Re: [313] OT:laptop-take backup

2001-01-04 Thread synthetic detronik
I hate the idea of doing shows with laptops, but then again its more 
compact.  I have the infinit need to have the gear in front of me.  
something about all the knobs and sliders.  I do however utilize a sampler 
to capture sounds from devices i dont want to take out live.  But all my 
beats, i create improve style on the fly, like jazz.  then my assistant 
tracks my moves with the synths.  I would be concerned of crashes with 
computers.  What the hell do you do if its not working? I dont worry about 
having that problem, if one piece is malfunctioning, i skip it and move on.  
with the computer, if it is rendered defective, your in a world of danger.  
I suggest taking one drum machine and a speak and spell along with a bleep 
device.  then if your computer crashes you will be forced to create a new 
sound.   sometimes, what was not expected, is the key to evolution.

:rhythm device manipulator

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OT: messages to 313

2001-01-02 Thread synthetic detronik
hey if you have hotmail and cant send out any messages to 313 list but are 
able to read them.  de-check "Rich Text Format".  It prohibited me from 
sending messages to the list.

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checking in-delete

2001-01-02 Thread synthetic detronik
just had to test me email. i have not been able to get any messages to 313 
list for weeks.  just tried switching something and hopefully it worked.  i 
apalogize for this message if you are reading it.

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Re: [313] pole visuals

2000-10-20 Thread synthetic detronik
I'm curious - does anyone know if the video installation was a local, >or 
is it part of their show?  It was amazing, whoever put it up.

This was a collaboration between berlin video artists visomat and detroits 
very own synthetic.

thank you very much for the compliment.  far to often it goes by 
unmentioned.  synthetic is also doing media installations on October 28, 
October 31, and Novembre 2.

much respect,


::create : recreate : alter:::

media installations ~ experimental audio ~ toy - instrument expansion

::synthetic - detroit

contact info::
t: 313.850.7345

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tonight @ Detroit Contemporary

2000-10-18 Thread synthetic detronik
experience an evening of berlin dub techniques and electronic visuals 

:Burnt Friedman

and video stimuli by Visomat and Synthetic

5142 Rosa Parks Blvd.
Doors: 9pm

more info? 313.898.4ART
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Re: [313] plus 8 records' 10th anniversary

2000-10-17 Thread synthetic detronik

dont forget the little tv man ...

::non com::
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below the surface

2000-10-10 Thread synthetic detronik

Below the Surface
an evening of live sets, decks, and visuals

:detronik (live set)
:dj bone

Thursday October 12, 2000 at "Forans" Irish pub located at 612 Woodward(2 
blocks north of hart plaza)

brought to you by lifesoundtrax

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thurs @ forans-detroit

2000-10-09 Thread synthetic detronik

decoded synthetic message :: xfer #9823789576-101200 ::

thursday october 12 at forans

"below the surface"

experience an evening of experimental sound manipulation and live rythym 
programming and deprogramming by detronik

location: forans is on n.b. woodward in the heart of downtown detroit

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funkstorung show

2000-10-06 Thread synthetic detronik
last night was a great night at motor. i feel for all that could not make 

live sets were every where.  besides the rocky start of funkstorung having 
lost their luggage at the famous metro airport, all went very well.  very 
impressive sets from everyone.  made one feel the need to experiment.  we, 
detronik, went on around 10:30 and pealed back peoples ears and vibrated 
their feet with our excessive bass sounds and over all f'ed with people.  we 
got all crazy with tempo changes, killing the tempo all together and letting 
my infamous crazy modded 606 vibrate the floor on off tempo points.  special 
props to the burst audio crew for the precise sound architecture.  
Funkstorung went on right after us, and let me tell you, for coming into the 
airport at 5 or 6pm, looseing their luggage, and not sound checking.  They 
shook the place with manipulated sound cuts on the notebook pc and the blend 
of turntables.  Im really thinking this whole half live and half dj stuff is 
getting more and more impressive.  This was a great night for people that 
like experimentation.

p.s. oh dont forget about that really great video installation:)

good day,
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synthetic communication

2000-10-05 Thread synthetic detronik

decoded synthetic message :: xfer #9823789576-100500 ::

tonight at motor lounge.

r:esearch + d:evelopment

experience an evening of experimental sound from around the globe.  
featureing live sets and dj sets by:::

:kid 606

logistics: 18+ - doors 9pm
location: motor is at 3515 Caniff (east of I-75)
tel: 313.369.0090
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funkstorung - detronik

2000-09-22 Thread synthetic detronik

subject::  funkstorung
date:: 10.05.00
location:: motor - detroit

data:: detronik will be opening for funkstorung on 5th.

techniq::  experimental electronic beat manipulation utilizing old
  school techniques of sound sequenceing in an improvisational
  atmosphere.  sounds are manipulated physically and
  organically. beats created and recreated in cycles.

sound::blend of old school detroit techno/booty methods and
  experimental sound manipulation with layered complex cyclic
  beats interjected with educational toys and layered textures.

construction data::: ((for technicians only))
beats generators> TR-808, TR-707, TR-606(x2) [mod]
learning devices> speak and spell, talking teacher, touch and tell [mod]
texture> sh-101, mc-202, digital manipulator / capture
other> various processing and external modifiers

media installation ~ experimental audio ~ toy/instrument expansion

::synthetic - detroit

contact info::
t: 313.850.7345
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f/s:prophet 600 and 01/W Dance Card

2000-09-01 Thread synthetic detronik

For sale from detroit.

Sequential Circuits Prophet 600

Cosmetic condition is rough, 3 broken keys (plastic part, not internal)
Road wear on wood sides.
Works fine as far as internal electronics go. all knobs, switchs, and keys 
are functioning.

asking $250 OBO
Korg 01/W(fd) - Dance Card Set

Case and Sleave

asking $40 OBO

::create : recreate : alter:::

visuals ~ experimental audio ~ toy - instrument expansion

::synthetic - detroit

contact info::
t: 313.850.7345

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OT/FS: SCI 600 / 01W Card

2000-08-15 Thread synthetic detronik

I apalogize for this off topic post.

For Sale::

SCI Prophet 600
Good Condition Internally (Sound is Great)
Cosmetics:OK, couple broken keys/road wear on wood panels, all works fine
asking: $300 (obo)

Korg 01/W "Dance" sound card set
asking: $50 (obo)

Im located in detroit.
tel: 313.850.7345

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Re: [313] experimentation

2000-07-19 Thread synthetic detronik
My point was simply that the term "experimental" has become over used >and 
stagnent in meaning.  I am pushing for a more descriptive and in->depth 
analysis of what Micho is doing.

alright, I was hopeing I could avoid typeing a long email, however, 
respectfully I must explain what I do.

My visual arts i.e. video installations portray a microcosm of societies 
strangulation by mediated tactiles.  For instance, my installations 
typically consist of larger then life television forms perverting the icon 
of tv as a "demi-god" type alter (like the huge collisiums with monolithic 
statues of our heros in greek games)  But now, its "techno" and its in a 
dark club with nowhere to hide, because the room has been wired with cameras 
that bring the public into the same arena as the performer.  The tactiles of 
a mediated installation reaches out captures the performance, washes to the 
crowd picking out people and electronically transferring them to the 
monolithic archs with the performers, because thats what its all about, the 
music, the soul, and the reaction of the crowd.

the experiment:: destroy the common "boundry" between performer and crowd, 
individualize the people from the masses and project them onto a mass 
communicative device.  I simply overly exagerate what society does.

My audio experimentations are very experimentive in my opinion.  You can 
decide for yourself.  I take drum machines and toys amongst other 
instruments and open them up.  The experiment is to disect them, find the 
sound creating areas and give them the ability to be organic and have the 
option of having interaction by the human environment.  i.e. take the 
tr-606, my most extensive experiment.  I gave it the ability to have control 
by human interaction to alter the sounds which were not controllable before. 
 The sounds are then taken to another level where say the hihats can 
fluctuate in pitch by a cv in that controls the variance of the filter with 
every pulse transmitted to that.  The toys are given an alternate brain 
which makes them do different things then what they were intended.  The 
sound is then transmitted to the audience by means of live interaction with 
balanceing multiple drum machines
with toys and various sounds.  I make the beats live and manipulate the 
sounds live.

the experiment::  sure its been done, but not to the degree im taking it.  
now a days alot of people presequence, preprogram, presample, pre this and 
pre that.  I aint doin it.  its all live baby, just manipluations of 
cycleing patterns and makeing that "repetition" sound as organic as possible 
with as little digital as possible with a degree of interaction previously 
unobtainable. call it modern electro-jazz or whatever.

so heres the scoop, my grand daddy was a scientist here in detroit many 
moons ago.  he invented many forms of metallic paint and what later became 
known as napalm.  sure paint had been around for years, he took it a step 
further and invented metallic paint for automobiles, and today, they still 
use it, he still gets paid for the patents.  napalm was utilized in war, 
that was simply a defunct paint mixture he came up with that was highly 

The Moral::
one must learn the rules to break the rules and take it a step further.. and 
reinventing is what it might be, but its another step in our evolution.  
experimental is experimentation, be it some simple thing to some complex 
thing, to each their own, as long as its experimentation to the one 
experimenting, then its experimental.

much respect,

:micho aka: non-compliant

::create : recreate : alter:::

visuals ~ experimental audio ~ toy - instrument expansion

::synthetic - detroit

contact info::
t: 313.850.7345

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Re: [313] Techno Visual Arts + sonic boom

2000-07-19 Thread synthetic detronik
and for other detroit visual artists in close relation to techno, 313's 

own meighen & micho. . .


I was trying to hide behind my tv's.  I think anyone that lives here in 
detroit has probably seen my work at one time or another.  Most dont  know 
me though. I do the massive television/camera installations you encounter at 
clubs or galleries.  I like to portray a microcosm of our mass communicated 
society in a inclosed environment.

as for experimental:

I do experimental sound by balanceing 4-5 drum machines that I have modified 
in some form with modified toys.

as for ron zakrin:

Hes like a brother to me.  love the guy.  he has a special place in my 
heart.  he was one of the people responsible for criticals success.


::create : recreate : alter:::

visuals ~ experimental audio ~ toy - instrument expansion

::synthetic - detroit

contact info::
t: 313.850.7345

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Re: [313] a chord-flames

2000-07-03 Thread synthetic detronik

1) something one must avoid to evolve.

What are you trying to say?
That we should throw 1000 years of music theory overboard?

I love starting a heated discussion.  I apalogize for freeking out some of 
you that dont know me.

Im not saying throw out 1000 years of music theory.  By all means no.  What 
Im saying is take what we have learned and de-program that.  I call it 
"anti-logics" basically take the chord theory try tossing it out and create 
new "chords" that are not the average...  say multi-algorithmic sound 
variations that randomize and create a new form.  "randomized chords"  Im 
all about the experimentation.  Chords I personally feel have "trapped" us 
from evolving.  Try setting it aside and creat a track without it and see 
what happens, then take a chord, take out parts and add a variable to it for 
another track then so on and so on.  Im not saying abandon the "chord" 
theory.  I mean, to experiment anyway, one must know the rules to break the 
rules right?  otherwise, one would make the same mistakes evolution has made 
and why would we want to do that?  We need to make our own mistakes and 
evolve from them.

how about that for something to think about?


::create : recreate : alter:::

visuals ~ experimental audio ~ toy - instrument expansion

::synthetic - detroit

contact info::
t: 313.850.7345

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fourth street - detroit

2000-07-03 Thread synthetic detronik

transmission #eo5439068-3486838970--38547690XX23897

for all those in the detroit area on the 07.15.00:

detronik is doing a live p.a. for the "fourth street" fair or celebration, I 
dont really know what the exact title of it is.
Time is unknown, I will update later.  For all those interested, detronik is 
a live "on the fly" type electronic performance.  We basically manipulate 
beats and various sounds as we go along.  All improvisational, kind of like 
the old school jazz days, but the sound is very synthetic.  My contribution 
to this project is the beat manipulation and variation.  I have specially 
modified devices that allow me to alter beats in a way previously 
unobtainable by analogue gear.

gear planned to be used:

electropercussive devices::
TR-606 (x2)

synthetic sound devices::

Abstract devices::
Speak and Spell
Speak and Touch
Talking Teacher

::create : recreate : alter:::

visuals ~ experimental audio ~ toy - instrument expansion

::synthetic - detroit

contact info::
t: 313.850.7345

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Re: [313] a chord, a string and a pad

2000-07-03 Thread synthetic detronik

and feel like I know what they mean, but I'm not positive that I really do.
What is:
1) a chord
2) a string; and
3) a pad?

1) something one must avoid to evolve.
2) string, basically what it means, string sounds.
3) long sustaining sounds.

::create : recreate : alter:::

visuals ~ experimental audio ~ toy - instrument expansion

::synthetic - detroit

contact info::
t: 313.850.7345

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2000-06-24 Thread synthetic detronik

oh geez,

I believe I may have an old video w/ sound of his visit to critical back a 
few years ago.  let me see if its in the depths of my records department and 
I will post a new message.


::create : recreate : alter:::

visuals ~ experimental audio ~ toy - instrument expansion

::synthetic - detroit

contact info::
t: 313.850.7345

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Re: [313] Detroit Techno&Art (Spaces)

2000-06-23 Thread synthetic detronik
Two spaces that come to immediate mind are the now defunkt Critical Space 
... Critical hosted numorous young,talented Detroit artists -both 
experimental and traditional- and DJs. SK-1 (tad mullinex-SP?) had a 
>residency there and so did Jerry Abstrakt. Though the nights were never 
>packed, it was still a very cool place to hang out,hear music and see 
>art and meet the artists. Ghost 2000 showed alot of work there as well, 
>his art is incredible if you haven't seen it. Though the people who >laid 
down the influence, those who continue it should be recognized and >given 
the correct forum to do so. The space was also host to one or two >parties 
for MotorMouthMagazine.

Ohhh diana::.

You make me weep.  How I miss those days soo.  The memory lives on when you 
go to the corner of winder and orleans.  its all on the walls, the graffiti, 
the footsteps, the flyers, tristan getting held up by an AK-47, the girl 
getting her purse snatched, the many conversations that I had with the 
police to try and convince them nothing was going on...

I think we helped detroit, but the revolution of experimentation needs to go 
on.  perhaps its time to be reborn?

~signed ex critical creator

::create : recreate : alter:::

visuals ~ experimental audio ~ toy - instrument expansion

::synthetic - detroit

contact info::
t: 313.850.7345

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606 stuff - unrelated topic

2000-06-15 Thread synthetic detronik

Greetings from the electronic underworld::.

A bit ago we were all talking about the TR-808 and its other options, I 
mentioned I do TR-606 modifications and got quite a few replies regarding 
that.  Regretfully, my computer was killed, and I lost all my email.  If you 
were one of those that asked me for information regarding my modifications, 
please write me again.


I apalogize for the unrelated topic post


visuals ~ experimental audio ~ toy - instrument expansion

::create : recreate : alter:::

::synthetic - detroit

contact info::.:.::..:.
t: 313.850.7345

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Re: [313] demf [EMAIL PROTECTED]'s-live pa

2000-05-24 Thread synthetic detronik
Just wanted to take the opportunity to let people know this should be a 
really great show.  we from detronik hope that everyone can make it out to 
see this show.  for all you gear junkies and live pa enthusiasts heres what 
we are useing that night...

TR-606 x2
MS-2000 (New Korg)
kurzweil 2000...e (I hate samplers, however it is essential to sample 
some of our more fragile analogues)

Speak and Spell
Speak and Touch
Talking Teacher

This is our minimal set, sorry, not bringing 808, trying to prove something 
can be done with out it.

I will be doing my crazy balanceing act of live drum machine manipulations, 
sure to get your head nodding and your butt moving.  if your interested in 
my 606 mods and are in detroit, you oughta check it out.  also, kind of 
ironic actually, meighen (silence823) my old partner and soon to be record 
label rep is also spinning that night... there is going to be some real 
energy this night.  meighen is one of the best djs i know.  hmmm, maybe we 
oughta join each other in a mix!

p.s. we will have CDs up for sale... only $7!  pehaps we will have a blue 
light up so you can find them.  still working on the vinyl, very soon, very 

visuals ~ experimental audio ~ toy - instrument expansion

::create : recreate : alter:::

::synthetic - detroit

contact info::.:.::..:.
p: 248.407.8283

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TR-808 the alternatives, the 666

2000-05-17 Thread synthetic detronik
I have to send this to the list because this is an essential thing for me.  
i use alot of percussive devices, this is what i use, most of which i take 
out live.

Roland TR-808(soon to be modified)
Roland TR-606 x3 (modified by myself)
Roland TR-707 x2
Roland TR-505 x2
Roland Boss DR-110 (modified by myself)
Simmons SDS9
Mattell Synsonics

o.k. call me a nut, but i use about 3/4 of this stuff live and balance it 
out by takeing beats in and out like a dj but with live drum devices.  i 
also alter the beats in write mode live.

My favorite machine has been th TR-606, however i now call mine the TR-666 I 
do quite an extensive amount of mods to it which i do offer to the public at 
a reasonable cost.  heres what i can do to one:

BD: Tune
BD: Decay
BD: Sweep Amount (triggers f/ext or int)
BD: Sweep Decay

SD: Tune
SD: Decay
SD: Filter
SD: Noise
(Can also do sweeps on this one)

LT: Tune
LT: Decay
HT: Tune
HT: Decay

CY: Filter (Lowpass)
CY: Decay

HH/CY: Filter (HighPass)
HH: Mettalic additive (switchable)
OH: Decay
CH: Decay
HH/CY: Filter Sweep Amount  (Triggers via int or ext)
HH/CY: Filter Sweep Decay

Individual Outs
Accent On/Off
HT On/Off
LT On/Off
Fine Tempo Control
L.E.D. Colour replacement: Blue,Green,Yellow,Orange,White

If your interested in seeing the modded 606 and your in Detroit on the 26th, 
check us, out we are playing live I will have at least 2 with me.  We are 
also in cleveland the 20th.

visuals ~ experimental audio ~ toy - instrument expansion

::create : recreate : alter:::

::synthetic - detroit

contact info::.:.::..:.
p: 248.407.8283

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Wanted: TR-808, an alternative

2000-05-16 Thread synthetic detronik

Sorry this post isn't music related.
I'm looking to purchase a Roland TR-808 drum machine. Anyone selling?

I know that this is once again off topic, however if it wasnt for these 
devices there would be no 313.

If you have no luck finding an 808, i modify the more readilly available and 
cost effective TR-606.  I can expand its capabilities beyond comprehension.  
the 606 bass drum becomes quite comparible to the 808.


visuals ~ experimental audio ~ toy - instrument expansion

::create : recreate : alter:::

::synthetic - detroit

contact info::.:.::..:.
p: 248.407.8283

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Re: [313] old tresor albums by detroit artists

2000-05-12 Thread synthetic detronik

kind of funny story for you all.

once upon a time about 3 or 4 years ago i went to this little antique shop 
on cass (dtown).  Well they sell all sorts of weird found things and pawned 
off stuff.  They had this rack of vinyl, lots of old classics detroit soul 
and what not.  after digging thru it a bit, i came across like 30 white 
labels of Eddie Fowlkes, dont know how or why they got there but i bought 
like 20 for $.25 each.  White labels and numbered... rare find.  Im not a 
huge vinyl collector because im a starving musician/video artist, but this 
was pretty cool, there were also other detroit techno classics as well as 
some really unusual ones i never heard of some of which i bought just 
because i liked the cover art.  some were kind of cheezy, but most of them 
were pretty damn cool.

unfortunately, i believe most of them got lost in london when my partners 
vinyl case got swiped, i dont know though.

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detronik audio

2000-05-04 Thread synthetic detronik
since we are doing something at "speak in tongues" in cleveland and 
"science" here in detroit this month of may, we figured we oughta give 
another clip representative of detronik

this real audio clip is an example of what we do live and what we are 
attempting to get pressed to vinyl within the next few months.  still 
looking for a label...  If you get a chance check it out, its about 11-12 
minutes long.


visuals ~ experimental audio ~ toy - instrument expansion

::create : recreate : alter:::

::synthetic - detroit

contact info::.:.::..:.
p: 248.407.8283

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Re: (313) D.E.M.F.:question

2000-05-02 Thread synthetic detronik
Don't feel bad, there's a lot of people who've been in Detroit "from >day 
one" that aren't being included in this event. It's just another >weekend.

Hear, hear.


I hear you... I will be there either way with my video installation im sure, 
unless its raining... perhaps i should make little bubbles for all my tvs, 
just in case.

its sure to be a great weekend
props to all those involved in the creation of this event


visuals ~ experimental audio ~ toy - instrument expansion

::create : recreate : alter:::

::synthetic - detroit

contact info::.:.::..:.
p: 248.407.8283

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2000-05-02 Thread synthetic detronik

alright, heres the deal... (playing my very small violin)

Im just going to come out and say that I want to be apart of this event.  I 
sent our CD and all sorts of info. to the address I had, but I just dont 
know if thats enough.  I need to get some personal contact numbers and 
e-mail address's.

Alot of people know us as the people that have done the mass tv video 
installations for the likes of planet e, motor, and science.  We also have 
gotten the recognition for doing modifications to 606's and makeing them 
into an entirely new breed...  However the sound work we do has gone by 
un-noticed to many people here in detroit, probably because we are so busy 
with doing the video and sound work we just dont get out enough, who knows?  
This world is just not fair to us hard working artists sometimes.

Anyway this heart wrenching message comes from my heart and soul and the 
need to share our sound creations with all of you on this list.  I can only 
describe that the sounds we create have alot of the detroit routes since i 
lived here all my life , yet the experimental randomness makes it at times 
sound a bit more on a "tribalistic" "tech-step" feel.  I hate to even try to 
categorize it, however I heard the description of "jungleish" style sound 
done all on analogue gear has been given this title.  We arent jungle, but 
we are %100 live with analogue gear and my very intricate beat manipulation 
at times sounds jungleish or d+b ish.

O.k. thats enough, I apalogize for the pathetic display of violin playing.  
If anyone can be of some assistance I would very much appreciate this.

::micho leeraven mcadow

visuals ~ experimental audio ~ toy - instrument expansion

::create : recreate : alter:::

::synthetic - detroit

contact info::.:.::..:.
p: 248.407.8283

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detronik transmit:: cleveland

2000-04-28 Thread synthetic detronik

transmission from detronik space lab :.::.::.::.::

:synthetic detroit and multi-disk records presents:

an evening of synthetic communication via multi-dimensional media

date:  05.20.00
time:  22:00 hr
location:  speak in tongues
map quad:  4311 Lorain Ave. West 43rd + Lorain - Cleveland, Ohio
contact:   216.631.8790

featured live sets:

detronik :
mars transmission, detroit

naheed kaleida choudhre :
pc manipulation, detroit

overtone :
additive d n b, cleveland

kendal :
audible trip, cleveland

audio @::

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quiet affair in detroit 4/20

2000-04-20 Thread synthetic detronik

To all who might be interested
detronik is doing a small loft party at a friends here in detroit thursday 
night.  if you would like to see some of our experiments done live, come on 
by, its a freebie.

we will be doing lots of live pattern manipulation with the modified 606's 
for this evening, heavier bass, and working a couple speak and whatevers 

heres the info:

1301 West Lafayette in downtown by the greyhound station

door: 9pm . transmission of detronik: 11:11pm

tel: 313.964.8762

visuals ~ experimental audio ~ toy - instrument expansion

::create : recreate : alter:::

::synthetic - detroit

contact info::.:.::..:.
p: 248.407.8283

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replace barbie with ken

2000-04-19 Thread synthetic detronik
o.k. heres the plan, we sneak into the manufacturer of barbie and ken.  with 
precision, we remove barbies voice and put it into kens, then kens into 
barbies.  Then we start the place on fire and run.

whos with me?
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detronik audio

2000-04-13 Thread synthetic detronik

u p d a t e ::: code::1973621963-04.13.00

transmit begin::.

communication has been established with r.o.n.n.a.n.  a frozen image with an 
audio transmission can be found at:

end transmit:::.:off

visuals ~ experimental audio ~ toy - instrument expansion

::create : recreate : alter:::

::synthetic - detroit

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synthetic transmission (audio)

2000-04-12 Thread synthetic detronik

message from detronik space lab .:. received and decoded:
transmission #0020184374-606:::.:...:.:..

message from r.o.n.n.a.n. (an experimental embryo orbiting earths 

to hear this audible transference please go to:

here you will hear a 1 min 47 second clip of this transmission which was 
received sometime last week.  note that the web site link at MP3 is out of 
date and needs to be re-done it is no longer valid.  In addition, there will 
be a picture uplinked from the r.o.n.n.a.n. orbitor to the site sometime in 
the near future.  For more updates on further contact see below.

visuals ~ experimental audio ~ toy - instrument expansion

::create : recreate : alter:::

::synthetic - detroit

contact info::.:.::..:.
p: 248.407.8283

Get Your Private, Free Email at

detronik - finally recorded!

2000-04-04 Thread synthetic detronik
Its about f'n time.  After like ten years.  We finally recorded digitally 
(apprx. 24minutes) 4 tracks to make available to the public.  This was a 
real trial for me and I admire all those who record on a normal basis.  I 
usually do all my sound as a live P.A. set and trying to crame all that 
sound into four 5-6 minute tracks was quite rough, but it worked out really 
quite well.  So heres the story, We used the following gear:

TR-606  x2
Simmons SDS9
Poly 6 x2
JP-8000 (digital mimiking analogue!)
JX/3P and programmer
Various toys

and lots of gatorade, mountain dew and cables... ohh too many cables, I 
almost broke my leg, got a head injury, and never got outside because of all 
of those cables!

The sound is very percussive and at times sounds like electronic tribal 
drumming yet theres a distinct 4/4 detroit feel to it.  One of my favorites 
I named after my son "ronnan" tons of really good drumming.  Im a freeking 
nut when it comes to mixing my drum sounds.

So what Im getting at is, alot may know me as the video man (installations 
here in detroit on a regular basis) and the modifier.  Now you can hear what 
I do audio wise.

If your interested, write me back at: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thankyou kindly for your time.


visuals ~ experimental audio ~ toy - instrument expansion

::create : recreate : alter:::

::synthetic - detroit

contact info::.:.::..:.
p: 248.407.8283

Get Your Private, Free Email at

313 makes me happy

2000-03-31 Thread synthetic detronik

man im telling you, i was having some 313 withdrawl...
I didnt receive messages for like 4-5 days for some weird reason, but glad 
to see we are all still alive and not wiped off the face of the planet...

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