, 2000 12:49 AM
Subject: RE: [313] old tresor albums by detroit artists

>Recently came across an old comp called "Deep Detroit Techno-Soul Volume
>1 - Pow Wow Trance", licensed from Tresor compiled by Eddi Fowlkes.
>There was a similar compilation and EP on Tresor called "Detroit Techno
>Soul" featuring some of the same artist, Shake being one of them.
>My favorite track off the compilation is "Nightgroove" by Santonio, nice
>909/727 work out.

Pow Wow Trance released Waveform Transmissions Volume 1 in '92/'93. CD only,
I believe. As lame as it sounds, this was my first exposure to Mills.
Although it sounded different to me than most of the other
"rave-til-dawn"/trance stuff I played back then, I didn't realize there was
an entire different world out there until I discovered R+S. Even though I
loved the first Tresor compilation, it didn't really sink in that this was
an example of a whole different, deeper underground scene.

"FrogboyMCI" on AOL Instant Messenger

New mix, "Propper Techno" and new Album, "Québécois", online now.

Do You Yahoo!?
Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

RTRFM 92.1 Ambient Zone Webcast

2000-05-14 Thread Cesium5Hz
Hi all, 

Just a reminder of Sunday's Ambient Zone program 23.00-01.00 (WST) 
on RTRFM 92.1 FM Perth, Western Australia, which you can check out 
via realaudio at -

The finest low-frequency electronic listening music showcased each week.
This week (finally!) is the first installment of a downtempo minimal ambient 
mix on the decks with Emma Love and myself A_Zed.

Timezones: Detroit (EST) 10.00-12.00  Frankfurt (CET)/ London (GMT) 

Other global timechecks can be accessed at 

Program Co-ordinator";>Click here: RTR FM 92.1 Perth Western Australia

The Advent

2000-05-14 Thread Ben Shepherd
Was speaking to Cisco/The Advent a few days ago and he seems to be majorly 
hyped about his future work. Cool guy, and still can enter the darkside even 
though he couldn't resist the urge to speak about his two children. He's 
moving to Portugal next year.
He gave major props to a few producers - Umek, Oliver Ho, Gaetano Parisio 
and Marco Carola. He particularly likes the mental Italian style - the 
darker, harder edge.
He dissed trance and wouldn't speak about it ruining the UK's music scene 
because "it's too fucking depressing"!!! :) Amen.

Also, I am currently researching an article on the whole UR/Sony fiasco and 
would appreciate any comments anyone on this list would have.
I've gotten comments from a variety of people - including Dirk Dreyer (if 
anyone wishes to see what he wrote back to me I am happy to pass them on) 
and many Australian based and international producers, writers and DJ's.
Although some people have made the comment the issue is over I don't believe 
it is. The point isn't that Sony screwed UR, it is the precedent it will set 
for techno in the future and the way the major companies work when they 
can't have what they want. Besides, Knights of the jaguar would never have 
"shifted major units" if put out by a major. It's not dumb, obvious or over 
the top!



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Re: (313) ...battlefield earth stinks

2000-05-14 Thread The [Quad]
... the LA Times sez it makes "Waterworld" look like a masterpiece...
Stick It to L. Ron Travolta-Cruise where it really hurts... in the box-office!
... enuf psuedo-psycho- psci -phi-pscientolo-pscinema ... pscinnamon!

Hey! now I'm playing the "Sci-Fi Level 3.3" CD - c. & m. by Tho. Schumacher...
I worm-holed past levels 1 & 2... any need to go back..?,
J. E. v. F-B. B.


2000-05-14 Thread Saul Goode
 i think the term acid-trance is most fitting. is it just me or is the 303 
getting a big revival?
 also about hybrids, does anyone love electro-trance as much as me?(stuff 
like der dritte raum's 'hale bopp', bbe's 'seven days and one week', or even 
i-f's stuff)
  i know 313 ain't all about trance so much..and i agree build-up after 
build-up and signature sounds and makes me want sell my dancing shoes too, 
but theres something really special about some trance that can feel like a 
soundtrack for reflection. i know that sounds cheesy, but i don't care :)
 well, good luck to all, in your electronic music pursuits. and my guess is 
that there will be a lot more 'acid-trance' at your local rave, more 
'trancey-breaks' and new school breaks in general, so if you don't like it, 
be warned :)

p.s. whats up with gothic trance...yuk! or latin trance.."i'm losing my 
mind, waiting for the sun to shine" a real song, sung from some guy that 
sounds like 'tattoo' from fantasy island, followed by a sample disk snare 
roll into some fiesta style horn lines...whack!



ok, i was just wondering what everbody thinks.  I have
been listening to some of the brittish acid techno
like dave the drummer, chris liberator, roland the
bastard (what a name, gotta love that guy), julian
liberator, etc, etc.  i have noticed some similarities
between it and trance.  a bouncy baseline, snare drum
rolls.  but it is still way too agressive to be
trance.  whats the deal?  am i the only one who
noticed it?  it don't matter though, i still like it.

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3 slices for a fiver!

2000-05-14 Thread The [Quad]
(1) a _signed_ ("TP" in black ball-point) " no weapon formed against me shall 
prosper" CD for $2.99!
(2) a seemingly unused copy of the one-sided "The Next Day"- from the studio of 
Scott Grooves for
(3) a promo CD single of Mantronix'x "Bassline" for a qwatah!

n.p.- Nash Kato "Debutante"... LOUDLY!,
J. E. v. F-B. B.


RE: [313] old tresor albums by detroit artists

2000-05-14 Thread stephen
Recently came across an old comp called "Deep Detroit Techno-Soul Volume
1 - Pow Wow Trance", licensed from Tresor compiled by Eddi Fowlkes.
There was a similar compilation and EP on Tresor called "Detroit Techno
Soul" featuring some of the same artist, Shake being one of them.
My favorite track off the compilation is "Nightgroove" by Santonio, nice
909/727 work out.


[Fwd: [313] The Music Institute/battlefield earth stinks]]

2000-05-14 Thread Andrew Duke

Cognition/Andrew Duke's In The Mix
1096 Queen St #123 Halifax NS Canada B3H 2R9

--- Begin Message ---

Cognition/Andrew Duke's In The Mix
1096 Queen St #123 Halifax NS Canada B3H 2R9

--- Begin Message ---
lawrence burden talks about the detroit
music institute in the first part of the octave
one interview on cognition:
hope this helps.
andrew duke :)
ps saw battlefield earth this afternoon. in all seriousness,
this was one of the *worst* films i've ever seen in my life!
(and i see *a lot* of films)
crap dialog, crap acting, crap sets, crap special effects,
crap story (to think the first 500 pages of a 1 000 page
book were the source and this is all they could come up with?!)
the scary thing is that the sequel (the last 500 pages of the
1 000 page book) is already in planning stages. say it ain't so, john,
say it ain't so.

Lester Kenyatta Spence wrote:

> I'm looking for the dates and years the institute was in existence
> physically on Broadway.  Also, any web sites that deal with it.  thanks!
> lks
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Cognition/Andrew Duke's In The Mix
1096 Queen St #123 Halifax NS Canada B3H 2R9

--- End Message ---
--- End Message ---

[313] The Music Institute/battlefield earth stinks]

2000-05-14 Thread Andrew Duke

Cognition/Andrew Duke's In The Mix
1096 Queen St #123 Halifax NS Canada B3H 2R9

--- Begin Message ---
lawrence burden talks about the detroit
music institute in the first part of the octave
one interview on cognition:
hope this helps.
andrew duke :)
ps saw battlefield earth this afternoon. in all seriousness,
this was one of the *worst* films i've ever seen in my life!
(and i see *a lot* of films)
crap dialog, crap acting, crap sets, crap special effects,
crap story (to think the first 500 pages of a 1 000 page
book were the source and this is all they could come up with?!)
the scary thing is that the sequel (the last 500 pages of the
1 000 page book) is already in planning stages. say it ain't so, john,
say it ain't so.

Lester Kenyatta Spence wrote:

> I'm looking for the dates and years the institute was in existence
> physically on Broadway.  Also, any web sites that deal with it.  thanks!
> lks
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Cognition/Andrew Duke's In The Mix
1096 Queen St #123 Halifax NS Canada B3H 2R9

--- End Message ---

Re: [313] The Music Institute/battlefield earth stinks

2000-05-14 Thread Andrew Duke
lawrence burden talks about the detroit
music institute in the first part of the octave
one interview on cognition:
hope this helps.
andrew duke :)
ps saw battlefield earth this afternoon. in all seriousness,
this was one of the *worst* films i've ever seen in my life!
(and i see *a lot* of films)
crap dialog, crap acting, crap sets, crap special effects,
crap story (to think the first 500 pages of a 1 000 page
book were the source and this is all they could come up with?!)
the scary thing is that the sequel (the last 500 pages of the
1 000 page book) is already in planning stages. say it ain't so, john,
say it ain't so.

Lester Kenyatta Spence wrote:

> I'm looking for the dates and years the institute was in existence
> physically on Broadway.  Also, any web sites that deal with it.  thanks!
> lks
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Cognition/Andrew Duke's In The Mix
1096 Queen St #123 Halifax NS Canada B3H 2R9

Drugs was Australia [age then vs. age now]

2000-05-14 Thread Emma Groube

> Somebody's saying: "those things are because now drugs are illegal". Yeah 
> right; how does it improve if drugs were legalized, even lighter ones, 
> Cannabis for example?

Cannibis is decriminalised where I live. This means that you can have up
to 5 plants for personal use, though some have justified 25 (heavy user),
and are liable to a fine like a parking fine. Some people use too much but
most grow out of it. Or use it on occassion with a glass of excellent
muscat after dinner, for example. ;)

> Some fourteen-year old kid smokes one heavy joint and spends rest of his/her 
> life in cannabis psychosis. You wanna take responsibility for that? Or LSD 
> for that matter, even one "eternal trip" is too much if it's avoidable.

Reality check. You talk to any professional psychologist and
they'll tell you that in 99.9% of drug induced psychosis cases there was a
previous history or predeliction toward mental illnes. That is, they were
prolly going to flip it was only a matter of time. Some people just
shouldn't take drugs but if they know that then they can make
educated decisions.

Socially. I would much rather live in a society that encouraged education
and responsible use rather than prohibition. Prohibition creates an
underground trade and, more importantly for a 14 yr old kid, a mystical
and romantic attraction toward the taboo (drugs).

I don't think you can expect anyone to say 'no' unless they KNOW what they
are saying NO to. Education. Information.

I don't think 313 is the forum for this kind of discussion. If anyone
wants to discuss it with me, you know the email.

"it's in the way that you groove it"

looking for a Dan Curtin release

2000-05-14 Thread Emma Groube

Any information on obtaining this ep would be most welcome

Origins EP
Dan Curtin
Metamorphic records, cat- metoph23
released- 1993
track listing-
X: subconscious awareness
   Out of sight + mind
Y: Intertwined (this is the track I am specifically after)
   First Contact



Wanted: TR-808

2000-05-14 Thread Hugh G. Blaze

Sorry this post isn't music related.
I'm looking to purchase a Roland TR-808 drum machine. Anyone selling? 
Respond privately.

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