Re: (313) Fwd: Derrick May in NY?

2000-04-28 Thread OscillateX2
Spoke to the folks at Transmat and Derrick is expected to arrive in town 
later this afternoon...

I saw flyers on the street this week...poorly promoted, but...


In a message dated 4/28/00 11:30:05 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

>Somehow hadn't heard this being promoted, but someone just forwarded this
>me; anyone know whether this has been confirmed?
>-- Forwarded message --
>Date: Fri, 28 Apr 2000 00:43:51 -0400
>From: MailingLiz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Imagine Fridays
>Tom Mello invites you to:
>Imagine Fridays @ Exit
>610 W 56th Street NYC
>This Friday:
>DJ's Derrick May and O'Sheen
>call 212-330-9018
>Every Sunday
>Bill Spector invites you to
>Enjoy @ Chaos
>225 E Houston St (NYC)
>still going strong!  with DJ Mark Ronson
>call 212-629-2098

Re: (313) Discographies

2000-04-28 Thread OscillateX2

In a message dated 4/27/00 5:25:01 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

>np. Detroit Breaks - Maas 

Actually, it's called Michigan Breaks...


Re: (313) Rave betty Barbie and DJ Ken

2000-04-14 Thread OscillateX2

In a message dated 4/14/00 1:40:53 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

>I wear baggy pants and baseball caps and I listen to/spin techno.  I have
>only been spinning records for a year and a half.  Does that mean I'm not
>down with YOUR undergorund?  Sorry I couldn't make it to parties in the
>early 90's.  

Oh, stop whining

Ya see, I would have been about 13 and I didn't quite have
>driver's liscence yet.  Damn, I guess that's just another reason why I'm
>down.  If I would have realized that how you dress and how long you have
>been partying and where you buy your tables was all that mattered I would
>have just stayed home.  See, I was under the impression that it was LOVE
>THE MUSIC that counted.  I always thought that even if you're wearing
>butterfly wings and ponytails it was cool.  You would look stupid as hell
>but it's cool, so long as you LOVE THE MUSIC  God damn, I am so glad someone
>finally opened my eyes.  

Whinge, whinge...  Our man's point was that it's not about how you look or 
how long you've been around, it's how you present yourself.  

Too many up-and-coming DJ's/producers/promoters/partygoers walk around like 
they're the shit/god's gift to technohousedrumnbasstrancewhatever when they 
really have no clue as to what the hell they are talking about or 
listening/dancing to.

Many of us who came up in the early days listened, observed, paid attention, 
respected the people who had been before us and learned about the music and 
the scene.  Sadly, that's not always the case when you go to a rave these 

>I am never going to another party ever, ever again.

Grow up.


Re: (313) Rave betty Barbie and DJ Ken

2000-04-13 Thread OscillateX2
Gee, thanks for the scolding, Miss Emma from Australia.  Nice sentiment in 
the second paragraph, but why don't you save the pseudo-spiritual 
gobbledegook for someone who cares...  I've earned my right to criticize.

For the record, my sarcastic comment was based around 1) the acceleration of 
DJ/Turntable culture as a hot 'trend' in the US in particular (especially as 
evidenced in advertising - which is another topic altogether) and 2) my 
disdain for the proliferation of DJ's 'who don't know their place.' as 
evidenced at WMC this year.  

I find nothing wrong with someone wanting to learn to/be (a) DJ.  Hell, my 
own girlfriend is learning to spin.  Agreed, everyone starts somewhere.  
Nothing's wrong with the adult entertainment profession as long as you're 
cool with it (although its not for everyone).  Nor is there anything wrong 
with making your own CD's or shopping your original demo.  It's about how you 
present yourself.

You couldn't walk around the (overly crowded) pool area this year and 
discreetly give a white label to anyone without being attacked by vinyl 
vultures.  And the worst part was that when you didn't have anything in the 
genre of music that they played or you said no, they were offended and felt 
like because they were "DJ Whothefuckever" from 'Oklahoma' and they spin on a 
cable carrier college/internet radio station you owed them something.  

If all that makes me elitist, fine.  I don't care.


In a message dated 4/12/00 8:35:21 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

>tsk tsk on a lot of levels.
>your whole post reads as elitist and I can't see that 313 is about
>that, though I wonder at times. It's about innovative electronic music
>people have to start somewhere. I hope it's also about those tones healing
>people and a dream of a new world.
>So wot if it's a home burnt CD at least they are making music and trying.
>Stripping is decent money, the notion of a living wage is an anethema in
>the USA *spit* 
>if you are talking about people more concerned with image than music, say

>"it's in the way that you groove it"

Rave betty Barbie and DJ Ken

2000-04-12 Thread OscillateX2
So I'm watching Batman Beyond this afternoon (working from home has its 
advantages) and a commercial came on and I about fell over and died.  What in 
God's name were they advertising?  A DJ Ken doll!!!  Complete with a 
turntable and mixer!!!

Yes, now your little sister's Barbie can get down with the underground and be 
a DJ groupie (or kick Ken off the decks for his wack skillz and take over 

As if all the DJ Wannabes from Oklahoma hanging around the Radisson pool at 
WMC with their stripper girlfriends and their home-burned mix CD's wasn't 


Re: (313) Detroit Women (was: please help!)

2000-04-10 Thread OscillateX2

In a message dated 4/10/00 4:52:06 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

>I think Sarah Gregory moved back to London to persue a career as an artist.
>As Time Goes By (Sitting Under a Tree) she did with Carl Craig is still
>an amazing track!

And her husband Glenn Gregory was part of Sheffield synth pop band Heaven 